Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/share/doc/lynx-2.8.8/samples/
#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Some scripts for handling mailto URLs within lynx via an interactive form # # Warning: this is a quick demo, to show what kinds of things are possible # by hooking some external commands into lynx. Use at your own risk. # # Requirements: # # - Perl and # - A "sendmail" command for actually sending mail (if you need some # other interface, change the code below in sub sendit appropriately). # - Lynx compiled with support for lynxcgi, that means EXEC_CGI must have # been defined at compilation, usually done with # ./configure --enable-cgi-links # - Lynx must have support for CERN-style rules as of 2.8.3, which must # not have been disabled at compilation (it is enabled by default). # # Instructions: # (This is for people without lynxcgi experience; if you are already # use lynxcgi, you don't have to follow everything literally, use # common sense for picking appropriate file locations in your situation.) # # - Make a subdirectory 'lynxcgi' under you home directory, i.e. # mkdir ~/lynxcgi # - Put this three script file there and make it # executable. For example, # cp ~/lynxcgi # chmod a+x ~/lynxcgi/ # - Edit (THIS FILE), there are some strings that # that need to be changed, see ### Configurable variables ### # below. # - Allow lynx to execute lynxcgi files in that directory, for example, # put in your lynx.cfg file: # TRUSTED_LYNXCGI:<tab>/home/myhomedir/lynxcgi/ # where <tab> is a real TAB character and you have to put the real # location of your directory in place of "myhomedir", of course. # The '~' abbreviation cannot be used. # You could also just enable execution of all lynxcgi scripts, by # not having any TRUSTED_LYNXCGI options in lynx.cfg at all, but # that can't be recommended. # - Tell lynx to actually use the lynxcgi scripts for mailto URLs. # There are two variants: # a) Redirect "mailto" # Requires patched lynx, currently not yet in the developent code. # Use the following two lines in the file that is configured as # RULESFILE in lynxcfg: # PermitRedirection mailto:* # Redirect mailto:* lynxcgi:/home/myhomedir/lynxcgi/* # You can also put them directly in lynx.cfg, prefixing each with # "RULE:". Replace ""myhomedir", "myname", and "myhost" with your # correct values, of course. # b) Redirect "xmailto" # Requires defining a fake proxy before starting lynx, like # export xmailto_proxy=dummy # or for csh: setenv xmailto_proxy dummy # Requires that you change "mailto" to "xmailto" each time you want # to activate a mailto link. This can be done conveniently with # a few keys: 'E', ^A, 'x', Enter. # Use the following two lines in the file that is configured as # RULESFILE in lynxcfg: # PermitRedirection xmailto:* # Redirect xmailto:* lynxcgi:/home/myhomedir/lynxcgi/* # You can also put them directly in lynx.cfg, prefixing each with # "RULE:". Replace ""myhomedir", "myname", and "myhost" with your # correct values, of course. # # Limitations: # # - Only applies to mailto URLs that appear as links or are entered at # a 'g'oto prompt. Does not apply to other ways of sending mail, like # the 'c' (COMMENT) key, mailto as a FORM action, or mailing a file # from the 'P'rinting Options screen. # - Nothing is done for charset labelling, content-transfer-encoding # of non-ASCII characters, and other MIME niceties. # # Klaus Weide 20000712 ######################################################################## ########## Configurable variables ###################################### $SENDMAIL = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; # The location of your sendmail binary $SELFURL = 'lynxcgi:/home/lynxdev/lynxcgi/'; # Where this script lives in URL space $SEND_TOKEN = '/vJhOp6eQ'; # When found in the PATH_INFO part of the URL, # this causes the script to actually send mail # by calling $SENDMAIL instead of just throwing # up a form. CHANGE IT! And don't tell anyone! # Treat it like a password. # Must start with '/', probably should have only # alphanumeric ASCII characters. ## Also, make sure the first line of this script points ## to your PERL binary ########## Nothing else to change - I hope ############################# ######################################################################## use CGI; $|=1; ### Upcase first character ##sub ucfirst { ## s/^./\U$1/; ##} # If there are multiple occurrences of the same thing, how to join them # into one string %joiner = (from => ', ', to => ', ', cc => ', ', subject => '; ', body => "\n\n" ); sub joiner { my ($key) = @_; if ($joiner{$key}) { $joiner{$key}; } else { " "; } } # Here we check whether this script is called for actual sending, rather # than form generation. If so, all the rest is handled by sub sendit, below. $pathinfo = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}; if (defined($pathinfo) && $pathinfo eq $SEND_TOKEN) { $q = new CGI; print $q->header('text/plain'); sendit(); exit; } $method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}; $querystring = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; if ($querystring) { if ($method && $method eq "POST" && $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}) { $querystring =~ s/((^|\&)to=[^?&]*)\?/$1&/; $q0 = new CGI; $q = new CGI($querystring); @fields = $q0->param(); foreach $key (@fields) { @vals = $q0->param($key); # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # print "Appending $key to \$q...\n"; $q->append($key, @vals); # print "<H2>Current Values in \$q0</H2>\n"; # print $q0->dump; # print "<H2>Current Values in \$q</H2>\n"; # print $q->dump; } } else { $querystring =~ s/((^|\&)to=[^?&]*)\?/$1&/; $q = new CGI($querystring); } } else { $q = new CGI; } print $q->header; $long_title = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; $long_title =~ s/^from=([^&]*)\&to=//; $long_title = "someone" unless $long_title; $long_title = "Compose mail for $long_title"; if (length($long_title) > 72) { $title = substr($long_title,0,72) . "..."; } else { $title = $long_title; } $long_title =~ s/&/&/g; $long_title =~ s/</</g; print $q->start_html($title), "\n", $q->h1($long_title), "\n", $q->start_form(-method=>'POST', -action => $SELFURL . $SEND_TOKEN), "\n"; print "<TABLE>\n"; @fields = $q->param(); foreach $key (@fields) { @vals = $q->param($key); if (scalar(@vals) != 1) { print "multiple values " . scalar(@vals) ." for $key!\n"; $q->param($key, join (joiner($key), @vals)); } } foreach $key (@fields) { $_ = lc($key); if ($_ ne $key) { print "noncanonical case for $key!\n"; $val=$q->param($key); $q->delete($key); if (!$q->param($_)) { $q->param($_, $val); } else { $q->param($_, $q->param($_) . joiner($_) . "$val"); } } } foreach $key ('from', 'to', 'cc', 'subject') { print $q->Tr, $q->td(ucfirst($key) . ":"), $q->td($q->textfield(-name=>$key, -size=>60, -default=>$q->param($key))), "\n"; $q->delete($key); } # Also pass on any unrecognized header fields that were specified. # This may not be a good idea for general use! # At least some dangerous header fields may have to be suppressed. @keys = $q->param(); if (scalar(@keys) > (($q->param('body')) ? 1 : 0)) { print "<TR><TD colspan=2><EM>Additional headers:</EM>\n"; foreach $key ($q->param()) { if ($key ne 'body') { print $q->Tr, $q->td(ucfirst($key) . ":"), $q->td($q->textfield(-name=>$key, -size=>60, -default=>$q->param($key))), "\n"; } } } print "</TABLE>\n"; print $q->textarea(-name=>'body', -default=>$q->param('body')), "\n"; print "<PRE>\n\n</PRE>", "\n", $q->submit(-value=>"Send the message"), "\n", $q->endform, "\n"; print "\n"; exit; # This is for header field values. sub sanitize_field_value { my($val) = @_; $val =~ s/\0/./g; $val =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; $val =~ s/\r/\n/g; $val =~ s/\n*$//g; $val =~ s/\n+/\n/g; $val =~ s/\n(\S)/\n\t$1/g; $val; } sub sendit { open (MAIL, "| $SENDMAIL -t -oi -v") || die ("$0: Can't run sendmail: $!\n"); @fields = $q->param(); foreach $key (@fields) { @vals = $q->param($key); if (scalar(@vals) != 1) { print "multiple values " . scalar(@vals) ." for $key!\n"; $q->param($key, join (joiner($key), @vals)); } } foreach $key (@fields) { if ($key ne 'body') { if ($key =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/) { print "$0: Ignoring malformed header field named '$key'!\n"; next; } print MAIL ucfirst($key) . ": " . sanitize_field_value($q->param($key)) . "\n" or die ("$0: Feeding header to sendmail failed: $!\n"); } } print MAIL "\n" or die ("$0: Ending header for sendmail failed: $!\n"); print MAIL $q->param('body'), "\n" or die ("$0: Feeding body to sendmail failed: $!\n"); close(MAIL) or warn $! ? "Error closing pipe to sendmail: $!" : ($? & 127) ? ("Sendmail killed by signal " . ($? & 127) . ($? & 127) ? ", core dumped" : "") : "Return value " . ($? >> 8) . " from sendmail"; }
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