Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/simple-membership/languages/simple-membership-es_MX.po
msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Simple WordPress Membership\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-19 17:38+0600\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-17 15:33-0800\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: \n" "Language: es_MX\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.2\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-Flags-xgettext: --add-comments=translators:\n" "X-Poedit-WPHeader: simple-wp-membership.php\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;" "esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c;_n_noop:1,2;" "_nx_noop:3c,1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payment-buttons-list-table.php:76 msgid "Payment Button ID" msgstr "Identificación del botón de pago" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payment-buttons-list-table.php:77 msgid "Payment Button Title" msgstr "Título del botón de pago" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payment-buttons-list-table.php:78 msgid "Membership Level ID" msgstr "ID de nivel de membresía" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payment-buttons-list-table.php:79 msgid "Button Type" msgstr "Tipo de botón" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payment-buttons-list-table.php:80 msgid "Button Shortcode" msgstr "Código corto de botón" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payment-buttons-list-table.php:95 #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:118 #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:51 #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:36 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Borrar" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payment-buttons-list-table.php:132 #: views/admin_members_list.php:8 #: views/payments/admin_all_payment_transactions.php:33 msgid "The selected entry was deleted!" msgstr "¡La entrada seleccionada fue eliminada!" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-admin-menu.php:23 msgid "Simple Membership::Payments" msgstr "Membresía Simple::Pagos" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:73 #: views/template-1.php:95 views/template-2.php:97 msgid "View Profile" msgstr "Ver perfil" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:91 msgid "Row ID" msgstr "ID de fila" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:92 #: views/forgot_password.php:5 #: views/payments/admin_add_edit_transaction_manually.php:75 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:93 #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:23 views/add.php:34 #: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:6 views/edit.php:39 #: views/payments/admin_add_edit_transaction_manually.php:83 #: includes/swpm_mda_show_profile.php:28 msgid "First Name" msgstr "Primer nombre" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:94 #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:24 views/add.php:38 #: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:10 views/edit.php:43 #: views/payments/admin_add_edit_transaction_manually.php:91 #: includes/swpm_mda_show_profile.php:29 msgid "Last Name" msgstr "Apellido" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:95 msgid "Member Profile" msgstr "Perfil de miembro" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:96 #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:43 classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:52 #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:62 #: views/payments/admin_add_edit_transaction_manually.php:125 msgid "Date" msgstr "Fecha" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:97 #: views/payments/admin_add_edit_transaction_manually.php:133 msgid "Transaction ID" msgstr "ID de transacción" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:98 #: views/payments/admin_add_edit_transaction_manually.php:141 msgid "Subscriber ID" msgstr "Identificación de suscriptor" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:99 #: views/payments/admin_add_edit_transaction_manually.php:117 msgid "Amount" msgstr "Monto" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:100 #: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:19 classes/class.swpm-members.php:26 #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:11 #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:21 #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:20 views/add.php:42 views/admin_add.php:37 #: views/admin_edit.php:74 views/admin_members_list.php:50 views/edit.php:75 #: views/payments/admin_add_edit_transaction_manually.php:107 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_braintree_buy_now_button.php:50 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:34 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:232 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:49 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:35 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:320 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:44 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:330 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:44 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:312 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:108 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:108 msgid "Membership Level" msgstr "Nivel de membresía" #: classes/admin-includes/class.swpm-payments-list-table.php:101 #: views/payments/admin_add_edit_transaction_manually.php:149 msgid "Status/Note" msgstr "Estado/Nota" #: classes/class-swpm-member-subscriptions.php:121 #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:164 msgid "No active subscriptions" msgstr "Sin suscripciones activas" #: classes/class-swpm-member-subscriptions.php:132 msgid "Cancel Subscription" msgstr "Cancelar suscripción" #: classes/class-swpm-member-subscriptions.php:134 msgid "Are you sure that you want to cancel the subscription?" msgstr "¿Estás seguro de que deseas cancelar la suscripción?" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:237 msgid "The admin of this site does not allow users to access the wp dashboard." msgstr "" "El administrador de este sitio no permite que los usuarios accedan al panel " "de wp." #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:238 msgid "Go back to the home page by " msgstr "Volver a la página de inicio por " #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:238 msgid "clicking here" msgstr "haciendo clic aquí" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:303 msgid "" "Error! This site has the force WP user login feature enabled in the " "settings. We could not find a WP user record for the given username: " msgstr "" "¡Error! Este sitio tiene la función de inicio de sesión de usuario forzado " "de WP habilitada en la configuración. No pudimos encontrar un registro de " "usuario de WP para el nombre de usuario dado: " #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:304 msgid "" "This error is triggered when a member account doesn't have a corresponding " "WP user account. So the plugin fails to log the user into the WP User system." msgstr "" "Este error se activa cuando una cuenta de miembro no tiene una cuenta de " "usuario de WP correspondiente. Por lo tanto, el complemento no puede iniciar " "sesión en el sistema de usuario de WP." #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:305 msgid "" "Contact the site admin and request them to check your username in the WP " "Users menu to see what happened with the WP user entry of your account." msgstr "" "Comuníquese con el administrador del sitio y solicite que verifiquen su " "nombre de usuario en el menú Usuarios de WP para ver qué sucedió con la " "entrada de usuario de WP de su cuenta." #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:306 msgid "" "The site admin can disable the Force WP User Synchronization feature in the " "settings to disable this feature and this error will go away." msgstr "" "El administrador del sitio puede deshabilitar la función Forzar " "sincronización de usuarios de WP en la configuración para deshabilitar esta " "función y este error desaparecerá." #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:307 msgid "You can use the back button of your browser to go back to the site." msgstr "Puede utilizar el botón Atrás de su navegador para volver al sitio." #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:484 #: classes/class.swpm-wp-loaded-tasks.php:141 msgid "You are not logged in." msgstr "Usted no se ha identificado." #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:535 msgid "" "You have the sandbox payment mode enabled in plugin settings. Make sure to " "turn off the sandbox mode when you want to do live transactions." msgstr "" "Tienes el modo de pago sandbox habilitado en la configuración del " "complemento. Asegúrese de desactivar el modo sandbox cuando desee realizar " "transacciones en vivo." #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:550 msgid "Simple WP Membership Protection" msgstr "Protección de membresía simple de WP" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:562 msgid "Simple Membership Protection options" msgstr "Opciones simples de protección de membresía" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:580 msgid "Do you want to protect this content?" msgstr "" "Un complemento de membresía de WordPress flexible, bien respaldado y fácil " "de usar para ofrecer contenido gratuito y premium desde su sitio de " "WordPress. " #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:581 msgid "No, Do not protect this content." msgstr "No, no proteja este contenido." #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:582 msgid "Yes, Protect this content." msgstr "Sí, protege este contenido." #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:585 msgid "Select the membership level that can access this content:" msgstr "Seleccione el nivel de membresía que puede acceder a este contenido:" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:728 #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:732 msgid "Validating, please wait" msgstr "Validando, por favor espere" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:735 msgid "Invalid email address" msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico no válida" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:738 msgid "This field is required" msgstr "Este campo es obligatorio" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:741 msgid "Password must contain at least:" msgstr "La contraseña debe contener al menos:" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:741 msgid "- a digit" msgstr "- un dígito" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:741 msgid "- an uppercase letter" msgstr "- una letra mayúscula" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:741 msgid "- a lowercase letter" msgstr "- una letra minúscula" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:744 classes/class.swpm-auth.php:310 msgid "Invalid Username" msgstr "Nombre de usuario no válido" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:744 msgid "Usernames can only contain: letters, numbers and .-_*@" msgstr "Los nombres de usuario solo pueden contener: letras, números y .-_*@" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:747 msgid "Minimum " msgstr "Mínimo" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:748 msgid " characters required" msgstr "caracteres requeridos" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:751 msgid "Apostrophe character is not allowed" msgstr "No se permite el carácter de apóstrofe" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:791 msgid "WP Membership" msgstr "Membresía de WP" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:792 classes/class.swpm-members.php:12 #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:729 msgid "Members" msgstr "Miembros" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:793 #: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:20 #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:12 #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:273 #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:21 msgid "Membership Levels" msgstr "Niveles de membresía" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:794 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ajustes" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:795 msgid "Payments" msgstr "Pagos" #: classes/class.simple-wp-membership.php:796 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "Complementos" #: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:47 #: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:120 msgid "You need to login to view this content. " msgstr "Necesita iniciar sesión para ver este contenido. " #: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:56 #: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:128 #: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:212 msgid "Your account has expired. " msgstr "Su cuenta ha expirado. " #: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:66 #: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:138 msgid "This content can only be viewed by members who joined on or before " msgstr "" "Este contenido solo puede ser visto por miembros que se unieron en o antes " #: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:79 #: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:148 msgid "This content is not permitted for your membership level." msgstr "Este contenido no está permitido para su nivel de membresía." #: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:204 msgid "You need to login to view the rest of the content. " msgstr "Necesitas iniciar sesión para ver el resto del contenido. " #: classes/class.swpm-access-control.php:217 msgid " The rest of the content is not permitted for your membership level." msgstr "El resto del contenido no está permitido para su nivel de membresía. " #: classes/class.swpm-admin-registration.php:25 msgid "Error! Nonce verification failed for user registration from admin end." msgstr "" "¡Error! La verificación de Nonce falló para el registro de usuario desde el " "extremo del administrador." #: classes/class.swpm-admin-registration.php:79 msgid "Member record added successfully." msgstr "Registro de miembro agregado con éxito." #: classes/class.swpm-admin-registration.php:87 #: classes/class.swpm-admin-registration.php:149 #: classes/class.swpm-admin-registration.php:187 #: classes/class.swpm-membership-level.php:73 #: classes/class.swpm-membership-level.php:105 msgid "Please correct the following:" msgstr "Por favor, corrija el siguiente:" #: classes/class.swpm-admin-registration.php:100 msgid "Error! Nonce verification failed for user edit from admin end." msgstr "" "¡Error! La verificación de Nonce falló para la edición del usuario desde el " "extremo del administrador." #: classes/class.swpm-admin-registration.php:166 msgid "Your current password" msgstr "Tu contraseña actual" #: classes/class.swpm-ajax.php:14 classes/class.swpm-ajax.php:34 #: ipn/swpm-smart-checkout-ipn.php:333 msgid "Nonce check failed. Please reload the page." msgstr "La comprobación de Nonce falló. Por favor recarga la página." #: classes/class.swpm-ajax.php:18 msgid "Invalid Email Address" msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico no válida" #: classes/class.swpm-ajax.php:25 classes/class.swpm-ajax.php:44 msgid "Already taken" msgstr "Ya apartadas" #: classes/class.swpm-ajax.php:25 classes/class.swpm-ajax.php:45 msgid "Available" msgstr "Disponible" #: classes/class.swpm-ajax.php:38 msgid "Name contains invalid character" msgstr "El nombre contiene un carácter no válido" #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:60 msgid "" "Warning! Simple Membership plugin cannot process this login request to " "prevent you from getting logged out of WP Admin accidentally." msgstr "" "¡Advertencia! El complemento Simple Membership no puede procesar esta " "solicitud de inicio de sesión para evitar que se desconecte accidentalmente " "de WP Admin." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:61 msgid "Click here" msgstr "haga clic aquí" #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:61 msgid " to see the profile you are currently logged into in this browser." msgstr "" "para ver el perfil en el que está conectado actualmente en este navegador." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:62 msgid "" "You are logged into the site as an ADMIN user in this browser. First, logout " "from WP Admin then you will be able to log in as a normal member." msgstr "" "Ha iniciado sesión en el sitio como usuario ADMIN en este navegador. " "Primero, cierre sesión en WP Admin y luego podrá iniciar sesión como miembro " "normal." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:63 msgid "" "Alternatively, you can use a different browser (where you are not logged-in " "as ADMIN) to test the membership login." msgstr "" "Alternativamente, puede usar un navegador diferente (donde no haya iniciado " "sesión como ADMIN) para probar el inicio de sesión de membresía." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:64 msgid "" "Your normal visitors or members will never see this message. This message is " "ONLY for ADMIN user." msgstr "" "Sus visitantes normales o miembros nunca verán este mensaje. Este mensaje es " "SOLO para el usuario ADMIN." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:71 msgid "Captcha validation failed on login form." msgstr "La validación de Captcha falló en el formulario de inicio de sesión." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:96 msgid "User Not Found." msgstr "Usuario no encontrado." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:103 msgid "Password Empty or Invalid." msgstr "Contraseña vacía o no válida." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:144 msgid "Account is inactive." msgstr "La cuenta está inactiva." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:147 classes/class.swpm-auth.php:176 msgid "Account has expired." msgstr "La cuenta ha caducado." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:150 msgid "Account is pending." msgstr "La cuenta está pendiente." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:160 #, php-format msgid "" "You need to activate your account. If you didn't receive an email then %s to " "resend the activation email." msgstr "" "Necesitas activar tu cuenta. Si no recibiste un correo electrónico, entonces " "%s para volver a enviar el correo electrónico de activación." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:160 #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:461 #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:514 #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:196 msgid "click here" msgstr "haga clic aquí" #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:184 msgid "You are logged in as:" msgstr "Has iniciado sesión como:" #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:248 msgid "Logged Out Successfully." msgstr "Cierre de sesión con éxito." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:301 msgid "Session Expired." msgstr "Sesión expirada." #: classes/class.swpm-auth.php:318 msgid "Please login again." msgstr "Inicie sesión de nuevo." #: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:33 msgid "Category ID" msgstr "Categoria ID" #: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:34 msgid "Category Name" msgstr "Nombre de la Categoría" #: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:35 msgid "Category Type (Taxonomy)" msgstr "Tipo de Categoría (taxonomía)" #: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:36 msgid "Description" msgstr "Description" #: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:37 msgid "Count" msgstr "Cuenta" #: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:78 msgid "" "Error! Nonce security verification failed for Category Protection Update " "action. Clear cache and try again." msgstr "" "¡Error! La verificación de seguridad de Nonce falló para la acción de " "actualización de protección de categoría. Borre el caché y vuelva a " "intentarlo." #: classes/class.swpm-category-list.php:99 msgid "Category protection updated!" msgstr "¡Protección de categoría actualizada!" #: classes/class.swpm-comment-form-related.php:15 msgid "Please login to comment." msgstr "Por favor, inicia sesión para comentar." #: classes/class.swpm-comment-form-related.php:40 msgid "Please Login to Comment." msgstr "Por favor, inicia sesión para comentar." #: classes/class.swpm-comment-form-related.php:79 msgid "Comments not allowed by a non-member." msgstr "Comentarios no permitidos por un no miembro." #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:30 msgid "" "Wordpress account exists with given username. But the given email doesn't " "match." msgstr "" "La cuenta de WordPress existe con el nombre de usuario dado. Pero el correo " "electrónico dado no coincide." #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:31 msgid "" " Use a different username to complete the registration. If you want to use " "that username then you must enter the correct email address associated with " "the existing WP user to connect with that account." msgstr "" "Utilice un nombre de usuario diferente para completar el registro. Si desea " "usar ese nombre de usuario, debe ingresar la dirección de correo electrónico " "correcta asociada con el usuario de WP existente para conectarse con esa " "cuenta." #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:37 msgid "" "Wordpress account exists with given email. But the given username doesn't " "match." msgstr "" "La cuenta de Wordpress existe con el correo electrónico dado. Pero el nombre " "de usuario dado no coincide." #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:38 msgid "" " Use a different email address to complete the registration. If you want to " "use that email then you must enter the correct username associated with the " "existing WP user to connect with that account." msgstr "" "Utilice una dirección de correo electrónico diferente para completar el " "registro. Si desea usar ese correo electrónico, debe ingresar el nombre de " "usuario correcto asociado con el usuario de WP existente para conectarse con " "esa cuenta." #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:48 msgid "Username is required" msgstr "Se requiere nombre de usuario" #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:52 msgid "Username contains invalid character" msgstr "El nombre de usuario contiene un carácter no válido" #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:60 msgid "Username already exists." msgstr "Nombre de usuario ya existe." #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:81 msgid "Password is required" msgstr "Se requiere contraseña" #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:88 msgid "Password mismatch" msgstr "Contraseña no coincide" #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:99 msgid "Email is required" msgstr "Correo electronico es requerido" #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:103 msgid "Email is invalid" msgstr "El correo electrónico es invalido" #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:119 msgid "Email is already used." msgstr "El email ya está en uso." #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:171 msgid "Member since field is invalid" msgstr "Miembro ya que el campo no es válido" #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:182 msgid "Access starts field is invalid" msgstr "El campo de inicio de acceso no es válido" #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:192 msgid "Gender field is invalid" msgstr "El campo de género no es válido" #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:203 msgid "Account state field is invalid" msgstr "El campo de estado de la cuenta no es válido" #: classes/class.swpm-form.php:210 msgid "Invalid membership level" msgstr "Nivel de membresía no válido" #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:26 msgid "" "You are already logged in. You don't need to create another account. So the " "registration form is hidden." msgstr "" "Ya estás conectado. No necesitas crear otra cuenta. Entonces el formulario " "de registro está oculto." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:60 #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:364 views/login.php:53 msgid "Join Us" msgstr "Únete a nosotros" #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:62 msgid "" "Free membership is disabled on this site. Please make a payment from the " msgstr "" "La membresía gratuita está deshabilitada en este sitio. Por favor haga un " "pago desde el " #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:64 msgid " page to pay for a premium membership." msgstr "página para pagar una membresía premium. " #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:66 msgid "" "You will receive a unique link via email after the payment. You will be able " "to use that link to complete the premium membership registration." msgstr "" "Recibirá un enlace único por correo electrónico después del pago. Podrá usar " "ese enlace para completar el registro de membresía premium." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:98 msgid "Security check: captcha validation failed." msgstr "Comprobación de seguridad: la validación de captcha falló." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:111 msgid "You must accept the terms and conditions." msgstr "Debe aceptar los Términos y Condiciones." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:125 msgid "You must agree to the privacy policy." msgstr "Debe aceptar la política de privacidad." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:166 msgid "" "You need to confirm your email address. Please check your email and follow " "instructions to complete your registration." msgstr "" "Necesitas confirmar tu dirección de correo electrónico. Por favor revise su " "correo electrónico y siga las instrucciones para completar su registro." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:179 msgid "Registration Successful. " msgstr "Registro exitoso. " #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:179 #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:363 classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:375 msgid "Please" msgstr "Por favor" #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:179 #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:363 views/login.php:47 msgid "Login" msgstr "Acceso" #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:198 msgid "Please correct the following" msgstr "Por favor, corrija el siguiente" #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:246 msgid "Membership Level Couldn't be found." msgstr "No se pudo encontrar el nivel de membresía." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:298 msgid "Error! Nonce verification failed for front end profile edit." msgstr "" "¡Error! La verificación de Nonce falló para la edición del perfil de front-" "end." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:306 msgid "Profile updated successfully." msgstr "Perfil actualizado con éxito." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:326 msgid "" "Profile updated successfully. You will need to re-login since you changed " "your password." msgstr "" "Perfil actualizado con éxito. Deberá volver a iniciar sesión ya que cambió " "su contraseña." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:354 msgid "Please correct the following." msgstr "Por favor, corrija el siguiente." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:370 msgid "Captcha validation failed." msgstr "La validación de Captcha falló." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:381 msgid "Email address not valid." msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico no válida." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:395 msgid "No user found with that email address." msgstr "No se encontró ningún usuario con esa dirección de correo electrónico." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:396 #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:428 msgid "Email Address: " msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico: " #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:427 msgid "New password has been sent to your email address." msgstr "" "Se ha enviado una nueva contraseña a su dirección de correo electrónico." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:456 msgid "Can't find member account." msgstr "No se puede encontrar la cuenta de miembro." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:461 #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:514 msgid "Account already active. " msgstr "Cuenta ya activa. " #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:461 #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:514 msgid " to login." msgstr "iniciar sesión. " #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:468 msgid "" "Activation code mismatch. Cannot activate this account. Please contact the " "site admin." msgstr "" "No coincide el código de activación. No se puede activar esta cuenta. " "Póngase en contacto con el administrador del sitio." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:482 msgid "Success! Your account has been activated successfully." msgstr "¡Éxito! Su cuenta se ha activado correctamente." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:509 msgid "Cannot find member account." msgstr "No se puede encontrar la cuenta de miembro." #: classes/class.swpm-front-registration.php:531 msgid "" "Activation email has been sent. Please check your email and activate your " "account." msgstr "" "Se ha enviado el correo electrónico de activación. Por favor revise su " "correo electrónico y active su cuenta." #: classes/class.swpm-init-time-tasks.php:137 msgid "Sorry, Nonce verification failed." msgstr "Lo sentimos, la verificación de Nonce falló." #: classes/class.swpm-init-time-tasks.php:144 msgid "Sorry, Password didn't match." msgstr "Lo sentimos, la contraseña no coincide." #: classes/class.swpm-level-form.php:50 msgid "Date format is not valid." msgstr "El formato de fecha no es válido." #: classes/class.swpm-level-form.php:58 msgid "Access duration must be > 0." msgstr "La duración del acceso debe ser > 0." #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:11 msgid "Member" msgstr "Miembro" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:21 #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:20 msgid "ID" msgstr "IDENTIFICACIÓN" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:22 views/add.php:18 views/admin_add.php:12 #: views/admin_edit.php:19 views/edit.php:23 #: includes/swpm_mda_show_profile.php:27 msgid "Username" msgstr "Nombre de usuario" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:25 views/add.php:22 views/edit.php:27 #: includes/swpm_mda_show_profile.php:35 msgid "Email" msgstr "Correo electrónico" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:27 views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:2 msgid "Access Starts" msgstr "Inicios de acceso" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:28 views/admin_members_list.php:45 #: includes/swpm_mda_show_profile.php:31 msgid "Account State" msgstr "Estado de la cuenta" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:29 msgid "Last Login Date" msgstr "Última fecha de inicio de sesión" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:52 msgid "Set Status to Active" msgstr "Establecer estado en activo" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:53 msgid "Set Status to Active and Notify" msgstr "Establecer estado en activo y notificar" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:54 msgid "Set Status to Inactive" msgstr "Establecer estado en Inactivo" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:55 msgid "Set Status to Pending" msgstr "Establecer estado en Pendiente" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:56 msgid "Set Status to Expired" msgstr "Establecer estado en caducado" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:83 msgid "incomplete" msgstr "incompleto" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:226 msgid "No member found." msgstr "Ningún miembro encontrado." #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:383 msgid "Error! Nonce verification failed for user delete from admin end." msgstr "" "¡Error! La verificación de Nonce falló para la eliminación del usuario desde " "el extremo del administrador." #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:533 msgid "" "Error! Nonce security verification failed for Bulk Change Membership Level " "action. Clear cache and try again." msgstr "" "¡Error! La verificación de seguridad de Nonce falló para la acción de cambio " "masivo de nivel de membresía. Borre el caché y vuelva a intentarlo." #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:541 classes/class.swpm-members.php:578 msgid "Error! Please select a membership level first." msgstr "¡Error! Seleccione primero un nivel de membresía." #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:558 msgid "Membership level change operation completed successfully." msgstr "La operación de cambio de nivel de membresía se completó con éxito." #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:570 msgid "" "Error! Nonce security verification failed for Bulk Change Access Starts Date " "action. Clear cache and try again." msgstr "" "¡Error! La verificación de seguridad de Nonce falló para la acción de fecha " "de inicio de acceso de cambio masivo. Borre el caché y vuelva a intentarlo." #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:595 msgid "Access starts date change operation successfully completed." msgstr "" "La operación de cambio de fecha de inicio de acceso se completó con éxito." #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:724 msgid "Simple WP Membership::Members" msgstr "Membresía simple de WP::Miembros" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:725 views/admin_members_list.php:70 msgid "Add New" msgstr "Agregar nuevo" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:730 views/admin_add.php:7 msgid "Add Member" msgstr "Añadir miembro" #: classes/class.swpm-members.php:731 msgid "Bulk Operation" msgstr "Operación a granel" #: classes/class.swpm-membership-level.php:52 msgid "" "Error! Nonce verification failed for membership level creation from admin " "end." msgstr "" "¡Error! La verificación de Nonce falló para la creación del nivel de " "membresía desde el extremo del administrador." #: classes/class.swpm-membership-level.php:68 msgid "Membership Level Creation Successful." msgstr "Creación de nivel de membresía exitosa." #: classes/class.swpm-membership-level.php:84 msgid "" "Error! Nonce verification failed for membership level edit from admin end." msgstr "" "¡Error! La verificación de Nonce falló para la edición del nivel de " "membresía desde el extremo del administrador." #: classes/class.swpm-membership-level.php:100 msgid "Membership Level Updated Successfully." msgstr "Nivel de membresía actualizado con éxito." #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:22 msgid "Role" msgstr "Role" #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:23 msgid "Access Valid For/Until" msgstr "Acceso V álido para / Hasta" #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:203 msgid "" "Error! Nonce verification failed for membership level delete from admin end." msgstr "" "¡Error! La verificación de Nonce falló para la eliminación del nivel de " "membresía desde el extremo del administrador." #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:222 views/admin_members_list.php:56 #: views/payments/admin_all_payment_transactions.php:16 views/template-1.php:53 #: views/template-2.php:54 msgid "Search" msgstr "Búsqueda" #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:269 msgid "Simple WP Membership::Membership Levels" msgstr "Membresía simple de WP::Niveles de membresía" #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:274 msgid "Add Level" msgstr "Add Level" #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:275 msgid "Manage Content Protection" msgstr "Administrar la protección de contenido" #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:276 msgid "Category Protection" msgstr "Categoría Protección" #: classes/class.swpm-membership-levels.php:277 msgid "Post and Page Protection" msgstr "Protección de publicaciones y páginas" #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:44 classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:53 #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:63 msgid "Title" msgstr "Título" #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:45 classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:54 #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:64 msgid "Author" msgstr "Author" #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:46 classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:56 #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:66 msgid "Status" msgstr "Estado" #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:55 msgid "Categories" msgstr "Categorías" #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:65 msgid "Type" msgstr "Tipo" #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:109 msgid "" "Error! Nonce security verification failed for Post Protection Update action. " "Clear cache and try again." msgstr "" "¡Error! La verificación de seguridad de Nonce falló para la acción de " "actualización de protección posterior. Borre el caché y vuelva a intentarlo." #: classes/class.swpm-post-list.php:132 msgid "Protection settings updated!" msgstr "¡Configuración de protección actualizada!" #: classes/class.swpm-protection.php:22 msgid "" "The category or parent category of this post is protected. You can change " "the category protection settings from the " msgstr "" "La categoría o categoría principal de esta publicación está protegida. Puede " "cambiar la configuración de protección de categoría desde el" #: classes/class.swpm-protection.php:23 msgid "category protection menu" msgstr "menú de protección de categorías" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:42 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:70 msgid "General Settings" msgstr "Configuración General" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:43 msgid "Payment Settings" msgstr "Configuración de Pago" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:44 msgid "Email Settings" msgstr "Configuracion del correo electrónico" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:45 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Instrumentos" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:46 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:625 msgid "Advanced Settings" msgstr "Ajustes Avanzados" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:47 msgid "Addons Settings" msgstr "Configuración de Complementos" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:69 msgid "Plugin Documentation" msgstr "Documentación del Complemento" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:73 msgid "Enable Free Membership" msgstr "Habilitar membresía gratuita" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:79 msgid "" "Enable/disable registration for free membership level. When you enable this " "option, make sure to specify a free membership level ID in the field below." msgstr "" "Enable/disable registration for free membership level. When you enable this " "option, make sure to specify a free membership level ID in the field below." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:84 msgid "Free Membership Level ID" msgstr "Identificación de nivel de membresía gratis" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:90 msgid "Assign free membership level ID" msgstr "Asignar ID de nivel de membresía gratis" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:95 msgid "Enable More Tag Protection" msgstr "Habilitar más Protección de Etiquetas" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:101 msgid "" "Enables or disables \"more\" tag protection in the posts and pages. Anything " "after the More tag is protected. Anything before the more tag is teaser " "content." msgstr "" "Habilita o deshabilita la protección de etiquetas \"más\" en las " "publicaciones y páginas. Cualquier cosa después de la etiqueta Más está " "protegida. Cualquier cosa antes de la etiqueta más es contenido teaser." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:106 msgid "Hide Adminbar" msgstr "Ocultar barra de administración" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:112 msgid "" "WordPress shows an admin toolbar to the logged in users of the site. Check " "this if you want to hide that admin toolbar in the frontend of your site." msgstr "" "WordPress muestra una barra de herramientas de administración para los " "usuarios registrados del sitio. Marque esto si desea ocultar esa barra de " "herramientas de administración en la interfaz de su sitio." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:117 msgid "Show Adminbar to Admin" msgstr "Mostrar la barra de administración al administrador" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:123 msgid "" "Use this option if you want to show the admin toolbar to admin users only. " "The admin toolbar will be hidden for all other users." msgstr "" "Utilice esta opción si desea mostrar la barra de herramientas de " "administración solo a los usuarios administradores. La barra de herramientas " "de administración estará oculta para todos los demás usuarios." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:128 msgid "Disable Access to WP Dashboard" msgstr "Deshabilitar el acceso al panel de WP" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:134 msgid "" "WordPress allows a standard wp user to be able to go to the wp-admin URL and " "access his profile from the wp dashboard. Using this option will prevent any " "non-admin users from going to the wp dashboard." msgstr "" "WordPress permite que un usuario estándar de wp pueda ir a la URL de wp-" "admin y acceder a su perfil desde el panel de control de wp. El uso de esta " "opción evitará que cualquier usuario que no sea administrador acceda al " "panel de control de wp." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:140 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:817 msgid "Default Account Status" msgstr "Estado de cuenta predeterminado" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:148 msgid "" "Select the default account status for newly registered users. If you want to " "manually approve the members then you can set the status to \"Pending\"." msgstr "" "Seleccione el estado de cuenta predeterminado para los usuarios recién " "registrados. Si desea aprobar manualmente a los miembros, puede establecer " "el estado en \"Pendiente\"." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:154 msgid "Members Must be Logged in to Comment" msgstr "Los miembros deben iniciar sesión para comentar" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:160 msgid "" "Enable this option if you only want the members of the site to be able to " "post a comment." msgstr "" "Habilite esta opción si solo desea que los miembros del sitio puedan " "publicar un comentario." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:166 msgid "Enable Toggle Password Visibility in Login Form" msgstr "" "Habilitar alternar la visibilidad de la contraseña en el formulario de " "inicio de sesión" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:172 msgid "" "You can use it to show a toggle password visibility option in the login " "form. It will add a Show Password checkbox." msgstr "" "Puede usarlo para mostrar una opción de alternar la visibilidad de la " "contraseña en el formulario de inicio de sesión. Agregará una casilla de " "verificación Mostrar contraseña." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:183 msgid "Pages Settings" msgstr "Configuración de páginas" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:186 msgid "Login Page URL" msgstr "URL de la página de inicio de sesión" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:197 msgid "Registration Page URL" msgstr "Registration Page URL" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:208 msgid "Join Us Page URL" msgstr "URL de la página Únase a nosotros" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:219 msgid "Edit Profile Page URL" msgstr "Edit Profile Page URL" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:230 msgid "Password Reset Page URL" msgstr "URL de la página de restablecimiento de contraseña" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:240 msgid "Test & Debug Settings" msgstr "URL de la página de restablecimiento de contraseña" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:269 msgid "Check this option to enable debug logging." msgstr "Marque esta opción para habilitar el registro de depuración." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:270 msgid "" " This can be useful when troubleshooting an issue. Turn it off and reset the " "log files after the troubleshooting is complete." msgstr "" "Esto puede ser útil al solucionar un problema. Apáguelo y restablezca los " "archivos de registro después de que se complete la solución de problemas. " #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:272 msgid "View general debug log file by clicking " msgstr "Ver el archivo de registro de depuración general haciendo clic en" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:272 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:273 #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:274 msgid "here" msgstr "aquí" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:273 msgid "View login related debug log file by clicking " msgstr "" "Para ver el archivo de registro de depuración relacionado con el inicio de " "sesión, haga clic en" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:274 msgid "Reset debug log files by clicking " msgstr "Restablezca los archivos de registro de depuración haciendo clic en" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:277 msgid "Enable Debug" msgstr "Habilitar depuración" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:288 msgid "Enable Sandbox Testing" msgstr "Habilitar prueba de espacio aislado" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:294 msgid "Enable this option if you want to do sandbox payment testing." msgstr "" "Habilite esta opción si desea realizar pruebas de pago en la zona de pruebas." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:302 msgid "Stripe Global Settings" msgstr "Ajustes globales de la raya" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:305 msgid "Pre-fill Member Email Address" msgstr "Habilitar depuración" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:311 msgid "" "Pre-fills the email address of the logged-in member on the Stripe checkout " "form when possible" msgstr "" "Rellena previamente la dirección de correo electrónico del miembro que ha " "iniciado sesión en el formulario de pago de Stripe cuando es posible" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:316 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:115 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:399 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:115 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:381 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:156 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:148 msgid "Test Publishable Key" msgstr "Clave publicable de prueba" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:322 msgid "Stripe API Test publishable key" msgstr "Clave publicable de la prueba API de Stripe" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:327 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:122 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:406 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:122 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:388 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:164 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:156 msgid "Test Secret Key" msgstr "Clave secreta de prueba" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:333 msgid "Stripe API Test secret key" msgstr "Clave secreta de la prueba API de Stripe" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:338 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:129 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:413 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:129 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:395 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:172 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:164 msgid "Live Publishable Key" msgstr "Clave publicable en vivo" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:344 msgid "Stripe API Live publishable key" msgstr "Clave publicable de Stripe API Live" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:349 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:136 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:420 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:136 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:402 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:180 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:172 msgid "Live Secret Key" msgstr "Clave secreta en vivo" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:355 msgid "Stripe API Live secret key" msgstr "Clave secreta de Stripe API Live" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:365 msgid "Email Settings Overview" msgstr "Descripción general de la configuración de correo electrónico" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:366 msgid "Email Misc. Settings" msgstr "Miscelánea de correo electrónico Ajustes" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:370 msgid "From Email Address" msgstr "De la dirección de correo electrónico" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:382 msgid "Allow HTML in Emails" msgstr "Permitir HTML en correos electrónicos" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:393 msgid "Email Settings (Prompt to Complete Registration )" msgstr "Email Settings (Prompt to Complete Registration )" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:396 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:427 #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:508 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:533 #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:569 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:594 msgid "Email Subject" msgstr "Asunto del email" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:407 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:438 #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:519 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:544 #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:580 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:605 msgid "Email Body" msgstr "Cuerpo del correo electronico" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:418 msgid "" "Enter the email address where you want the admin notification email to be " "sent to." msgstr "" "Ingrese la dirección de correo electrónico a la que desea que se envíe el " "correo electrónico de notificación del administrador." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:419 msgid "" " You can put multiple email addresses separated by comma (,) in the above " "field to send the notification to multiple email addresses." msgstr "" "Puede colocar varias direcciones de correo electrónico separadas por comas " "(,) en el campo anterior para enviar la notificación a varias direcciones de " "correo electrónico." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:421 msgid "Enter the subject for the admin notification email." msgstr "Enter the subject for the admin notification email." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:422 msgid "" "This email will be sent to the admin when a new user completes the " "membership registration. Only works if you have enabled the \"Send " "Notification to Admin\" option above." msgstr "" "Este correo electrónico se enviará al administrador cuando un nuevo usuario " "complete el registro de membresía. Solo funciona si ha habilitado la opción " "anterior \"Enviar notificación al administrador\"." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:424 msgid "Email Settings (Registration Complete)" msgstr "Configuración de correo electrónico (registro completo)" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:449 msgid "Send Notification to Admin" msgstr "Enviar notificación al administrador" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:455 msgid "" "Enable this option if you want the admin to receive a notification when a " "member registers." msgstr "" "Habilite esta opción si desea que el administrador reciba una notificación " "cuando se registre un miembro." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:460 msgid "Admin Email Address" msgstr "Admin Email Address" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:471 msgid "Admin Notification Email Subject" msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico del administrador" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:482 msgid "Admin Notification Email Body" msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico del administrador" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:494 msgid "Send Email to Member When Added via Admin Dashboard" msgstr "" "Enviar correo electrónico al miembro cuando se agregue a través del panel de " "administración" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:505 msgid "Email Settings (Password Reset)" msgstr "Configuración de correo electrónico (restablecimiento de contraseña)" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:530 msgid " Email Settings (Account Upgrade Notification)" msgstr "" "Configuración de correo electrónico (notificación de actualización de cuenta)" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:555 msgid "Disable Email Notification After Upgrade" msgstr "" "Deshabilitar la notificación por correo electrónico después de la " "actualización" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:561 msgid "" "You can use this option to disable the email notification that gets sent to " "the members when they make a payment for upgrade or renewal." msgstr "" "Puede usar esta opción para deshabilitar la notificación por correo " "electrónico que se envía a los miembros cuando realizan un pago por una " "actualización o renovación." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:566 msgid " Email Settings (Bulk Account Activate Notification)" msgstr "" "Configuración de correo electrónico (notificación de activación de cuenta " "masiva)" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:591 msgid " Email Settings (Email Activation)" msgstr "Configuración de correo electrónico (activación de correo electrónico)" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:629 msgid "Enable Expired Account Login" msgstr "Habilitar inicio de sesión de cuenta caducada" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:635 msgid "" "When enabled, expired members will be able to log into the system but won't " "be able to view any protected content. This allows them to easily renew " "their account by making another payment." msgstr "" "Cuando está habilitado, los miembros vencidos podrán iniciar sesión en el " "sistema pero no podrán ver ningún contenido protegido. Esto les permite " "renovar fácilmente su cuenta haciendo otro pago." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:641 msgid "Membership Renewal URL" msgstr "URL de renovación de membresía" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:647 msgid "" "You can create a renewal page for your site. Read <a href=\"https://simple-" "\" target=\"_blank" "\">this documentation</a> to learn how to create a renewal page." msgstr "" "Puede crear una página de renovación para su sitio. Lea <a href=\"https://" "\" target=" "\"_blank\">esta documentación</a> para aprender a crear una página de " "renovación." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:653 msgid "After Registration Redirect URL" msgstr "URL de redirección después del registro" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:659 msgid "" "You can enter an URL here to redirect the members to this page after they " "submit the registration form. Read <a href=\"https://simple-membership-" "\" target=" "\"_blank\">this documentation</a> to learn how to setup after registration " "redirect." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:665 msgid "Enable Auto Login After Registration" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:671 msgid "" "Use this option if you want the members to be automatically logged into your " "site right after they complete the registration. This option will override " "any after registration redirection and instead it will trigger the after " "login redirection. Read <a href=\"" "configure-auto-login-after-registration-members/\" target=\"_blank\">this " "documentation</a> to learn more." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:677 msgid "Hide Registration Form to Logged Users" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:683 msgid "" "Use this option if you want to hide the registration form to the logged-in " "members. If logged-in members visit the registration page, they will see a " "message instead of the registration form." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:689 msgid "After Logout Redirect URL" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:695 msgid "" "You can enter an URL here to redirect the members to this page after they " "click the logout link to logout from your site." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:701 msgid "Logout Member on Browser Close" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:707 msgid "" "Enable this option if you want the member to be logged out of the account " "when he closes the browser." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:713 msgid "Allow Account Deletion" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:719 msgid "Allow users to delete their accounts." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:725 msgid "Force Strong Password for Members" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:731 msgid "" "Enable this if you want the users to be forced to use a strong password for " "their accounts." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:737 msgid "Auto Delete Pending Account" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:749 msgid "Select how long you want to keep \"pending\" account." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:755 msgid "Admin Dashboard Access Permission" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:768 msgid "" "SWPM admin dashboard is accessible to admin users only (just like any other " "plugin). You can allow users with other WP user roles to access the SWPM " "admin dashboard by selecting a value here. Note that this option cannot work " "if you enabled the \"Disable Access to WP Dashboard\" option in General " "Settings." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:774 msgid "Force WP User Synchronization" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:780 msgid "" "Enable this option if you want to force the member login to be synchronized " "with WP user account. This can be useful if you are using another plugin " "that uses WP user records. For example: bbPress plugin." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:785 msgid "Create Member Accounts for New WP Users" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:789 msgid "Enable Auto Create Member Accounts" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:795 msgid "" "Enable this option to automatically create member accounts for any new WP " "user that is created by another plugin." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:802 msgid "Default Membership Level" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:810 msgid "" "When automatically creating a member account using this feature, the " "membership level of the user will be set to the one you specify here." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:825 msgid "" "When automatically creating a member account using this feature, the " "membership account status of the user will be set to the one you specify " "here." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:831 msgid "Payment Notification Forward URL" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:837 msgid "" "You can enter an URL here to forward the payment notification after the " "membership payment has been processed by this plugin. Useful if you want to " "forward the payment notification to an external script for further " "processing." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:842 views/add.php:68 msgid "Terms and Conditions" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:846 msgid "Enable Terms and Conditions" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:852 msgid "Users must accept the terms before they can complete the registration." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:857 msgid "Terms and Conditions Page URL" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:863 msgid "" "Enter the URL of your terms and conditions page. You can create a WordPress " "page and specify your terms in there then specify the URL of that page in " "the above field." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:868 msgid "Enable Privacy Policy" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:874 msgid "Users must accept it before they can complete the registration." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:879 msgid "Privacy Policy Page URL" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:885 msgid "Enter the URL of your privacy policy page." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:983 #, php-format msgid "Visit the %s to read setup and configuration documentation." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:983 msgid "Simple Membership Plugin Site" msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:984 #, php-format msgid "Please %s if you like the plugin." msgstr "" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:984 msgid "give us a rating" msgstr "Danos una calificación" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:1002 classes/class.swpm-settings.php:1048 #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:1076 msgid "Settings updated!" msgstr "¡Ajustes actualizan!" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:1037 views/admin_tools_settings.php:82 msgid "This documentation" msgstr "esta documentación" #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:1091 msgid "" "Note: You cannot enable both the \"Disable Access to WP Dashboard\" and " "\"Admin Dashboard Access Permission\" options at the same time. Only use one " "of those options." msgstr "" "Nota: No puede habilitar las opciones \"Deshabilitar acceso al panel de WP\" " "y \"Permiso de acceso al panel de administración\" al mismo tiempo. Solo usa " "una de esas opciones." #: classes/class.swpm-settings.php:1258 msgid "Simple WP Membership::Settings" msgstr "Membresía simple de WP::Configuración" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-member.php:36 #: classes/class.swpm-utils-member.php:44 #: classes/class.swpm-utils-member.php:52 #: classes/class.swpm-utils-member.php:62 #: classes/class.swpm-utils-member.php:68 msgid "User is not logged in." msgstr "El usuario no ha iniciado sesión." #: classes/class.swpm-utils-member.php:88 msgid "No Expiry" msgstr "No Expiry" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:57 msgid "Registration" msgstr "Registro" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:85 msgid "Member Login" msgstr "Inicio de sesión de miembro" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:113 #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:135 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Perfil" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:141 msgid "Password Reset" msgstr "Restablecimiento de contraseña" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:195 #, php-format msgid "" "You will be automatically redirected in a few seconds. If not, please %s." msgstr "Será redirigido automáticamente en unos segundos. Si no, por favor %s." #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:199 msgid "Action Status" msgstr "Estado de la acción" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:364 msgid "Not a Member?" msgstr "¿No es un miembro?" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:375 msgid "renew" msgstr "renovar" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:375 msgid " your account to gain access to this content." msgstr "su cuenta para obtener acceso a este contenido." #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:433 classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:439 msgid "Error! This action (" msgstr "¡Error! Esta acción (" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:684 msgid "(Please Select)" msgstr "(Por favor seleccione)" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:700 msgid "PayPal Buy Now" msgstr "PayPal Comprar ahora" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:701 msgid "PayPal Subscription" msgstr "Suscripción de PayPal" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:702 msgid "PayPal Smart Checkout" msgstr "Pago inteligente de PayPal" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:703 msgid "Stripe Buy Now" msgstr "Raya Comprar ahora" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:704 msgid "Stripe Subscription" msgstr "Suscripción a rayas" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:705 msgid "Stripe SCA Buy Now" msgstr "Stripe SCA Comprar ahora" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:706 msgid "Stripe SCA Subscription" msgstr "Suscripción a Stripe SCA" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-misc.php:707 msgid "Braintree Buy Now" msgstr "Braintree Comprar ahora" #: classes/class.swpm-utils-template.php:38 msgid "Error! Failed to find a template path for the specified template: " msgstr "" "¡Error! No se pudo encontrar una ruta de plantilla para la plantilla " "especificada:" #: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:111 msgid "Never" msgstr "Nunca" #: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:119 msgid "Male" msgstr "Masculino" #: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:120 msgid "Female" msgstr "Female" #: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:121 msgid "Not Specified" msgstr "No especificado" #: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:126 views/admin_members_list.php:33 msgid "Active" msgstr "Activo" #: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:127 views/admin_members_list.php:34 msgid "Inactive" msgstr "Inactivo" #: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:128 views/admin_members_list.php:35 msgid "Activation Required" msgstr "Activación necesaria" #: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:129 views/admin_members_list.php:36 msgid "Pending" msgstr "Pendiente" #: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:130 views/admin_members_list.php:38 msgid "Expired" msgstr "Expirado" #: classes/class.swpm-utils.php:494 views/account_delete_warning.php:3 msgid "Delete Account" msgstr "Borrar cuenta" #: classes/class.swpm-wp-loaded-tasks.php:118 msgid "" "You will be redirected to the previous page in a few seconds. If not, please " "<a href=\"\">click here</a>." msgstr "" "Será redirigido a la página anterior en unos segundos. De lo contrario, <a " "href=\"\">haga clic aquí</a>." #: classes/class.swpm-wp-loaded-tasks.php:121 msgid "Success!" msgstr "¡Éxito!" #: classes/class.swpm-wp-loaded-tasks.php:129 msgid "No token provided." msgstr "No se proporciona token." #: classes/class.swpm-wp-loaded-tasks.php:136 msgid "Nonce check failed." msgstr "Nonce check failed.La comprobación de Nonce falló." #: classes/class.swpm-wp-loaded-tasks.php:161 msgid "Subscription has been cancelled." msgstr "La suscripción ha sido cancelada." #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:70 msgid "Your membership profile will be updated to reflect the payment." msgstr "Su perfil de membresía se actualizará para reflejar el pago." #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:71 msgid "Your profile username: " msgstr "Nombre de usuario de tu perfil: " #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:89 msgid "Click on the following link to complete the registration." msgstr "Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para completar el registro." #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:90 msgid "Click here to complete your paid registration" msgstr "Haga clic aquí para completar su registro pagado" #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:95 msgid "" "If you have just made a membership payment then your payment is yet to be " "processed. Please check back in a few minutes. An email will be sent to you " "with the details shortly." msgstr "" "Si acaba de realizar un pago de membresía, su pago aún no se ha procesado. " "Por favor verifique nuevamente en unos minutos. En breve se le enviará un " "correo electrónico con los detalles." #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:109 msgid "Expiry: " msgstr "Expiración: " #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:111 #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:156 #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:238 msgid "You are not logged-in as a member" msgstr "No has iniciado sesión como miembro" #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:133 msgid "Logged in as: " msgstr "Conectado como: " #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:136 #: views/loggedin.php:31 msgid "Logout" msgstr "Cerrar sesión" #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:139 msgid "Login Here" msgstr "Entre aquí" #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:140 msgid "Not a member? " msgstr "¿No es un miembro? " #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:141 msgid "Join Now" msgstr "Únete ahora" #: classes/shortcode-related/class.swpm-shortcodes-handler.php:218 msgid "Unsubscribe from PayPal" msgstr "Darse de baja de PayPal" #. translators: %1$d is error code; %2$s is error message. #: ipn/swpm-smart-checkout-ipn.php:271 ipn/swpm-smart-checkout-ipn.php:298 #, php-format msgid "" "Error occured during payment verification. Error code: %1$d. Message: %2$s" msgstr "" "Ocurrió un error durante la verificación del pago. Código de error: %1$d. " "Mensaje: %2$s" #. translators: %1$s is expected amount, %2$s is expected currency. #: ipn/swpm-smart-checkout-ipn.php:312 #, php-format msgid "" "Payment check failed: invalid amount received. Expected %1$s %2$s, got %3$s " "%4$s." msgstr "" "Comprobación de pago fallida: importe recibido no válido. Esperaba %1$s " "%2$s, obtuvo %3$s %4$s." #: ipn/swpm-smart-checkout-ipn.php:348 msgid "Empty payment data received." msgstr "Datos de pago vacíos recibidos." #: ipn/swpm-smart-checkout-ipn.php:407 msgid "IPN product validation failed. Check the debug log for more details." msgstr "" "La validación del producto IPN falló. Consulte el registro de depuración " "para obtener más detalles." #: views/account_delete_warning.php:7 msgid "" "You are about to delete an account. This will delete user data associated " "with this account. " msgstr "" "Está a punto de eliminar una cuenta. Esto eliminará los datos de usuario " "asociados con esta cuenta. " #: views/account_delete_warning.php:8 msgid "It will also delete the associated WordPress user account." msgstr "También eliminará la cuenta de usuario de WordPress asociada." #: views/account_delete_warning.php:9 msgid "" "(NOTE: for safety, we do not allow deletion of any associated WordPress " "account with administrator role)." msgstr "" "(NOTA: por seguridad, no permitimos la eliminación de ninguna cuenta de " "WordPress asociada con función de administrador)." #: views/account_delete_warning.php:10 msgid "Continue?" msgstr "¿Continuar?" #: views/account_delete_warning.php:13 msgid "Password: " msgstr "Contraseña: " #: views/account_delete_warning.php:14 msgid "Confirm Account Deletion" msgstr "Confirmar eliminación de cuenta" #: views/add.php:26 views/admin_add.php:20 views/admin_edit.php:44 #: views/edit.php:31 views/login.php:28 msgid "Password" msgstr "Contraseña" #: views/add.php:30 views/edit.php:35 msgid "Repeat Password" msgstr "Repita la contraseña" #: views/add.php:68 msgid "I accept the " msgstr "acepto el " #: views/add.php:80 msgid "I agree to the " msgstr "Estoy de acuerdo con la " #: views/add.php:80 msgid "Privacy Policy" msgstr "Política de privacidad" #: views/add.php:91 msgid "Register" msgstr "Registro" #: views/admin_add.php:8 msgid "Create a brand new user and add it to this site." msgstr "Crea un nuevo usuario y agrégalo a este sitio." #: views/admin_add.php:12 views/admin_add.php:16 views/admin_add_level.php:12 #: views/admin_add_level.php:16 views/admin_add_level.php:20 #: views/admin_edit.php:19 views/admin_edit.php:40 #: views/admin_edit_level.php:16 views/admin_edit_level.php:20 #: views/admin_edit_level.php:24 msgid "(required)" msgstr "(requerido)" #: views/admin_add.php:16 views/admin_edit.php:40 msgid "E-mail" msgstr "Correo electrónico" #: views/admin_add.php:20 msgid "(twice, required)" msgstr "(dos veces, requerido)" #: views/admin_add.php:25 views/admin_edit.php:48 msgid "Strength indicator" msgstr "(dos veces, requerido)" #: views/admin_add.php:26 views/admin_edit.php:49 msgid "" "Hint: The password should be at least seven characters long. To make it " "stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! \" ? " "$ % ^ & )." msgstr "" "Sugerencia: la contraseña debe tener al menos siete caracteres. Para hacerlo " "más fuerte, use letras mayúsculas y minúsculas, números y símbolos como ! " "\" ? $ % ^ & )." #: views/admin_add.php:30 views/admin_edit.php:53 views/loggedin.php:10 msgid "Account Status" msgstr "Estado de la Cuenta" #: views/admin_add.php:49 msgid "Add New Member " msgstr "Agregar nuevo miembro" #: views/admin_add_level.php:6 msgid "Add Membership Level" msgstr "Agregar nivel de membresía" #: views/admin_add_level.php:7 msgid "Create new membership level." msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:12 views/admin_edit_level.php:16 msgid "Membership Level Name" msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:16 views/admin_edit_level.php:20 msgid "Default WordPress Role" msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:20 views/admin_edit_level.php:24 msgid "Access Duration" msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:23 msgid "No Expiry (Access for this level will not expire until cancelled" msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:24 views/admin_add_level.php:26 #: views/admin_add_level.php:28 views/admin_add_level.php:30 #: views/admin_edit_level.php:28 views/admin_edit_level.php:31 #: views/admin_edit_level.php:34 views/admin_edit_level.php:37 msgid "Expire After" msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:25 views/admin_edit_level.php:29 msgid "Days (Access expires after given number of days)" msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:27 msgid "Weeks (Access expires after given number of weeks" msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:29 views/admin_edit_level.php:35 msgid "Months (Access expires after given number of months)" msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:31 views/admin_edit_level.php:38 msgid "Years (Access expires after given number of years)" msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:32 views/admin_edit_level.php:40 msgid "Fixed Date Expiry" msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:33 views/admin_edit_level.php:41 msgid "(Access expires on a fixed date)" msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:38 views/admin_edit_level.php:46 msgid "Email Activation" msgstr "Activación de correo electrónico" #: views/admin_add_level.php:43 msgid "" "Enable new user activation via email. When enabled, members will need to " "click on an activation link that is sent to their email address to activate " "the account. Useful for free membership. " msgstr "" "Habilitar la activación de nuevos usuarios por correo electrónico. Cuando " "esté habilitado, los miembros deberán hacer clic en un enlace de activación " "que se envía a su dirección de correo electrónico para activar la cuenta. " "Útil para la membresía gratuita." #: views/admin_add_level.php:44 views/admin_edit_level.php:52 msgid "View Documentation" msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:45 views/admin_edit_level.php:53 msgid "Note:" msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:45 msgid "" "If enabled, the member's decryptable password is temporarily stored in the " "database until the account is activated." msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_level.php:52 msgid "Add New Membership Level " msgstr "" #: views/admin_add_ons_page.php:11 msgid "Simple WP Membership::Add-ons" msgstr "" #: views/admin_addon_settings.php:3 msgid "" "Some of the simple membership plugin's addon settings and options will be " "displayed here (if you have them)" msgstr "" #: views/admin_addon_settings.php:9 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "" #: views/admin_category_list.php:5 msgid "" "First of all, globally protect the category on your site by selecting " "\"General Protection\" from the drop-down box below and then select the " "categories that should be protected from non-logged in users." msgstr "" #: views/admin_category_list.php:8 msgid "" "Next, select an existing membership level from the drop-down box below and " "then select the categories you want to grant access to (for that particular " "membership level)." msgstr "" #: views/admin_category_list.php:11 views/admin_post_list.php:11 msgid "Read the " msgstr "" #: views/admin_category_list.php:11 msgid "category protection documentation" msgstr "" #: views/admin_category_list.php:11 msgid "to learn more." msgstr "" #: views/admin_category_list.php:21 views/admin_post_list.php:34 msgid "General Protection" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:11 msgid "Edit Member" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:13 msgid "Edit existing member details." msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:14 msgid " You are currently editing member with member ID: " msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:44 msgid "(twice, leave empty to retain old password)" msgstr "(Dos veces, deje vacío para retener la contraseña antigua)" #: views/admin_edit.php:59 msgid "" "This is the member's account status. If you want to manually activate an " "expired member's account then read" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:60 msgid "this documentation" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:61 msgid " to learn how to do it." msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:66 msgid "Notify User" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:69 msgid "" "You can use this option to send a quick notification email to this member " "(the email will be sent when you hit the save button below)." msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:103 msgid "Subscriber ID/Reference" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:107 msgid "Expiry Date" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:114 msgid "" "This is calculated based on the current membership level assigned to this " "member and the expiry condition that you have set for that membership level." msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:119 msgid "Last Accessed Date" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:122 views/admin_edit.php:129 msgid "This value gets updated when this member logs into your site." msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:126 msgid "Last Accessed From IP" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:137 msgid "Save Data" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit.php:142 msgid "Delete User Profile" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit_level.php:6 msgid "Edit membership level" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit_level.php:9 msgid "" "You can edit details of a selected membership level from this interface. " msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit_level.php:10 msgid "You are currently editing: " msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit_level.php:27 msgid "No Expiry (Access for this level will not expire until cancelled)" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit_level.php:32 msgid "Weeks (Access expires after given number of weeks)" msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit_level.php:51 msgid "" "Enable new user activation via email. When enabled, members will need to " "click on an activation link that is sent to their email address to activate " "the account. Useful for free membership." msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit_level.php:53 msgid "" "If enabled, decryptable member password is temporarily stored in the " "database until the account is activated." msgstr "" #: views/admin_edit_level.php:60 msgid "Save Membership Level " msgstr "" #: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:14 #: includes/swpm_mda_show_profile.php:37 msgid "Gender" msgstr "" #: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:21 views/edit.php:47 #: includes/swpm_mda_show_profile.php:34 msgid "Phone" msgstr "" #: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:25 views/edit.php:51 msgid "Street" msgstr "" #: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:29 views/edit.php:55 msgid "City" msgstr "" #: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:33 views/edit.php:59 msgid "State" msgstr "" #: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:37 views/edit.php:63 msgid "Zipcode" msgstr "" #: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:41 views/edit.php:67 #: includes/swpm_mda_show_profile.php:33 msgid "Country" msgstr "" #: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:45 #: includes/swpm_mda_show_profile.php:38 msgid "Company" msgstr "" #: views/admin_member_form_common_part.php:49 #: includes/swpm_mda_show_profile.php:36 msgid "Member Since" msgstr "" #: views/admin_members_list.php:32 msgid "All" msgstr "" #: views/admin_members_list.php:37 views/admin_members_list.php:47 msgid "Incomplete" msgstr "" #: views/admin_membership_manage.php:19 msgid "Example Content Protection Settings" msgstr "" #: views/admin_post_list.php:5 msgid "" "First of all, globally protect posts and pages on your site by selecting " "\"General Protection\" from the drop-down box below and then select posts " "and pages that should be protected from non-logged in users." msgstr "" #: views/admin_post_list.php:8 msgid "" "Next, select an existing membership level from the drop-down box below and " "then select posts and pages you want to grant access to (for that particular " "membership level)." msgstr "" #: views/admin_post_list.php:11 msgid "bulk protect posts and pages documentation" msgstr "" #: views/admin_post_list.php:11 msgid " to learn how to use it." msgstr "" #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:14 msgid "The required pages have been re-created." msgstr "" #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:21 msgid "Generate a Registration Completion link" msgstr "" #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:24 msgid "" "You can manually generate a registration completion link here and give it to " "your customer if they have missed the email that was automatically sent out " "to them after the payment." msgstr "" #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:29 msgid "Generate Registration Completion Link" msgstr "" #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:32 msgid "OR" msgstr "" #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:33 msgid "For All Incomplete Registrations" msgstr "" #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:38 msgid "Send Registration Reminder Email Too" msgstr "" #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:44 msgid "Submit" msgstr "" #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:53 msgid "" "Link(s) generated successfully. The following link(s) can be used to " "complete the registration." msgstr "" #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:55 msgid "Registration completion links will appear below" msgstr "" #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:65 msgid "A prompt to complete registration email was also sent." msgstr "" "También se envió un mensaje para completar el correo electrónico de registro." #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:78 views/admin_tools_settings.php:88 msgid "Re-create the Required Pages" msgstr "" #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:81 msgid "" "If you have accidentally deleted the required pages that this plugin creates " "at install time, you can use this option to re-create them." msgstr "" #: views/admin_tools_settings.php:82 msgid " has full explanation." msgstr "" #: views/edit.php:32 views/edit.php:36 msgid "Leave empty to keep the current password" msgstr "" #: views/edit.php:71 msgid "Company Name" msgstr "" #: views/edit.php:84 msgid "Update" msgstr "" #: views/forgot_password.php:12 msgid "Reset Password" msgstr "" #: views/loggedin.php:6 msgid "Logged in as" msgstr "" #: views/loggedin.php:14 msgid "Membership" msgstr "" #: views/loggedin.php:18 msgid "Account Expiry" msgstr "" #: views/loggedin.php:26 msgid "Edit Profile" msgstr "" #: views/login.php:7 msgid "Username or Email" msgstr "Nombre de usuario o correo electrónico" #: views/login.php:36 msgid "Show password" msgstr "Mostrar contraseña" #: views/login.php:41 msgid "Remember Me" msgstr "Recuérdame" #: views/login.php:50 msgid "Forgot Password?" msgstr "¿Has olvidado tu contraseña?" #: views/payments/admin_add_edit_transaction_manually.php:68 msgid "Add New Transaction" msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_add_edit_transaction_manually.php:99 #: includes/swpm_mda_show_profile.php:26 msgid "Member ID" msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_add_edit_transaction_manually.php:160 msgid "Save Transaction Data" msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_all_payment_transactions.php:6 msgid "All the payments/transactions of your members are recorded here." msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_all_payment_transactions.php:12 msgid "Search for a transaction by using email or name" msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_all_payment_transactions.php:50 msgid "Add a Transaction Manually" msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_create_payment_buttons.php:17 msgid "" "You can create a new payment button for your memberships using this " "interface." msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_create_payment_buttons.php:25 msgid "Select Payment Button Type" msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_create_payment_buttons.php:58 msgid "Next" msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_edit_payment_buttons.php:17 msgid "You can edit a payment button using this interface." msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_payment_buttons.php:6 msgid "" "All the membership buttons that you created in the plugin are displayed here." msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_payment_settings.php:33 msgid "PayPal Integration Settings" msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_payment_settings.php:36 msgid "Generate the \"Advanced Variables\" Code for your PayPal button" msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_payment_settings.php:39 msgid "Enter the Membership Level ID" msgstr "" #: views/payments/admin_payment_settings.php:41 msgid "Generate Code" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_braintree_buy_now_button.php:22 msgid "Braintree Buy Now Button Configuration" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_braintree_buy_now_button.php:34 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:216 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:33 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:304 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:316 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:298 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:92 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:92 msgid "Button ID" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_braintree_buy_now_button.php:42 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:26 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:224 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:41 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:27 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:312 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:36 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:323 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:36 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:305 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:100 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:100 msgid "Button Title" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_braintree_buy_now_button.php:60 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:44 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:242 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:59 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:54 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:339 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:54 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:321 msgid "Payment Amount" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_braintree_buy_now_button.php:68 msgid "" "Braintree API key and account details. You can get this from your Braintree " "account." msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_braintree_buy_now_button.php:72 msgid "Merchant ID" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_braintree_buy_now_button.php:80 msgid "Public Key" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_braintree_buy_now_button.php:87 msgid "Private Key" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_braintree_buy_now_button.php:95 msgid "Merchant Account ID" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_braintree_buy_now_button.php:113 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:145 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:429 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:145 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:411 msgid "The following details are optional." msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_braintree_buy_now_button.php:117 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:92 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:290 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:204 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:172 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:459 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:158 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:442 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:158 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:424 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:227 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:219 msgid "Return URL" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_braintree_buy_now_button.php:128 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:127 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:325 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:215 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:201 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:488 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:188 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:472 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:188 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:454 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:248 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:240 msgid "Save Payment Data" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:16 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:207 msgid "PayPal Buy Now Button Configuration" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:52 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:250 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:67 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:45 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:330 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:62 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:346 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:62 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:328 msgid "Payment Currency" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:100 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:298 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:85 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:370 msgid "PayPal Email" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:108 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:306 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:180 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:467 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:166 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:450 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:166 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:432 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:235 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:227 msgid "Button Image URL" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:116 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_buy_now_button.php:314 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:188 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:475 msgid "Custom Checkout Page Logo Image" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:21 msgid "PayPal Smart Checkout Button Configuration" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:107 msgid "" "PayPal Smart Checkout API Credentials (you can get this from your PayPal " "account)" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:111 msgid "Live Client ID" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:119 msgid "Live Secret" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:127 msgid "Sandbox Client ID" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:135 msgid "Sandbox Secret" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:143 msgid "Button Appearance Settings" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:147 msgid "Size" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:150 msgid "Medium" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:151 msgid "Large" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:152 msgid "Repsonsive" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:154 msgid "Select button size." msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:158 msgid "Color" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:161 msgid "Gold" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:162 msgid "Blue" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:163 msgid "Silver" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:164 msgid "Black" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:166 msgid "Select button color." msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:170 msgid "Shape" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:172 msgid "Rectangular" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:173 msgid "Pill" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:174 msgid "Select button shape." msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:178 msgid "Layout" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:180 msgid "Vertical" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:181 msgid "Horizontal" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:182 msgid "Select button layout." msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:187 msgid "Additional Settings" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:191 msgid "Payment Methods" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:193 msgid "PayPal Credit" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:194 msgid "ELV" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:195 msgid "" "Select payment methods that could be used by customers. Note that payment " "with cards is always enabled." msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_smart_checkout_button.php:200 msgid "The following details are optional" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:18 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:298 msgid "PayPal Subscription Button Configuration" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:93 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:378 msgid "Billing Amount Each Cycle" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:101 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:386 msgid "Billing Cycle" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:114 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:399 msgid "Billing Cycle Count" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:122 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:407 msgid "Re-attempt on Failure" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:135 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:422 msgid "" "Trial Billing Details (Leave empty if you are not offering a trial period)" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:141 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:428 msgid "Trial Billing Amount" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:149 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:436 msgid "Trial Billing Period" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:166 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_paypal_subscription_button.php:453 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:213 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:205 msgid "Optional Details" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:26 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:307 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:289 msgid "Stripe Buy Now Button Configuration" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:102 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:386 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:102 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:368 msgid "Stripe API keys. You can get this from your Stripe account." msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:107 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:391 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:107 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:373 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:148 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:140 msgid "Use Global API Keys Settings" msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:110 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:394 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:110 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:376 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:151 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:143 msgid "" "Use API keys from <a href=\"admin.php?" "page=simple_wp_membership_settings&tab=2\" target=\"_blank\">Payment " "Settings</a> tab." msgstr "" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:150 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_buy_now_button.php:434 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:150 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:416 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:219 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:211 msgid "Collect Customer Address" msgstr "Recopilar dirección del cliente" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_buy_now_button.php:26 msgid "Stripe SCA Buy Now Button Configuration" msgstr "Configuración del botón Comprar ahora de Stripe SCA" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:84 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:84 msgid "Stripe Subscription Button Configuration" msgstr "Configuración del Botón de Suscripción de Stripe" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:118 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:118 msgid "Stripe API ID" msgstr "ID de API de Stripe" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:129 msgid "Trial Period" msgstr "Periodo de prueba" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:142 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:134 msgid "Stripe API Settings" msgstr "Configuración de la API de Stripe" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_sca_subscription_button.php:188 msgid "Webhook Endpoint URL" msgstr "URL de punto final de webhook" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/admin_stripe_subscription_button.php:180 msgid "Webook Endpoint URL" msgstr "URL de punto final de Webook" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/braintree_button_shortcode_view.php:21 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/paypal_button_shortcode_view.php:100 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/paypal_button_shortcode_view.php:102 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/paypal_smart_checkout_button_shortcode_view.php:15 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/stripe_button_shortcode_view.php:20 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/stripe_button_shortcode_view.php:161 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/stripe_sca_button_shortcode_view.php:20 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/stripe_sca_button_shortcode_view.php:144 msgid "Buy Now" msgstr "Comprar Ahora" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/paypal_button_shortcode_view.php:235 #: views/payments/payment-gateway/paypal_button_shortcode_view.php:237 msgid "Subscribe Now" msgstr "Suscríbase Ahora" #: views/payments/payment-gateway/paypal_smart_checkout_button_shortcode_view.php:155 msgid "Error occurred during PayPal Smart Checkout process." msgstr "Se produjo un error durante el proceso de pago inteligente de PayPal." #: views/payments/payment-gateway/paypal_smart_checkout_button_shortcode_view.php:184 msgid "HTTP error occurred during payment process:" msgstr "Se produjo un error HTTP durante el proceso de pago:" #. Description of the plugin/theme msgid "" "A flexible, well-supported, and easy-to-use WordPress membership plugin for " "offering free and premium content from your WordPress site." msgstr "" "Un complemento de membresía de WordPress flexible, bien respaldado y fácil " "de usar para ofrecer contenido gratuito y premium desde su sitio de " "WordPress." #: Translation strings from addons === Form builder addon msgid "Type password here" msgstr "Escriba la contraseña aquí" msgid "Retype password here" msgstr "Vuelva a escribir la contraseña aquí" msgid "Registration is complete. You can now log into the site." msgstr "El registro está completo. Ahora puede iniciar sesión en el sitio." msgid " Field has invalid character" msgstr "El campo tiene un carácter no válido " msgid " Password does not match" msgstr "Las contraseñas no coinciden " msgid "Already taken." msgstr "Ya apartadas." msgid "Street Address" msgstr "Dirección" msgid "Apt, Suite, Bldg. (optional)" msgstr "Edificio de apartamentos. (opcional)" msgid "State / Province / Region" msgstr "Estado / Provincia / Región" msgid "Postal / Zip Code" msgstr "Código postal" msgid "" "Check this box to delete the image. The image will be deleted when you save " "the profile." msgstr "" "Marque esta casilla para eliminar la imagen. La imagen se eliminará cuando " "guardes el perfil." msgid "You will need to re-login since you changed your password." msgstr "Deberá volver a iniciar sesión ya que cambió su contraseña." msgid "" "Please enter any two digits with <strong>no</strong> spaces (Example: 12)" msgstr "Ingrese dos dígitos sin <strong>sin</strong> espacios (Ejemplo: 12)" msgid "Verification" msgstr "Verificación" msgid "Please enter any two digits with no spaces (Example: 12)*" msgstr "Ingrese dos dígitos cualesquiera sin espacios (Ejemplo: 12)*" msgid "Username can only contain: letters, numbers and .-*@" msgstr "El nombre de usuario solo puede contener: letras, números y .-*@" msgid "Allowed characters are: letters, numbers and .-_*@" msgstr "Los caracteres permitidos son: letras, números y .-_*@" msgid "Please check at least one." msgstr "Por favor marque al menos uno." #: === Partial protection addon strings msgid "You do not have permission to view this content." msgstr "No tienes permiso para ver este contenido." msgid "Your membership level does not have permission to view this content." msgstr "Su nivel de membresía no tiene permiso para ver este contenido." msgid "This content is for members only." msgstr "Este contenido es solo para miembros." #: === Member Directory Listing addon strings swpm-member-directory-admin.php:9 msgid "Member Directory" msgstr "Directorio de miembros" #: includes/swpm_mda_show_profile.php:30 msgid "Level" msgstr "Nivel" #: includes/swpm_mda_show_profile.php:32 msgid "Address" msgstr "Dirección " #: views/template-1.php:52 views/template-2.php:53 msgid "Search..." msgstr "Búsqueda..." #: views/template-1.php:60 views/template-2.php:62 msgid "Clear Search" msgstr "Borrar búsqueda" # === Misc Shortcodes Addon === msgid "You must be logged in to upgrade a membership." msgstr "Debe iniciar sesión para actualizar una membresía." msgid "Membership level has been updated." msgstr "El nivel de membresía ha sido actualizado." msgid "Already a member of this level." msgstr "Ya eres miembro de este nivel."
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