Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/share/doc/git-
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <Security/Security.h> static SecProtocolType protocol; static char *host; static char *path; static char *username; static char *password; static UInt16 port; static void die(const char *err, ...) { char msg[4096]; va_list params; va_start(params, err); vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), err, params); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); va_end(params); exit(1); } static void *xstrdup(const char *s1) { void *ret = strdup(s1); if (!ret) die("Out of memory"); return ret; } #define KEYCHAIN_ITEM(x) (x ? strlen(x) : 0), x #define KEYCHAIN_ARGS \ NULL, /* default keychain */ \ KEYCHAIN_ITEM(host), \ 0, NULL, /* account domain */ \ KEYCHAIN_ITEM(username), \ KEYCHAIN_ITEM(path), \ port, \ protocol, \ kSecAuthenticationTypeDefault static void write_item(const char *what, const char *buf, int len) { printf("%s=", what); fwrite(buf, 1, len, stdout); putchar('\n'); } static void find_username_in_item(SecKeychainItemRef item) { SecKeychainAttributeList list; SecKeychainAttribute attr; list.count = 1; list.attr = &attr; attr.tag = kSecAccountItemAttr; if (SecKeychainItemCopyContent(item, NULL, &list, NULL, NULL)) return; write_item("username",, attr.length); SecKeychainItemFreeContent(&list, NULL); } static void find_internet_password(void) { void *buf; UInt32 len; SecKeychainItemRef item; if (SecKeychainFindInternetPassword(KEYCHAIN_ARGS, &len, &buf, &item)) return; write_item("password", buf, len); if (!username) find_username_in_item(item); SecKeychainItemFreeContent(NULL, buf); } static void delete_internet_password(void) { SecKeychainItemRef item; /* * Require at least a protocol and host for removal, which is what git * will give us; if you want to do something more fancy, use the * Keychain manager. */ if (!protocol || !host) return; if (SecKeychainFindInternetPassword(KEYCHAIN_ARGS, 0, NULL, &item)) return; SecKeychainItemDelete(item); } static void add_internet_password(void) { /* Only store complete credentials */ if (!protocol || !host || !username || !password) return; if (SecKeychainAddInternetPassword( KEYCHAIN_ARGS, KEYCHAIN_ITEM(password), NULL)) return; } static void read_credential(void) { char buf[1024]; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) { char *v; if (!strcmp(buf, "\n")) break; buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; v = strchr(buf, '='); if (!v) die("bad input: %s", buf); *v++ = '\0'; if (!strcmp(buf, "protocol")) { if (!strcmp(v, "https")) protocol = kSecProtocolTypeHTTPS; else if (!strcmp(v, "http")) protocol = kSecProtocolTypeHTTP; else /* we don't yet handle other protocols */ exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(buf, "host")) { char *colon = strchr(v, ':'); if (colon) { *colon++ = '\0'; port = atoi(colon); } host = xstrdup(v); } else if (!strcmp(buf, "path")) path = xstrdup(v); else if (!strcmp(buf, "username")) username = xstrdup(v); else if (!strcmp(buf, "password")) password = xstrdup(v); } } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { const char *usage = "usage: git credential-osxkeychain <get|store|erase>"; if (!argv[1]) die(usage); read_credential(); if (!strcmp(argv[1], "get")) find_internet_password(); else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "store")) add_internet_password(); else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "erase")) delete_internet_password(); /* otherwise, ignore unknown action */ return 0; }
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