Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /var/softaculous/fud/default/
<?php /** * copyright : (C) 2001-2018 Advanced Internet Designs Inc. * email : * $Id$ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. **/ /* Check moved topic permissions. */ function th_moved_perm_chk($frm_id) { make_perms_query($fields, $join, $frm_id); $res = db_sab(q_limit('SELECT m.forum_id, '. $fields. ' FROM fud30_forum f '. $join. ' LEFT JOIN fud30_mod m ON m.user_id='._uid.' AND m.forum_id='. $frm_id . ' WHERE'. $frm_id, 1)); if (!$res || (!($res->group_cache_opt & 2) && !$res->forum_id)) { return; } return 1; } /* Make sure that we have what appears to be a valid forum id. */ if (!isset($_GET['frm_id']) || (!($frm_id = (int)$_GET['frm_id']))) { invl_inp_err(); } if (!isset($_GET['start']) || ($start = (int)$_GET['start']) < 1) { $start = 0; } /* This query creates frm object that contains info about the current * forum, category & user's subscription status & permissions to the * forum. */ make_perms_query($fields, $join, $frm_id); $frm = db_sab(q_limit('SELECT,, f.thread_count, f.cat_id,'. (_uid ? ' fn.forum_id AS subscribed, m.forum_id AS md, ' : ' 0 AS subscribed, 0 AS md, '). 'a.ann_id AS is_ann, ms.post_stamp, '. $fields .' FROM fud30_forum f INNER JOIN fud30_cat c ON '. (_uid ? ' LEFT JOIN fud30_forum_notify fn ON fn.user_id='._uid.' AND fn.forum_id='. $frm_id .' LEFT JOIN fud30_mod m ON m.user_id='. _uid .' AND m.forum_id='. $frm_id : ' ') .$join.' LEFT JOIN fud30_ann_forums a ON a.forum_id='. $frm_id .' LEFT JOIN fud30_msg ms ON WHERE'. $frm_id, 1)); if (!$frm) { invl_inp_err(); } $frm->forum_id = $frm->id; $MOD = ($is_a || $frm->md); $lwi = q_singleval(q_limit('SELECT seq FROM fud30_tv_'. $frm_id .' ORDER BY seq DESC', 1)); /* Check that the user has permissions to access this forum. */ if (!($frm->group_cache_opt & 2) && !$MOD) { if (!isset($_GET['logoff'])) { std_error('login'); } if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 32768) { header('Location: [[relativeurl]]/index.php/i/'. _rsidl); } else { header('Location: [[relativeurl]]/index.php?'. _rsidl); } exit; } if ($_GET['t'] == 'threadt') { $cur_frm_page = $start + 1; } else { $cur_frm_page = floor($start / $THREADS_PER_PAGE) + 1; } /* Do various things for registered users. */ if (_uid) { if (isset($_GET['sub']) && sq_check(0, $usr->sq)) { forum_notify_add(_uid, $frm->id); $frm->subscribed = 1; } else if (isset($_GET['unsub']) && sq_check(0, $usr->sq)) { forum_notify_del(_uid, $frm->id); $frm->subscribed = 0; } } else if (__fud_cache((int)$frm->post_stamp)) { return; } $ppg = $usr->posts_ppg ? $usr->posts_ppg : $POSTS_PER_PAGE; /* Handling of forum level announcements (should be merged with non-forum announcements in index.php.t). */ $announcements = ''; if ($frm->is_ann) { $today = gmdate('Ymd', __request_timestamp__); $res = uq('SELECT a.subject, a.text, a.ann_opt FROM fud30_announce a INNER JOIN fud30_ann_forums af ON AND af.forum_id='. $frm->id .' WHERE a.date_started<='. $today .' AND a.date_ended>='. $today); while ($r = db_rowarr($res)) { if (!_uid && $r[2] & 2) { continue; // Only for logged in users. } if (_uid && $r['2'] & 4) { continue; // Only for anonomous users. } if (defined('plugins')) { list($r[0], $r[1]) = plugin_call_hook('ANNOUNCEMENT', array($r[0], $r[1])); } $announcements .= '<fieldset class="AnnText"> <legend class="AnnSubjText">'.$r[0].'</legend> '.$r[1].' </fieldset>'; } unset($res); } ?>
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.0.30 | Génération de la page: 0.01 |