Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/share/nano/awk.nanorc
## Here is an example for awk. ## syntax "awk" "\.awk$" magic "awk.*script text" ## records icolor brightred "\$[0-9A-Z_!@#$*?-]+" ## awk-set variables color red "\<(ARGC|ARGIND|ARGV|BINMODE|CONVFMT|ENVIRON|ERRNO|FIELDWIDTHS)\>" color red "\<(FILENAME|FNR|FS|IGNORECASE|LINT|NF|NR|OFMT|OFS|ORS)\>" color red "\<(PROCINFO|RS|RT|RSTART|RLENGTH|SUBSEP|TEXTDOMAIN)\>" ## function declarations and special patterns color brightgreen "\<(function|extension|BEGIN|END)\>" ## operators color green "(\{|\}|\(|\)|\;|\]|\[|\\|<|>|!|=|&|\+|-|\*|%|/|\?:|\^|\|)" ## flow control color brightyellow "\<(for|if|while|do|else|in|delete|exit)\>" color brightyellow "\<(break|continue|return)\>" ## I/O statements color brightgreen "\<(close|getline|next|nextfile|print|printf)\>" color brightgreen "\<(system|fflush)\>" ## standard functions color magenta "\<(atan2|cos|exp|int|log|rand|sin|sqrt|srand)\>" color magenta "\<(asort|asorti|gensub|gsub|index|length|match)\>" color magenta "\<(split|sprintf|strtonum|sub|substr|tolower|toupper)\>" color magenta "\<(mktime|strftime|systime)\>" color magenta "\<(and|compl|lshift|or|rshift|xor)\>" color magenta "\<(bindtextdomain|dcgettext|dcngettext)\>" ## ## String highlighting. You will in general want your comments and ## strings to come last, because syntax highlighting rules will be ## applied in the order they are read in. color brightyellow "<[^= ]*>" ""(\\.|[^"])*"" ## Comment highlighting color brightblue "(^|[[:space:]])#.*$" ## Trailing whitespace color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"
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