Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/dtrace.tar
usr/bin/dtrace 0000755 00000041245 14720727042 0007330 0 ustar 00 #!/usr/bin/python2 # vim: et sta sts=4 sw=4 ts=8 # This handles the systemtap equivalent of # $(DTRACE) $(DTRACEFLAGS) -G -s $^ -o $@ # $(DTRACE) $(DTRACEFLAGS) -h -s $^ -o $@ # which is a step that builds DTrace provider and probe definitions # Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Red Hat Inc. # # This file is part of systemtap, and is free software. You can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any # later version. # ignore line too long, missing docstring, method could be a function, # too many public methods # pylint: disable=C0301 # pylint: disable=C0111 # pylint: disable=R0201 # pylint: disable=R0904 import os import sys from shlex import split from subprocess import call from tempfile import mkstemp try: from pyparsing import alphas, cStyleComment, delimitedList, Group, \ Keyword, lineno, Literal, nestedExpr, nums, oneOf, OneOrMore, \ Optional, ParseException, ParserElement, restOfLine, restOfLine, \ Suppress, SkipTo, Word, ZeroOrMore HAVE_PYP = True except ImportError: HAVE_PYP = False # Common file creation methods for pyparsing and string pattern matching class _HeaderCreator(object): def init_semaphores(self, fdesc): # dummy declaration just to make the object file non-empty fdesc.write("/* Generated by the Systemtap dtrace wrapper */\n\n") fdesc.write("static void __dtrace (void) __attribute__((unused));\n") fdesc.write("static void __dtrace (void) {}\n") fdesc.write("\n#include <sys/sdt.h>\n\n") def init_probes(self, fdesc): fdesc.write("/* Generated by the Systemtap dtrace wrapper */\n\n") fdesc.write("\n#define _SDT_HAS_SEMAPHORES 1\n\n") fdesc.write("\n#define STAP_HAS_SEMAPHORES 1 /* deprecated */\n\n") fdesc.write("\n#include <sys/sdt.h>\n\n") def add_semaphore(self, this_provider, this_probe): # NB: unsigned short is fixed in ABI semaphores_def = '\n#if defined STAP_SDT_V1\n' semaphores_def += '#define %s_%s_semaphore %s_semaphore\n' % \ (this_provider, this_probe, this_probe) semaphores_def += '#endif\n' semaphores_def += '#if defined STAP_SDT_V1 || defined STAP_SDT_V2 \n' semaphores_def += "__extension__ unsigned short %s_%s_semaphore __attribute__ ((unused)) __attribute__ ((section (\".probes\")));\n" % \ (this_provider, this_probe) semaphores_def += '#else\n' semaphores_def += "__extension__ unsigned short %s_%s_semaphore __attribute__ ((unused)) __attribute__ ((section (\".probes\"))) __attribute__ ((visibility (\"hidden\")));\n" % \ (this_provider, this_probe) semaphores_def += '#endif\n' return semaphores_def def add_probe(self, this_provider, this_probe, args): stap_str = "" this_probe_canon = this_provider.upper() + "_" + this_probe.replace("__", "_").upper() define_str = "#define %s(" % (this_probe_canon) comment_str = "/* %s (" % (this_probe_canon) if len(args) == 0: stap_str += "DTRACE_PROBE (" else: stap_str += "DTRACE_PROBE%d (" % len(args) stap_str += "%s, %s" % (this_provider, this_probe) i = 0 while i < len(args): if i != 0: define_str += ", " comment_str += "," define_str = define_str + "arg%s" % (i + 1) stap_str = stap_str + ", arg%s" % (i + 1) for argi in args[i]: if len(argi) > 0: comment_str += " %s" % argi i += 1 stap_str += ")" comment_str += " ) */" define_str += ") \\\n" probe_def = '%s\n' % (comment_str) probe_def += ('#if defined STAP_SDT_V1\n') probe_def += ('#define %s_ENABLED() __builtin_expect (%s_semaphore, 0)\n' % \ (this_probe_canon, this_probe)) probe_def += ('#define %s_%s_semaphore %s_semaphore\n' % \ (this_provider, this_probe, this_probe)) probe_def += ('#else\n') probe_def += ('#define %s_ENABLED() __builtin_expect (%s_%s_semaphore, 0)\n' % \ (this_probe_canon, this_provider, this_probe)) probe_def += ('#endif\n') # NB: unsigned short is fixed in ABI probe_def += ("__extension__ extern unsigned short %s_%s_semaphore __attribute__ ((unused)) __attribute__ ((section (\".probes\")));\n" % \ (this_provider, this_probe)) probe_def += (define_str + stap_str + "\n\n") return probe_def # Parse using pyparsing if it is available class _PypProvider(_HeaderCreator): def __init__(self): self.ast = [] self.bnf = None self.dtrace_statements = None def dtrace_bnf(self): self.current_probe = "" if self.dtrace_statements is not None: return ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \f\r\n\t\v') ident = Word(alphas+"_", alphas+nums+"_$") probe_ident = Word(alphas+nums+"_$") semi = Literal(";").suppress() integer = Word( nums ) lbrace = Literal("{").suppress() rbrace = Literal("}").suppress() type_name = ident varname = ident PROBE = Keyword("probe") PROVIDER = Keyword("provider") array_size = integer | ident varname_spec = varname + Optional("[" + array_size + "]") struct_decl = Group(oneOf("struct union") + varname + Suppress(nestedExpr('{','}')) + semi) enum_decl = Group("enum" + varname + Suppress(nestedExpr('{','}')) + semi) member_decl = Group((Optional(oneOf("struct unsigned const")) + type_name + Optional(Keyword("const"))) + Optional(Word("*"), default="") + Optional(varname_spec)) struct_typedef = Group(Literal("typedef") + Literal("struct") + varname + Suppress(nestedExpr('{','}'))) + Optional(varname) + semi typedef = ZeroOrMore("typedef" + (member_decl)) + semi decls = OneOrMore(struct_typedef | struct_decl | typedef | enum_decl) def memoize_probe(instring, loc, tokens): self.current_probe = tokens[0][1] self.current_lineno = lineno(loc,instring) probe_decl = Group(PROBE + probe_ident + "(" + Optional(Group(delimitedList(member_decl))) + ")" + Optional(Group(Literal(":") + "(" + Optional(Group(delimitedList(member_decl))) + ")")) + Optional(semi)) probe_decl.setParseAction(memoize_probe) probe_decls = OneOrMore(probe_decl) provider_decl = (PROVIDER + Optional(ident) + lbrace + Group(probe_decls) + rbrace + Optional(semi)) dtrace_statement = Group (SkipTo("provider", include=False) + provider_decl) self.dtrace_statements = ZeroOrMore(dtrace_statement) cplusplus_linecomment = Literal("//") + restOfLine cpp_linecomment = Literal("#") + restOfLine self.dtrace_statements.ignore(cStyleComment) self.dtrace_statements.ignore(cplusplus_linecomment) self.dtrace_statements.ignore(cpp_linecomment) self.bnf = self.dtrace_statements def semaphore_write(self, fdesc): semaphores_def = "" self.init_semaphores(fdesc) for asti in self.ast: if len(asti) == 0: continue # ignore SkipTo token if asti[0] != "provider": del asti[0] if asti[0] == "provider": # list of probes for prb in asti[2]: semaphores_def += self.add_semaphore(asti[1], prb[1]) fdesc.write(semaphores_def) def probe_write(self, provider, header): hdr = open(header, mode='w') self.init_probes(hdr) self.dtrace_bnf() try: try: self.ast = self.bnf.parseFile(provider, parseAll=True).asList() except TypeError: # pyparsing-1.5.0 does not support parseAll self.ast = self.bnf.parseFile(provider).asList() except ParseException: err = sys.exc_info()[1] if len(self.current_probe): print("Warning: %s:%s:%d: syntax error near:\nprobe %s\n" % (sys.argv[0], provider, self.current_lineno, self.current_probe)) else: print("Warning: %s:%s:%d syntax error near:\n%s\n" % (sys.argv[0], provider, err.lineno, err.line)) raise err probes_def = "" for asti in self.ast: if len(asti) == 0: continue # ignore SkipTo token if asti[0] != "provider": del asti[0] if asti[0] == "provider": # list of probes for prb in asti[2]: if prb[3] == ')': # No parsed argument list alist = [] else: alist = prb[3] probes_def += self.add_probe(asti[1], prb[1], alist) hdr.write(probes_def) hdr.close() # Parse using regular expressions if pyparsing is not available class _ReProvider(_HeaderCreator): def __init__(self): self.semaphores_def = "\n" self.provider = [] def __semaphore_append(self, this_probe): self.semaphores_def += self.add_semaphore(self.provider, this_probe) def semaphore_write(self, fdesc): self.init_semaphores(fdesc) fdesc.write(self.semaphores_def) def probe_write(self, provider, header): have_provider = False fdesc = open(provider) hdr = open(header, mode='w') self.init_probes(hdr) in_comment = False probes_def = "" while True: line = fdesc.readline() if line == "": break if line.find("/*") != -1: in_comment = True if line.find("*/") != -1: in_comment = False continue if in_comment: continue if line.find("provider") != -1: tokens = line.split() have_provider = True self.provider = tokens[1] elif have_provider and line.find("probe ") != -1: while line.find(")") < 0: line += fdesc.readline() this_probe = line[line.find("probe ")+5:line.find("(")].strip() argstr = (line[line.find("(")+1:line.find(")")]) arg = "" i = 0 args = [] self.__semaphore_append(this_probe) while i < len(argstr): if argstr[i:i+1] == ",": args.append(arg.split()) arg = "" else: arg = arg + argstr[i] i += 1 if len(arg) > 0: args.append(arg.split()) probes_def += self.add_probe(self.provider, this_probe, args) elif line.find("}") != -1 and have_provider: have_provider = False hdr.write(probes_def) hdr.close() def usage(): print("Usage " + sys.argv[0] + " [--help] [-h | -G] [-C [-I<Path>]] -s File.d [-o <File>]") def dtrace_help(): usage() print("Where -h builds a systemtap header file from the .d file") print(" -C when used with -h, also run cpp preprocessor") print(" -o specifies an explicit output file name,") print(" the default for -G is file.o and -h is file.h") print(" -I when running cpp pass through this -I include Path") print(" -s specifies the name of the .d input file") print(" -G builds a stub file.o from file.d,") print(" which is required by some packages that use dtrace.") sys.exit(1) ######################################################################## # main ######################################################################## def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage() return 1 global HAVE_PYP i = 1 build_header = False build_source = False keep_temps = False use_cpp = False suffix = "" filename = "" s_filename = "" includes = [] defines = [] ignore_options = ["-64", "-32", "-fpic", "-fPIC"] ignore_options2 = ["-x"] # with parameter while i < len(sys.argv): if sys.argv[i] == "-o": i += 1 filename = sys.argv[i] elif sys.argv[i] == "-s": i += 1 s_filename = sys.argv[i] elif sys.argv[i] == "-C": use_cpp = True elif sys.argv[i].startswith("-D"): defines.append(sys.argv[i]) elif sys.argv[i] == "-h": build_header = True suffix = ".h" elif sys.argv[i].startswith("-I"): includes.append(sys.argv[i]) elif sys.argv[i] == "-G": build_source = True suffix = ".o" elif sys.argv[i] == "-k": keep_temps = True elif sys.argv[i] == "--no-pyparsing": HAVE_PYP = False elif sys.argv[i] == "--types": print(sys.argv[0] + ": note: obsolete option --types used") elif sys.argv[i] in ignore_options: pass # dtrace users sometimes pass these flags elif sys.argv[i] in ignore_options2: i += 1 pass # dtrace users sometimes pass these flags elif sys.argv[i] == "--help": dtrace_help() elif sys.argv[i][0] == "-": print(sys.argv[0], "invalid option", sys.argv[i]) usage() return 1 i += 1 if not build_header and not build_source: usage() return 1 if s_filename != "" and use_cpp: (ignore, fname) = mkstemp(suffix=".d") cpp = os.environ.get("CPP", "cpp") retcode = call(split(cpp) + includes + defines + [s_filename, fname]) if retcode != 0: print("\"cpp includes s_filename\" failed") usage() return 1 s_filename = fname if filename == "": if s_filename != "": (filename, ignore) = os.path.splitext(s_filename) filename = os.path.basename(filename) else: usage() return 1 else: suffix = "" if build_header: if HAVE_PYP: providers = _PypProvider() else: providers = _ReProvider() while True: try: providers.probe_write(s_filename, filename + suffix) break; # complex C declarations can fool the pyparsing grammar. # we could increase the complexity of the grammar # instead we fall back to string pattern matching except ParseException: err = sys.exc_info()[1] print("Warning: Proceeding as if --no-pyparsing was given.\n") providers = _ReProvider() elif build_source: if HAVE_PYP: providers = _PypProvider() else: providers = _ReProvider() (ignore, fname) = mkstemp(suffix=".h") while True: try: providers.probe_write(s_filename, fname) break; except ParseException: err = sys.exc_info()[1] print("Warning: Proceeding as if --no-pyparsing was given.\n") providers = _ReProvider() if not keep_temps: os.remove(fname) else: print("header: " + fname) try: # for reproducible-builds purposes, prefer a fixed path name pattern fname = filename + ".dtrace-temp.c" fdesc = open(fname, mode='w') except: # but that doesn't work for -o /dev/null - see rhbz1504009 (ignore,fname) = mkstemp(suffix=".c") fdesc = open(fname, mode='w') providers.semaphore_write(fdesc) fdesc.close() cc1 = os.environ.get("CC", "gcc") cflags = "-g " + os.environ.get("CFLAGS", "").replace('\\\n', ' ').replace('\\\r',' ') # sanitize any embedded \n etc. goo; PR21063 retcode = call(split(cc1) + defines + includes + split(cflags) + ["-fPIC", "-I.", "-I/usr/include", "-c", fname, "-o", filename + suffix], shell=False) if retcode != 0: print("\"gcc " + fname + "\" failed") usage() return 1 if not keep_temps: os.remove(fname) else: print("source: " + fname) if use_cpp: if not keep_temps: os.remove(s_filename) else: print("cpp: " + s_filename) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
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