Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/include/linux/ncp_fs.h
/* * ncp_fs.h * * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 by Volker Lendecke * */ #ifndef _LINUX_NCP_FS_H #define _LINUX_NCP_FS_H #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/in.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/magic.h> #include <linux/ipx.h> #include <linux/ncp_no.h> /* * ioctl commands */ struct ncp_ioctl_request { unsigned int function; unsigned int size; char *data; }; struct ncp_fs_info { int version; struct sockaddr_ipx addr; __kernel_uid_t mounted_uid; int connection; /* Connection number the server assigned us */ int buffer_size; /* The negotiated buffer size, to be used for read/write requests! */ int volume_number; __le32 directory_id; }; struct ncp_fs_info_v2 { int version; unsigned long mounted_uid; unsigned int connection; unsigned int buffer_size; unsigned int volume_number; __le32 directory_id; __u32 dummy1; __u32 dummy2; __u32 dummy3; }; struct ncp_sign_init { char sign_root[8]; char sign_last[16]; }; struct ncp_lock_ioctl { #define NCP_LOCK_LOG 0 #define NCP_LOCK_SH 1 #define NCP_LOCK_EX 2 #define NCP_LOCK_CLEAR 256 int cmd; int origin; unsigned int offset; unsigned int length; #define NCP_LOCK_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 18 #define NCP_LOCK_MAX_TIMEOUT 180 int timeout; }; struct ncp_setroot_ioctl { int volNumber; int namespace; __le32 dirEntNum; }; struct ncp_objectname_ioctl { #define NCP_AUTH_NONE 0x00 #define NCP_AUTH_BIND 0x31 #define NCP_AUTH_NDS 0x32 int auth_type; size_t object_name_len; void * object_name; /* a userspace data, in most cases user name */ }; struct ncp_privatedata_ioctl { size_t len; void * data; /* ~1000 for NDS */ }; /* NLS charsets by ioctl */ #define NCP_IOCSNAME_LEN 20 struct ncp_nls_ioctl { unsigned char codepage[NCP_IOCSNAME_LEN+1]; unsigned char iocharset[NCP_IOCSNAME_LEN+1]; }; #define NCP_IOC_NCPREQUEST _IOR('n', 1, struct ncp_ioctl_request) #define NCP_IOC_GETMOUNTUID _IOW('n', 2, __kernel_old_uid_t) #define NCP_IOC_GETMOUNTUID2 _IOW('n', 2, unsigned long) #define NCP_IOC_CONN_LOGGED_IN _IO('n', 3) #define NCP_GET_FS_INFO_VERSION (1) #define NCP_IOC_GET_FS_INFO _IOWR('n', 4, struct ncp_fs_info) #define NCP_GET_FS_INFO_VERSION_V2 (2) #define NCP_IOC_GET_FS_INFO_V2 _IOWR('n', 4, struct ncp_fs_info_v2) #define NCP_IOC_SIGN_INIT _IOR('n', 5, struct ncp_sign_init) #define NCP_IOC_SIGN_WANTED _IOR('n', 6, int) #define NCP_IOC_SET_SIGN_WANTED _IOW('n', 6, int) #define NCP_IOC_LOCKUNLOCK _IOR('n', 7, struct ncp_lock_ioctl) #define NCP_IOC_GETROOT _IOW('n', 8, struct ncp_setroot_ioctl) #define NCP_IOC_SETROOT _IOR('n', 8, struct ncp_setroot_ioctl) #define NCP_IOC_GETOBJECTNAME _IOWR('n', 9, struct ncp_objectname_ioctl) #define NCP_IOC_SETOBJECTNAME _IOR('n', 9, struct ncp_objectname_ioctl) #define NCP_IOC_GETPRIVATEDATA _IOWR('n', 10, struct ncp_privatedata_ioctl) #define NCP_IOC_SETPRIVATEDATA _IOR('n', 10, struct ncp_privatedata_ioctl) #define NCP_IOC_GETCHARSETS _IOWR('n', 11, struct ncp_nls_ioctl) #define NCP_IOC_SETCHARSETS _IOR('n', 11, struct ncp_nls_ioctl) #define NCP_IOC_GETDENTRYTTL _IOW('n', 12, __u32) #define NCP_IOC_SETDENTRYTTL _IOR('n', 12, __u32) /* * The packet size to allocate. One page should be enough. */ #define NCP_PACKET_SIZE 4070 #define NCP_MAXPATHLEN 255 #define NCP_MAXNAMELEN 14 #endif /* _LINUX_NCP_FS_H */
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