Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/src/passenger-release-6.0.20/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/utils/json.rb
# encoding: utf-8 # ## Stupid small pure Ruby JSON parser & generator. # # Copyright © 2013 Mislav Marohnić # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this # software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software # without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, # merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following # conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or # substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT # OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR # OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # We use this in Phusion Passenger at places where we cannot depend on the JSON # gem being available, for example in 'passenger start' before the RuntimeInstaller # has run. require 'strscan' require 'forwardable' module PhusionPassenger module Utils # Usage: # # JSON.parse(json_string) => Array/Hash # JSON.generate(object) => json string # # Run tests by executing this file directly. Pipe standard input to the script to have it # parsed as JSON and to display the result in Ruby. # class JSON def self.parse(data) new(data).parse end WSP = /(\s|\/\/.*?\n|\/\*.*?\*\/)+/m OBJ = /[{\[]/; HEN = /\}/; AEN = /\]/ COL = /\s*:\s*/; KEY = /\s*,\s*/ NUM = /-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/ BOL = /true|false/; NUL = /null/ extend Forwardable attr_reader :scanner alias_method :s, :scanner def_delegators :scanner, :scan, :matched private :s, :scan, :matched def initialize data @scanner = data.to_s end def parse space object end private def space() scan WSP end def endkey() scan(KEY) or space end def object matched == '{' ? hash : array if scan(OBJ) end def value object or string or scan(NUL) ? nil : scan(BOL) ? matched.size == 4: scan(NUM) ? eval(matched) : error end def hash obj = {} space repeat_until(HEN) do space k = string scan(COL) obj[k] = value endkey end obj end def array ary = [] space repeat_until(AEN) do space ary << value endkey end ary end SPEC = {'b' => "\b", 'f' => "\f", 'n' => "\n", 'r' => "\r", 't' => "\t"} UNI = 'u'; CODE = /[a-fA-F0-9]{4}/ STR = /"/; STE = '"' ESC = '\\' def string if scan(STR) str, esc = '', false while c = s.getch if esc str << (c == UNI ? (s.scan(CODE) || error).to_i(16).chr : SPEC[c] || c) esc = false else case c when ESC then esc = true when STE then break else str << c end end end str end end def error raise "parse error at: #{scan(/.{1,20}/m).inspect}" end def repeat_until reg until scan(reg) pos = s.pos yield error unless s.pos > pos end end module Generator def generate(obj) raise ArgumentError unless obj.is_a? Array or obj.is_a? Hash generate_type(obj) end alias dump generate private def generate_type(obj) type = obj.is_a?(Numeric) ? :Numeric : begin send(:"generate_#{type}", obj) rescue NoMethodError; raise ArgumentError, "can't serialize #{type}" end end ESC_MAP = {|h,k| k }.update \ "\r" => 'r', "\n" => 'n', "\f" => 'f', "\t" => 't', "\b" => 'b' def quote(str) %("#{str}") end def generate_String(str) quote str.gsub(/[\r\n\f\t\b"\\]/) { "\\#{ESC_MAP[$&]}"} end def generate_simple(obj) obj.inspect end alias generate_Numeric generate_simple alias generate_TrueClass generate_simple alias generate_FalseClass generate_simple def generate_Symbol(sym) generate_String(sym.to_s) end def generate_Time(time) quote time.strftime(time.utc? ? "%F %T UTC" : "%F %T %z") end def generate_Date(date) quote date.to_s end def generate_NilClass(*) 'null' end def generate_Array(ary) '[%s]' % {|o| generate_type(o) }.join(', ') end def generate_Hash(hash) '{%s}' % { |key, value| "#{generate_String(key.to_s)}: #{generate_type(value)}" }.join(', ') end end extend Generator end if __FILE__ == $0 if !$stdin.tty? data = JSON.parse $ require 'pp' pp data else require 'test/unit' require 'date' class ParserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase PARSED = JSON.parse def parsed() PARSED end def parse_string(str) JSON.parse(%(["#{str}"]).gsub('\\\\', '\\')).first end def test_string assert_equal "Pagination library for \"Rails 3\", Sinatra, Merb, DataMapper, and more", parsed['head']['repository']['description'] end def test_string_specials assert_equal "\r\n\t\f\b", parse_string('\r\n\t\f\b') assert_equal "aA", parse_string('\u0061\u0041') assert_equal "\e", parse_string('\u001B') assert_equal "xyz", parse_string('\x\y\z') assert_equal '"\\/', parse_string('\"\\\\\\/') assert_equal 'no #{interpolation}', parse_string('no #{interpolation}') end def test_hash assert_equal %w[label ref repository sha user], parsed['head'].keys.sort end def test_number assert_equal 124.3e2, parsed['head']['repository']['size'] end def test_bool assert_equal true, parsed['head']['repository']['fork'] assert_equal false, parsed['head']['repository']['private'] end def test_nil assert_nil parsed['head']['user']['company'] end def test_array assert_equal ["4438f", {"a" => "b"}], parsed['head']['sha'] end def test_invalid assert_raises(RuntimeError) { JSON.parse %({) } assert_raises(RuntimeError) { JSON.parse %({ "foo": }) } assert_raises(RuntimeError) { JSON.parse %([ "foo": "bar" ]) } assert_raises(RuntimeError) { JSON.parse %([ ~"foo" ]) } assert_raises(RuntimeError) { JSON.parse %([ "foo ]) } assert_raises(RuntimeError) { JSON.parse %([ "foo\\" ]) } assert_raises(RuntimeError) { JSON.parse %([ "foo\\uabGd" ]) } end def test_single_line_comments source = %Q{ // comment before document { // comment "foo": "1", "bar": "2", // another comment "baz": "3", "array": [ // comment inside array 1, 2, 3 // comment at end of array ] // comment at end of hash } // comment after document } doc = { "foo" => "1", "bar" => "2", "baz" => "3", "array" => [1, 2, 3] } assert_equal(doc, JSON.parse(source)) end def test_multi_line_comments source = %Q{ /* comment before * document */ { /* comment */ "foo": "1", "bar": "2", /* another comment */ "baz": "3", "array": [ /* comment inside array */ 1, 2, 3, 4, /* comment inside an array */ 5, /* // "nested" comments { "faux json": "inside comment" } */ 6, 7 /** * comment at end of array */ ] /************************** comment at end of hash **************************/ } /* comment after document */ } doc = { "foo" => "1", "bar" => "2", "baz" => "3", "array" => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] } assert_equal(doc, JSON.parse(source)) end end class GeneratorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def generate(obj) JSON.generate(obj) end def test_array assert_equal %([1, 2, 3]), generate([1, 2, 3]) end def test_bool assert_equal %([true, false]), generate([true, false]) end def test_null assert_equal %([null]), generate([nil]) end def test_string assert_equal %(["abc\\n123"]), generate(["abc\n123"]) end def test_string_unicode assert_equal %(["ć\\"č\\nž\\tš\\\\đ"]), generate(["ć\"č\nž\tš\\đ"]) end def test_time time = Time.utc(2012, 04, 19, 1, 2, 3) assert_equal %(["2012-04-19 01:02:03 UTC"]), generate([time]) end def test_date time =, 04, 19) assert_equal %(["2012-04-19"]), generate([time]) end def test_symbol assert_equal %(["abc"]), generate([:abc]) end def test_hash json = generate(:abc => 123, 123 => 'abc') assert_match /^\{/, json assert_match /\}$/, json assert_equal [%("123": "abc"), %("abc": 123)], json[1...-1].split(', ').sort end def test_nested_structure json = generate(:hash => {1=>2}, :array => [1,2]) assert json.include?(%("hash": {"1": 2})) assert json.include?(%("array": [1, 2])) end def test_invalid_json assert_raises(ArgumentError) { generate("abc") } end def test_invalid_object err = assert_raises(ArgumentError) { generate("a" => } assert_equal "can't serialize Object", err.message end end end end end # module Utils end # module PhusionPassenger __END__ { "head": { "ref": "master", "repository": { "forks": 0, "integrate_branch": "rails3", "watchers": 1, "language": "Ruby", "description": "Pagination library for \"Rails 3\", Sinatra, Merb, DataMapper, and more", "has_downloads": true, "fork": true, "created_at": "2011/10/24 03:20:48 -0700", "homepage": "", "size": 124.3e2, "private": false, "has_wiki": true, "name": "will_paginate", "owner": "dbackeus", "url": "", "has_issues": false, "open_issues": 0, "pushed_at": "2011/10/25 05:44:05 -0700" }, "label": "dbackeus:master", "sha": ["4438f", { "a" : "b" }], "user": { "name": "David Backeus", "company": null, "gravatar_id": "ebe96524f5db9e92188f0542dc9d1d1a", "location": "Stockholm (Sweden)", "type": "User", "login": "dbackeus" } } }
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