Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /var/softaculous/commentics/changelog.txt
Version: 4.5.1 Date: 23rd March 2024 [Bug Fix] Fix JS error for BB code [Bug Fix] Fix behaviour of str_split for emails [Bug Fix] Fix URL encoding [Bug Fix] Fix message if banned [Bug Fix] Fix JS for admin detection modal [Other] Add note if no upgrade package available Version: 4.5 Date: 12th February 2024 [Feature] Events system [Feature] CLI (Command-line Interface) [Improvement] PHP 8.3 compatibility [Improvement] Uses vanilla JS on frontend [Improvement] Adds PHPUnit tests [Improvement] Choose various field layouts [Improvement] Choose two comment layouts [Improvement] Site specific CSS / language [Improvement] Admin can edit/delete comments on frontend [Improvement] Adds avatar shape setting [Improvement] Autoload folders for JS/CSS [Improvement] Additional CSS Editor settings [Improvement] Auto passes settings to templates [Improvement] Moves more code to models [Improvement] Uses less code for admin errors [Improvement] Uses less code for uninstalling modules [Improvement] User page respects 'Auto Update' time setting [Improvement] Language editor improvements [Improvement] Updates states [Improvement] Adds ability to resize comment field [Improvement] Uses referrer setting for iframe [Improvement] More control on admin edit pages [Improvement] Updates to structured data markup [Improvement] Adds getDomainFromUrl method [Improvement] Upgrades jQuery script [Improvement] Upgrades htmLawed script [Improvement] Upgrades chart script [Improvement] Upgrades highlight script [Bug Fix] Fix for language in ajax requests [Bug Fix] Fix for if modifying comments heading [Bug Fix] Fix for regex non-Latin characters [Bug Fix] Fix for default country [Bug Fix] Fix for one-click upgrade [Other] Removes loadWord() method [Other] Removes Timeago script [Other] Suppresses possible error [Other] Checks sponsors are valid Version: 4.4 Date: 21st January 2023 [Feature] Quick reply [Feature] User can edit comment [Feature] User can delete comment [Feature] Merge Users module [Improvement] PHP 8.2 compatibility [Improvement] Better PHP 8.1 compatibility [Improvement] Moves all JS and CSS out of templates [Improvement] Set if comment is by admin on edit comment page [Improvement] Adds setting for if email should be unique [Improvement] Updates countries and states [Improvement] Replaces Securimage with custom solution [Improvement] Adds setting to show empty pages in admin area [Improvement] Changes default date/time format [Improvement] Catches exceptions in MySQL [Improvement] Improves role of super admin [Improvement] Makes 'view replies link' more responsive [Improvement] View full size avatar in admin area [Improvement] Adds setting to count replies in comments heading [Improvement] Checks file and database versions match [Improvement] Adds ability to pass URL in integration code [Improvement] Updates the Redis caching code [Improvement] Sets default caching ports [Improvement] Adds ability to delete cache by prefix [Improvement] Improves dashboard icon styling [Improvement] Makes library methods more versatile [Improvement] Unapproving comment unapproves replies [Improvement] Language/CSS editor handles missing folders [Improvement] Improves installer styling [Improvement] Improves coding standards [Improvement] Upgrades jQuery script [Improvement] Upgrades jQuery UI script [Improvement] Upgrades htmLawed script [Improvement] Upgrades chart script [Improvement] Downgrades highlight script [Bug Fix] Fixes empty value on CSS editor module [Bug Fix] Fixes dialog close button in admin area [Bug Fix] Fixes height between name/email field on mobile [Bug Fix] Fixes uploads overlay position styling [Bug Fix] Fixes state on edit comment page when no country [Bug Fix] Fixes notifications form not hiding extra fields [Bug Fix] Fixes email address BB code [Other] Allows extended hyphen in name [Other] Moves dialog encoding to engine Version: 4.3 Date: 29th January 2022 [Feature] Extra fields module [Feature] Language editor module [Feature] CSS editor module [Improvement] PHP 8.1 compatibility [Improvement] Sortable fields [Improvement] RTL (Right to Left) support [Improvement] Adds ability to pass avatar in integration code [Improvement] Shows link to user page for x days [Improvement] Relaxes name validation if by integration code [Improvement] Dark background improvements [Improvement] Styling of captcha refresh icon [Improvement] Improves reset styling [Improvement] Sets title for iFrame [Improvement] Uses input type color in admin area [Improvement] Improves coding standards [Improvement] Upgrades htmLawed script [Improvement] Upgrades chart script [Improvement] Upgrades iFrame Resizer script [Improvement] Upgrades highlight script [Bug Fix] Fix page jumping to comment field [Bug Fix] Fix today/yesterday date inaccuracy [Bug Fix] Fix visibility of geo fields [Other] Disables resizing of comment field Version: 4.2 Date: 29th May 2021 [Feature] Adds avatar upload / selection feature [Improvement] MySQL uses utf8mb4 to allow for all characters [Improvement] Admin can add/remove comment uploads [Improvement] Adds comment upload lightbox for users [Improvement] Shows message if layout settings don't correspond [Improvement] Adds Rich Snippets property settings [Improvement] Keeps index file when clearing cache [Improvement] Uses original array syntax for wider PHP compatibility [Improvement] Checks for user token collision [Improvement] Increases length of user token [Improvement] Only sends approval notification email to subscribers [Improvement] Removes 'Default Approve' setting in notify tab [Improvement] Checks 404 attempts on user page [Improvement] Appends modified date of CSS/JS to clear cache [Improvement] File uploads stored as /year/month/file [Improvement] Improves form layout settings categorisation [Improvement] Only shows rating column in admin area if enabled [Improvement] Renames /upload/ folder to simplify install steps [Improvement] No longer fades out success messages [Improvement] Improves form spacing on notify form [Improvement] Shows "* required information" on mobile [Improvement] Upgrade tool sleeps to avoid DoS detection [Improvement] Replaces Swift Mailer with own code [Improvement] Adds email SMTP timeout setting [Improvement] Adds email attachment support [Improvement] Sends both text and HTML when emailing [Improvement] Updates .htaccess directives for Apache 2.4 [Improvement] Updates admin area help menu links [Improvement] Allows float (e.g. 0.5mb) for max upload size [Improvement] Removes BitNinja detection [Improvement] Sets SQL mode when connecting [Improvement] Upgrades jQuery script [Bug Fix] Fix for headline validation when replying [Bug Fix] Fix not clearing headline value after posting [Bug Fix] Fix not hiding headline when showing notify form [Bug Fix] Fix for comment counter after submit [Bug Fix] Fix for topic text overflow [Bug Fix] Fix smiley spacing inside comments [Bug Fix] Deleting country/state updates comments [Bug Fix] ReCaptcha settings validation [Bug Fix] Fix handling of special characters in DB details [Bug Fix] Fix icon container gradient CSS [Other] Updates the Commentics website URL (org to com) [Other] Effectively disables long word validation [Other] Changes oldest upgradeable version to 3.0
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.0.30 | Génération de la page: 0 |