Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/share/doc/git-
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Git; my $git = Git->repository(); sub add_remote_config { my ($hash, $name, $what, $value) = @_; if ($what eq 'url') { # Having more than one is Ok -- it is used for push. if (! exists $hash->{'URL'}) { $hash->{$name}{'URL'} = $value; } } elsif ($what eq 'fetch') { $hash->{$name}{'FETCH'} ||= []; push @{$hash->{$name}{'FETCH'}}, $value; } elsif ($what eq 'push') { $hash->{$name}{'PUSH'} ||= []; push @{$hash->{$name}{'PUSH'}}, $value; } if (!exists $hash->{$name}{'SOURCE'}) { $hash->{$name}{'SOURCE'} = 'config'; } } sub add_remote_remotes { my ($hash, $file, $name) = @_; if (exists $hash->{$name}) { $hash->{$name}{'WARNING'} = 'ignored due to config'; return; } my $fh; if (!open($fh, '<', $file)) { print STDERR "Warning: cannot open $file\n"; return; } my $it = { 'SOURCE' => 'remotes' }; $hash->{$name} = $it; while (<$fh>) { chomp; if (/^URL:\s*(.*)$/) { # Having more than one is Ok -- it is used for push. if (! exists $it->{'URL'}) { $it->{'URL'} = $1; } } elsif (/^Push:\s*(.*)$/) { $it->{'PUSH'} ||= []; push @{$it->{'PUSH'}}, $1; } elsif (/^Pull:\s*(.*)$/) { $it->{'FETCH'} ||= []; push @{$it->{'FETCH'}}, $1; } elsif (/^\#/) { ; # ignore } else { print STDERR "Warning: funny line in $file: $_\n"; } } close($fh); } sub list_remote { my ($git) = @_; my %seen = (); my @remotes = eval { $git->command(qw(config --get-regexp), '^remote\.'); }; for (@remotes) { if (/^remote\.(\S+?)\.([^.\s]+)\s+(.*)$/) { add_remote_config(\%seen, $1, $2, $3); } } my $dir = $git->repo_path() . "/remotes"; if (opendir(my $dh, $dir)) { local $_; while ($_ = readdir($dh)) { chomp; next if (! -f "$dir/$_" || ! -r _); add_remote_remotes(\%seen, "$dir/$_", $_); } } return \%seen; } sub add_branch_config { my ($hash, $name, $what, $value) = @_; if ($what eq 'remote') { if (exists $hash->{$name}{'REMOTE'}) { print STDERR "Warning: more than one branch.$name.remote\n"; } $hash->{$name}{'REMOTE'} = $value; } elsif ($what eq 'merge') { $hash->{$name}{'MERGE'} ||= []; push @{$hash->{$name}{'MERGE'}}, $value; } } sub list_branch { my ($git) = @_; my %seen = (); my @branches = eval { $git->command(qw(config --get-regexp), '^branch\.'); }; for (@branches) { if (/^branch\.([^.]*)\.(\S*)\s+(.*)$/) { add_branch_config(\%seen, $1, $2, $3); } } return \%seen; } my $remote = list_remote($git); my $branch = list_branch($git); sub update_ls_remote { my ($harder, $info) = @_; return if (($harder == 0) || (($harder == 1) && exists $info->{'LS_REMOTE'})); my @ref = map { s|refs/heads/||; $_; } keys %{$git->remote_refs($info->{'URL'}, [ 'heads' ])}; $info->{'LS_REMOTE'} = \@ref; } sub list_wildcard_mapping { my ($forced, $ours, $ls) = @_; my %refs; for (@$ls) { $refs{$_} = 01; # bit #0 to say "they have" } for ($git->command('for-each-ref', "refs/remotes/$ours")) { chomp; next unless (s|^[0-9a-f]{40}\s[a-z]+\srefs/remotes/$ours/||); next if ($_ eq 'HEAD'); $refs{$_} ||= 0; $refs{$_} |= 02; # bit #1 to say "we have" } my (@new, @stale, @tracked); for (sort keys %refs) { my $have = $refs{$_}; if ($have == 1) { push @new, $_; } elsif ($have == 2) { push @stale, $_; } elsif ($have == 3) { push @tracked, $_; } } return \@new, \@stale, \@tracked; } sub list_mapping { my ($name, $info) = @_; my $fetch = $info->{'FETCH'}; my $ls = $info->{'LS_REMOTE'}; my (@new, @stale, @tracked); for (@$fetch) { next unless (/(\+)?([^:]+):(.*)/); my ($forced, $theirs, $ours) = ($1, $2, $3); if ($theirs eq 'refs/heads/*' && $ours =~ /^refs\/remotes\/(.*)\/\*$/) { # wildcard mapping my ($w_new, $w_stale, $w_tracked) = list_wildcard_mapping($forced, $1, $ls); push @new, @$w_new; push @stale, @$w_stale; push @tracked, @$w_tracked; } elsif ($theirs =~ /\*/ || $ours =~ /\*/) { print STDERR "Warning: unrecognized mapping in remotes.$name.fetch: $_\n"; } elsif ($theirs =~ s|^refs/heads/||) { if (!grep { $_ eq $theirs } @$ls) { push @stale, $theirs; } elsif ($ours ne '') { push @tracked, $theirs; } } } return \@new, \@stale, \@tracked; } sub show_mapping { my ($name, $info) = @_; my ($new, $stale, $tracked) = list_mapping($name, $info); if (@$new) { print " New remote branches (next fetch will store in remotes/$name)\n"; print " @$new\n"; } if (@$stale) { print " Stale tracking branches in remotes/$name (use 'git remote prune')\n"; print " @$stale\n"; } if (@$tracked) { print " Tracked remote branches\n"; print " @$tracked\n"; } } sub prune_remote { my ($name, $ls_remote) = @_; if (!exists $remote->{$name}) { print STDERR "No such remote $name\n"; return 1; } my $info = $remote->{$name}; update_ls_remote($ls_remote, $info); my ($new, $stale, $tracked) = list_mapping($name, $info); my $prefix = "refs/remotes/$name"; foreach my $to_prune (@$stale) { my @v = $git->command(qw(rev-parse --verify), "$prefix/$to_prune"); $git->command(qw(update-ref -d), "$prefix/$to_prune", $v[0]); } return 0; } sub show_remote { my ($name, $ls_remote) = @_; if (!exists $remote->{$name}) { print STDERR "No such remote $name\n"; return 1; } my $info = $remote->{$name}; update_ls_remote($ls_remote, $info); print "* remote $name\n"; print " URL: $info->{'URL'}\n"; for my $branchname (sort keys %$branch) { next unless (defined $branch->{$branchname}{'REMOTE'} && $branch->{$branchname}{'REMOTE'} eq $name); my @merged = map { s|^refs/heads/||; $_; } split(' ',"@{$branch->{$branchname}{'MERGE'}}"); next unless (@merged); print " Remote branch(es) merged with 'git pull' while on branch $branchname\n"; print " @merged\n"; } if ($info->{'LS_REMOTE'}) { show_mapping($name, $info); } if ($info->{'PUSH'}) { my @pushed = map { s|^refs/heads/||; s|^\+refs/heads/|+|; s|:refs/heads/|:|; $_; } @{$info->{'PUSH'}}; print " Local branch(es) pushed with 'git push'\n"; print " @pushed\n"; } return 0; } sub add_remote { my ($name, $url, $opts) = @_; if (exists $remote->{$name}) { print STDERR "remote $name already exists.\n"; exit(1); } $git->command('config', "remote.$name.url", $url); my $track = $opts->{'track'} || ["*"]; for (@$track) { $git->command('config', '--add', "remote.$name.fetch", $opts->{'mirror'} ? "+refs/$_:refs/$_" : "+refs/heads/$_:refs/remotes/$name/$_"); } if ($opts->{'fetch'}) { $git->command('fetch', $name); } if (exists $opts->{'master'}) { $git->command('symbolic-ref', "refs/remotes/$name/HEAD", "refs/remotes/$name/$opts->{'master'}"); } } sub update_remote { my ($name) = @_; my @remotes; my $conf = $git->config("remotes." . $name); if (defined($conf)) { @remotes = split(' ', $conf); } elsif ($name eq 'default') { @remotes = (); for (sort keys %$remote) { my $do_fetch = $git->config_bool("remote." . $_ . ".skipDefaultUpdate"); unless ($do_fetch) { push @remotes, $_; } } } else { print STDERR "Remote group $name does not exist.\n"; exit(1); } for (@remotes) { print "Updating $_\n"; $git->command('fetch', "$_"); } } sub rm_remote { my ($name) = @_; if (!exists $remote->{$name}) { print STDERR "No such remote $name\n"; return 1; } $git->command('config', '--remove-section', "remote.$name"); eval { my @trackers = $git->command('config', '--get-regexp', 'branch.*.remote', $name); for (@trackers) { /^branch\.(.*)?\.remote/; $git->config('--unset', "branch.$1.remote"); $git->config('--unset', "branch.$1.merge"); } }; my @refs = $git->command('for-each-ref', '--format=%(refname) %(objectname)', "refs/remotes/$name"); for (@refs) { my ($ref, $object) = split; $git->command(qw(update-ref -d), $ref, $object); } return 0; } sub add_usage { print STDERR "usage: git remote add [-f] [-t track]* [-m master] <name> <url>\n"; exit(1); } my $VERBOSE = 0; @ARGV = grep { if ($_ eq '-v' or $_ eq '--verbose') { $VERBOSE=1; 0 } else { 1 } } @ARGV; if (!@ARGV) { for (sort keys %$remote) { print "$_"; print "\t$remote->{$_}->{URL}" if $VERBOSE; print "\n"; } } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'show') { my $ls_remote = 1; my $i; for ($i = 1; $i < @ARGV; $i++) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq '-n') { $ls_remote = 0; } else { last; } } if ($i >= @ARGV) { print STDERR "usage: git remote show <remote>\n"; exit(1); } my $status = 0; for (; $i < @ARGV; $i++) { $status |= show_remote($ARGV[$i], $ls_remote); } exit($status); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'update') { if (@ARGV <= 1) { update_remote("default"); exit(1); } for (my $i = 1; $i < @ARGV; $i++) { update_remote($ARGV[$i]); } } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'prune') { my $ls_remote = 1; my $i; for ($i = 1; $i < @ARGV; $i++) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq '-n') { $ls_remote = 0; } else { last; } } if ($i >= @ARGV) { print STDERR "usage: git remote prune <remote>\n"; exit(1); } my $status = 0; for (; $i < @ARGV; $i++) { $status |= prune_remote($ARGV[$i], $ls_remote); } exit($status); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'add') { my %opts = (); while (1 < @ARGV && $ARGV[1] =~ /^-/) { my $opt = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; if ($opt eq '-f' || $opt eq '--fetch') { $opts{'fetch'} = 1; next; } if ($opt eq '-t' || $opt eq '--track') { if (@ARGV < 1) { add_usage(); } $opts{'track'} ||= []; push @{$opts{'track'}}, $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; next; } if ($opt eq '-m' || $opt eq '--master') { if ((@ARGV < 1) || exists $opts{'master'}) { add_usage(); } $opts{'master'} = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; next; } if ($opt eq '--mirror') { $opts{'mirror'} = 1; next; } add_usage(); } if (@ARGV != 3) { add_usage(); } add_remote($ARGV[1], $ARGV[2], \%opts); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'rm') { if (@ARGV <= 1) { print STDERR "usage: git remote rm <remote>\n"; exit(1); } exit(rm_remote($ARGV[1])); } else { print STDERR "usage: git remote\n"; print STDERR " git remote add <name> <url>\n"; print STDERR " git remote rm <name>\n"; print STDERR " git remote show <name>\n"; print STDERR " git remote prune <name>\n"; print STDERR " git remote update [group]\n"; exit(1); }
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