Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /var/softaculous/bagisto/changelog.txt
2.2.4 Latest ✨ Features Enhanced end-to-end testing with Playwright integration. 🐛 Bugs Fixing #10440 - Upload File Section Appears Empty in Edit Mode of Data Transfer. #10443 - Inappropriate Validation Message for Invalid Contact Number in Customer XLS File during Data Transfer. #10444 - Unable to Add or Update Contact Number in Customer via XLS or CSV File Upload in Data Transfer. #10445 - Proper Date of Birth Format Validation Required in Data Transfer. #10451 - Guest Checkout value entry should be added in Sample CSV. #10471 - The customer is receiving two invoice emails after an invoice is created. #10472 - Attribute Configuration Checkbox Saving Issue #10475 - Bug Report: Shipping and Handling Price Incorrect in Admin Sales Section. #10482 - Restrict Attribute Family Code Non-Editable Fields from Backend. #10486 - UK Postcode. #10495 - Unable to Make Campaign Inactive in Admin End. #10497 - Captcha v2 not working. #10512 - Getting Exceptional Error when saving Shipping Settings details in configurations. #10513 - Getting Console Errors when updating Grouped product added product QTY in shop front. #10515 - options table in attribute has wrong alignment. #10517 - Product attribute label is not translate base on Locale or .env. #10518 - Attribute options are in the wrong column. #10519 - Sort and limit is not set on New Products them. #10380 - Product QTY is not updating when QTY is updated from the Main Cart and Mini Cart in the Additional column of the cart_items table. #10384 - PayPal Standard is not working Showing return to merchant and also in console we can see the error. #10386 - A UI issue occurs in the Creating Invoice Drawer when the product name is too long, causing layout distortion or overflow. #10387 - UI can be improved in the Transaction detail drawer in Admin end and also First Letter of the Status must be Capital. #10388 - We can save a custom role without selecting any checkboxes for the custom options. #10393 - If there are more entries in the Filter's Drop-down, we can add a scroller. #10407 - The information in the 'Content' section of General Configuration does not align with the fields provided for customization. #10424 - The United Nations (UN) is not a country. It is an international organization founded in 1945 and is composed of member states. #10425 - Incorrect Warning Message When Deleting Tax Category with Assigned Tax Rates. #10426 - Default List Mode Setting for Store Front: List View Not Working, Console Errors Appear. #10432 - Variant or Linked Product Details Missing in Invoices and Shipments for Logged-In Users on Shop Front. #10433 - Ensure Modal Responsiveness for Large Content. #10434 - Exceptional Error Appears When Uploading Edited Error File in Data Transfer. #10331 - Position field in add and edit category pages should only take integer values. #10335 - DataGrid filter is not working. #10341 - Getting SQLSTATE[23000] in error msg while mass deletion of few attributes like size, color, weight. #10347 - Modal not showing upside data or button if the height increased. #10349 - Need to Add Proper Validation for the Currency Symbol, Decimal, Group Separator and Decimal Separator. #10350 - We should not be able to edit the currency code in Admin End Settings. #10364 - Adding dropdown details in a select-type input and then saving it back results in a 404 error. #10366 - Admin End -> Lines in a Street Address is accepting Decimal Value. #10367 - The Contact Number section in the Shipping Settings Address needs proper validation. #10368 - In the Admin Flat Rate Settings, any value can be entered in the Flat Rate Price field, resulting in console errors on the Checkout page. #10369 - There should be a limit in Order Number Length in Order Settings as we are facing warning message in Checkout Page. #10370 - We need to add proper validation in the Invoice Settings configuration in Admin End Configurations. #10372 - Mini Cart Offer Information must have character validation and the content when increased we are unable to see the products added to Mini Cart. #10373 - Need to add some sort of Limit to the Offer Title and Redirection Title for the Shop Front Header Settings. #10375 - language file mess up. #10377 - Tax Rates when created the value of Tax Rate should be in between 0 to 100%. #10265 - When creating a customer from the admin end, there should be an option to display the Customer ID. #10267 - Add Scroller in Currency and Locale drop-down for desktop view. #10283 - Add to cart and Buy now button. #10294 - Using Image Component twice in Customer Profile Edit page, Image upload issue is appearing. #10295 - We can save identical slugs for both categories and products. As a result, when I try to view the product page, the category page opens instead. #10296 - Compare Product Scroller is not appearing. #10297 - Add Note In the Sales and Customer sections, a character limit should be set. When data is entered without spaces, the page layout becomes distorted. #10299 - Long Name in Product Name is creating issue in shop front. #10307 - Add review from the customer end with at least 2 images and remove 1 Image save. In Admin we can see the removed image also. #10308 - In a configurable product, when editing a variant, the inventory box should have a default entry of zero. #10309 - Add validation to configurable products to prevent saving if no data is entered for the variant. #10310 - In the configurable product variant edit, the price appears as NaN if variant details are filled in the order of inventory, weight, and then price. #10310 #10315 - The Header and Footer should Enabled on Checkout Success page. #10323 - The product page and admin datagrid should handle long product names effectively. #10325 - On the bundle product page, if any options contain a special price, then it should show. #10330 - Categories section not showing in the product edit page when all attributes are moved to the Main column #10206 - We are able to add Configurable, Grouped, Configurable and Virtual Product in Bundle Product. #10207 - We are able to add Configurable, Grouped, Configurable and Virtual Product in Grouped Product. #10208 - Missing theme_code in Theme Customization Retrieval For Shop Theme #10208 #10209 - d without marketing time and saved, after edit we can see the format issue and also we are unable to save it without marketing dates. #10212 - Contact Us page -> Phone Number Integer validation issue is appearing. #10217 - Getting Console Error when we add symbols On Search Bar on Shop Front. #10228 - Create a new Inventory Source -> Status must be off and save. We can see the Inventory Source Still Active. #10229 - In configurable product variants with multiple inventories, a default value of zero must be filled; otherwise, a validation error appears. #10232 - PayPal Smart Button order is working without Credentials In Admin end Reorder and Create Order. #10234 - An exception error occurs when attempting to refund a quantity greater than the invoiced and shipped quantity. #10236 - Admin Dark Theme Static Content UI issue. #10238 - Unable to add a Channel 2 product to the cart when logged in to the admin with Channel 1. #10240 - ACL: A custom role assigned without dashboard access still logs in with the dashboard by default. #10242 - The 'Add Note' feature for Customer, Order, etc., is not displaying the notification UI correctly in Dark Theme. #10248 - Add support for Multiselect field type in system configuration #10248 #10249 - Custom Application Logo Not Displayed on Error Page #10249 #10255 - Need to update the warning message for Notification Marked as Read. #10256 - Dropdown Arrow in RTL view Mass Selection is having minor UI issue. #10262 - While creating a configurable product from the edit product page, the size and color options appear as "undefined," causing the variant to be invisible on the storefront. #10263 - The status filters need to be updated to display "Active/Inactive" instead of "True/False" for consistency with the datagrid. #10204 - Carousel arrows must not appear when there are a limited number of products in Related, Up-Sell, and Cross-Sell products. #10199 - In the GUI installation, a password validation issue occurs when we enter only three characters, but it still gets saved. #10196 - In the Attribute, when we create a TextArea type and add a default value, we get a validation error upon saving, but the validation message does not appear. #10193 - Unassigned Attributes and Right Side Column Not Displaying After Moving Groups to Main Column in Attribute Families. #10191 - Catalog Rule -> Add Conditions -> One of the details is having translation missing. #10189 - Cart Rule Categories condition is having issue they are not appearing and also console errors are appearing. #10188 - Click on Subscribe to Newsletter text on sign-up page we can see console error. #10179 - while installing admin password validation issue. #10173 - Minimum Order Amount is not working for discounts applied by Cart Rules. #10171 - Meta Title is being used as a URL instead of a Slug. #10169 - Getting console errors, and images are not loading in the mobile view when switching configurable product variants. #10168 - Censoring product reviewer name. #10166 - The wishlist quantity issue is occurring with the product. When the quantity of a product in the wishlist is increased and then added to the cart, the quantity of other products in the wishlist is also increased. #10163 - In Product Review Icon, there the text must appear add image and video. #10162 - In CMS Pages when we enter incorrect Slug, it should redirect to 404 Page. #10161 - In Home Page Product Carousal, View All Button is redirect to Home Page. #10147 - Admin Credentials Prompts Missing During Bagisto Installation via Artisan Command. #10144 - Configurable product with and the variant has a promotion problem.
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