Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/include/jasper/jas_icc.h
/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Michael David Adams. * All rights reserved. */ /* __START_OF_JASPER_LICENSE__ * * JasPer License Version 2.0 * * Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Michael David Adams * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Image Power, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The University of British Columbia * * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person (the * "User") obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the * following conditions: * * 1. The above copyright notices and this permission notice (which * includes the disclaimer below) shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * 2. The name of a copyright holder shall not be used to endorse or * promote products derived from the Software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS * LICENSE. NO USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER * THIS DISCLAIMER. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING * FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. NO ASSURANCES ARE * PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS THAT THE SOFTWARE DOES NOT INFRINGE * THE PATENT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANY OTHER ENTITY. * EACH COPYRIGHT HOLDER DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY TO THE USER FOR CLAIMS * BROUGHT BY ANY OTHER ENTITY BASED ON INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL * PROPERTY RIGHTS OR OTHERWISE. AS A CONDITION TO EXERCISING THE RIGHTS * GRANTED HEREUNDER, EACH USER HEREBY ASSUMES SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE * ANY OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS NEEDED, IF ANY. THE SOFTWARE * IS NOT FAULT-TOLERANT AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN MISSION-CRITICAL * SYSTEMS, SUCH AS THOSE USED IN THE OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, * AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL * SYSTEMS, DIRECT LIFE SUPPORT MACHINES, OR WEAPONS SYSTEMS, IN WHICH * THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE OR SYSTEM COULD LEAD DIRECTLY TO DEATH, * PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE ("HIGH * RISK ACTIVITIES"). THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES. * * __END_OF_JASPER_LICENSE__ */ #ifndef JAS_ICC_H #define JAS_ICC_H #include <jasper/jas_config.h> #include <jasper/jas_types.h> #include <jasper/jas_stream.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Profile file signature. */ #define JAS_ICC_MAGIC 0x61637370 #define JAS_ICC_HDRLEN 128 /* Profile/device class signatures. */ #define JAS_ICC_CLAS_IN 0x73636e72 /* input device */ #define JAS_ICC_CLAS_DPY 0x6d6e7472 /* display device */ #define JAS_ICC_CLAS_OUT 0x70727472 /* output device */ #define JAS_ICC_CLAS_LNK 0x6c696e6b /* device link */ #define JAS_ICC_CLAS_CNV 0x73706163 /* color space conversion */ #define JAS_ICC_CLAS_ABS 0x61627374 /* abstract */ #define JAS_ICC_CLAS_NAM 0x6e6d636c /* named color */ /* Color space signatures. */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_XYZ 0x58595a20 /* XYZ */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_LAB 0x4c616220 /* LAB */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_LUV 0x4c757620 /* LUV */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_YCBCR 0x59436272 /* YCbCr */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_YXY 0x59787920 /* Yxy */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_RGB 0x52474220 /* RGB */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_GRAY 0x47524159 /* Gray */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_HSV 0x48535620 /* HSV */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_HLS 0x484c5320 /* HLS */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_CMYK 0x434d594b /* CMYK */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_CMY 0x434d5920 /* CMY */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_2 0x32434c52 /* 2 channel color */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_3 0x33434c52 /* 3 channel color */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_4 0x34434c52 /* 4 channel color */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_5 0x35434c52 /* 5 channel color */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_6 0x36434c52 /* 6 channel color */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_7 0x37434c52 /* 7 channel color */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_8 0x38434c52 /* 8 channel color */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_9 0x39434c52 /* 9 channel color */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_10 0x41434c52 /* 10 channel color */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_11 0x42434c52 /* 11 channel color */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_12 0x43434c52 /* 12 channel color */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_13 0x44434c52 /* 13 channel color */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_14 0x45434c52 /* 14 channel color */ #define JAS_ICC_COLORSPC_15 0x46434c52 /* 15 channel color */ /* Profile connection color space (PCS) signatures. */ #define JAS_ICC_REFCOLORSPC_XYZ 0x58595a20 /* CIE XYZ */ #define JAS_ICC_REFCOLORSPC_LAB 0x4c616220 /* CIE Lab */ /* Primary platform signatures. */ #define JAS_ICC_PLATFORM_APPL 0x4150504c /* Apple Computer */ #define JAS_ICC_PLATFORM_MSFT 0x4d534654 /* Microsoft */ #define JAS_ICC_PLATFORM_SGI 0x53474920 /* Silicon Graphics */ #define JAS_ICC_PLATFORM_SUNW 0x53554e57 /* Sun Microsystems */ #define JAS_ICC_PLATFORM_TGNT 0x54474e54 /* Taligent */ /* Profile flags. */ #define JAS_ICC_FLAGS_EMBED 0x01 /* embedded */ #define JAS_ICC_FLAGS_NOSEP 0x02 /* no separate use */ /* Attributes. */ #define JAS_ICC_ATTR_TRANS 0x01 /* transparent */ #define JAS_ICC_ATTR_MATTE 0x02 /* matte */ /* Rendering intents. */ #define JAS_ICC_INTENT_PER 0 /* perceptual */ #define JAS_ICC_INTENT_REL 1 /* relative colorimetric */ #define JAS_ICC_INTENT_SAT 2 /* saturation */ #define JAS_ICC_INTENT_ABS 3 /* absolute colorimetric */ /* Tag signatures. */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_ATOB0 0x41324230 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_ATOB1 0x41324231 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_ATOB2 0x41324232 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_BLUMATCOL 0x6258595a /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_BLUTRC 0x62545243 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_BTOA0 0x42324130 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_BTOA1 0x42324131 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_BTOA2 0x42324132 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_CALTIME 0x63616c74 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_CHARTARGET 0x74617267 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_CPYRT 0x63707274 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_CRDINFO 0x63726469 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_DEVMAKERDESC 0x646d6e64 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_DEVMODELDESC 0x646d6464 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_DEVSET 0x64657673 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_GAMUT 0x67616d74 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_GRYTRC 0x6b545243 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_GRNMATCOL 0x6758595a /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_GRNTRC 0x67545243 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_LUM 0x6c756d69 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_MEASURE 0x6d656173 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_MEDIABLKPT 0x626b7074 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_MEDIAWHIPT 0x77747074 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_NAMCOLR 0x6e636f6c /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_NAMCOLR2 0x6e636c32 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_OUTRESP 0x72657370 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_PREVIEW0 0x70726530 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_PREVIEW1 0x70726531 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_PREVIEW2 0x70726532 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_PROFDESC 0x64657363 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_PROFSEQDESC 0x70736571 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_PSDCRD0 0x70736430 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_PSCRDD1 0x70736431 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_PSCRDD2 0x70736432 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_PSCRDD3 0x70736433 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_PS2CSA 0x70733273 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_PS2RENINTENT 0x70733269 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_REDMATCOL 0x7258595a /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_REDTRC 0x72545243 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_SCRNGDES 0x73637264 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_SCRNG 0x7363726e /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_TECH 0x74656368 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_UCRBG 0x62666420 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_VIEWCONDDESC 0x76756564 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TAG_VIEWCOND 0x76696577 /* */ /* Type signatures. */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_CRDINFO 0x63726469 /* CRD information */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_CURV 0x63757276 /* curve */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_DATA 0x64617461 /* data */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_TIME 0x6474696d /* date/time */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_DEVSET 0x64657673 /* device settings */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_LUT16 0x6d667432 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_LUT8 0x6d667431 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_MEASURE 0x6d656173 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_NAMCOLR 0x6e636f6c /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_NAMCOLR2 0x6e636c32 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_PROFSEQDESC 0x70736571 /* profile sequence description */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_RESPCURVSET16 0x72637332 /* response curve set 16 */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_SF32 0x73663332 /* signed 32-bit fixed-point */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_SCRNG 0x7363726e /* screening */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_SIG 0x73696720 /* signature */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_TXTDESC 0x64657363 /* text description */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_TXT 0x74657874 /* text */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_UF32 0x75663332 /* unsigned 32-bit fixed-point */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_UCRBG 0x62666420 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_UI16 0x75693136 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_UI32 0x75693332 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_UI8 0x75693038 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_UI64 0x75693634 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_VIEWCOND 0x76696577 /* */ #define JAS_ICC_TYPE_XYZ 0x58595a20 /* XYZ */ typedef uint_fast8_t jas_iccuint8_t; typedef uint_fast16_t jas_iccuint16_t; typedef uint_fast32_t jas_iccuint32_t; typedef int_fast32_t jas_iccsint32_t; typedef int_fast32_t jas_iccs15fixed16_t; typedef uint_fast32_t jas_iccu16fixed16_t; typedef uint_fast64_t jas_iccuint64_t; typedef uint_fast32_t jas_iccsig_t; typedef jas_iccsig_t jas_icctagsig_t; typedef jas_iccsig_t jas_icctagtype_t; typedef jas_iccsig_t jas_iccattrname_t; /* Date/time type. */ typedef struct { jas_iccuint16_t year; jas_iccuint16_t month; jas_iccuint16_t day; jas_iccuint16_t hour; jas_iccuint16_t min; jas_iccuint16_t sec; } jas_icctime_t; /* XYZ type. */ typedef struct { jas_iccs15fixed16_t x; jas_iccs15fixed16_t y; jas_iccs15fixed16_t z; } jas_iccxyz_t; /* Curve type. */ typedef struct { jas_iccuint32_t numents; jas_iccuint16_t *ents; } jas_icccurv_t; /* Text description type. */ typedef struct { jas_iccuint32_t asclen; char *ascdata; /* ASCII invariant description */ jas_iccuint32_t uclangcode; /* Unicode language code */ jas_iccuint32_t uclen; /* Unicode localizable description count */ uchar *ucdata; /* Unicode localizable description */ jas_iccuint16_t sccode; /* ScriptCode code */ jas_iccuint8_t maclen; /* Localizable Macintosh description count */ uchar macdata[69]; /* Localizable Macintosh description */ } jas_icctxtdesc_t; /* Text type. */ typedef struct { char *string; /* ASCII character string */ } jas_icctxt_t; typedef struct { jas_iccuint8_t numinchans; jas_iccuint8_t numoutchans; jas_iccsint32_t e[3][3]; jas_iccuint8_t clutlen; jas_iccuint8_t *clut; jas_iccuint16_t numintabents; jas_iccuint8_t **intabs; jas_iccuint8_t *intabsbuf; jas_iccuint16_t numouttabents; jas_iccuint8_t **outtabs; jas_iccuint8_t *outtabsbuf; } jas_icclut8_t; typedef struct { jas_iccuint8_t numinchans; jas_iccuint8_t numoutchans; jas_iccsint32_t e[3][3]; jas_iccuint8_t clutlen; jas_iccuint16_t *clut; jas_iccuint16_t numintabents; jas_iccuint16_t **intabs; jas_iccuint16_t *intabsbuf; jas_iccuint16_t numouttabents; jas_iccuint16_t **outtabs; jas_iccuint16_t *outtabsbuf; } jas_icclut16_t; struct jas_iccattrval_s; typedef struct { void (*destroy)(struct jas_iccattrval_s *); int (*copy)(struct jas_iccattrval_s *, struct jas_iccattrval_s *); int (*input)(struct jas_iccattrval_s *, jas_stream_t *, int); int (*output)(struct jas_iccattrval_s *, jas_stream_t *); int (*getsize)(struct jas_iccattrval_s *); void (*dump)(struct jas_iccattrval_s *, FILE *); } jas_iccattrvalops_t; /* Attribute value type (type and value information). */ typedef struct jas_iccattrval_s { int refcnt; /* reference count */ jas_iccsig_t type; /* type */ jas_iccattrvalops_t *ops; /* type-dependent operations */ union { jas_iccxyz_t xyz; jas_icccurv_t curv; jas_icctxtdesc_t txtdesc; jas_icctxt_t txt; jas_icclut8_t lut8; jas_icclut16_t lut16; } data; /* value */ } jas_iccattrval_t; /* Header type. */ typedef struct { jas_iccuint32_t size; /* profile size */ jas_iccsig_t cmmtype; /* CMM type signature */ jas_iccuint32_t version; /* profile version */ jas_iccsig_t clas; /* profile/device class signature */ jas_iccsig_t colorspc; /* color space of data */ jas_iccsig_t refcolorspc; /* profile connection space */ jas_icctime_t ctime; /* creation time */ jas_iccsig_t magic; /* profile file signature */ jas_iccsig_t platform; /* primary platform */ jas_iccuint32_t flags; /* profile flags */ jas_iccsig_t maker; /* device manufacturer signature */ jas_iccsig_t model; /* device model signature */ jas_iccuint64_t attr; /* device setup attributes */ jas_iccsig_t intent; /* rendering intent */ jas_iccxyz_t illum; /* illuminant */ jas_iccsig_t creator; /* profile creator signature */ } jas_icchdr_t; typedef struct { jas_iccsig_t name; jas_iccattrval_t *val; } jas_iccattr_t; typedef struct { int numattrs; int maxattrs; jas_iccattr_t *attrs; } jas_iccattrtab_t; typedef struct jas_icctagtabent_s { jas_iccuint32_t tag; jas_iccuint32_t off; jas_iccuint32_t len; void *data; struct jas_icctagtabent_s *first; } jas_icctagtabent_t; typedef struct { jas_iccuint32_t numents; jas_icctagtabent_t *ents; } jas_icctagtab_t; /* ICC profile type. */ typedef struct { jas_icchdr_t hdr; jas_icctagtab_t tagtab; jas_iccattrtab_t *attrtab; } jas_iccprof_t; typedef struct { jas_iccuint32_t type; jas_iccattrvalops_t ops; } jas_iccattrvalinfo_t; jas_iccprof_t *jas_iccprof_load(jas_stream_t *in); int jas_iccprof_save(jas_iccprof_t *prof, jas_stream_t *out); void jas_iccprof_destroy(jas_iccprof_t *prof); jas_iccattrval_t *jas_iccprof_getattr(jas_iccprof_t *prof, jas_iccattrname_t name); int jas_iccprof_setattr(jas_iccprof_t *prof, jas_iccattrname_t name, jas_iccattrval_t *val); void jas_iccprof_dump(jas_iccprof_t *prof, FILE *out); jas_iccprof_t *jas_iccprof_copy(jas_iccprof_t *prof); int jas_iccprof_gethdr(jas_iccprof_t *prof, jas_icchdr_t *hdr); int jas_iccprof_sethdr(jas_iccprof_t *prof, jas_icchdr_t *hdr); void jas_iccattrval_destroy(jas_iccattrval_t *attrval); void jas_iccattrval_dump(jas_iccattrval_t *attrval, FILE *out); int jas_iccattrval_allowmodify(jas_iccattrval_t **attrval); jas_iccattrval_t *jas_iccattrval_clone(jas_iccattrval_t *attrval); jas_iccattrval_t *jas_iccattrval_create(jas_iccuint32_t type); void jas_iccattrtab_dump(jas_iccattrtab_t *attrtab, FILE *out); extern uchar jas_iccprofdata_srgb[]; extern int jas_iccprofdata_srgblen; extern uchar jas_iccprofdata_sgray[]; extern int jas_iccprofdata_sgraylen; jas_iccprof_t *jas_iccprof_createfrombuf(uchar *buf, int len); jas_iccprof_t *jas_iccprof_createfromclrspc(int clrspc); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif
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