Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/src/integrations/front-end/wp-robots-integration.php
<?php namespace Yoast\WP\SEO\Integrations\Front_End; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Conditionals\Front_End_Conditional; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Conditionals\WP_Robots_Conditional; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Integrations\Integration_Interface; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Memoizers\Meta_Tags_Context_Memoizer; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Presenters\Robots_Presenter; /** * Class WP_Robots_Integration * * @package Yoast\WP\SEO\Integrations\Front_End */ class WP_Robots_Integration implements Integration_Interface { /** * The meta tags context memoizer. * * @var Meta_Tags_Context_Memoizer */ protected $context_memoizer; /** * Sets the dependencies for this integration. * * @param Meta_Tags_Context_Memoizer $context_memoizer The meta tags context memoizer. */ public function __construct( Meta_Tags_Context_Memoizer $context_memoizer ) { $this->context_memoizer = $context_memoizer; } /** * Initializes the integration. * * This is the place to register hooks and filters. * * @return void */ public function register_hooks() { /** * Allow control of the `wp_robots` filter by prioritizing our hook 10 less than max. * Use the `wpseo_robots` filter to filter the Yoast robots output, instead of WordPress core. */ \add_filter( 'wp_robots', [ $this, 'add_robots' ], ( \PHP_INT_MAX - 10 ) ); } /** * Returns the conditionals based on which this loadable should be active. * * @return array The conditionals. */ public static function get_conditionals() { return [ Front_End_Conditional::class, WP_Robots_Conditional::class, ]; } /** * Adds our robots tag value to the WordPress robots tag output. * * @param array $robots The current robots data. * * @return array The robots data. */ public function add_robots( $robots ) { if ( ! \is_array( $robots ) ) { return $this->get_robots_value(); } $merged_robots = \array_merge( $robots, $this->get_robots_value() ); $filtered_robots = $this->enforce_robots_congruence( $merged_robots ); $sorted_robots = $this->sort_robots( $filtered_robots ); // Filter all falsy-null robot values. return \array_filter( $sorted_robots ); } /** * Retrieves the robots key-value pairs. * * @return array The robots key-value pairs. */ protected function get_robots_value() { $context = $this->context_memoizer->for_current_page(); $robots_presenter = new Robots_Presenter(); $robots_presenter->presentation = $context->presentation; return $this->format_robots( $robots_presenter->get() ); } /** * Formats our robots fields, to match the pattern WordPress is using. * * Our format: `[ 'index' => 'noindex', 'max-image-preview' => 'max-image-preview:large', ... ]` * WordPress format: `[ 'noindex' => true, 'max-image-preview' => 'large', ... ]` * * @param array $robots Our robots value. * * @return array The formatted robots. */ protected function format_robots( $robots ) { foreach ( $robots as $key => $value ) { // When the entry represents for example: max-image-preview:large. $colon_position = \strpos( $value, ':' ); if ( $colon_position !== false ) { $robots[ $key ] = \substr( $value, ( $colon_position + 1 ) ); continue; } // When index => noindex, we want a separate noindex as entry in array. if ( \strpos( $value, 'no' ) === 0 ) { $robots[ $key ] = false; $robots[ $value ] = true; continue; } // When the key is equal to the value, just make its value a boolean. if ( $key === $value ) { $robots[ $key ] = true; } } return $robots; } /** * Ensures all other possible robots values are congruent with nofollow and or noindex. * * WordPress might add some robot values again. * When the page is set to noindex we want to filter out these values. * * @param array $robots The robots. * * @return array The filtered robots. */ protected function enforce_robots_congruence( $robots ) { if ( ! empty( $robots['nofollow'] ) ) { $robots['follow'] = null; } if ( ! empty( $robots['noarchive'] ) ) { $robots['archive'] = null; } if ( ! empty( $robots['noimageindex'] ) ) { $robots['imageindex'] = null; // `max-image-preview` should set be to `none` when `noimageindex` is present. // Using `isset` rather than `! empty` here so that in the rare case of `max-image-preview` // being equal to an empty string due to filtering, its value would still be set to `none`. if ( isset( $robots['max-image-preview'] ) ) { $robots['max-image-preview'] = 'none'; } } if ( ! empty( $robots['nosnippet'] ) ) { $robots['snippet'] = null; } if ( ! empty( $robots['noindex'] ) ) { $robots['index'] = null; $robots['imageindex'] = null; $robots['noimageindex'] = null; $robots['archive'] = null; $robots['noarchive'] = null; $robots['snippet'] = null; $robots['nosnippet'] = null; $robots['max-snippet'] = null; $robots['max-image-preview'] = null; $robots['max-video-preview'] = null; } return $robots; } /** * Sorts the robots array. * * @param array $robots The robots array. * * @return array The sorted robots array. */ protected function sort_robots( $robots ) { \uksort( $robots, static function ( $a, $b ) { $order = [ 'index' => 0, 'noindex' => 1, 'follow' => 2, 'nofollow' => 3, ]; $ai = ( $order[ $a ] ?? 4 ); $bi = ( $order[ $b ] ?? 4 ); return ( $ai - $bi ); } ); return $robots; } }
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