Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/tpl/admin/layout.php
<?php /** * Base layout for all admin pages */ /* @var Loco_mvc_View $this */ /* @var Loco_mvc_ViewParams $params */ ?><div class="wrap" id="loco-admin"><?php if( $this->has('breadcrumb') ):?> <h1> <ul><?php /* @var Loco_mvc_ViewParams[] $breadcrumb */ foreach( $breadcrumb as $item ):?> <li><?php if( $item->href ):?> <a href="<?php $item->e('href')?>"> <?php $item->e('name')?> </a><?php else:?> <span> <?php $item->e('name')?> </span><?php endif?> </li><?php endforeach?> </ul> </h1><?php elseif( $this->has('title') ):?> <h1> <?php $params->e('title')?> </h1><?php endif; if( $this->has('tabs') ):?> <h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper"><?php /* @var Loco_mvc_ViewParams[] $tabs */ foreach( $tabs as $item ):?> <a href="<?php $item->e('href')?>" class="nav-tab<?php echo $item->active?' nav-tab-active':''?>"> <?php $item->e('name')?> </a><?php endforeach;?> </h2><?php endif?> <div id="loco-notices"> <noscript> <div class="panel panel-danger"> <p> <strong class="has-icon icon-warn">JavaScript disabled:</strong> <span>Loco Translate requires JavaScript for most functions to work as expected.</span> </p> </div> </noscript><?php // flush message buffer do_action('loco_admin_notices'); // standard file system dialogues if( $params->has('fsFields') ): echo $this->render('common/inc-fsconn'); endif?> </div> <div id="loco-content"> <?php echo $this->_content;?> </div> </div> <?php /* @var null|Loco_mvc_ViewParams $js */ if( $this->has('js') && $js instanceof Loco_mvc_ViewParams ):?><script> /*<![CDATA[*/ window.loco = { conf: <?php echo $js->exportJson()?> }; document.addEventListener && document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(loco,v,s){ return function() { function enumJs(s) { let i = s.length; while( 0 !== i-- ){ if( null == document.getElementById(s[i]+'-js') ){ return false; } } return true; } if( window.loco !== loco || ! loco.validate || ! loco.validate(v) || ! enumJs(s) ) { var t = 'Scripts on this page are not running as expected. Please empty all relevant caches and refresh the screen.\nIf the issue persists, try disabling other plugins that may be modifying the functionality of Loco Translate.'; if( loco.notices && loco.notices.warn ){ loco.notices.warn(t).link('','See FAQ'); } else { throw new Error(t); } } }; }( loco, <?php $js->j('$v')?>, <?php $js->j('$js')?> ) ); /*]]>*/ </script><?php endif;
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