Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/share/doc/perl-Try-Tiny-0.12/t/context.t
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; BEGIN { plan tests => 1 # use_ok + (4+1) * 2 # list/scalar with exception (try + catch + 2 x finally) + is_deeply + 4 # void with exception + (3+1) * 2 # list/scalar no exception (try + 2 x finally) + is_deeply + 3 # void no exception ; use_ok 'Try::Tiny'; } my $ctx_index = { VOID => undef, LIST => 1, SCALAR => '', }; my ($ctx, $die); for (sort keys %$ctx_index) { $ctx = $_; for (0,1) { $die = $_; if ($ctx_index->{$ctx}) { is_deeply( [ run() ], [ $die ? 'catch' : 'try' ], ); } elsif (defined $ctx_index->{$ctx}) { is_deeply( [ scalar run() ], [ $die ? 'catch' : 'try' ], ); } else { run(); 1; } } } sub run { try { is (wantarray, $ctx_index->{$ctx}, "Proper context $ctx in try{}"); die if $die; return 'try'; } catch { is (wantarray, $ctx_index->{$ctx}, "Proper context $ctx in catch{}"); return 'catch'; } finally { is (wantarray, undef, "Proper VOID context in finally{} 1"); return 'finally'; } finally { is (wantarray, undef, "Proper VOID context in finally{} 2"); return 'finally'; }; }
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