Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/root/usr/share/ri/system/CGI/Session/new-c.ri
U:RDoc::AnyMethod[iI"new:ETI"CGI::Session::new;TT:publico:RDoc::Markup::Document:@parts[o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph; [I"4Create a new CGI::Session object for +request+.;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLine o; ; [ I"?+request+ is an instance of the +CGI+ class (see cgi.rb). ;TI"9+option+ is a hash of options for initialising this ;TI"7CGI::Session instance. The following options are ;TI"recognised:;T@o:RDoc::Markup::List: @type: NOTE:@items[ o:RDoc::Markup::ListItem:@label[I"session_key;T; [o; ; [I"1the parameter name used for the session id. ;TI"Defaults to '_session_id'.;To;;[I"session_id;T; [o; ; [ I"3the session id to use. If not provided, then ;TI"6it is retrieved from the +session_key+ parameter ;TI"4of the request, or automatically generated for ;TI"a new session.;To;;[I"new_session;T; [o; ; [ I"<if true, force creation of a new session. If not set, ;TI"5a new session is only created if none currently ;TI"8exists. If false, a new session is never created, ;TI"7and if none currently exists and the +session_id+ ;TI"3option is not set, an ArgumentError is raised.;To;;[I"database_manager;T; [o; ; [I"8the name of the class providing storage facilities ;TI"6for session state persistence. Built-in support ;TI"0is provided for +FileStore+ (the default), ;TI"'+MemoryStore+, and +PStore+ (from ;TI"8cgi/session/pstore.rb). See the documentation for ;TI"$these classes for more details.;T@o; ; [I"FThe following options are also recognised, but only apply if the ;TI"&session id is stored in a cookie.;T@o;; ;;[ o;;[I"session_expires;T; [o; ; [I"0the time the current session expires, as a ;TI"<+Time+ object. If not set, the session will terminate ;TI"'when the user's browser is closed.;To;;[I"session_domain;T; [o; ; [I":the hostname domain for which this session is valid. ;TI"8If not set, defaults to the hostname of the server.;To;;[I"session_secure;T; [o; ; [I"7if +true+, this session will only work over HTTPS.;To;;[I"session_path;T; [o; ; [I"8the path for which this session applies. Defaults ;TI"(to the directory of the CGI script.;T@o; ; [I"N+option+ is also passed on to the session storage class initializer; see ;TI"Fthe documentation for each session storage class for the options ;TI"they support.;T@o; ; [I"JThe retrieved or created session is automatically added to +request+ ;TI"Gas a cookie, and also to its +output_hidden+ table, which is used ;TI"+to add hidden input elements to forms.;T@o; ; [ I"#*WARNING* the +output_hidden+ ;TI"Kfields are surrounded by a <fieldset> tag in HTML 4 generation, which ;TI"Fis _not_ invisible on many browsers; you may wish to disable the ;TI"9use of fieldsets with code similar to the following ;TI"L(see;T@o:RDoc::Markup::Verbatim; [ I"cgi ="html4") ;TI"class << cgi ;TI" undef_method :fieldset ;TI"end;T:@format0: @fileI"lib/cgi/session.rb;T:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below000[ I"(request, option={});T@}FI"Session;TcRDoc::NormalClass00
| ver. 1.4 |
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