Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/root/usr/share/ri/system/TracePoint/new-c.ri
U:RDoc::AnyMethod[iI"new:ETI"TracePoint::new;TT:publico:RDoc::Markup::Document:@parts[o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph; [I"=Returns a new TracePoint object, not enabled by default.;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLine o; ; [I"INext, in order to activate the trace, you must use TracePoint.enable;T@o:RDoc::Markup::Verbatim; [I"+trace = do |tp| ;TI"A p [tp.lineno, tp.defined_class, tp.method_id, tp.event] ;TI" end ;TI" #=> #<TracePoint:disabled> ;TI" ;TI"trace.enable ;TI"#=> false ;TI" ;TI"puts "Hello, TracePoint!" ;TI"# ... ;TI"=# [48, IRB::Notifier::AbstractNotifier, :printf, :call] ;TI"# ... ;T:@format0o; ; [I"KWhen you want to deactivate the trace, you must use TracePoint.disable;T@o;; [I"trace.disable ;T; 0o; ; [I"DSee TracePoint@Events for possible events and more information.;T@o; ; [I">A block must be given, otherwise a ThreadError is raised.;T@o; ; [I"FIf the trace method isn't included in the given events filter, a ;TI"RuntimeError is raised.;T@o;; [ I"%TracePoint.trace(:line) do |tp| ;TI" p tp.raised_exception ;TI" end ;TI"F#=> RuntimeError: 'raised_exception' not supported by this event ;T; 0o; ; [I"KIf the trace method is called outside block, a RuntimeError is raised.;T@o;; [ I"%TracePoint.trace(:line) do |tp| ;TI" $tp = tp ;TI" end ;TI"5$tp.line #=> access from outside (RuntimeError) ;T; 0o; ; [I"1Access from other threads is also forbidden.;T: @fileI"vm_trace.c;T:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below0I"*events) { |obj| block } -> obj ;T0[ I"(*args);T@BFI"TracePoint;TcRDoc::NormalClass00
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