Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/share/glusterfs/scripts/
#!/bin/bash function get_statedump_fnames_without_timestamps { ls | grep -E "[.]dump[.][0-9][0-9]*" | cut -f1-3 -d'.' | sort -u } function get_non_uniq_fields { local statedump_fname_prefix=$1 print_stack_lkowner_unique_in_one_line "$statedump_fname_prefix" | sort | uniq -c | grep -vE "^\s*1 " | awk '{$1="repeats="$1; print $0}' } function print_stack_lkowner_unique_in_one_line { local statedump_fname_prefix=$1 sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e 'x;/unique=/!d;/stack=/!d;/lk-owner=/!d;/pid=/!d;' "${statedump_fname_prefix}"* | grep -E "(stack|lk-owner|unique|pid)=" | paste -d " " - - - - } function get_stacks_that_appear_in_multiple_statedumps { #If a stack with same 'unique/lk-owner/stack' appears in multiple statedumps #print the stack local statedump_fname_prefix=$1 while read -r non_uniq_stack; do if [ -z "$printed" ]; then printed="1" fi echo "$statedump_fname_prefix" "$non_uniq_stack" done < <(get_non_uniq_fields "$statedump_fname_prefix") } statedumpdir=${1} if [ -z "$statedumpdir" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <statedump-dir>" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$statedumpdir" ]; then echo "$statedumpdir: Is not a directory" echo "Usage: $0 <statedump-dir>" exit 1 fi cd "$statedumpdir" || exit 1 for statedump_fname_prefix in $(get_statedump_fnames_without_timestamps); do get_stacks_that_appear_in_multiple_statedumps "$statedump_fname_prefix" done | column -t echo "NOTE: stacks with lk-owner=\"\"/lk-owner=0000000000000000/unique=0 may not be hung frames and need further inspection" >&2
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.0.30 | Génération de la page: 0.04 |