Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/share/glusterfs/scripts/
#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Usage: <delay-in-seconds> # This script starts sar/top/iostat/vmstat processes which collect system stats # with the interval <delay-in-seconds> given as argument to the script. When # the script is stopped either by entering any input or Ctrl+C the list of # files where output is captured will be printed on the screen which can be # observed to find any problems/bottlenecks. ############################################################################### function stop_processes { echo "Stopping the monitoring processes" echo "sar pid:$sar_pid", "top pid: $top_pid", "iostat pid: $iostat_pid", "vmstat pid: $vmstat_pid" kill "$sar_pid" "$top_pid" "$iostat_pid" "$vmstat_pid" echo "Files created: ${timestamp}-network.out, ${timestamp}-top.out, ${timestamp}-iostat.out, ${timestamp}-vmstat.out" } function check_dependent_commands_exist() { declare -a arr=("sar" "top" "iostat" "vmstat") for i in "${arr[@]}" do if ! command -v "$i" > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "ERROR: '$i' command is not found" exit 1 fi done } case "$1" in ''|*[!0-9]*) echo "Usage: $0 <delay-between-successive-metrics-collection-in-seconds>"; exit 1 ;; *) interval="$1" ;; esac timestamp=$(date +"%s") check_dependent_commands_exist sar -n DEV "$interval" > "${timestamp}"-network.out & sar_pid="$!" top -bHd "$interval" > "${timestamp}"-top.out & top_pid="$!" iostat -Ntkdx "$interval" > "${timestamp}"-iostat.out & iostat_pid="$!" vmstat -t "$interval" > "${timestamp}"-vmstat.out & vmstat_pid="$!" echo "Started sar, vmstat, iostat, top for collecting stats" trap stop_processes EXIT read -r -p "Press anything and ENTER to exit";
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