Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /var/softaculous/unb/board.conf.php
<?php # Unclassified NewsBoard # Copyright 2003-5 by Yves Goergen # Homepage: # See docs/license.txt for distribution/license details # # board.conf.php # UNB configuration text file # This file is protected against public read access by the .php file extension. # This file can be stored UTF-8 encoded. If you do so, the BOM (Byte-Order # Mark) at the file beginning will be detected to determine this. If you store # this file ANSI encoded, all values will be UTF-8 encoded at read time, when # appropriate. # ---- general settings ---- forum_title = [[site_name]] home_url = [[softurl]]/ parent_url = toplogo_url = db_server = [[softdbhost]] db_user = [[softdbuser]] db_pass = [[mysql_pass]] db_name = [[softdb]] db_prefix = [[dbprefix]] # db_utf8 = 1 smtp_server = localhost smtp_sender = smtp_user = smtp_pass = use_php_mail = 1 enable_jabber = 0 jabber_server = jabber_user = jabber_pass = jabber_tls = 0 def_lang = en tz_offset = 22 tz_dst = 0 # ---- appearance settings ---- design = modern smileset = unb login_top = 0 show_online_users = 1 foot_db_time = 0 gzip = auto mod_rewrite_urls = 1 show_goto_forum = 1 show_search_forum = 1 enable_trace_users = 1 post_preview_send_button = 1 show_last_visit_time = 0 forums_tree_style = nolines display_forum_lastpost_re = 0 show_birthdays = 0 disable_search_highlighting = 0 show_forum_rss_link = 1 location_link = threads_per_page = 30 posts_per_page = 15 users_per_page = 20 hot_thread_posts = 40 hot_thread_views = 400 extra_names = new_topic_link_in_thread = 0 post_show_textlength = 1 post_attach_inline_maxsize = 51200 post_attach_inline_maxwidth = 750 post_attach_inline_maxheight = 500 max_poll_options = 10 own_posts_in_threadlist = 1 show_bookmarked_thread = 1 display_thread_startdate = 0 advanced_thread_counter = 0 count_thread_views = 0 display_thread_lastposter = 0 count_forum_threads_posts = 1 display_forum_lastpost = 0 ulist_regdate = 1 ulist_location = 1 ulist_posts = 1 ulist_lastpost = 1 poll_current_days = 21 quote_with_date = 1 no_edit_note_grace_time = 5 moved_thread_note_timeout = 14 online_users_reload_interval = 10000 user_online_timeout = 300 # ----- security settings ----- new_user_validation = 2 disallowed_usernames = *admin disallowed_emails = allowed_email_domains = disallow_email_reuse = 0 username_minlength = 2 username_maxlength = 40 usertitle_maxlength = 40 pass_minlength = 6 pass_notusername = 1 pass_neednumber = 0 pass_needspecial = 0 avatars_enabled = 1 allow_remote_avatars = 1 avatar_x = 64 avatar_y = 64 avatar_bytes = 16384 photos_enabled = 1 photo_x = 200 photo_y = 200 photo_bytes = 40960 max_post_len = 10000 max_sig_len = 600 attach_bytes = 512000 attach_exts = topic_subject_minlength = 3 topic_subject_maxlength = 100 abbc_sig_no_font = 0 abbc_sig_no_url = 0 abbc_sig_no_img = 1 abbc_sig_no_smilies = 1 no_cookies = 0 session_ip_netmask = 24 use_veriword = 1 auto_ban_flood_ip = 1 auto_ban_flood_ip_period = 60 auto_ban_flood_ip_threshold = 40 admin_lock = 1 read_only = 0 enable_versioncheck = 1 # ----- plug-ins ----- disable_plugins = # ----- advanced settings ----- # lib_path must also be updated in forum.php lib_path = unb_lib/ lib_url = unb_lib/ log_path = unb_lib/logs/ # Short URL to generate for the overview page (default is "forum"), see UnbLink function. Needs .htaccess file update! url_overview = forum indep_page = 1 basefile = forum.php baseurl = forum.php prog_id = [[prog_id]] no_forward = 0 show_sql = off nav_line = 1 show_login = 1 foot_line = 1 nice_quotes_style = 0 threads_in_forum = 0 named_urls = 0 last_versioncheck = 0 versioncheck_newavail = 0 last_saved_with_version = unb.devel.20150713 last_upgrade_version_time = 20150713 ?>
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.0.30 | Génération de la page: 0.01 |