Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/simple-membership/ipn/swpm_handle_subsc_ipn.php
<?php /* * Note: We are passign the $ipn_data parameter by reference because we try to add the 'member_id' value to it (from our search or when we insert a new record). * This is helpful to save the member_id reference in save transaction function later. */ function swpm_handle_subsc_signup_stand_alone( &$ipn_data, $subsc_ref, $unique_ref, $swpm_id = '' ) { global $wpdb; $settings = SwpmSettings::get_instance(); $membership_level = $subsc_ref; if ( isset( $ipn_data['subscr_id'] ) && ! empty( $ipn_data['subscr_id'] ) ) { $subscr_id = $ipn_data['subscr_id']; } else { $subscr_id = $unique_ref; } $ipn_data['custom'] = isset( $ipn_data['custom'] ) ? $ipn_data['custom'] : ''; // Make sure the custom field is set. (It should be set by the payment gateway. swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'swpm_handle_subsc_signup_stand_alone(). Custom value: ' . $ipn_data['custom'] . ', Unique reference: ' . $unique_ref, true ); parse_str( $ipn_data['custom'], $custom_vars ); if ( empty( $swpm_id ) ) { // Lets try to find an existing user profile for this payment. $email = $ipn_data['payer_email']; $query_db = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}swpm_members_tbl WHERE email = %s", $email ), OBJECT ); // db call ok; no-cache ok. if ( ! $query_db ) { // try to retrieve the member details based on the unique_ref. swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Could not find any record using the given email address (' . $email . '). Attempting to query database using the unique reference: ' . $unique_ref, true ); if ( ! empty( $unique_ref ) ) { $query_db = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}swpm_members_tbl WHERE subscr_id = %s", $unique_ref ), OBJECT ); // db call ok; no-cache ok. if ( $query_db ) { $swpm_id = $query_db->member_id; swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Found a match in the member database using unique reference. Member ID: ' . $swpm_id, true ); } else { swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Did not find a match for an existing member profile for the given reference. This must be a new payment from a new member.', true ); } } else { swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Unique reference is missing in the notification so we have to assume that this is not a payment for an existing member.', true ); } } else { $swpm_id = $query_db->member_id; swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Found a match in the member database. Member ID: ' . $swpm_id, true ); } } if ( ! empty( $swpm_id ) ) { // This is payment from an existing member/user. Update the existing member account. swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Modifying the existing membership profile... Member ID: ' . $swpm_id, true ); //Add the member ID value to the $ipn_data (pass by reference will ensure that we will have it available in our save transaction function). $ipn_data['member_id'] = $swpm_id; // Upgrade the member account. $account_state = 'active'; // This is renewal or upgrade of a previously active account. So the status should be set to active. $resultset = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}swpm_members_tbl WHERE member_id = %d", $swpm_id ), OBJECT ); if ( ! $resultset ) { swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'ERROR! Could not find a member account record for the given Member ID: ' . $swpm_id, false ); return; } $old_membership_level = $resultset->membership_level; $old_account_state = $resultset->account_state; // If the payment is for the same/existing membership level, then this is a renewal. Refresh the start date as appropriate. $args = array( 'swpm_id' => $swpm_id, 'membership_level' => $membership_level, 'old_membership_level' => $old_membership_level, ); $subscription_starts = SwpmMemberUtils::calculate_access_start_date_for_account_update( $args ); $subscription_starts = apply_filters( 'swpm_account_update_subscription_starts', $subscription_starts, $args ); swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Setting access starts date value to: ' . $subscription_starts, true ); swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Updating the current membership level (' . $old_membership_level . ') of this member to the newly paid level (' . $membership_level . ')', true ); // Set account status to active, update level to the newly paid level, update access start date, update subsriber ID (if applicable). $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}swpm_members_tbl SET account_state=%s, membership_level=%d,subscription_starts=%s,subscr_id=%s WHERE member_id=%d", $account_state, $membership_level, $subscription_starts, $subscr_id, $swpm_id ) ); // Trigger level changed/updated action hook. do_action( 'swpm_membership_level_changed', array( 'member_id' => $swpm_id, 'from_level' => $old_membership_level, 'to_level' => $membership_level, ) ); //Trigger the account status refreshed action hook. do_action( 'swpm_account_status_refreshed', array( 'member_id' => $swpm_id, 'from' => $old_account_state, 'to' => $account_state, ) ); // Set Email details for the account upgrade notification. $email = $ipn_data['payer_email']; $subject = $settings->get_value( 'upgrade-complete-mail-subject' ); if ( empty( $subject ) ) { $subject = 'Member Account Upgraded'; } $body = $settings->get_value( 'upgrade-complete-mail-body' ); if ( empty( $body ) ) { $body = 'Your account has been upgraded successfully'; } $from_address = $settings->get_value( 'email-from' ); $additional_args = array(); $email_body = SwpmMiscUtils::replace_dynamic_tags( $body, $swpm_id, $additional_args ); $headers = 'From: ' . $from_address . "\r\n"; $subject = apply_filters( 'swpm_email_upgrade_complete_subject', $subject ); $email_body = apply_filters( 'swpm_email_upgrade_complete_body', $email_body ); if ( $settings->get_value( 'disable-email-after-upgrade' ) ) { swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'The disable upgrade email settings is checked. No account upgrade/update email will be sent.', true ); //Nothing to do. } else { SwpmMiscUtils::mail( $email, $subject, $email_body, $headers ); swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Member upgrade/update completion email successfully sent to: ' . $email, true ); } // End of existing user account upgrade/update. } else { // create new member account. $default_account_status = $settings->get_value( 'default-account-status-after-payment', 'active' ); $data = array(); $data['user_name'] = ''; $data['password'] = ''; $data['first_name'] = $ipn_data['first_name']; $data['last_name'] = $ipn_data['last_name']; $data['email'] = $ipn_data['payer_email']; $data['membership_level'] = $membership_level; $data['subscr_id'] = $subscr_id; $data['gender'] = 'not specified'; $data['address_street'] = $ipn_data['address_street']; $data['address_city'] = $ipn_data['address_city']; $data['address_state'] = $ipn_data['address_state']; $data['address_zipcode'] = isset( $ipn_data['address_zip'] ) ? $ipn_data['address_zip'] : ''; $data['country'] = isset( $ipn_data['address_country'] ) ? $ipn_data['address_country'] : ''; $data['member_since'] = $data['subscription_starts'] = $data['last_accessed'] = SwpmUtils::get_current_date_in_wp_zone(); $data['account_state'] = $default_account_status; $reg_code = uniqid(); $md5_code = md5( $reg_code ); $data['reg_code'] = $md5_code; $data['referrer'] = $data['txn_id'] = ''; $data['last_accessed_from_ip'] = isset( $custom_vars['user_ip'] ) ? $custom_vars['user_ip'] : ''; // Save the users IP address. swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Creating new member account. Membership level ID: ' . $membership_level . ', Subscriber ID value: ' . $data['subscr_id'], true ); $data = array_filter( $data ); // Remove any null values. $wpdb->insert( "{$wpdb->prefix}swpm_members_tbl", $data ); // Create the member record. $member_id = $wpdb->insert_id; if ( empty( $member_id ) ) { swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Error! Failed to insert a new member record to the database. This request will fail.', false ); return; } //Add the member ID value to the $ipn_data (pass by reference will ensure that we will have it available in our save transaction function). $ipn_data['member_id'] = $member_id; //Create the signup/registration complete URL for the paid membership. $rego_page_url = $settings->get_value( 'registration-page-url' ); $reg_url = add_query_arg( array( 'member_id' => $member_id, 'code' => $md5_code, ), $rego_page_url ); swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Member signup URL: ' . $reg_url, true ); $subject = $settings->get_value( 'reg-prompt-complete-mail-subject' ); if ( empty( $subject ) ) { $subject = 'Please complete your registration'; } $body = $settings->get_value( 'reg-prompt-complete-mail-body' ); if ( empty( $body ) ) { $body = "Please use the following link to complete your registration. \n {reg_link}"; } $from_address = $settings->get_value( 'email-from' ); $body = html_entity_decode( $body ); $additional_args = array( 'reg_link' => $reg_url ); $email_body = SwpmMiscUtils::replace_dynamic_tags( $body, $member_id, $additional_args ); $headers = 'From: ' . $from_address . "\r\n"; $subject = apply_filters( 'swpm_email_complete_registration_subject', $subject ); $email_body = apply_filters( 'swpm_email_complete_registration_body', $email_body ); if ( empty( $email_body ) ) { swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Notice: Member signup (prompt to complete registration) email body has been set empty via the filter hook. No email will be sent.', true ); } else { SwpmMiscUtils::mail( $email, $subject, $email_body, $headers ); swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Member signup (prompt to complete registration) email successfully sent to: ' . $email, true ); } } } /* * This function will handle the refund notification from PayPal as long as the parent transction ID is present. * It will deactivate the corresponding member account. * It will also mark the transaction as "Refunded" in the transactions list. */ function swpm_handle_refund_using_parent_txn_id( $ipn_data ){ swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Refund notification - lets see if a member account needs to be deactivated.', true ); //Find the transaction record that matches the parent transaction ID. $parent_txn_id = isset($ipn_data['parent_txn_id']) ? $ipn_data['parent_txn_id'] : ''; if(empty($parent_txn_id)){ swpm_debug_log_subsc("Parent txn id field is empty. cannot process this request.", true); return; } $txn_db_row = SwpmTransactions::get_transaction_row_by_txn_id( $parent_txn_id, true); if( ! $txn_db_row ){ swpm_debug_log_subsc("No transaction record found for the transaction id: " . $parent_txn_id, true); return; } //Mark the transaction as refunded. $txn_row_id = $txn_db_row->id; // Update the postmeta for the corresponding transaction cpt. SwpmTransactions::update_transaction_status( $txn_row_id, 'Refunded' ); //Get the member's ID associated with this transaction $member_id = isset($txn_db_row->member_id) ? $txn_db_row->member_id : ''; if( empty ( $member_id )){ //Lets try to retrieve the member ID using the subscr_id field. $subscr_id = $txn_db_row->subscr_id;//The member account can be pulled up from this subscr_id value. if(empty($subscr_id)){ //If subscr_id value is empty, try using the transaction id as the subscr_id value. $subscr_id = $parent_txn_id; } $member_db_row = SwpmMemberUtils::get_user_by_subsriber_id( $subscr_id ); $member_id = isset($member_db_row->member_id) ? $member_db_row->member_id : ''; } if( empty ( $member_id )){ swpm_debug_log_subsc("No associated member account found for the transaction id: " . $parent_txn_id. ". The member account may have been deleted.", true); return; } //Deactivate the member account. SwpmMemberUtils::update_account_state( $member_id, 'inactive' ); //Set the account status to inactive. swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Member account deactivated.', true ); } /* * All in one function that can handle notification for refund, cancellation, end of term */ function swpm_handle_subsc_cancel_stand_alone( $ipn_data, $refund = false ) { swpm_debug_log_subsc( "Refund/Cancellation Check - Let's see if a member's profile needs to be updated or deactivated.", true ); global $wpdb; $swpm_id = ''; if ( isset( $ipn_data['custom'] ) && !empty( $ipn_data['custom'] ) ){ $customvariables = SwpmTransactions::parse_custom_var( $ipn_data['custom'] ); $swpm_id = $customvariables['swpm_id']; } if ( ! empty( $swpm_id ) ) { // This IPN has the SWPM ID. Retrieve the member record using member ID. swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Member ID is present. Retrieving member account from the database. Member ID: ' . $swpm_id, true ); $resultset = SwpmMemberUtils::get_user_by_id( $swpm_id ); } elseif ( isset( $ipn_data['subscr_id'] ) && ! empty( $ipn_data['subscr_id'] ) ) { // This IPN has the subscriber ID. Retrieve the member record using subscr_id. $subscr_id = $ipn_data['subscr_id']; swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Subscriber ID is present. Retrieving member account from the database. Subscr_id: ' . $subscr_id, true ); $resultset = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}swpm_members_tbl where subscr_id LIKE %s", '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $subscr_id ) . '%' ), OBJECT ); } else if ( isset($ipn_data['parent_txn_id']) && !empty($ipn_data['parent_txn_id'] )){ // Refund for a one time transaction. Use the parent transaction ID to retrieve the profile. swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Parent transaction ID is present. Goign to search for member account that might be associated with it. Parent Transaction ID: ' . $ipn_data['parent_txn_id'], true ); $subscr_id = $ipn_data['parent_txn_id']; $resultset = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}swpm_members_tbl where subscr_id LIKE %s", '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $subscr_id ) . '%' ), OBJECT ); } else { // No member ID or subscriber ID or parent transaction ID found in the IPN data. Return from here. swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'No member ID or subscriber ID or parent transaction ID found in the IPN data. Nothing to do here.', true ); return; } if ( $resultset ) { // We have found a member profile for this notification. $member_id = $resultset->member_id; // First, check if this is a refund notification. if ( $refund ) { // This is a refund (not just a subscription cancellation or end). So deactivate the account regardless and bail. SwpmMemberUtils::update_account_state( $member_id, 'inactive' ); // Set the account status to inactive. swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Subscription refund notification received! Member account deactivated.', true ); return; } // This is a cancellation or end of subscription term (no refund). // Lets retrieve the membership level and details. $level_id = $resultset->membership_level; swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Membership level ID of the member is: ' . $level_id, true ); $level_row = SwpmUtils::get_membership_level_row_by_id( $level_id ); $subs_duration_type = $level_row->subscription_duration_type; swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Subscription duration type: ' . $subs_duration_type, true ); if ( SwpmMembershipLevel::NO_EXPIRY == $subs_duration_type ) { // This is a level with "no expiry" or "until cancelled" duration. swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'This is a level with "no expiry" or "until cancelled" duration', true ); // Deactivate this account as the membership level is "no expiry" or "until cancelled". $account_state = 'inactive'; SwpmMemberUtils::update_account_state( $member_id, $account_state ); swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Subscription cancellation or end of term received! Member account deactivated. Member ID: ' . $member_id, true ); } elseif ( SwpmMembershipLevel::FIXED_DATE == $subs_duration_type ) { // This is a level with a "fixed expiry date" duration. swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'This is a level with a "fixed expiry date" duration.', true ); swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Nothing to do here. The account will expire on the fixed set date.', true ); } else { // This is a level with "duration" type expiry (example: 30 days, 1 year etc). subscription_period has the duration/period. $subs_period = $level_row->subscription_period; $subs_period_unit = SwpmMembershipLevel::get_level_duration_type_string( $level_row->subscription_duration_type ); swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'This is a level with "duration" type expiry. Duration period: ' . $subs_period . ', Unit: ' . $subs_period_unit, true ); swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Nothing to do here. The account will expire after the duration time is over.', true ); // TODO Later as an improvement. If you wanted to segment the members who have unsubscribed, you can set the account status to "unsubscribed" here. // Make sure the cronjob to do expiry check and deactivate the member accounts treat this status as if it is "active". } //Update the swpm_transactions CPT record to mark the subscription as "Cancelled". $swpm_txn_cpt_id = SwpmTransactions::get_original_swpm_txn_cpt_id_by_subscr_id( $subscr_id ); if ( ! empty( $swpm_txn_cpt_id ) ) { swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Updating the the swpm_transaction CPT record (Post ID: '.$swpm_txn_cpt_id.') to mark the subscription as "cancelled".', true ); update_post_meta( $swpm_txn_cpt_id, 'subscr_status', 'cancelled' ); } // Update attached subcription status. SwpmMemberUtils::set_subscription_data_extra_info( $member_id, 'subscription_status', 'inactive'); // Trigger hook for subscription payment cancelled. $ipn_data['member_id'] = $member_id; do_action( 'swpm_subscription_payment_cancelled', $ipn_data ); } else { swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'No associated active member record found for this notification. The profile may have been updated/attached to another subscription or transaction.', true ); return; } } function swpm_update_member_subscription_start_date_if_applicable( $ipn_data ) { global $wpdb; $email = isset( $ipn_data['payer_email'] ) ? $ipn_data['payer_email'] : ''; $subscr_id = isset( $ipn_data['subscr_id'] ) ? $ipn_data['subscr_id'] : ''; $account_state = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'default-account-status-after-payment', 'active' ); $account_state = apply_filters( 'swpm_account_status_for_subscription_start_date_update', $account_state ); if( empty( $subscr_id ) ) { swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Subscription ID is empty in the IPN data. A Subscription ID value is required to update the access start date of a profile.', false ); return; } swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Updating the access start date if applicable for this subscription payment. Subscriber ID: ' . $subscr_id . ', Email: ' . $email . ', Account status: ' . $account_state, true ); // We can also query using the email address or SWPM ID (if present in custom var). //Try to find the profile with the given subscr_id. It will exact match subscr_id or match subscr_id|123 $query_db = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}swpm_members_tbl WHERE subscr_id = %s OR subscr_id LIKE %s", $subscr_id, $subscr_id.'|%' ), OBJECT ); if ( $query_db ) { $swpm_id = $query_db->member_id; $current_primary_level = $query_db->membership_level; swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Found a record in the member table. The Member ID of the account to check is: ' . $swpm_id . ' Membership Level: ' . $current_primary_level, true ); $ipn_data['member_id'] = $swpm_id; do_action( 'swpm_recurring_payment_received', $ipn_data ); // Hook for recurring payment received. $subscription_starts = SwpmUtils::get_current_date_in_wp_zone(); $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}swpm_members_tbl SET account_state=%s,subscription_starts=%s WHERE member_id=%d", $account_state, $subscription_starts, $swpm_id ) ); swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Updated the member profile with current date as the subscription start date.', true ); // Lets check to see if the subscriber ID and the subscription start date value was updated correctly. $member_record = SwpmMemberUtils::get_user_by_id( $swpm_id ); swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Value after update - Subscriber ID: ' . $member_record->subscr_id . ', Start Date: ' . $member_record->subscription_starts, true ); } else { swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'Did not find an existing record in the members table for subscriber ID: ' . $subscr_id, true ); swpm_debug_log_subsc( 'This could be a new subscription payment for a new subscription agreement.', true ); } } function swpm_is_paypal_recurring_payment($payment_data){ $recurring_payment = false; $transaction_type = $payment_data['txn_type']; if ($transaction_type == "recurring_payment") { $recurring_payment = true; } else if ($transaction_type == "subscr_payment") { $item_number = $payment_data['item_number']; $subscr_id = $payment_data['subscr_id']; swpm_debug_log_subsc('Is recurring payment check debug data: ' . $item_number . "|" . $subscr_id, true); $result = SwpmTransactions::get_transaction_row_by_subscr_id($subscr_id); if (isset($result)) { swpm_debug_log_subsc('This subscr_id exists in the transactions db. Recurring payment check flag value is true.', true); $recurring_payment = true; return $recurring_payment; } } if ($recurring_payment) { swpm_debug_log_subsc('Recurring payment check flag value is true.', true); } return $recurring_payment; } function swpm_debug_log_subsc( $message, $success, $end = false ) { SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( $message, $success, $end); }
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