Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /var/softaculous/phpcol/settings.php
<?php /* * Application name: PhpCollab * Path by root: ../includes/settings.php * * File auto-generated @ 2021-10-11 05:34am * * For more information about this file, visit: * * */ # PhpCollab version $version = "2.10.3"; # installation type # Options: (default) online | offline $installationType = "online"; # select database application # Options: mysql | postgresql | sqlserver $databaseType = "mysql"; # database parameters define("MYSERVER", "[[softdbhost]]"); define("MYLOGIN", "[[softdbuser]]"); define("MYPASSWORD", "[[softdbpass]]"); define("MYDATABASE", "[[softdb]]"); # notification method # Option: (default) mail | smtp $notificationMethod = "mail"; # smtp parameters if ($notificationMethod === "smtp") { define("SMTPSERVER", ""); define("SMTPLOGIN", ""); define("SMTPPASSWORD", ""); define("SMTPPORT", ""); } # create folder method # Options: (default) PHP | FTP $mkdirMethod = "PHP"; # ftp parameters # note: only needed if the mkdirMethod is set to FTP if ($mkdirMethod === "FTP") { # PhpCollab root according to ftp account # note: No slash at the end $ftpRoot = ""; define("FTPSERVER", ""); define("FTPLOGIN", ""); define("FTPPASSWORD", ""); } # Invoicing module $enableInvoicing = false; # theme choice define("THEME", "default"); # newsdesk limiter $newsdesklimit = true; # if 1 the admin logs in his homepage $adminathome = false; # timezone GMT management $gmtTimezone = false; # language choice # (default) en $langDefault = "[[language]]"; # Mantis bug tracking parameters $enableMantis = false; if ($enableMantis === true) { # Mantis installation directory # note: add a slash at the end $pathMantis = ""; } # https related parameters $pathToOpenssl = "/usr/bin/openssl"; # login method, set to "CRYPT" # Options: (default) crypt | plain | md5 # It is highly recommended to NOT use MD5 or PLAIN $loginMethod = "crypt"; # enable LDAP $useLDAP = false; if ($useLDAP) { $configLDAP["ldapserver"] = ""; $configLDAP["searchroot"] = ""; } # htaccess parameters $htaccessAuth = false; if ($htaccessAuth) { # note: no slash at the end $fullPath = ""; } # file management parameters $fileManagement = true; # Size in bytes for uploads # Default is 10Mb $maxFileSize = 10485760; # Root Path # note: no slash at the end $root = "[[softurl]]"; # security issue to disallow php files upload $allowPhp = false; # project site creation $sitePublish = true; # enable update checker # (default) true $updateChecker = true; # e-mail notifications # (default) true $notifications = true; # show peer review area $peerReview = true; # show items for home $showHomeBookmarks = true; $showHomeProjects = true; $showHomeTasks = true; $showHomeSubtasks = true; $showHomeDiscussions = true; $showHomeReports = true; $showHomeNotes = true; $showHomeNewsdesk = true; # security issue to disallow auto-login from external link $forcedLogin = false; # table prefix $tablePrefix = "[[dbprefix]]"; # database tables $tableCollab["assignments"] = "[[dbprefix]]assignments"; $tableCollab["calendar"] = "[[dbprefix]]calendar"; $tableCollab["files"] = "[[dbprefix]]files"; $tableCollab["logs"] = "[[dbprefix]]logs"; $tableCollab["members"] = "[[dbprefix]]members"; $tableCollab["notes"] = "[[dbprefix]]notes"; $tableCollab["notifications"] = "[[dbprefix]]notifications"; $tableCollab["organizations"] = "[[dbprefix]]organizations"; $tableCollab["posts"] = "[[dbprefix]]posts"; $tableCollab["projects"] = "[[dbprefix]]projects"; $tableCollab["reports"] = "[[dbprefix]]reports"; $tableCollab["sorting"] = "[[dbprefix]]sorting"; $tableCollab["tasks"] = "[[dbprefix]]tasks"; $tableCollab["teams"] = "[[dbprefix]]teams"; $tableCollab["topics"] = "[[dbprefix]]topics"; $tableCollab["phases"] = "[[dbprefix]]phases"; $tableCollab["support_requests"] = "[[dbprefix]]support_requests"; $tableCollab["support_posts"] = "[[dbprefix]]support_posts"; $tableCollab["subtasks"] = "[[dbprefix]]subtasks"; $tableCollab["updates"] = "[[dbprefix]]updates"; $tableCollab["bookmarks"] = "[[dbprefix]]bookmarks"; $tableCollab["bookmarks_categories"] = "[[dbprefix]]bookmarks_categories"; $tableCollab["invoices"] = "[[dbprefix]]invoices"; $tableCollab["invoices_items"] = "[[dbprefix]]invoices_items"; $tableCollab["services"] = "[[dbprefix]]services"; $tableCollab["newsdeskcomments"] = "[[dbprefix]]newsdeskcomments"; $tableCollab["newsdeskposts"] = "[[dbprefix]]newsdeskposts"; # demo mode parameters $demoMode = false; $urlContact = ""; # Gantt graphs $activeJpgraph = true; # filter to see only logged user clients (in team / owner) $clientsFilter = true; # filter to see only logged user projects (in team / owner) $projectsFilter = true; # Enable help center support requests $enableHelpSupport = true; # Return email address given for clients to respond too. $supportEmail = ""; # Support Type # Options: (default) team | admin # If team is selected, a notification will be sent to everyone in the team when a new request is added $supportType = "team"; # enable the redirection to the last visited page, EXPERIMENTAL DO NOT USE IT $lastvisitedpage = false; # auto-publish tasks added from client site? $autoPublishTasks = false; # html header parameters $setTitle = "phpCollab"; $siteTitle = "phpCollab"; $setDescription = "Groupware module. Manage web projects with team collaboration, users management, tasks and projects tracking, files approval tracking, project sites clients access, customer relationship management (Php / Mysql, PostgreSQL or Sql Server)."; $setKeywords = "PhpCollab,, Sourceforge, management, web, projects, tasks, organizations, reports, Php, MySql, Sql Server, mssql, Microsoft Sql Server, PostgreSQL, module, application, module, file management, project site, team collaboration, free, crm, CRM, cutomer relationship management, workflow, workgroup"; # Email alerts $emailAlerts = false; /** * Authentication Settings */ $resetPasswordTimes = [ 'tokenLifespan' => 60, 'timeBetweenAttempts' => 15, 'attemptLimit' => 3 ]; /** * Debugging Settings. * DO NOT Change these on a Production server unless you know what you are doing. * Refer to: for more information */ # enable development bar in footer $footerDev = false; $logLevel = 400; $uuid = "[[uuid]]";
| ver. 1.4 |
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