Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/share/doc/perl-Crypt-SSLeay-0.64/net-ssl-test
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use vars qw($opt_p $opt_n $opt_bench $opt_debug $opt_version $opt_v $opt_help $opt_cert $opt_key $opt_cafile $opt_cadir ); use lib qw(lib); use Net::SSL; use File::Basename; use Benchmark; use Getopt::Long; &GetOptions ('p:s' => \$opt_p, 'proxy:s' => \$opt_p, 'bench:n' => \$opt_bench, 'd' => \$opt_debug, 'version:i' => \$opt_version, 'v:i' => \$opt_version, 'h' => \$opt_help, 'help' => \$opt_help, 'cert:s' => \$opt_cert, 'key:s' => \$opt_key, 'CAfile:s' => \$opt_cafile, 'CAdir:s' => \$opt_cadir, ); my $basename = &File::Basename::basename($0); # define sub first, in case you are reading the source :) sub help { print <<HELP; Usage: $basename [-d] [-b=NNN] [-h] [-p proxy_name:port] [-CAfile=FILE] [GET|HEAD] [ssl_server_name] [port] -d Debug mode -b Benchmark NNN times, good test for memory leaks -h This help message -p Proxy server, via CONNECT method, localhost:80 format -cert client certificate file -key private key file -CAfile CA certificates file, use certs/ca-bundle.crt for primary root certs method defaults to HEAD ssl_server_name defaults to port defaults to 443 These are equivalent: ./net_ssl_test ./net_ssl_test HEAD 443 This might be how you debug your proxy: ./net_ssl_test -d -p http://proxy_name:80 Note http:// on proxy hostname is stripped off, and is meaningless to Crypt::SSLeay. HELP ; exit; } if($opt_help) { &help; }; if($opt_debug) { eval "use LWP::Debug qw(+)"; } my $method = (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) ? shift : "HEAD"; my($host, $port, $path); if($opt_bench) { $host = shift || die("need host, run like ./$basename HEAD"); } else { $host = shift || ""; } if($host =~ m|^(https://)?([^/:]+)(:(\d+))?(/.*)?$|) { ($host, $port, $path) = ($2, $4, $5); } $port ||= shift || 443; $path ||= '/'; if($opt_n) { $ENV{NO_PROXY} = $opt_n; } $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = $opt_p; $ENV{HTTPS_CERT_FILE} = $opt_cert; $ENV{HTTPS_KEY_FILE} = $opt_key; $opt_cafile && ( $ENV{HTTPS_CA_FILE} = $opt_cafile ); $opt_cadir && ( $ENV{HTTPS_CA_DIR} = $opt_cadir ); if($opt_version) { grep($opt_version eq $_, '2', '3', '23') || die("$opt_version must be one of 2, 3, or 23"); $ENV{HTTPS_VERSION} = $opt_version; } unless(eval { &ssl_connect() }) { print <<OUT; == FAILED TO CONNECT == Error: $@ If you need to use a proxy, please pass it in as an argument like ./net_ssl_test -p which sets \$ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} for you. OUT ; } if($opt_bench) { timethis($opt_bench, sub { &ssl_connect() }); } sub ssl_connect { my $sock = Net::SSL->new( PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, SSL_Debug => $opt_debug, Timeout => 15, ); $sock || ($@ ||= "no Net::SSL connection established"); my $error = $@; $error && die("Can't connect to $host:$port; $error; $!"); my $out; $out .= "WEB SITE : $host:$port\n"; $out .= "CIPHER : ".$sock->get_cipher."\n"; my $cert = $sock->get_peer_certificate; $out .= "CERT SUBJECT : ".$cert->subject_name."\n"; $out .= "CERTIFIED BY : ".$cert->issuer_name."\n"; $out .= "CERT NOT BEFORE: ".$cert->not_before."\n"; $out .= "CERT NOT AFTER : ".$cert->not_after."\n"; $out .= "\n"; $sock->print("$method $path HTTP/1.0\n\n"); print $out; $out = ''; my $buf = ''; while ($sock->read($buf, 1024)) { $out .= $buf; } unless($opt_bench) { print $out; } 1; }
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