Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/breadcrumb-navxt/includes/adminKit/class-mtekk_adminkit.php
<?php /* Copyright 2015-2023 John Havlik (email : This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ namespace mtekk\adminKit; use mtekk\adminKit\setting\setting; require_once( __DIR__ . '/../block_direct_access.php'); //Include message class if(!class_exists('message')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/class-mtekk_adminkit_message.php'); } if(version_compare(phpversion(), '8.0.0', '<')) { //Include setting class if(!class_exists('setting\setting_bool')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/setting/php7/class-mtekk_adminkit_setting_bool.php'); } //Include setting class if(!class_exists('setting\setting_float')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/setting/php7/class-mtekk_adminkit_setting_float.php'); } //Include setting class if(!class_exists('setting\setting_int')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/setting/php7/class-mtekk_adminkit_setting_int.php'); } } else { //Include setting class if(!class_exists('setting\setting_bool')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/setting/class-mtekk_adminkit_setting_bool.php'); } //Include setting class if(!class_exists('setting\setting_float')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/setting/class-mtekk_adminkit_setting_float.php'); } //Include setting class if(!class_exists('setting\setting_int')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/setting/class-mtekk_adminkit_setting_int.php'); } } //Include setting class if(!class_exists('setting\setting_absint')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/setting/class-mtekk_adminkit_setting_absint.php'); } //Include setting class if(!class_exists('setting\setting_enum')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/setting/class-mtekk_adminkit_setting_enum.php'); } //Include setting class if(!class_exists('settingsetting_\html')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/setting/class-mtekk_adminkit_setting_html.php'); } //Include setting class if(!class_exists('setting\setting_string')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/setting/class-mtekk_adminkit_setting_string.php'); } //Include from class if(!class_exists('form')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/class-mtekk_adminkit_form.php'); } abstract class adminKit { const version = '3.1.1'; protected $full_name; protected $short_name; protected $plugin_basename; protected $access_level = 'manage_options'; protected $identifier; protected $unique_prefix; protected $opt = array(); protected $messages; protected $message; protected $support_url; protected $allowed_html; protected $settings = array(); protected $form; function __construct() { $this->message = array(); $this->messages = array(); //Admin Init Hook add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'init')); //WordPress Admin interface hook add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_page')); //Installation Script hook add_action('activate_' . $this->plugin_basename, array($this, 'install')); //Initilizes l10n domain $this->local(); add_action('wp_loaded', array($this, 'wp_loaded')); $this->form = new form($this->unique_prefix); //Register Help Output //add_action('add_screen_help_and_options', array($this, 'help')); } function wp_loaded() { //Filter our allowed html tags $this->allowed_html = apply_filters($this->unique_prefix . '_allowed_html', wp_kses_allowed_html('post')); } /** * Returns the internal mtekk_admin_class version */ function get_admin_class_version() { return adminKit::version; } /** * Checks if the administrator has the access capability, and adds it if they don't */ function add_cap() { $role = get_role('administrator'); if($role instanceof \WP_Role && !$role->has_cap($this->access_level)) { $role->add_cap($this->access_level); } } /** * Return the URL of the settings page for the plugin */ function admin_url() { return admin_url('options-general.php?page=' . $this->identifier); } /** * A wrapper for nonced_anchor returns a nonced anchor for admin pages * * @param string $mode The nonce "mode", a unique string at the end of the standardized nonce identifier * @param string $title (optional) The text to use in the title portion of the anchor * @param string $text (optional) The text that will be surrounded by the anchor tags * @return string the assembled anchor */ function admin_anchor($mode, $title = '', $text = '') { return $this->nonced_anchor($this->admin_url(), 'admin_' . $mode, 'true', $title, $text); } /** * Returns a properly formed nonced anchor to the specified URI * * @param string $uri The URI that the anchor should be for * @param string $mode The nonce "mode", a unique string at the end of the standardized nonce identifier * @param mixed $value (optional) The value to place in the query string * @param string $title (optional) The text to use in the title portion of the anchor * @param string $text (optional) The text that will be surrounded by the anchor tags * @param string $anchor_extras (optional) This text is placed within the opening anchor tag, good for adding id, classe, rel field * @return string the assembled anchor */ function nonced_anchor($uri, $mode, $value = 'true', $title = '', $text = '', $anchor_extras = '') { //Assemble our url, nonce and all $url = wp_nonce_url(add_query_arg($this->unique_prefix . '_' . $mode, $value, $uri), $this->unique_prefix . '_' . $mode); //Return a valid anchor return ' <a title="' . esc_attr($title) . '" href="' . $url . '" '. $anchor_extras . '>' . esc_html($text) . '</a>'; } /** * Abstracts the check_admin_referer so that all the end user has to supply is the mode * * @param string $mode The specific nonce "mode" (see nonced_anchor) that is being checked */ function check_nonce($mode) { check_admin_referer($this->unique_prefix . '_' . $mode); } /** * Makes sure the current user can manage options to proceed */ function security() { //If the user can not manage options we will die on them if(!current_user_can($this->access_level)) { wp_die(__('Insufficient privileges to proceed.', $this->identifier)); } } function init() { $this->add_cap(); //Admin Options reset hook if(isset($_POST[$this->unique_prefix . '_admin_reset'])) { //Run the reset function on init if reset form has been submitted $this->opts_reset(); } //Admin Settings export hook else if(isset($_POST[$this->unique_prefix . '_admin_settings_export'])) { //Run the export function on init if export form has been submitted $this->settings_export(); } //Admin Settings import hook else if(isset($_POST[$this->unique_prefix . '_admin_settings_import']) && isset($_FILES[$this->unique_prefix . '_admin_import_file']) && !empty($_FILES[$this->unique_prefix . '_admin_import_file']['name'])) { //Run the import function on init if import form has been submitted $this->settings_import(); } //Admin Options rollback hook else if(isset($_GET[$this->unique_prefix . '_admin_undo'])) { //Run the rollback function on init if undo button has been pressed $this->opts_undo(); } //Admin Options upgrade hook else if(isset($_GET[$this->unique_prefix . '_admin_upgrade'])) { //Run the upgrade function on init if upgrade button has been pressed $this->opts_upgrade_wrapper(); } //Admin Options fix hook else if(isset($_GET[$this->unique_prefix . '_admin_fix'])) { //Run the options fix function on init if fix button has been pressed $this->opts_upgrade_wrapper(); } //Admin Options update hook else if(isset($_POST[$this->unique_prefix . '_admin_options'])) { //Temporarily add update function on init if form has been submitted $this->opts_update(); } //Add in the nice "settings" link to the plugins page add_filter('plugin_action_links', array($this, 'filter_plugin_actions'), 10, 2); if(defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG) { $suffix = ''; } else { $suffix = '.min'; } //Register JS for more permanently dismissing messages wp_register_script('mtekk_adminkit_messages', plugins_url('/mtekk_adminkit_messages' . $suffix . '.js', dirname(__FILE__) . '/assets/mtekk_adminkit_messages' . $suffix . '.js'), array('jquery'), self::version, true); //Register JS for enable/disable settings groups wp_register_script('mtekk_adminkit_engroups', plugins_url('/mtekk_adminkit_engroups' . $suffix . '.js', dirname(__FILE__) . '/assets/mtekk_adminkit_engroups' . $suffix . '.js'), array('jquery'), self::version, true); //Register JS for tabs wp_register_script('mtekk_adminkit_tabs', plugins_url('/mtekk_adminkit_tabs' . $suffix . '.js', dirname(__FILE__) . '/assets/mtekk_adminkit_tabs' . $suffix . '.js'), array('jquery-ui-tabs'), self::version, true); //Register CSS for tabs wp_register_style('mtekk_adminkit_tabs', plugins_url('/mtekk_adminkit_tabs' . $suffix . '.css', dirname(__FILE__) . '/assets/mtekk_adminkit_tabs' . $suffix . '.css')); //Register options register_setting($this->unique_prefix . '_options', $this->unique_prefix . '_options', ''); //Synchronize up our settings with the database as we're done modifying them now $this->opt = $this::parse_args($this->get_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options'), $this->opt); add_action('wp_ajax_mtekk_admin_message_dismiss', array($this, 'dismiss_message')); } /** * Adds the adminpage the menu and the nice little settings link * TODO: make this more generic for easier extension */ function add_page() { //Add the submenu page to "settings" menu $hookname = add_submenu_page('options-general.php', $this->full_name, $this->short_name, $this->access_level, $this->identifier, array($this, 'admin_page')); // check capability of user to manage options (access control) if(current_user_can($this->access_level)) { //Register admin_head-$hookname callback add_action('admin_head-' . $hookname, array($this, 'admin_head')); //Register admin_print_styles-$hookname callback add_action('admin_print_styles-' . $hookname, array($this, 'admin_styles')); //Register admin_print_scripts-$hookname callback add_action('admin_print_scripts-' . $hookname, array($this, 'admin_scripts')); //Register Help Output add_action('load-' . $hookname, array($this, 'help')); } } /** * Initilizes localization textdomain for translations (if applicable) * * Will conditionally load the textdomain for translations. This is here for * plugins that span multiple files and have localization in more than one file * * @return void */ function local() { global $l10n; // the global and the check might become obsolete in // further wordpress versions // @see if(!isset($l10n[$this->identifier])) { load_plugin_textdomain($this->identifier, false, $this->identifier . '/languages'); } } /** * Places in a link to the settings page in the plugins listing entry * * @param array $links An array of links that are output in the listing * @param string $file The file that is currently in processing * @return array Array of links that are output in the listing. */ function filter_plugin_actions($links, $file) { //Make sure we are adding only for the current plugin if($file == $this->plugin_basename) { //Add our link to the end of the array to better integrate into the WP 2.8 plugins page $links[] = '<a href="' . $this->admin_url() . '">' . esc_html__('Settings') . '</a>'; } return $links; } /** * Checks to see if the plugin has been fully installed * * @return bool whether or not the plugin has been installed */ function is_installed() { $opts = $this->get_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options'); return is_array($opts); } /** * This sets up and upgrades the database settings, runs on every activation * * FIXME: seems there is a lot of very similar code in opts_upgrade_wrapper */ function install() { //Call our little security function $this->security(); //Try retrieving the options from the database $opts = $this->get_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options'); //If there are no settings, copy over the default settings if(!is_array($opts)) { //Add the options, we only store differences from defaults now, so start with blank array $this->add_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options', array()); $this->add_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options_bk', array(), '', false); //Add the version, no need to autoload the db version $this->update_option($this->unique_prefix . '_version', $this::version, false); } else { //Retrieve the database version $db_version = $this->get_option($this->unique_prefix . '_version'); if($this::version !== $db_version) { //Run the settings update script $this->opts_upgrade($opts, $db_version); //Always have to update the version $this->update_option($this->unique_prefix . '_version', $this::version, false); //Store the options $this->update_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options', $this->opt, true); } } } /** * This removes database settings upon deletion of the plugin from WordPress */ function uninstall() { //Remove the option array setting $this->delete_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options'); //Remove the option backup array setting $this->delete_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options_bk'); //Remove the version setting $this->delete_option($this->unique_prefix . '_version'); } /** * Compares the supplided version with the internal version, places an upgrade warning if there is a missmatch * TODO: change this to being auto called in admin_init action */ function version_check($version) { //If we didn't get a version, setup if($version === false) { //Add the version, no need to autoload the db version $this->add_option($this->unique_prefix . '_version', $this::version, '', 'no'); } //Do a quick version check if($version && version_compare($version, $this::version, '<') && is_array($this->opt)) { //Throw an error since the DB version is out of date $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Your settings are for an older version of this plugin and need to be migrated.', $this->identifier) . $this->admin_anchor('upgrade', __('Migrate the settings now.', $this->identifier), __('Migrate now.', $this->identifier)), 'warning'); //Output any messages that there may be $this->messages(); return false; } //Do a quick version check else if($version && version_compare($version, $this::version, '>') && is_array($this->opt)) { //Let the user know that their settings are for a newer version $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Your settings are for a newer version of this plugin.', $this->identifier) . $this->admin_anchor('upgrade', __('Migrate the settings now.', $this->identifier), __('Attempt back migration now.', $this->identifier)), 'warning'); //Output any messages that there may be $this->messages(); return true; } else if(!is_array($this->settings)) { //Throw an error since it appears the options were never registered $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Your plugin install is incomplete.', $this->identifier) . $this->admin_anchor('upgrade', __('Load default settings now.', $this->identifier), __('Complete now.', $this->identifier)), 'error'); //Output any messages that there may be $this->messages(); return false; } else if(!$this->settings_validate($this->settings)) { //Throw an error since it appears the options contain invalid data $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('One or more of your plugin settings are invalid.', $this->identifier) . $this->admin_anchor('fix', __('Attempt to fix settings now.', $this->identifier), __('Fix now.', $this->identifier)), 'error'); //Output any messages that there may be $this->messages(); return false; } return true; } /** * Run through all of the settings, check if the value matches the validated value * * @param array $settings The settings array * @return boolean */ function settings_validate(array &$settings) { foreach($settings as $setting) { if(is_array($setting)) { if(!$this->settings_validate($setting)) { return false; } } else if($setting instanceof setting && $setting->get_value() !== $setting->validate($setting->get_value())) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Synchronizes the backup options entry with the current options entry */ function opts_backup() { //Set the backup options in the DB to the current options $this->update_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options_bk', $this->get_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options'), false); } /** * The new, simpler settings update loop, handles the new settings array and replaces the old opts_update_loop * * @param array $settings * @param array $input * @param bool $bool_ignore_missing */ protected function settings_update_loop(&$settings, $input, $bool_ignore_missing = false) { foreach($settings as $key => $setting) { if(is_array($setting)) { if(isset($input[$key])) { $this->settings_update_loop($settings[$key], $input[$key]); } } else if($setting instanceof setting) { $setting->maybe_update_from_form_input($input, $bool_ignore_missing); } } } /** * A better version of parse_args, will recrusivly follow arrays * * @param mixed $args The arguments to be parsed * @param mixed $defaults (optional) The default values to validate against * @return mixed */ static function parse_args($args, $defaults = '') { if(is_object($args)) { $r = get_object_vars($args); } else if(is_array($args)) { $r =& $args; } else { wp_parse_str($args, $r); } if(is_array($defaults)) { return adminKit::array_merge_recursive($defaults, $r); } return $r; } /** * An alternate version of array_merge_recursive, less flexible * still recursive, ~2x faster than the more flexible version * * @param array $arg1 first array * @param array $arg2 second array to merge into $arg1 * @return array */ static function array_merge_recursive($arg1, $arg2) { foreach($arg2 as $key => $value) { if(array_key_exists($key, $arg1) && is_array($value)) { $arg1[$key] = adminKit::array_merge_recursive($arg1[$key], $value); } else { $arg1[$key] = $value; } } return $arg1; } /** * Extracts settings values to form opts array, for old options compatibility * * @param array $settings The settings array * @return array */ static function settings_to_opts($settings) { $opts = array(); foreach ($settings as $key => $setting) { if(is_array($setting)) { $opts[$key] = adminKit::settings_to_opts($setting); } else if($setting instanceof setting) { $opts[$key] = $setting->get_value(); } } return $opts; } /** * Loop through the settings and applying opts values if found * * @param array $opts The opts array */ function load_opts_into_settings($opts) { foreach($opts as $key => $value) { if(isset($this->settings[$key]) && $this->settings[$key] instanceof setting) { $this->settings[$key]->set_value($this->settings[$key]->validate($value)); } else if(isset($this->settings[$key]) && is_array($this->settings[$key]) && is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $subkey => $subvalue) { if(isset($this->settings[$key][$subkey]) && $this->settings[$key][$subkey]instanceof setting) { $this->settings[$key][$subkey]->set_value($this->settings[$key][$subkey]->validate($subvalue)); } } } } } /** * Compares two settings by name and value to see if they are equal * * @param \mtekk\adminKit\setting\setting $a * @param \mtekk\adminKit\setting\setting $b * @return number */ function setting_equal_check($a, $b) { if(is_array($a) || is_array($b)) { foreach($a as $key=>$value) { if($value instanceof setting && isset($b[$key]) && $b[$key] instanceof setting) { return $this->setting_equal_check($value, $b[$key]); } else { return -1; } } return -1; } if($a instanceof setting && $b instanceof setting) { if($a->get_name() === $b->get_name() && $a->get_value() === $b->get_value()) { return 0; } else if($a->get_name() === $b->get_name() && $a->get_value() > $b->get_value()) { return 1; } } return -1; } static function setting_cloner($setting) { if(is_array($setting)) { return array_map('mtekk\adminKit\adminKit::setting_cloner', $setting); } if($setting instanceof setting) { return clone $setting; } } /** * Generates array of the new non-default settings based off of form input * * @param array $input The form input array of setting values * @param bool $bool_ignore_missing Tell maybe_update_from_form_input to not treat missing bool setting entries as setting to false * @return array The diff array of adminkit settings */ private function get_settings_diff($input, $bool_ignore_missing = false) { //Backup default settings //Must clone the defaults since PHP normally shallow copies $default_settings = array_map('mtekk\adminKit\adminKit::setting_cloner', $this->settings); //Run the update loop $this->settings_update_loop($this->settings, $input, $bool_ignore_missing); //Calculate diff $new_settings = apply_filters($this->unique_prefix . '_opts_update_to_save', array_udiff_assoc($this->settings, $default_settings, array($this, 'setting_equal_check'))); //Return the new settings return $new_settings; } /** * Updates the database settings from the webform * * The general flow of data is: * 1) Establish default values * 2) Merge in updates from webform * 3) Compute difference between defaults and results of #3 * 4) Save to database the difference generated in #4 */ function opts_update() { //Do some security related thigns as we are not using the normal WP settings API $this->security(); //Do a nonce check, prevent malicious link/form problems check_admin_referer($this->unique_prefix . '_options-options'); //Update local options from database $this->opt = adminKit::parse_args($this->get_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options'), $this->opt); $this->opt = apply_filters($this->unique_prefix . '_opts_update_prebk', $this->opt); //Update our backup options $this->update_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options_bk', $this->opt, false); $opt_prev = $this->opt; //Grab our incomming array (the data is dirty) $input = $_POST[$this->unique_prefix . '_options']; //Run through the loop and get the diff from detauls $new_settings = $this->get_settings_diff($input); //FIXME: Eventually we'll save the object array, but not today //Convert to opts array for saving $this->opt = adminKit::settings_to_opts($new_settings); //Commit the option changes $updated = $this->update_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options', $this->opt, true); //Check if known settings match attempted save if($updated && count(array_diff_key($input, $this->settings)) == 0) { //Let the user know everything went ok $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Settings successfully saved.', $this->identifier) . $this->admin_anchor('undo', __('Undo the options save.', $this->identifier), __('Undo', $this->identifier)), 'success'); } else if(!$updated && count(array_diff_key($opt_prev, $this->settings)) == 0) { $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Settings did not change, nothing to save.', $this->identifier), 'info'); } else if(!$updated) { $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Settings were not saved.', $this->identifier), 'error'); } else { //Let the user know the following were not saved $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Some settings were not saved.', $this->identifier) . $this->admin_anchor('undo', __('Undo the options save.', $this->identifier), __('Undo', $this->identifier)), 'warning'); $temp = esc_html__('The following settings were not saved:', $this->identifier); foreach(array_diff_key($input, $this->settings) as $setting => $value) { $temp .= '<br />' . $setting; } $this->messages[] = new message($temp . '<br />' . sprintf(esc_html__('Please include this message in your %sbug report%s.', $this->identifier), '<a title="' . sprintf(esc_attr__('Go to the %s support forum.', $this->identifier), $this->short_name) . '" href="' . $this->support_url . '">', '</a>'), 'info'); } add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'messages')); } /** * Retrieves the settings from database and exports as JSON */ function settings_export() { //Do a nonce check, prevent malicious link/form problems check_admin_referer($this->unique_prefix . '_admin_import_export'); //Must clone the defaults since PHP normally shallow copies $default_settings = array_map('mtekk\adminKit\adminKit::setting_cloner', $this->settings); //Get the database options, and load //FIXME: This changes once we save settings to the db instead of opts $this->load_opts_into_settings($this->get_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options')); //Get the unique settings $export_settings = apply_filters($this->unique_prefix . '_settings_to_export', array_udiff_assoc($this->settings, $default_settings, array($this, 'setting_equal_check'))); //Change our headder to application/json for direct save header('Cache-Control: public'); //The next two will cause good browsers to download instead of displaying the file header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-disposition: attachemnt; filename=' . $this->unique_prefix . '_settings.json'); header('Content-Type: application/json'); //JSON encode our settings array $output = json_encode( (object)array( 'plugin' => $this->short_name, 'version' => $this::version, 'settings' => $export_settings) , JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES, 32); //Let the browser know how long the file is header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($output)); // binary length //Output the file echo $output; //Prevent WordPress from continuing on die(); } /** * Imports JSON settings into database */ function settings_import() { //Do a nonce check, prevent malicious link/form problems check_admin_referer($this->unique_prefix . '_admin_import_export'); //Set the backup options in the DB to the current options $this->opts_backup(); //Load the user uploaded file, handle failure gracefully if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$this->unique_prefix . '_admin_import_file']['tmp_name'])) { //Grab the json settings from the temp file, treat as associative array so we can just throw the settings subfield at the update loop $settings_upload = json_decode(file_get_contents($_FILES[$this->unique_prefix . '_admin_import_file']['tmp_name']), true); //Only continue if we have a JSON object that is for this plugin (the the WP rest_is_object() function is handy here as the REST API passes JSON) if(rest_is_object($settings_upload) && isset($settings_upload['plugin']) && $settings_upload['plugin'] === $this->short_name) { //Act as if the JSON file was just a bunch of POST entries for a settings save //Run through the loop and get the diff from detauls $new_settings = $this->get_settings_diff($settings_upload['settings'], true); //FIXME: Eventually we'll save the object array, but not today //Convert to opts array for saving $this->opt = adminKit::settings_to_opts($new_settings); //Run opts through update script //Make sure we safely import and upgrade settings if needed $this->opts_upgrade($this->opt, $settings_upload['version']); //Commit the option changes $updated = $this->update_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options', $this->opt, true); //Check if known settings match attempted save if($updated && count(array_diff_key($settings_upload['settings'], $this->settings)) == 0) { //Let the user know everything went ok $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Settings successfully imported from the uploaded file.', $this->identifier) . $this->admin_anchor('undo', __('Undo the options import.', $this->identifier), __('Undo', $this->identifier)), 'success'); } else { $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('No settings were imported. Settings from uploaded file matched existing settings.', $this->identifier), 'info'); } //Output any messages that there may be add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'messages')); //And return as we're successful return; } //If it wasn't JSON, try XML else { return $this->opts_import(); } } //Throw an error since we could not load the file for various reasons $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Importing settings from file failed.', $this->identifier), 'error'); } /** * Exports a XML options document */ function opts_export() { //Do a nonce check, prevent malicious link/form problems check_admin_referer($this->unique_prefix . '_admin_import_export'); //Update our internal settings $this->opt = $this->get_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options'); //Create a DOM document $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); //Adds in newlines and tabs to the output $dom->formatOutput = true; //We're not using a DTD therefore we need to specify it as a standalone document $dom->xmlStandalone = true; //Add an element called options $node = $dom->createElement('options'); $parnode = $dom->appendChild($node); //Add a child element named plugin $node = $dom->createElement('plugin'); $plugnode = $parnode->appendChild($node); //Add some attributes that identify the plugin and version for the options export $plugnode->setAttribute('name', $this->short_name); $plugnode->setAttribute('version', $this::version); //Change our headder to text/xml for direct save header('Cache-Control: public'); //The next two will cause good browsers to download instead of displaying the file header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-disposition: attachemnt; filename=' . $this->unique_prefix . '_settings.xml'); header('Content-Type: text/xml'); //Loop through the options array foreach($this->opt as $key=>$option) { if(is_array($option)) { continue; } //Add a option tag under the options tag, store the option value $node = $dom->createElement('option', htmlentities($option, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8')); $newnode = $plugnode->appendChild($node); //Change the tag's name to that of the stored option $newnode->setAttribute('name', $key); } //Prepair the XML for output $output = $dom->saveXML(); //Let the browser know how long the file is header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($output)); // binary length //Output the file echo $output; //Prevent WordPress from continuing on die(); } /** * Imports a XML options document */ function opts_import() { //Our quick and dirty error supressor $error_handler = function($errno, $errstr, $eerfile, $errline, $errcontext) { return true; }; //Do a nonce check, prevent malicious link/form problems check_admin_referer($this->unique_prefix . '_admin_import_export'); //Set the backup options in the DB to the current options $this->opts_backup(); //Create a DOM document $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); //We want to catch errors ourselves set_error_handler($error_handler); //Load the user uploaded file, handle failure gracefully if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$this->unique_prefix . '_admin_import_file']['tmp_name']) && $dom->load($_FILES[$this->unique_prefix . '_admin_import_file']['tmp_name'])) { $opts_temp = array(); $version = ''; //Have to use an xpath query otherwise we run into problems $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom); $option_sets = $xpath->query('plugin'); //Loop through all of the xpath query results foreach($option_sets as $options) { //We only want to import options for only this plugin if($options->getAttribute('name') === $this->short_name) { //Grab the file version $version = $options->getAttribute('version'); //Loop around all of the options foreach($options->getelementsByTagName('option') as $child) { //Place the option into the option array, DOMDocument decodes html entities for us $opts_temp[$child->getAttribute('name')] = $child->nodeValue; } } } //Make sure we safely import and upgrade settings if needed $this->opts_upgrade($opts_temp, $version); //Commit the loaded options to the database $this->update_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options', $this->opt, true); //Everything was successful, let the user know $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Settings successfully imported from the uploaded file.', $this->identifier) . $this->admin_anchor('undo', __('Undo the options import.', $this->identifier), __('Undo', $this->identifier)), 'success'); } else { //Throw an error since we could not load the file for various reasons $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Importing settings from file failed.', $this->identifier), 'error'); } //Reset to the default error handler after we're done restore_error_handler(); //Output any messages that there may be add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'messages')); } /** * Resets the database settings array to the default set in opt */ function opts_reset() { //Do a nonce check, prevent malicious link/form problems check_admin_referer($this->unique_prefix . '_admin_import_export'); //Set the backup options in the DB to the current options $this->opts_backup(); //Load in the hard coded default option values $this->update_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options', array(), true); //Reset successful, let the user know $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Settings successfully reset to the default values.', $this->identifier) . $this->admin_anchor('undo', __('Undo the options reset.', $this->identifier), __('Undo', $this->identifier)), 'success'); add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'messages')); } /** * Undos the last settings save/reset/import */ function opts_undo() { //Do a nonce check, prevent malicious link/form problems check_admin_referer($this->unique_prefix . '_admin_undo'); //Set the options array to the current options $opt = $this->get_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options'); //Set the options in the DB to the backup options $this->update_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options', $this->get_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options_bk'), true); //Set the backup options to the undone options $this->update_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options_bk', $opt, false); //Send the success/undo message $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Settings successfully undid the last operation.', $this->identifier) . $this->admin_anchor('undo', __('Undo the last undo operation.', $this->identifier), __('Undo', $this->identifier)), 'success'); add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'messages')); } /** * Upgrades input options array, sets to $this->opt, designed to be overwritten * * @param array $opts * @param string $version the version of the passed in options */ function opts_upgrade($opts, $version) { //We don't support using newer versioned option files in older releases if(version_compare($this::version, $version, '>=')) { $this->opt = $opts; } } /** * Forces a database settings upgrade * * FIXME: seems there is a lot of very similar code in install */ function opts_upgrade_wrapper() { //Do a nonce check, prevent malicious link/form problems check_admin_referer($this->unique_prefix . '_admin_upgrade'); //Grab the database options $opts = $this->get_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options'); if(is_array($opts)) { //Feed the just read options into the upgrade function $this->opts_upgrade($opts, $this->get_option($this->unique_prefix . '_version')); //Always have to update the version $this->update_option($this->unique_prefix . '_version', $this::version, false); //Store the options $this->update_option($this->unique_prefix . '_options', $this->opt, true); //Send the success message $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Settings successfully migrated.', $this->identifier), 'success'); } else { //Run the install script $this->install(); //Send the success message $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Default settings successfully installed.', $this->identifier), 'success'); } add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'messages')); } /** * help action hook function * * @return string * */ function help() { $screen = get_current_screen(); //Exit early if the add_help_tab function doesn't exist if(!method_exists($screen, 'add_help_tab')) { return; } //Add contextual help on current screen if($screen->id == 'settings_page_' . $this->identifier) { $this->help_contents($screen); } } function help_contents(\WP_Screen &$screen) { } function dismiss_message() { //Grab the submitted UID $uid = esc_attr($_POST['uid']); //Create a dummy message, with the discovered UID $message = new message('', '', true, $uid); //Dismiss the message $message->dismiss(); wp_die(); } /** * Prints to screen all of the messages stored in the message member variable */ function messages() { foreach($this->messages as $message) { $message->render(); } //Old deprecated messages if(is_array($this->message) && count($this->message)) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '2.0.0', __('adminKit::message is deprecated, use new adminkit_messages instead.', $this->identifier) ); //Loop through our message classes foreach($this->message as $key => $class) { //Loop through the messages in the current class foreach($class as $message) { printf('<div class="%s"><p>%s</p></div>', esc_attr($key), $message); } } $this->message = array(); } $this->messages = array(); } /** * Function prototype to prevent errors */ function admin_styles() { } /** * Function prototype to prevent errors */ function admin_scripts() { } /** * Function prototype to prevent errors */ function admin_head() { } /** * Function prototype to prevent errors */ function admin_page() { } /** * Function prototype to prevent errors */ protected function _get_help_text() { } /** * Returns a valid xHTML element ID * * @param object $option * * @deprecated 7.0.0 */ static public function get_valid_id($option) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '7.0', '\mtekk\adminKit\form::get_valid_id'); if(is_numeric($option[0])) { return 'p' . $option; } else { return $option; } } function import_form() { $form = '<div id="mtekk_admin_import_export_relocate">'; $form .= sprintf('<form action="%s" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="%s_admin_upload">', esc_attr($this->admin_url()), esc_attr($this->unique_prefix)); $form .= wp_nonce_field($this->unique_prefix . '_admin_import_export', '_wpnonce', true, false); $form .= sprintf('<fieldset id="import_export" class="%s_options">', esc_attr($this->unique_prefix)); $form .= '<legend class="screen-reader-text">' . esc_html__( 'Import settings', $this->identifier ) . '</legend>'; $form .= '<p>' . esc_html__('Import settings from a JSON or XML file, export the current settings to a JSON file, or reset to the default settings.', $this->identifier) . '</p>'; $form .= '<table class="form-table"><tr valign="top"><th scope="row">'; $form .= sprintf('<label for="%s_admin_import_file">', esc_attr($this->unique_prefix)); $form .= esc_html__('Settings File', $this->identifier); $form .= '</label></th><td>'; $form .= sprintf('<input type="file" name="%1$s_admin_import_file" id="%1$s_admin_import_file" size="32" /><p class="description">', esc_attr($this->unique_prefix)); $form .= esc_html__('Select a JSON or XML settings file to upload and import settings from.', $this->identifier); $form .= '</p></td></tr></table><p class="submit">'; $form .= sprintf('<input type="submit" class="button" name="%1$s_admin_settings_import" value="%2$s"/>', $this->unique_prefix, esc_attr__('Import', $this->identifier)); $form .= sprintf('<input type="submit" class="button" name="%1$s_admin_settings_export" value="%2$s"/>', $this->unique_prefix, esc_attr__('Export', $this->identifier)); $form .= sprintf('<input type="submit" class="button" name="%1$s_admin_reset" value="%2$s"/>', $this->unique_prefix, esc_attr__('Reset', $this->identifier)); $form .= '</p></fieldset></form></div>'; return $form; } /** * This will output a well formed hidden option * * @param string $option * * @deprecated 7.0.0 */ function input_hidden($option) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '7.0', '\mtekk\adminKit\form::input_hidden'); $opt_id = adminKit::get_valid_id($option); $opt_name = $this->unique_prefix . '_options[' . $option . ']'; printf('<input type="hidden" name="%1$s" id="%2$s" value="%3$s" />', esc_attr($opt_name), esc_attr($opt_id), esc_attr($this->opt[$option])); } /** * This will output a well formed option label * * @param string $opt_id * @param string $label * * @deprecated 7.0.0 */ function label($opt_id, $label) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '7.0', '\mtekk\adminKit\form::label'); printf('<label for="%1$s">%2$s</label>', esc_attr($opt_id), $label); } /** * This will output a well formed table row for a text input * * @param string $label * @param string $option * @param string $class (optional) * @param bool $disable (optional) * @param string $description (optional) * * @deprecated 7.0.0 */ function input_text($label, $option, $class = 'regular-text', $disable = false, $description = '') { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '7.0', '\mtekk\adminKit\form::input_text'); $opt_id = adminKit::get_valid_id($option); $opt_name = $this->unique_prefix . '_options[' . $option . ']'; if($disable) { $this->input_hidden($option); $class .= ' disabled'; }?> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"> <?php $this->label($opt_id, $label);?> </th> <td> <?php printf('<input type="text" name="%1$s" id="%2$s" value="%3$s" class="%4$s" %5$s/><br />', esc_attr($opt_name), esc_attr($opt_id), esc_attr($this->opt[$option]), esc_attr($class), disabled($disable, true, false));?> <?php if($description !== ''){?><p class="description"><?php echo $description;?></p><?php }?> </td> </tr> <?php } /** * This will output a well formed table row for a HTML5 number input * * @param string $label * @param string $option * @param string $class (optional) * @param bool $disable (optional) * @param string $description (optional) * @param int|string $min (optional) * @param int|string $max (optional) * @param int|string $step (optional) * * @deprecated 7.0.0 */ function input_number($label, $option, $class = 'small-text', $disable = false, $description = '', $min = '', $max = '', $step = '') { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '7.0', '\mtekk\adminKit\form::input_number'); $opt_id = adminKit::get_valid_id($option); $opt_name = $this->unique_prefix . '_options[' . $option . ']'; $extras = ''; if($min !== '') { $extras .= 'min="' . esc_attr($min) . '" '; } if($max !== '') { $extras .= 'max="' . esc_attr($max) . '" '; } if($step !== '') { $extras .= 'step="' . esc_attr($step) . '" '; } if($disable) { $this->input_hidden($option); $class .= ' disabled'; }?> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"> <?php $this->label($opt_id, $label);?> </th> <td> <?php printf('<input type="number" name="%1$s" id="%2$s" value="%3$s" class="%4$s" %6$s%5$s/><br />', esc_attr($opt_name), esc_attr($opt_id), esc_attr($this->opt[$option]), esc_attr($class), disabled($disable, true, false), $extras);?> <?php if($description !== ''){?><p class="description"><?php echo $description;?></p><?php }?> </td> </tr> <?php } /** * This will output a well formed textbox * * @param string $label * @param string $option * @param string $rows (optional) * @param bool $disable (optional) * @param string $description (optional) * * @deprecated 7.0.0 */ function textbox($label, $option, $height = '3', $disable = false, $description = '', $class = '') { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '7.0', '\mtekk\adminKit\form::textbox'); $opt_id = adminKit::get_valid_id($option); $opt_name = $this->unique_prefix . '_options[' . $option . ']'; $class .= ' large-text'; if($disable) { $this->input_hidden($option); $class .= ' disabled'; }?> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"> <?php $this->label($opt_id, $label);?> </th> <td> <?php printf('<textarea rows="%6$s" name="%1$s" id="%2$s" class="%4$s" %5$s/>%3$s</textarea><br />', esc_attr($opt_name), esc_attr($opt_id), esc_textarea($this->opt[$option]), esc_attr($class), disabled($disable, true, false), esc_attr($height));?> <?php if($description !== ''){?><p class="description"><?php echo $description;?></p><?php }?> </td> </tr> <?php } /** * This will output a well formed tiny mce ready textbox * * @param string $label * @param string $option * @param string $rows (optional) * @param bool $disable (optional) * @param string $description (optional) * * @deprecated 7.0.0 */ function tinymce($label, $option, $height = '3', $disable = false, $description = '') { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '7.0', '\mtekk\adminKit\form::tinymce'); $opt_id = adminKit::get_valid_id($option); $class = 'mtekk_mce'; if($disable) { $this->input_hidden($option); $class .= ' disabled'; }?> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"> <?php $this->label($opt_id, $label);?> </th> <td> <?php printf('<textarea rows="%6$s" name="%1$s" id="%2$s" class="%4$s" %5$s/>%3$s</textarea><br />', esc_attr($opt_name), esc_attr($opt_id), esc_textarea($this->opt[$option]), esc_attr($class), disabled($disable, true, false), esc_attr($height));?> <?php if($description !== ''){?><p class="description"><?php echo $description;?></p><?php }?> </td> </tr> <?php } /** * This will output a well formed table row for a checkbox input * * @param string $label * @param string $option * @param string $instruction * @param bool $disable (optional) * @param string $description (optional) * @param string $class (optional) * * @deprecated 7.0.0 */ function input_check($label, $option, $instruction, $disable = false, $description = '', $class = '') { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '7.0', '\mtekk\adminKit\form::input_check'); $opt_id = adminKit::get_valid_id($option); $opt_name = $this->unique_prefix . '_options[' . $option . ']'; if($disable) { $this->input_hidden($option); $class .= ' disabled'; }?> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"> <?php echo esc_html( $label ); ?> </th> <td> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr( $opt_id ); ?>"> <?php printf('<input type="checkbox" name="%1$s" id="%2$s" value="%3$s" class="%4$s" %5$s %6$s/>', esc_attr($opt_name), esc_attr($opt_id), esc_attr($this->opt[$option]), esc_attr($class), disabled($disable, true, false), checked($this->opt[$option], true, false));?> <?php echo $instruction; ?> </label><br /> <?php if($description !== ''){?><p class="description"><?php echo $description;?></p><?php }?> </td> </tr> <?php } /** * This will output a singular radio type form input field * * @param string $option * @param string $value * @param string $instruction * @param object $disable (optional) * @param string $class (optional) * * @deprecated 7.0.0 */ function input_radio($option, $value, $instruction, $disable = false, $class = '') { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '7.0', '\mtekk\adminKit\form::input_radio'); $opt_id = adminKit::get_valid_id($option); $opt_name = $this->unique_prefix . '_options[' . $option . ']'; $class .= ' togx'; if($disable) { $this->input_hidden($option); $class .= ' disabled'; }?> <label> <?php printf('<input type="radio" name="%1$s" id="%2$s" value="%3$s" class="%4$s" %5$s %6$s/>', esc_attr($opt_name), esc_attr($opt_id), esc_attr($value), esc_attr($class), disabled($disable, true, false), checked($value, $this->opt[$option], false));?> <?php echo $instruction; ?> </label><br/> <?php } /** * This will output a well formed table row for a select input * * @param string $label * @param string $option * @param array $values * @param bool $disable (optional) * @param string $description (optional) * @param array $titles (optional) The array of titiles for the options, if they should be different from the values * @param string $class (optional) Extra class to apply to the elements * * @deprecated 7.0.0 */ function input_select($label, $option, $values, $disable = false, $description = '', $titles = false, $class = '') { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '7.0', '\mtekk\adminKit\form::input_select'); //If we don't have titles passed in, we'll use option names as values if(!$titles) { $titles = $values; } $opt_id = adminKit::get_valid_id($option); $opt_name = $this->unique_prefix . '_options[' . $option . ']'; if($disable) { $this->input_hidden($option); $class .= ' disabled'; }?> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"> <?php $this->label($opt_id, $label);?> </th> <td> <?php printf('<select name="%1$s" id="%2$s" class="%4$s" %5$s>%3$s</select><br />', esc_attr($opt_name), esc_attr($opt_id), $this->select_options($option, $titles, $values), esc_attr($class), disabled($disable, true, false));?> <?php if($description !== ''){?><p class="description"><?php echo $description;?></p><?php }?> </td> </tr> <?php } /** * Displays wordpress options as <seclect> * * @param string $optionname name of wordpress options store * @param array $options array of names of options that can be selected * @param array $values array of the values of the options that can be selected * @param array $exclude(optional) array of names in $options array to be excluded * * @return string The assembled HTML for the select options * * @deprecated 7.0.0 */ function select_options($optionname, $options, $values, $exclude = array()) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '7.0', '\mtekk\adminKit\form::select_options'); $options_html = ''; $value = $this->opt[$optionname]; //Now do the rest foreach($options as $key => $option) { if(!in_array($option, $exclude)) { $options_html .= sprintf('<option value="%1$s" %2$s>%3$s</option>', esc_attr($values[$key]), selected($value, $values[$key], false), $option); } } return $options_html; } /** * A local pass through for get_option so that we can hook in and pick the correct method if needed * * @param string $option The name of the option to retrieve * @return mixed The value of the option */ function get_option($option) { return get_option($option); } /** * A local pass through for update_option so that we can hook in and pick the correct method if needed * * @param string $option The name of the option to update * @param mixed $newvalue The new value to set the option to */ function update_option($option, $newvalue, $autoload = null) { return update_option($option, $newvalue, $autoload); } /** * A local pass through for add_option so that we can hook in and pick the correct method if needed * * @param string $option The name of the option to update * @param mixed $value The new value to set the option to * @param null $deprecated Deprecated parameter * @param string $autoload Whether or not to autoload the option, it's a string because WP is special */ function add_option($option, $value = '', $deprecated = '', $autoload = 'yes') { return add_option($option, $value, null, $autoload); } /** * A local pass through for delete_option so that we can hook in and pick the correct method if needed * * @param string $option The name of the option to delete */ function delete_option($option) { return delete_option($option); } }
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