Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/root/usr/share/ri/system/syntax/page-refinements_rdoc.ri
U:RDoc::TopLevel[ i I"syntax/refinements.rdoc:EFcRDoc::Parser::Simpleo:RDoc::Markup::Document:@parts[^S:RDoc::Markup::Heading: leveli: textI"Refinements;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLine o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph;[ I"RDue to Ruby's open classes you can redefine or add functionality to existing ;TI"Qclasses. This is called a "monkey patch". Unfortunately the scope of such ;TI"Lchanges is global. All users of the monkey-patched class see the same ;TI"Nchanges. This can cause unintended side-effects or breakage of programs.;T@ o; ;[I"ORefinements are designed to reduce the impact of monkey patching on other ;TI"Ousers of the monkey-patched class. Refinements provide a way to extend a ;TI"class locally.;T@ o; ;[I" Here is a basic refinement:;T@ o:RDoc::Markup::Verbatim;[I" class C ;TI" def foo ;TI" puts "C#foo" ;TI" end ;TI" end ;TI" ;TI"module M ;TI" refine C do ;TI" def foo ;TI" puts "C#foo in M" ;TI" end ;TI" end ;TI" end ;T:@format0o; ;[I"PFirst, a class +C+ is defined. Next a refinement for +C+ is created using ;TI"RModule#refine. Refinements only modify classes, not modules so the argument ;TI"must be a class.;T@ o; ;[I"LModule#refine creates an anonymous module that contains the changes or ;TI"Srefinements to the class (+C+ in the example). +self+ in the refine block is ;TI"9this anonymous module similar to Module#module_eval.;T@ o; ;[I")Activate the refinement with #using:;T@ o;;[ I" using M ;TI" ;TI"c = ;TI" ;TI"! # prints "C#foo in M" ;T;0S; ; i;I" Scope;T@ o; ;[ I"PYou may activate refinements at top-level, and inside classes and modules. ;TI"RYou may not activate refinements in method scope. Refinements are activated ;TI"Runtil the end of the current class or module definition, or until the end of ;TI"/the current file if used at the top-level.;T@ o; ;[I"QYou may activate refinements in a string passed to Kernel#eval. Refinements ;TI"+are active the end of the eval string.;T@ o; ;[I"SRefinements are lexical in scope. Refinements are only active within a scope ;TI"Tafter the call to using. Any code before the using statement will not have the ;TI"refinement activated.;T@ o; ;[I"RWhen control is transferred outside the scope the refinement is deactivated. ;TI"TThis means that if you require or load a file or call a method that is defined ;TI"Boutside the current scope the refinement will be deactivated:;T@ o;;[I" class C ;TI" end ;TI" ;TI"module M ;TI" refine C do ;TI" def foo ;TI" puts "C#foo in M" ;TI" end ;TI" end ;TI" end ;TI" ;TI"def call_foo(x) ;TI" ;TI" end ;TI" ;TI" using M ;TI" ;TI"x = ;TI"' # prints "C#foo in M" ;TI"*call_foo(x) #=> raises NoMethodError ;T;0o; ;[I"SIf a method is defined in a scope where a refinement is active the refinement ;TI"Rwill be active when the method is called. This example spans multiple files:;T@ o; ;[I" c.rb:;T@ o;;[I" class C ;TI" end ;T;0o; ;[I" m.rb:;T@ o;;[I"require "c" ;TI" ;TI"module M ;TI" refine C do ;TI" def foo ;TI" puts "C#foo in M" ;TI" end ;TI" end ;TI" end ;T;0o; ;[I"m_user.rb:;T@ o;;[I"require "m" ;TI" ;TI" using M ;TI" ;TI"class MUser ;TI" def call_foo(x) ;TI" ;TI" end ;TI" end ;T;0o; ;[I" main.rb:;T@ o;;[I"require "m_user" ;TI" ;TI"x = ;TI"m_user = ;TI".m_user.call_foo(x) # prints "C#foo in M" ;TI" #=> raises NoMethodError ;T;0o; ;[I"HSince the refinement +M+ is active in <code>m_user.rb</code> where ;TI"C<code>MUser#call_foo</code> is defined it is also active when ;TI"+<code>main.rb</code> calls +call_foo+.;T@ o; ;[I"TSince #using is a method, refinements are only active when it is called. Here ;TI"Aare examples of where a refinement +M+ is and is not active.;T@ o; ;[I"In a file:;T@ o;;[I"# not activated here ;TI" using M ;TI"# activated here ;TI"class Foo ;TI" # activated here ;TI" def foo ;TI" # activated here ;TI" end ;TI" # activated here ;TI" end ;TI"# activated here ;T;0o; ;[I"In a class:;T@ o;;[I"# not activated here ;TI"class Foo ;TI" # not activated here ;TI" def foo ;TI" # not activated here ;TI" end ;TI" using M ;TI" # activated here ;TI" def bar ;TI" # activated here ;TI" end ;TI" # activated here ;TI" end ;TI"# not activated here ;T;0o; ;[I"QNote that the refinements in M are not activated automatically if the class ;TI"Foo is reopened later.;T@ o; ;[I" In eval:;T@ o;;[I"# not activated here ;TI"eval <<EOF ;TI" # not activated here ;TI" using M ;TI" # activated here ;TI" EOF ;TI"# not activated here ;T;0o; ;[I"When not evaluated:;T@ o;;[ I"# not activated here ;TI"if false ;TI" using M ;TI" end ;TI"# not activated here ;T;0o; ;[I"RWhen defining multiple refinements in the same module, inside a refine block ;TI"Nall refinements from the same module are active when a refined method is ;TI"called:;T@ o;;[I"module ToJSON ;TI" refine Integer do ;TI" def to_json ;TI" to_s ;TI" end ;TI" end ;TI" ;TI" refine Array do ;TI" def to_json ;TI"7 "[" + map { |i| i.to_json }.join(",") + "]" ;TI" end ;TI" end ;TI" ;TI" refine Hash do ;TI" def to_json ;TI"N "{" + map { |k, v| k.to_s.dump + ":" + v.to_json }.join(",") + "}" ;TI" end ;TI" end ;TI" end ;TI" ;TI"using ToJSON ;TI" ;TI"Ap [{1=>2}, {3=>4}].to_json # prints "[{\"1\":2},{\"3\":4}]" ;T;0S; ; i;I"Method Lookup;T@ o; ;[I"GWhen looking up a method for an instance of class +C+ Ruby checks:;T@ o:RDoc::Markup::List: @type:BULLET:@items[ o:RDoc::Markup::ListItem:@label0;[o; ;[I"QIf refinements are active for +C+, in the reverse order they were activated:;To;;;;[o;;0;[o; ;[I"6The prepended modules from the refinement for +C+;To;;0;[o; ;[I"The refinement for +C+;To;;0;[o; ;[I"5The included modules from the refinement for +C+;To;;0;[o; ;[I"!The prepended modules of +C+;To;;0;[o; ;[I"+C+;To;;0;[o; ;[I" The included modules of +C+;T@ o; ;[I"QIf no method was found at any point this repeats with the superclass of +C+.;T@ o; ;[ I"INote that methods in a subclass have priority over refinements in a ;TI"Lsuperclass. For example, if the method <code>/</code> is defined in a ;TI"Mrefinement for Integer <code>1 / 2</code> invokes the original Fixnum#/ ;TI"Tbecause Fixnum is a subclass of Integer and is searched before the refinements ;TI" for the superclass Integer.;T@ o; ;[I"QIf a method +foo+ is defined on Integer in a refinement, <code></code> ;TI">invokes that method since +foo+ does not exist on Fixnum.;T@ S; ; i;I"+super+;T@ o; ;[I"2When +super+ is invoked method lookup checks:;T@ o;;;;[o;;0;[o; ;[I"QThe included modules of the current class. Note that the current class may ;TI"be a refinement.;To;;0;[o; ;[I"PIf the current class is a refinement, the method lookup proceeds as in the ;TI"!Method Lookup section above.;To;;0;[o; ;[I"QIf the current class has a direct superclass, the method proceeds as in the ;TI"6Method Lookup section above using the superclass.;T@ o; ;[I"MNote that +super+ in a method of a refinement invokes the method in the ;TI"Srefined class even if there is another refinement which has been activated in ;TI"the same context.;T@ S; ; i;I"Indirect Method Calls;T@ o; ;[I"MWhen using indirect method access such as Kernel#send, Kernel#method or ;TI"RKernel#respond_to? refinements are not honored for the caller context during ;TI"method lookup.;T@ o; ;[I"0This behavior may be changed in the future.;T@ S; ; i;I"Further Reading;T@ o; ;[I"USee for the ;TI"Qcurrent specification for implementing refinements. The specification also ;TI"contains more details.;T: @file@:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below0
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