Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/root/usr/share/ri/system/Enumerator/cdesc-Enumerator.ri
U:RDoc::NormalClass[iI"Enumerator:ET@I"Object;To:RDoc::Markup::Document:@parts[o;;[o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph;[I"?A class which allows both internal and external iteration.;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLine o; ;[I";An Enumerator can be created by the following methods.;To:RDoc::Markup::List: @type:BULLET:@items[o:RDoc::Markup::ListItem:@label0;[o; ;[I"Kernel#to_enum;To;;0;[o; ;[I"Kernel#enum_for;To;;0;[o; ;[I";T@o; ;[I"BMost methods have two forms: a block form where the contents ;TI"Jare evaluated for each item in the enumeration, and a non-block form ;TI";which returns a new Enumerator wrapping the iteration.;T@o:RDoc::Markup::Verbatim;[I")enumerator = %w(one two three).each ;TI"+puts enumerator.class # => Enumerator ;TI" ;TI"7enumerator.each_with_object("foo") do |item, obj| ;TI" puts "#{obj}: #{item}" ;TI" end ;TI" ;TI"# foo: one ;TI"# foo: two ;TI"# foo: three ;TI" ;TI"8enum_with_obj = enumerator.each_with_object("foo") ;TI".puts enum_with_obj.class # => Enumerator ;TI" ;TI"'enum_with_obj.each do |item, obj| ;TI" puts "#{obj}: #{item}" ;TI" end ;TI" ;TI"# foo: one ;TI"# foo: two ;TI"# foo: three ;T:@format0o; ;[I"FThis allows you to chain Enumerators together. For example, you ;TI"?can map a list's elements to strings containing the index ;TI"%and the element as a string via:;T@o;;[I"@puts %w[foo bar baz].map.with_index { |w, i| "#{i}:#{w}" } ;TI"&# => ["0:foo", "1:bar", "2:baz"] ;T;0o; ;[I"=An Enumerator can also be used as an external iterator. ;TI"IFor example, Enumerator#next returns the next value of the iterator ;TI"=or raises StopIteration if the Enumerator is at the end.;T@o;;[ I"8e = [1,2,3].each # returns an enumerator object. ;TI"puts # => 1 ;TI"puts # => 2 ;TI"puts # => 3 ;TI"*puts # raises StopIteration ;T;0o; ;[I"CYou can use this to implement an internal iterator as follows:;T@o;;["I"def ext_each(e) ;TI" while true ;TI" begin ;TI" vs = e.next_values ;TI" rescue StopIteration ;TI" return $!.result ;TI" end ;TI" y = yield(*vs) ;TI" e.feed y ;TI" end ;TI" end ;TI" ;TI"o = ;TI" ;TI"def o.each ;TI" puts yield ;TI" puts yield(1) ;TI" puts yield(1, 2) ;TI" 3 ;TI" end ;TI" ;TI"4# use o.each as an internal iterator directly. ;TI"*puts o.each {|*x| puts x; [:b, *x] } ;TI"8# => [], [:b], [1], [:b, 1], [1, 2], [:b, 1, 2], 3 ;TI" ;TI"2# convert o.each to an external iterator for ;TI"*# implementing an internal iterator. ;TI"7puts ext_each(o.to_enum) {|*x| puts x; [:b, *x] } ;TI"7# => [], [:b], [1], [:b, 1], [1, 2], [:b, 1, 2], 3;T;0: @fileI"enumerator.c;T:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below0;0;0[ [ [[I"Enumerable;To;;[ ;@x;0I"enumerator.c;T[[I" class;T[[:public[[I"new;T@{[:protected[ [:private[ [I" instance;T[[;[[I" each;T@{[I"each_with_index;T@{[I"each_with_object;T@{[I" feed;T@{[I"inspect;T@{[I" next;T@{[I"next_values;T@{[I" peek;T@{[I"peek_values;T@{[I"rewind;T@{[I" size;T@{[I"with_index;T@{[I"with_object;T@{[;[ [;[ [ [U:RDoc::Context::Section[i 0o;;[ ;0;0[@x@xcRDoc::TopLevel
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