Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/root/usr/share/ri/system/syntax/page-exceptions_rdoc.ri
U:RDoc::TopLevel[ i I"syntax/exceptions.rdoc:EFcRDoc::Parser::Simpleo:RDoc::Markup::Document:@parts['S:RDoc::Markup::Heading: leveli: textI"Exception Handling;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLine o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph;[I"5Exceptions are rescued in a +begin+/+end+ block:;T@ o:RDoc::Markup::Verbatim;[ I"begin ;TI" # code that might raise ;TI"rescue ;TI" # handle exception ;TI" end ;T:@format0o; ;[I"TIf you are inside a method, you do not need to use +begin+ or +end+ unless you ;TI"3wish to limit the scope of rescued exceptions:;T@ o;;[ I"def my_method ;TI" # ... ;TI"rescue ;TI" # ... ;TI" end ;T;0o; ;[I"0The same is true for a +class+ or +module+.;T@ o; ;[I"FYou can assign the exception to a local variable by using <tt>=> ;TI"8variable_name</tt> at the end of the +rescue+ line:;T@ o;;[I"begin ;TI" # ... ;TI"rescue => exception ;TI" warn exception.message ;TI". raise # re-raise the current exception ;TI" end ;T;0o; ;[I"QBy default, StandardError and its subclasses are rescued. You can rescue a ;TI"Tspecific set of exception classes (and their subclasses) by listing them after ;TI"+rescue+:;T@ o;;[ I"begin ;TI" # ... ;TI"%rescue ArgumentError, NameError ;TI"+ # handle ArgumentError or NameError ;TI" end ;T;0o; ;[I"DYou may rescue different types of exceptions in different ways:;T@ o;;[I"begin ;TI" # ... ;TI"rescue ArgumentError ;TI" # handle ArgumentError ;TI"rescue NameError ;TI" # handle NameError ;TI"rescue ;TI"" # handle any StandardError ;TI" end ;T;0o; ;[I"UThe exception is matched to the rescue section starting at the top, and matches ;TI"Tonly once. If an ArgumentError is raised in the begin section, it will not be ;TI"*handled in the StandardError section.;T@ o; ;[I"&You may retry rescued exceptions:;T@ o;;[I"begin ;TI" # ... ;TI"rescue ;TI"D # do something that may change the result of the begin block ;TI" retry ;TI" end ;T;0o; ;[I"QExecution will resume at the start of the begin block, so be careful not to ;TI"create an infinite loop.;T@ o; ;[ I"RInside a rescue block is the only valid location for +retry+, all other uses ;TI"Swill raise a SyntaxError. If you wish to retry a block iteration use +redo+. ;TI"MSee {Control Expressions}[rdoc-ref:syntax/control_expressions.rdoc] for ;TI" details.;T@ o; ;[I"RTo always run some code whether an exception was raised or not, use +ensure+:;T@ o;;[I"begin ;TI" # ... ;TI"rescue ;TI" # ... ;TI"ensure ;TI" # this always runs ;TI" end ;T;0o; ;[I"@You may also run some code when an exception is not raised:;T@ o;;[I"begin ;TI" # ... ;TI"rescue ;TI" # ... ;TI" else ;TI"5 # this runs only when no exception was raised ;TI"ensure ;TI" # ... ;TI"end;T;0: @file@:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below0
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