Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /var/softaculous/fud/default/
<?php /** * copyright : (C) 2001-2010 Advanced Internet Designs Inc. * email : * $Id$ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. **/ if (_uid) { $admin_cp = $accounts_pending_approval = $group_mgr = $reported_msgs = $custom_avatar_queue = $mod_que = $thr_exch = ''; if ($usr->users_opt & 524288 || $is_a) { // is_mod or admin. if ($is_a) { // Approval of custom Avatars. if ($FUD_OPT_1 & 32 && ($avatar_count = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM fud30_users WHERE users_opt>=16777216 AND '. q_bitand('users_opt', 16777216) .' > 0'))) { $custom_avatar_queue = '| <a href="[[relativeurl]]/adm/admavatarapr.php?S='.s.'&SQ='.$GLOBALS['sq'].'">Custom Avatar Queue</a> <span class="GenTextRed">('.$avatar_count.')</span>'; } // All reported messages. if ($report_count = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM fud30_msg_report')) { $reported_msgs = '| <a href="[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=reported&'._rsid.'" rel="nofollow">Reported Messages</a> <span class="GenTextRed">('.$report_count.')</span>'; } // All thread exchange requests. if ($thr_exchc = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM fud30_thr_exchange')) { $thr_exch = '| <a href="[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=thr_exch&'._rsid.'">Topic Exchange</a> <span class="GenTextRed">('.$thr_exchc.')</span>'; } // All account approvals. if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 1024 && ($accounts_pending_approval = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM fud30_users WHERE users_opt>=2097152 AND '. q_bitand('users_opt', 2097152) .' > 0 AND id > 0'))) { $accounts_pending_approval = '| <a href="[[relativeurl]]/adm/admuserapr.php?S='.s.'&SQ='.$GLOBALS['sq'].'">Accounts Pending Approval</a> <span class="GenTextRed">('.$accounts_pending_approval.')</span>'; } else { $accounts_pending_approval = ''; } $q_limit = ''; } else { // Messages reported in moderated forums. if ($report_count = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM fud30_msg_report mr INNER JOIN fud30_msg m ON INNER JOIN fud30_thread t ON INNER JOIN fud30_mod mm ON t.forum_id=mm.forum_id AND mm.user_id='. _uid)) { $reported_msgs = '| <a href="[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=reported&'._rsid.'" rel="nofollow">Reported Messages</a> <span class="GenTextRed">('.$report_count.')</span>'; } // Thread move requests in moderated forums. if ($thr_exchc = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM fud30_thr_exchange te INNER JOIN fud30_mod m ON m.user_id='. _uid .' AND te.frm=m.forum_id')) { $thr_exch = '| <a href="[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=thr_exch&'._rsid.'">Topic Exchange</a> <span class="GenTextRed">('.$thr_exchc.')</span>'; } $q_limit = ' INNER JOIN fud30_mod mm ON AND mm.user_id='. _uid; } // Messages requiring approval. if ($approve_count = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM fud30_msg m INNER JOIN fud30_thread t ON INNER JOIN fud30_forum f ON '. $q_limit .' WHERE m.apr=0 AND f.forum_opt>=2')) { $mod_que = '<a href="[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=modque&'._rsid.'">Moderation Queue</a> <span class="GenTextRed">('.$approve_count.')</span>'; } } else if ($usr->users_opt & 268435456 && $FUD_OPT_2 & 1024 && ($accounts_pending_approval = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM fud30_users WHERE users_opt>=2097152 AND '. q_bitand('users_opt', 2097152) .' > 0 AND id > 0'))) { $accounts_pending_approval = '| <a href="[[relativeurl]]/adm/admuserapr.php?S='.s.'&SQ='.$GLOBALS['sq'].'">Accounts Pending Approval</a> <span class="GenTextRed">('.$accounts_pending_approval.')</span>'; } else { $accounts_pending_approval = ''; } if ($is_a || $usr->group_leader_list) { $group_mgr = '| <a href="[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=groupmgr&'._rsid.'">Group Manager</a>'; } if ($thr_exch || $accounts_pending_approval || $group_mgr || $reported_msgs || $custom_avatar_queue || $mod_que) { $admin_cp = '<br /><span class="GenText fb">Admin:</span> '.$mod_que.' '.$reported_msgs.' '.$thr_exch.' '.$custom_avatar_queue.' '.$group_mgr.' '.$accounts_pending_approval.'<br />'; } } else { $admin_cp = ''; } ?>
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.0.30 | Génération de la page: 0 |