Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/root/usr/share/ri/system/Math/cdesc-Math.ri
U:RDoc::NormalModule[iI" Math:EF@0o:RDoc::Markup::Document:@parts[o;;[o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph;[I"@When mathn is required, the Math module changes as follows:;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLine o; ;[I"$Standard Math module behaviour:;To:RDoc::Markup::Verbatim;[I"!Math.sqrt(4/9) # => 0.0 ;TI"/Math.sqrt(4.0/9.0) # => 0.666666666666667 ;TI"RMath.sqrt(- 4/9) # => Errno::EDOM: Numerical argument out of domain - sqrt ;T:@format0o; ;[I"/After require 'mathn', this is changed to:;T@o;;[ I"require 'mathn' ;TI""Math.sqrt(4/9) # => 2/3 ;TI"0Math.sqrt(4.0/9.0) # => 0.666666666666667 ;TI"-Math.sqrt(- 4/9) # => Complex(0, 2/3);T;0: @fileI"lib/mathn.rb;T:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below0o;;[o; ;[ I"9The Math module contains module functions for basic ;TI";trigonometric and transcendental functions. See class ;TI"(Float for a list of constants that ;TI"+define Ruby's floating point accuracy.;T@o; ;[I"IDomains and codomains are given only for real (not complex) numbers.;T; I"math.c;T;0; 0;0[ [U:RDoc::Constant[i I"PI;TI" Math::PI;T00o;;[o; ;[I"BDefinition of the mathematical constant PI as a Float number.;T@; @-;0@-@cRDoc::NormalModule0U;[i I"E;TI"Math::E;T00o;;[o; ;[I"EDefinition of the mathematical constant E (e) as a Float number.;T@; @-;0@-@@90[ [[I" class;T[[:public[ [I" acos;TI"math.c;T[I" acosh;T@L[I" asin;T@L[I" asinh;T@L[I" atan;T@L[I" atan2;T@L[I" atanh;T@L[I" cbrt;T@L[I"cos;T@L[I" cosh;T@L[I"erf;T@L[I" erfc;T@L[I"exp;T@L[I" frexp;T@L[I" gamma;T@L[I" hypot;T@L[I" ldexp;T@L[I"lgamma;T@L[I"log;T@L[I" log10;T@L[I" log2;T@L[I" rsqrt;FI"lib/mathn.rb;T[I"sin;T@L[I" sinh;T@L[I" sqrt;F@w[I"tan;T@L[I" tanh;T@L[:protected[ [:private[ [I" instance;T[[;[ [;[ [;[[@v@w[@}@w[ [U:RDoc::Context::Section[i 0o;;[ ; 0;0[@!@-@-cRDoc::TopLevel
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