Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/share/doc/git-
#!/usr/bin/env python # # This tool is copyright (c) 2006, Sean Estabrooks. # It is released under the Gnu Public License, version 2. # # Import Perforce branches into Git repositories. # Checking out the files is done by calling the standard p4 # client which you must have properly configured yourself # import marshal import os import sys import time import getopt if sys.hexversion < 0x02020000: # The behavior of the marshal module changed significantly in 2.2 sys.stderr.write(" requires Python 2.2 or later.\n") sys.exit(1) from signal import signal, \ SIGPIPE, SIGINT, SIG_DFL, \ default_int_handler signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL) s = signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL) if s != default_int_handler: signal(SIGINT, s) def die(msg, *args): for a in args: msg = "%s %s" % (msg, a) print "git-p4import fatal error:", msg sys.exit(1) def usage(): print "USAGE: git-p4import [-q|-v] [--authors=<file>] [-t <timezone>] [//p4repo/path <branch>]" sys.exit(1) verbosity = 1 logfile = "/dev/null" ignore_warnings = False stitch = 0 tagall = True def report(level, msg, *args): global verbosity global logfile for a in args: msg = "%s %s" % (msg, a) fd = open(logfile, "a") fd.writelines(msg) fd.close() if level <= verbosity: print msg class p4_command: def __init__(self, _repopath): try: global logfile self.userlist = {} if _repopath[-1] == '/': self.repopath = _repopath[:-1] else: self.repopath = _repopath if self.repopath[-4:] != "/...": self.repopath= "%s/..." % self.repopath f=os.popen('p4 -V 2>>%s'%logfile, 'rb') a = f.readlines() if f.close(): raise except: die("Could not find the \"p4\" command") def p4(self, cmd, *args): global logfile cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, ' '.join(args)) report(2, "P4:", cmd) f=os.popen('p4 -G %s 2>>%s' % (cmd,logfile), 'rb') list = [] while 1: try: list.append(marshal.load(f)) except EOFError: break self.ret = f.close() return list def sync(self, id, force=False, trick=False, test=False): if force: ret = self.p4("sync -f %s@%s"%(self.repopath, id))[0] elif trick: ret = self.p4("sync -k %s@%s"%(self.repopath, id))[0] elif test: ret = self.p4("sync -n %s@%s"%(self.repopath, id))[0] else: ret = self.p4("sync %s@%s"%(self.repopath, id))[0] if ret['code'] == "error": data = ret['data'].upper() if data.find('VIEW') > 0: die("Perforce reports %s is not in client view"% self.repopath) elif data.find('UP-TO-DATE') < 0: die("Could not sync files from perforce", self.repopath) def changes(self, since=0): try: list = [] for rec in self.p4("changes %s@%s,#head" % (self.repopath, since+1)): list.append(rec['change']) list.reverse() return list except: return [] def authors(self, filename): f=open(filename) for l in f.readlines(): self.userlist[l[:l.find('=')].rstrip()] = \ (l[l.find('=')+1:l.find('<')].rstrip(),l[l.find('<')+1:l.find('>')]) f.close() for f,e in self.userlist.items(): report(2, f, ":", e[0], " <", e[1], ">") def _get_user(self, id): if not self.userlist.has_key(id): try: user = self.p4("users", id)[0] self.userlist[id] = (user['FullName'], user['Email']) except: self.userlist[id] = (id, "") return self.userlist[id] def _format_date(self, ticks): symbol='+' name = time.tzname[0] offset = time.timezone if ticks[8]: name = time.tzname[1] offset = time.altzone if offset < 0: offset *= -1 symbol = '-' localo = "%s%02d%02d %s" % (symbol, offset / 3600, offset % 3600, name) tickso = time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", ticks) return "%s %s" % (tickso, localo) def where(self): try: return self.p4("where %s" % self.repopath)[-1]['path'] except: return "" def describe(self, num): desc = self.p4("describe -s", num)[0] self.msg = desc['desc'], = self._get_user(desc['user']) = self._format_date(time.localtime(long(desc['time']))) return self class git_command: def __init__(self): try: self.version = self.git("--version")[0][12:].rstrip() except: die("Could not find the \"git\" command") try: self.gitdir = self.get_single("rev-parse --git-dir") report(2, "gdir:", self.gitdir) except: die("Not a git repository... did you forget to \"git init\" ?") try: self.cdup = self.get_single("rev-parse --show-cdup") if self.cdup != "": os.chdir(self.cdup) self.topdir = os.getcwd() report(2, "topdir:", self.topdir) except: die("Could not find top git directory") def git(self, cmd): global logfile report(2, "GIT:", cmd) f=os.popen('git %s 2>>%s' % (cmd,logfile), 'rb') r=f.readlines() self.ret = f.close() return r def get_single(self, cmd): return self.git(cmd)[0].rstrip() def current_branch(self): try: testit = self.git("rev-parse --verify HEAD")[0] return self.git("symbolic-ref HEAD")[0][11:].rstrip() except: return None def get_config(self, variable): try: return self.git("config --get %s" % variable)[0].rstrip() except: return None def set_config(self, variable, value): try: self.git("config %s %s"%(variable, value) ) except: die("Could not set %s to " % variable, value) def make_tag(self, name, head): self.git("tag -f %s %s"%(name,head)) def top_change(self, branch): try: a=self.get_single("name-rev --tags refs/heads/%s" % branch) loc = a.find(' tags/') + 6 if a[loc:loc+3] != "p4/": raise return int(a[loc+3:][:-2]) except: return 0 def update_index(self): self.git("ls-files -m -d -o -z | git update-index --add --remove -z --stdin") def checkout(self, branch): self.git("checkout %s" % branch) def repoint_head(self, branch): self.git("symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/%s" % branch) def remove_files(self): self.git("ls-files | xargs rm") def clean_directories(self): self.git("clean -d") def fresh_branch(self, branch): report(1, "Creating new branch", branch) self.git("ls-files | xargs rm") os.remove(".git/index") self.repoint_head(branch) self.git("clean -d") def basedir(self): return self.topdir def commit(self, author, email, date, msg, id): self.update_index() fd=open(".msg", "w") fd.writelines(msg) fd.close() try: current = self.get_single("rev-parse --verify HEAD") head = "-p HEAD" except: current = "" head = "" tree = self.get_single("write-tree") for r,l in [('DATE',date),('NAME',author),('EMAIL',email)]: os.environ['GIT_AUTHOR_%s'%r] = l os.environ['GIT_COMMITTER_%s'%r] = l commit = self.get_single("commit-tree %s %s < .msg" % (tree,head)) os.remove(".msg") self.make_tag("p4/%s"%id, commit) self.git("update-ref HEAD %s %s" % (commit, current) ) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "qhvt:", ["authors=","help","stitch=","timezone=","log=","ignore","notags"]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() for o, a in opts: if o == "-q": verbosity = 0 if o == "-v": verbosity += 1 if o in ("--log"): logfile = a if o in ("--notags"): tagall = False if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() if o in ("--ignore"): ignore_warnings = True git = git_command() branch=git.current_branch() for o, a in opts: if o in ("-t", "--timezone"): git.set_config("perforce.timezone", a) if o in ("--stitch"): git.set_config("perforce.%s.path" % branch, a) stitch = 1 if len(args) == 2: branch = args[1] git.checkout(branch) if branch == git.current_branch(): die("Branch %s already exists!" % branch) report(1, "Setting perforce to ", args[0]) git.set_config("perforce.%s.path" % branch, args[0]) elif len(args) != 0: die("You must specify the perforce //depot/path and git branch") p4path = git.get_config("perforce.%s.path" % branch) if p4path == None: die("Do not know Perforce //depot/path for git branch", branch) p4 = p4_command(p4path) for o, a in opts: if o in ("-a", "--authors"): p4.authors(a) localdir = git.basedir() if p4.where()[:len(localdir)] != localdir: report(1, "**WARNING** Appears p4 client is misconfigured") report(1, " for sync from %s to %s" % (p4.repopath, localdir)) if ignore_warnings != True: die("Reconfigure or use \"--ignore\" on command line") if stitch == 0: top = git.top_change(branch) else: top = 0 changes = p4.changes(top) count = len(changes) if count == 0: report(1, "Already up to date...") sys.exit(0) ptz = git.get_config("perforce.timezone") if ptz: report(1, "Setting timezone to", ptz) os.environ['TZ'] = ptz time.tzset() if stitch == 1: git.remove_files() git.clean_directories() p4.sync(changes[0], force=True) elif top == 0 and branch != git.current_branch(): p4.sync(changes[0], test=True) report(1, "Creating new initial commit"); git.fresh_branch(branch) p4.sync(changes[0], force=True) else: p4.sync(changes[0], trick=True) report(1, "processing %s changes from p4 (%s) to git (%s)" % (count, p4.repopath, branch)) for id in changes: report(1, "Importing changeset", id) change = p4.describe(id) p4.sync(id) if tagall : git.commit(,,, change.msg, id) else: git.commit(,,, change.msg, "import") if stitch == 1: git.clean_directories() stitch = 0
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