Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/simple-membership/classes/class.swpm-utils.php
<?php abstract class SwpmUtils { public static function is_ajax() { return defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX; } /* * This function handles various initial setup tasks that need to be executed very early on (before other functions of the plugin is called). */ public static function do_misc_initial_plugin_setup_tasks() { //Management role/permission setup $admin_dashboard_permission = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'admin-dashboard-access-permission' ); if ( empty( $admin_dashboard_permission ) ) { //By default only admins can manage/see admin dashboard define( 'SWPM_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION', 'manage_options' ); } else { define( 'SWPM_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION', $admin_dashboard_permission ); } //Override the settings menu (options.php) update capability according to the role set in "Admin Dashboard Access Permission" option. add_filter( 'option_page_capability_swpm-settings-tab-1', 'SwpmUtils::swpm_settings_update_capability' ); add_filter( 'option_page_capability_swpm-settings-tab-2', 'SwpmUtils::swpm_settings_update_capability' ); add_filter( 'option_page_capability_swpm-settings-tab-3', 'SwpmUtils::swpm_settings_update_capability' ); add_filter( 'option_page_capability_swpm-settings-tab-4', 'SwpmUtils::swpm_settings_update_capability' ); add_filter( 'option_page_capability_swpm-settings-tab-5', 'SwpmUtils::swpm_settings_update_capability' ); } public static function swpm_settings_update_capability($capability){ if ( defined('SWPM_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION') ){ //Use SWPM defined one. $capability = SWPM_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION; } else { //Use default. $capability = 'manage_options'; } return $capability; } public static function subscription_type_dropdown( $selected ) { return '<option ' . ( ( $selected == SwpmMembershipLevel::NO_EXPIRY ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) . ' value="' . SwpmMembershipLevel::NO_EXPIRY . '">No Expiry</option>' . '<option ' . ( ( $selected == SwpmMembershipLevel::DAYS ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) . ' value="' . SwpmMembershipLevel::DAYS . '">Day(s)</option>' . '<option ' . ( ( $selected == SwpmMembershipLevel::WEEKS ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) . ' value="' . SwpmMembershipLevel::WEEKS . '">Week(s)</option>' . '<option ' . ( ( $selected == SwpmMembershipLevel::MONTHS ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) . ' value="' . SwpmMembershipLevel::MONTHS . '">Month(s)</option>' . '<option ' . ( ( $selected == SwpmMembershipLevel::YEARS ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) . ' value="' . SwpmMembershipLevel::YEARS . '">Year(s)</option>' . '<option ' . ( ( $selected == SwpmMembershipLevel::FIXED_DATE ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) . ' value="' . SwpmMembershipLevel::FIXED_DATE . '">Fixed Date</option>'; } // $subscript_period must be integer. public static function calculate_subscription_period_days( $subcript_period, $subscription_duration_type ) { if ( $subscription_duration_type == SwpmMembershipLevel::NO_EXPIRY ) { return 'noexpire'; } if ( ! is_numeric( $subcript_period ) ) { throw new Exception( ' subcript_period parameter must be integer in SwpmUtils::calculate_subscription_period_days method' ); } switch ( strtolower( $subscription_duration_type ) ) { case SwpmMembershipLevel::DAYS: break; case SwpmMembershipLevel::WEEKS: $subcript_period = $subcript_period * 7; break; case SwpmMembershipLevel::MONTHS: $subcript_period = $subcript_period * 30; break; case SwpmMembershipLevel::YEARS: $subcript_period = $subcript_period * 365; break; } return $subcript_period; } public static function get_expiration_timestamp( $user ) { //Check and make sure that the user object has a valid membership level assigned. if ( !isset($user->membership_level) || !is_numeric($user->membership_level) || !SwpmMembershipLevelUtils::check_if_membership_level_exists($user->membership_level) ){ //This is a critical error. The user object does not have a valid membership level assigned. //Log this critical error and end the script with an error message. $member_id = isset($user->member_id) ? $user->member_id : ''; $critical_error_msg = "Error! This member profile (Member ID: ". $member_id .") does not have a valid membership level assigned. The site admin needs to assign a valid membership level to this member profile."; SwpmLog::log_simple_debug($critical_error_msg, false); if(is_admin()){ //This is getting called from the admin dashboard side. Just return from here so the rest of the code can execute. //This allows the admin to edit/update the member's profile with a valid membership level. return; }else{ //This is getting called from the front-end side (example: at member login time). So we need to show a critical error message to the member and end the script. wp_die($critical_error_msg); //The script will die here. So the rest of the code will not be executed. } } //Get the permission object for the user's membership level $permission = SwpmPermission::get_instance( $user->membership_level ); if ( SwpmMembershipLevel::FIXED_DATE == $permission->get( 'subscription_duration_type' ) ) { return strtotime( $permission->get( 'subscription_period' ) ); } $days = self::calculate_subscription_period_days( $permission->get( 'subscription_period' ), $permission->get( 'subscription_duration_type' ) ); if ( $days == 'noexpire' ) { return PHP_INT_MAX; // which is equivalent to } return strtotime( $user->subscription_starts . ' ' . $days . ' days' ); } public static function is_subscription_expired( $user ) { $expiration_timestamp = self::get_expiration_timestamp( $user ); if ( $expiration_timestamp < time() ) { //Account expired. return true; } return false; } /* * Returns a formatted expiry date string (of a member). This can be useful to echo the date value. */ public static function get_formatted_expiry_date( $start_date, $subscription_duration, $subscription_duration_type ) { if ( $subscription_duration_type == SwpmMembershipLevel::FIXED_DATE ) { //Membership will expire after a fixed date. return self::get_formatted_and_translated_date_according_to_wp_settings( $subscription_duration ); } $expires = self::calculate_subscription_period_days( $subscription_duration, $subscription_duration_type ); if ( $expires == 'noexpire' ) { //Membership is set to no expiry or until cancelled. return self::_( 'Never' ); } //Membership is set to a duration expiry settings. return date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), strtotime( $start_date . ' ' . $expires . ' days' ) ); } public static function gender_dropdown( $selected = 'not specified' ) { return '<option ' . ( ( strtolower( $selected ) == 'male' ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) . ' value="male">' . SwpmUtils::_('Male') . '</option>' . '<option ' . ( ( strtolower( $selected ) == 'female' ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) . ' value="female">' . SwpmUtils::_('Female') . '</option>' . '<option ' . ( ( strtolower( $selected ) == 'not specified' ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) . ' value="not specified">' . SwpmUtils::_('Not Specified') . '</option>'; } public static function get_account_state_options() { return array( 'active' => __( 'Active', 'simple-membership' ), 'inactive' => __( 'Inactive', 'simple-membership' ), 'activation_required' => __( 'Activation Required', 'simple-membership' ), 'pending' => __( 'Pending', 'simple-membership' ), 'expired' => __( 'Expired', 'simple-membership' ), ); } public static function account_state_dropdown( $selected = 'active' , $option_all = false) { $options = self::get_account_state_options(); $html = ''; foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) { $html .= '<option ' . ( ( strtolower( $selected ) == $key ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) . ' value="' . $key . '"> ' . $value . '</option>'; } return $html; } public static function membership_level_dropdown( $selected = 0, $option_all = false ) { $options = ''; global $wpdb; $query = 'SELECT alias, id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_membership_tbl WHERE id != 1'; $levels = $wpdb->get_results( $query ); foreach ( $levels as $level ) { $options .= '<option ' . ( $selected == $level->id ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) . ' value="' . $level->id . '" >' . $level->alias . '</option>'; } return $options; } public static function get_all_membership_level_ids() { global $wpdb; $query = 'SELECT id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_membership_tbl WHERE id != 1'; return $wpdb->get_col( $query ); } public static function get_membership_level_row_by_id( $level_id ) { global $wpdb; $query = $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_membership_tbl WHERE id=%d', $level_id ); $level_resultset = $wpdb->get_row( $query ); return $level_resultset; } public static function membership_level_id_exists( $level_id ) { //Returns true if the specified membership level exists in the system. Returns false if the level has been deleted (or doesn't exist). $all_level_ids = self::get_all_membership_level_ids(); if ( in_array( $level_id, $all_level_ids ) ) { //Valid level ID return true; } else { return false; } } public static function get_registration_complete_prompt_link( $for = 'all', $send_email = false, $member_id = '' ) { $members = array(); global $wpdb; switch ( $for ) { case 'one': if ( empty( $member_id ) ) { return array(); } $query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}swpm_members_tbl WHERE member_id = %d", $member_id ); $members = $wpdb->get_results( $query ); break; case 'all': $query = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}swpm_members_tbl WHERE reg_code != '' "; $members = $wpdb->get_results( $query ); break; } $settings = SwpmSettings::get_instance(); $separator = '?'; $url = $settings->get_value( 'registration-page-url' ); if ( strpos( $url, '?' ) !== false ) { $separator = '&'; } $links = array(); foreach ( $members as $member ) { $reg_url = $url . $separator . 'member_id=' . $member->member_id . '&code=' . $member->reg_code; if ( $send_email && empty( $member->user_name ) ) { $tags = array( '{first_name}', '{last_name}', '{reg_link}' ); $vals = array( $member->first_name, $member->last_name, $reg_url ); $subject = $settings->get_value( 'reg-prompt-complete-mail-subject' ); if ( empty( $subject ) ) { $subject = 'Please complete your registration'; } $body = $settings->get_value( 'reg-prompt-complete-mail-body' ); if ( empty( $body ) ) { $body = "Please use the following link to complete your registration. \n {reg_link}"; } $body = html_entity_decode( $body ); $email_body = str_replace( $tags, $vals, $body ); $from_address = $settings->get_value( 'email-from' ); $headers = 'From: ' . $from_address . "\r\n"; $subject = apply_filters( 'swpm_email_complete_your_registration_subject', $subject ); $email_body = apply_filters( 'swpm_email_complete_your_registration_body', $email_body ); SwpmMiscUtils::mail( $member->email, $subject, $email_body, $headers ); SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'Prompt to complete registration email sent to: ' . $member->email . '. From email address value used: ' . $from_address, true ); } $links[] = $reg_url; } return $links; } /* This function is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use SwpmMemberUtils::update_wp_user_role() instead */ public static function update_wp_user_Role( $wp_user_id, $role ) { // Deprecated function. SwpmMemberUtils::update_wp_user_role( $wp_user_id, $role ); } public static function update_wp_user( $wp_user_name, $swpm_data ) { $wp_user_info = array(); if ( isset( $swpm_data['email'] ) ) { $wp_user_info['user_email'] = $swpm_data['email']; } if ( isset( $swpm_data['first_name'] ) ) { $wp_user_info['first_name'] = $swpm_data['first_name']; } if ( isset( $swpm_data['last_name'] ) ) { $wp_user_info['last_name'] = $swpm_data['last_name']; } if ( isset( $swpm_data['plain_password'] ) ) { $wp_user_info['user_pass'] = $swpm_data['plain_password']; } $wp_user = get_user_by( 'login', $wp_user_name ); if ( $wp_user ) { $wp_user_info['ID'] = $wp_user->ID; return wp_update_user( $wp_user_info ); } return false; } public static function create_wp_user( $wp_user_data ) { //First, check if email or username belongs to an existing admin user. SwpmMemberUtils::check_and_die_if_email_belongs_to_admin_user($wp_user_data['user_email']); SwpmMemberUtils::check_and_die_if_username_belongs_to_admin_user($wp_user_data['user_login']); //At this point, the username or the email is not taken by any existing wp user with admin role. //Lets continue the normal registration process. //Check if the email belongs to an existing wp user account. $wp_user_id = email_exists( $wp_user_data['user_email'] ); if ( $wp_user_id ) { //A wp user account exist with this email. //For signle site WP install, no new user will be created. The existing user ID will be returned. } else { //Check if the username belongs to an existing wp user account. $wp_user_id = username_exists( $wp_user_data['user_login'] ); if ( $wp_user_id ) { //A wp user account exist with this username. //For signle site WP install, no new user will be created. The existing user ID will be returned. } } //At this point 1) A WP User with this email or username doesn't exist. Or 2) The associated wp user doesn't have admin role //Lets create a new wp user record or attach the SWPM profile to an existing user accordingly. if ( self::is_multisite_install() ) { //WP Multi-Site install global $blog_id; if ( $wp_user_id ) { //If user exists then just add him to current blog. add_existing_user_to_blog( array( 'user_id' => $wp_user_id, 'role' => 'subscriber', ) ); return $wp_user_id; } //No existing user. Create a new one. $wp_user_id = wpmu_create_user( $wp_user_data['user_login'], $wp_user_data['password'], $wp_user_data['user_email'] ); $role = 'subscriber'; //TODO - add user as a subscriber first. The subsequent update user role function to update the role to the correct one add_user_to_blog( $blog_id, $wp_user_id, $role ); //End of WPMS } else { //This is a WP Single Site install. //Lets see if an existing WP user exist from the email_exists() or username_exists() check earlier. if ( $wp_user_id ) { return $wp_user_id; } //No existing user. Try to create a brand new WP user entry. $wp_user_id = wp_create_user( $wp_user_data['user_login'], $wp_user_data['password'], $wp_user_data['user_email'] ); //Update that newly created user's profile with additional data. $wp_user_data['ID'] = $wp_user_id; wp_update_user( $wp_user_data ); //Core WP function. Updates/Syncs the user info and role. } return $wp_user_id; } public static function is_multisite_install() { if ( function_exists( 'is_multisite' ) && is_multisite() ) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static function _( $msg ) { return __( $msg, 'simple-membership' ); } public static function e( $msg ) { _e( $msg, 'simple-membership' ); } /* * Deprecated. Instead use SwpmUtils::has_admin_management_permission() */ public static function is_admin() { //This function returns true if the current user has WordPress admin management permission (not to be mistaken with SWPM admin permission. //This function is NOT like the WordPress's is_admin() function which determins if we are on the admin end of the site. //TODO - rename this function to something like is_admin_user() return current_user_can( 'manage_options' ); } public static function has_admin_management_permission() { if ( current_user_can( SWPM_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* * Returns the current date timestamp value suitable for debug log file. */ public static function get_current_timestamp_for_debug_log(){ $current_wp_time = current_time('mysql'); $dt = new DateTime($current_wp_time); $current_date = $dt->format('Y/m/d H:i:s'); return $current_date; } /* * Returns the current date value in (Y-m-d) format in the timzeone set for this WordPress install. */ public static function get_current_date_in_wp_zone(){ $current_wp_time = current_time('mysql'); $dt = new DateTime($current_wp_time); $current_date = $dt->format('Y-m-d'); return $current_date; } /* * Formats the given date value according to the WP date format settings. This function is useful for displaying a human readable date value to the user. */ public static function get_formatted_date_according_to_wp_settings( $date ) { $date_format = get_option( 'date_format' ); if ( empty( $date_format ) ) { //WordPress's date form settings is not set. Lets set a default format. $date_format = 'Y-m-d'; } $date_obj = new DateTime( $date ); $formatted_date = $date_obj->format( $date_format ); //Format the date value using date format settings return $formatted_date; } /* * Formats and Translates the given date value according to the WP date format settings. This function is useful for displaying a human readable date value to the user. * The $date argument value must be in nromal date format (2025-01-15). The function will use strtotime() function to convert it to unix time then use it. */ public static function get_formatted_and_translated_date_according_to_wp_settings( $date ) { $date_format = get_option( 'date_format' ); if ( empty( $date_format ) ) { //WordPress's date form settings is not set. Lets set a default format. $date_format = 'Y-m-d'; } $formatted_translated_date = date_i18n( $date_format, strtotime( $date ) ); return $formatted_translated_date; } public static function swpm_username_exists( $user_name ) { global $wpdb; $member_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_members_tbl'; $query = $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT member_id FROM ' . $member_table . ' WHERE user_name=%s', sanitize_user( $user_name ) ); return $wpdb->get_var( $query ); } public static function get_free_level() { $encrypted = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['level_identifier'] ); if ( ! empty( $encrypted ) ) { //We already checked using hash that the membership_level value is authentic. Now check the level_identifier against the membership_level. $level_value = SwpmForm::get_membership_level_from_request(); $hash_val = md5( $level_value ); if ( $hash_val != $encrypted ) {//level_identifier validation failed. $msg = '<p>Error! Security check failed for membership level identifier validation.</p>'; $msg .= '<p>The submitted membership level data does not match.</p>'; $msg .= '<p>If you are using caching please empty the cache data and try again.</p>'; if ( isset ( $_POST['swpm-fb-submit'] ) ){//Form builder submission potentially $msg .= '<p>If you are using the Form Builder addon, please update the addon and try again.</p>'; } wp_die( $msg ); } return SwpmPermission::get_instance( $encrypted )->get( 'id' ); } $is_free = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'enable-free-membership' ); $free_level = absint( SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'free-membership-id' ) ); return ( $is_free ) ? $free_level : null; } public static function is_registration_completion_link_invalid(){ if( self::is_paid_registration() ){ //We are on the prompt to complete registration link URL. //Check that this is not after the registration form has been submitted (we don't want to show a warning if the form has been submitted just now) if( isset( $_REQUEST['swpm_registration_submit'] ) || isset( $_REQUEST['swpm-fb-submit'] )){ return false; } //Check if it points to a valid user profile or not. $member = SwpmUtils::get_paid_member_info(); if ( empty($member )){ //A member record does not exist. So this link is invalid. return true; } } return false; } public static function is_registration_completion_link_already_used(){ if( self::is_paid_registration() ){ //We are on the prompt to complete registration link URL. //Check that this is not after the registration form has been submitted (we don't want to show a warning if the form has been submitted just now) if( isset( $_REQUEST['swpm_registration_submit'] ) || isset( $_REQUEST['swpm-fb-submit'] )){ return false; } //Check if this link has already been used and the profile setup is already done. $member_id = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'member_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ); $member_record = SwpmMemberUtils::get_user_by_id($member_id); if (isset($member_record->user_name) && !empty($member_record->user_name)){ //A member record exists with a username value. So this link has been used already. Account is already setup. return true; } } return false; } public static function is_paid_registration() { $member_id = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'member_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ); $code = isset( $_GET['code'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( stripslashes ( $_GET['code'] ) ) : ''; if ( ! empty( $member_id ) && ! empty( $code ) ) { return true; } return false; } public static function get_paid_member_info() { $member_id = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'member_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ); $code = isset( $_GET['code'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( stripslashes ( $_GET['code'] ) ) : ''; global $wpdb; if ( ! empty( $member_id ) && ! empty( $code ) ) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_members_tbl WHERE member_id= %d AND reg_code=%s'; $query = $wpdb->prepare( $query, $member_id, $code ); return $wpdb->get_row( $query ); } return null; } public static function get_incomplete_paid_member_info_by_ip() { global $wpdb; $user_ip = self::get_user_ip_address(); if ( ! empty( $user_ip ) ) { //Lets check if a payment has been confirmed from this user's IP and the profile needs to be completed (where username is empty). $username = ''; $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_members_tbl WHERE last_accessed_from_ip=%s AND user_name=%s'; $query = $wpdb->prepare( $query, $user_ip, $username ); $result = $wpdb->get_row( $query ); return $result; } return null; } public static function account_delete_confirmation_ui( $msg = '' ) { ob_start(); include SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_PATH . 'views/account_delete_warning.php'; ob_get_flush(); $title = __( 'Confirm Account Deletion', 'simple-membership' ); wp_die( '', $title, array( 'back_link' => true ) ); } public static function delete_account_button() { $allow_account_deletion = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'allow-account-deletion' ); if ( empty( $allow_account_deletion ) ) { return ''; } $account_delete_link = '<div class="swpm-profile-account-delete-section">'; $account_delete_link .= '<a href="' . SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_SITE_HOME_URL . '/?swpm_delete_account=1"><div class="swpm-account-delete-button">' . self::_( 'Delete Account' ) . '</div></a>'; $account_delete_link .= '</div>'; return $account_delete_link; } public static function encrypt_password( $plain_password ) { include_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-phpass.php'; $wp_hasher = new PasswordHash( 8, true ); $password_hash = $wp_hasher->HashPassword( trim( $plain_password ) ); return $password_hash; } public static function get_restricted_image_url() { return SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_URL . '/images/restricted-icon.png'; } /* * Checks if the string exists in the array key value of the provided array. If it doesn't exist, it returns the first key element from the valid values. */ public static function sanitize_value_by_array( $val_to_check, $valid_values ) { $keys = array_keys( $valid_values ); $keys = array_map( 'strtolower', $keys ); if ( in_array( $val_to_check, $keys ) ) { return $val_to_check; } return reset( $keys ); //Return he first element from the valid values } public static function swpm_sanitize_text( $text ) { $text = htmlspecialchars( $text ); $text = strip_tags( $text ); $text = sanitize_text_field( $text ); $text = esc_attr( $text ); return $text; } public static function get_user_ip_address() { $user_ip = ''; if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ) && ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ) ) { $user_ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } if ( strstr( $user_ip, ',' ) ) { $ip_values = explode( ',', $user_ip ); $user_ip = $ip_values['0']; } return apply_filters( 'swpm_get_user_ip_address', $user_ip ); } public static function is_first_click_free( &$content ) { $is_first_click = false; $args = array( $is_first_click, $content ); $filtered = apply_filters( 'swpm_first_click_free', $args ); list($is_first_click, $content) = $filtered; return $is_first_click; } private static function crypt_fallback( $string, $action = 'e' ) { if ( $action === 'e' ) { return base64_encode( $string ); } else { return base64_decode( $string ); } } public static function crypt( $string, $action = 'e' ) { //check if openssl module is enabled if ( ! extension_loaded( 'openssl' ) ) { // no openssl extension loaded. Can't ecnrypt return self::crypt_fallback( $string, $action ); } //check if encrypt method is supported $encrypt_method = 'aes-256-ctr'; $available_methods = openssl_get_cipher_methods(); if ( ! in_array( $encrypt_method, $available_methods ) ) { // no ecryption method supported. Can't encrypt return self::crypt_fallback( $string, $action ); } $output = false; $secret_key = wp_salt( 'auth' ); $secret_iv = wp_salt( 'secure_auth' ); $key = hash( 'sha256', $secret_key ); $iv = substr( hash( 'sha256', $secret_iv ), 0, 16 ); if ( $action == 'e' ) { $output = base64_encode( openssl_encrypt( $string, $encrypt_method, $key, 0, $iv ) ); } elseif ( $action == 'd' ) { $output = openssl_decrypt( base64_decode( $string ), $encrypt_method, $key, 0, $iv ); } return $output; } public static function is_rego_form_submitted(){ if ( isset( $_POST[ 'swpm_registration_submit' ] ) ){ //Core plugin's registration form submitted return true; } if ( isset( $_POST[ 'swpm-fb-submit' ] ) ){ //Form builder form submission. return true; } return false; } public static function get_fb_rego_email_field_value(){ if ( !isset($_POST[ 'form_id' ]) ){ return ''; } $fb_email = ''; $form_id = absint( $_POST[ 'form_id' ] ); if ( !empty($form_id) ){ //This is a form builder form. Get the email address for this custom form. if ( !class_exists('SwpmFbForm') ){ return ''; } $fb_form = new SwpmFbForm(); $fb_form->init_by_id( $form_id ); foreach ( $fb_form->formmeta->fields as $field ){ if ( !isset($field->key) || !is_string($field->key)){ continue; } if( $field->key == 'primary_email' ){ $fb_email = $fb_form->get_field_value($field); break; } } } return $fb_email; } public static function csv_equal_match( $needle, $haystack_csv ) { if($haystack_csv && strlen($haystack_csv)>0) { //Converting to lowercase for better matching $haystack_csv = strtolower($haystack_csv); $haystack_csv_array = explode(",",$haystack_csv); foreach($haystack_csv_array as $value) { if(trim($needle)==trim($value)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static function csv_pattern_match( $needle, $haystack_csv ) { if($haystack_csv && strlen($haystack_csv)>0) { //For pattern match, we need to check if any of the individual pattern matches with any part/full of the entered user email address. $user_email_address = $needle;//We need to search each pattern entry within this user email address value to see if there is any match. $haystack_csv = strtolower($haystack_csv); $haystack_csv_array = explode(",",$haystack_csv); foreach($haystack_csv_array as $findme) { $findme = trim($findme); if(stripos($user_email_address, $findme)!==false) { //Found a match for the pattern. return true; } } } return false; } public static function email_merge_tags() { return array( "first_name" => __("Member's first name", "simple-membership"), "last_name" => __("Member's last name", "simple-membership"), "email" => __("Member's email address", "simple-membership"), "member_id" => __("Member ID", "simple-membership"), "user_name" => __("Member's username", "simple-membership"), "account_state" => __("Account status", "simple-membership"), "membership_level" => __("Membership level ID", "simple-membership"), "membership_level_name" => __("Membership level name", "simple-membership"), "phone" => __("Phone number (if available)", "simple-membership"), "member_since" => __("Member since date", "simple-membership"), "subscription_starts" => __("Subscription start date", "simple-membership"), "company_name" => __("Company name", "simple-membership"), "primary_address" => __("Member's address", "simple-membership"), ); } public static function get_formatted_payment_gateway_name($gateway){ switch ($gateway) { case 'stripe': return 'Stripe (Legacy)'; case 'stripe-sca': return 'Stripe Buy Now'; case 'stripe-sca-subs': return 'Stripe Subscription'; case 'paypal': return 'PayPal Standard'; case 'paypal_buy_now_checkout': return 'PayPal Buy Now (PPCP)'; case 'paypal_subscription_checkout': return 'PayPal Subscription (PPCP)'; case 'braintree': return 'Braintree'; default: return $gateway; } } }
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