Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/share/doc/git-
# Name of the web server's directory dedicated to the wiki is WIKI_DIR_NAME WIKI_DIR_NAME=wiki # Login and password of the wiki's admin WIKI_ADMIN=WikiAdmin WIKI_PASSW=AdminPass # Address of the web server SERVER_ADDR=localhost # SQLite database of the wiki, named DB_FILE, is located in TMP TMP=/tmp DB_FILE=wikidb.sqlite # If LIGHTTPD is not set to true, the script will use the defaut # web server running in WIKI_DIR_INST. WIKI_DIR_INST=/var/www # If LIGHTTPD is set to true, the script will use Lighttpd to run # the wiki. LIGHTTPD=true # The variables below are useful only if LIGHTTPD is set to true. PORT=1234 PHP_DIR=/usr/bin LIGHTTPD_DIR=/usr/sbin WEB=WEB WEB_TMP=$WEB/tmp WEB_WWW=$WEB/www # The variables below are used by the script to install a wiki. # You should not modify these unless you are modifying the script itself. MW_VERSION=mediawiki-1.19.0 FILES_FOLDER=install-wiki DB_INSTALL_SCRIPT=db_install.php
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.0.30 | Génération de la page: 0.01 |