Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/pub/js/min/admin.js
"use strict"; (function(J, L, A, ka) { const B = function() { function w(C) { throw Error("Failed to require " + C); } const v = {}; return { register: function(C, y) { v[C] = y; }, require: function(C, y) { return v[C] || w(y); }, include: function(C, y, p) { return v[C] || (p ? w(y) : null); } }; }(); B.register("$1", function(w, v, C) { function y(p) { const t = typeof p; if ("string" === t) if (/[^ <>!=()%^&|?:n0-9]/.test(p)) console.error("Invalid plural: " + p); else return new Function("n", "return " + p); "function" !== t && (p = function(d) { return 1 != d; }); return p; } w.init = function(p) { function t(h, n, q) { return (h = f[h]) && h[q] ? h[q] : n || ""; } function d(h) { return t(h, h, 0); } function b(h, n) { return t(n + "" + h, h, 0); } function k(h, n, q) { q = Number(p(q)); isNaN(q) && (q = 0); return t(h, q ? n : h, q); } p = y(p); let f = {}; return { __: d, _x: b, _n: k, _: d, x: b, n: k, load: function(h) { f = h || {}; return this; }, pluraleq: function(h) { p = y(h); return this; } }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$2", function(w, v, C) { = function() { return !1; }; w.init = function() { return w; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$3", function(w, v, C) { Number.prototype.format = function(y, p, t) { var d = Math.pow(10, y || 0); y = []; d = String(Math.round(d * this) / d); var b = d.split("."); d = b[0]; b = b[1]; let k = d.length; do { y.unshift(d.substring(k - 3, k)); } while (0 < (k -= 3)); d = y.join(t || ","); if (b) { { t = b; y = t.length; let f; for (;"0" === t.charAt(--y); ) f = y; f && (t = t.substring(0, f)); b = t; } b && (d += (p || ".") + b); } return d; }; Number.prototype.percent = function(y) { let p = 0, t = this && y ? this / y * 100 : 0; if (0 === t) return "0"; if (100 === t) return "100"; if (99 < t) t = Math.min(t, 99.9), y = t.format(++p); else if (.5 > t) { t = Math.max(t, 1e-4); do { y = t.format(++p); } while ("0" === y && 4 > p); y = y.substring(1); } else y = t.format(0); return y; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$4", function(w, v, C) { Array.prototype.indexOf || (Array.prototype.indexOf = function(y) { if (null == this) throw new TypeError(); var p = Object(this), t = p.length >>> 0; if (0 === t) return -1; var d = 0; 1 < arguments.length && (d = Number(arguments[1]), d != d ? d = 0 : 0 != d && Infinity != d && -Infinity != d && (d = (0 < d || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(d)))); if (d >= t) return -1; for (d = 0 <= d ? d : Math.max(t - Math.abs(d), 0); d < t; d++) if (d in p && p[d] === y) return d; return -1; }); return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$5", function(w, v, C) { C = v.JSON; C || (C = { parse: A.parseJSON, stringify: null }, v.JSON = C); w.parse = C.parse; w.stringify = C.stringify; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$6", function(w, v, C) { w.trim = function(y, p) { for (p || (p = " \n"); y && -1 !== p.indexOf(y.charAt(0)); ) y = y.substring(1); for (;y && -1 !== p.indexOf(y.slice(-1)); ) y = y.substring(0, y.length - 1); return y; }; w.sprintf = function(y) { return w.vsprintf(y, [], 1)); }; w.vsprintf = function(y, p) { let t = 0; return y.replace(/%(?:([1-9][0-9]*)\$)?([sud%])/g, function(d, b, k) { if ("%" === k) return "%"; d = b ? p[Number(b) - 1] : p[t++]; return null != d ? String(d) : "s" === k ? "" : "0"; }); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$27", function(w, v, C) { function y(p) { return function(t, d) { let b = t[p] || 0; for (;(t = t.offsetParent) && t !== (d || C.body); ) b += t[p] || 0; return b; }; } = y("offsetTop"); w.left = y("offsetLeft"); w.el = function(p, t) { p = C.createElement(p || "div"); t && (p.className = t); return p; }; w.txt = function(p) { return C.createTextNode(p || ""); }; w.rect = function(p) { return p.getBoundingClientRect(); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$7", function(w, v, C) { function y(m, g, l) { function r() { z(); x = setTimeout(g, l); } function z() { x && clearTimeout(x); x = 0; } let x = 0; r(); A(m).on("mouseenter", z).on("mouseleave", r); return { die: function() { z(); A(m).off("mouseenter mouseleave"); } }; } function p(m, g) { m.fadeTo(g, 0, function() { m.slideUp(g, function() { m.remove(); A(v).triggerHandler("resize"); }); }); return m; } function t(m, g) { function l(F) { q[D] = null; p(A(m), 250); x && x.die(); var H; if (H = F) F.stopPropagation(), F.preventDefault(), H = !1; return H; } function r(F) { x && x.die(); return x = y(m, l, F); } const z = A(m); let x, D, E, G = z.find("button"); 0 === G.length && (z.addClass("is-dismissible"), G = A('<button type="button" class="notice-dismiss"> </a>').appendTo(z));"click").on("click", l); A(v).triggerHandler("resize"); n(); D = q.length; q.push(l); g && (x = r(g)); return { link: function(F, H) { var M = H || F; H = A(m).find("nav"); F = A("<nav></nav>").append(A("<a></a>").attr("href", F).text(M)); E ? (E.push(F.html()), H.html(E.join("<span> | </span>"))) : (E = [ F.html() ], A(m).addClass("has-nav").append(F)); return this; }, stick: function() { x && x.die(); x = null; q[D] = null; return this; }, slow: function(F) { r(F || 1e4); return this; } }; } function d(m, g, l) { const r = B.require("$27", "dom.js").el; m = A('<div class="notice notice-' + m + ' loco-notice inline"></div>').prependTo(A("#loco-notices")); const z = A(r("p")); l = A(r("span")).text(l); g = A(r("strong", "has-icon")).text(g + ": "); z.append(g).append(l).appendTo(m); return m; } function b(m, g, l, r) { m = d(l, g, m).css("opacity", "0").fadeTo(500, 1); A(v).triggerHandler("resize"); return t(m, r); } function k(m) { return b(m, c, "warning"); } function f() { A("#loco-notices").find("div.notice").each(function(m, g) { -1 === g.className.indexOf("jshide") && (m = -1 === g.className.indexOf("notice-success") ? null : 5e3, t(g, m)); }); } const h = v.console || { log: function() {} }, n = || function() { return new Date().getTime(); }; let q = [], u, c, a, e; w.error = function(m) { return b(m, u, "error"); }; w.warn = k; = function(m) { return b(m, a, "info"); }; w.success = function(m) { return b(m, e, "success", 5e3); }; w.warning = k; w.log = function() { h.log.apply(h, arguments); }; w.debug = function() { (h.debug || h.log).apply(h, arguments); }; w.clear = function() { let m = -1; const g = q, l = g.length; for (;++m < l; ) { const r = g[m]; r && && r(); } q = []; return w; }; w.create = d; w.raise = function(m) { (w[m.type] || w.error).call(w, m.message); }; w.convert = t; w.init = function(m) { u = m._("Error"); c = m._("Warning"); a = m._("Notice"); e = m._("OK"); setTimeout(f, 1e3); return w; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$8", function(w, v, C) { function y(c) { let a = A("<pre>" + c + "</pre>").text(); a && (a = a.replace(/[\r\n]+/g, "\n").replace(/(^|\n)\s+/g, "$1").replace(/\s+$/, "")); a || (a = c) || (a = "Blank response from server"); return a; } function p(c) { return (c = c.split(/[\r\n]/)[0]) ? (c = c.replace(/ +in +\S+ on line \d+/, ""), c = c.replace(/^[()! ]+Fatal error:\s*/, "")) : q._("Server returned invalid data"); } function t(c) { v.console && console.error && console.error('No nonce for "' + c + '"'); return ""; } function d(c, a, e) { c[a] = e; } function b(c, a, e) { c.push({ name: a, value: e }); } function k(c, a, e) { c.append(a, e); } function f(c, a, e, m) { function g(r, z, x) { if ("abort" !== z) { var D = q || { _: function(O) { return O; } }, E = r.status || 0, G = r.responseText || "", F = y(G), H = r.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") || "Unknown type", M = r.getResponseHeader("Content-Length") || G.length; "success" === z && x ? l.error(x) : (l.error(p(F) + ".\n" + D._("Check console output for debugging information")), l.log("Ajax failure for " + c, { status: E, error: z, message: x, output: G }), "parsererror" === z && (x = "Response not JSON"), l.log([ D._("Provide the following text when reporting a problem") + ":", "----", "Status " + E + ' "' + (x || D._("Unknown error")) + '" (' + H + " " + M + " bytes)", F, "====" ].join("\n"))); e && && e(r, z, x); u = r; } } m.url = h; m.dataType = "json"; const l = B.require("$7", "notices.js").clear(); u = null; return A.ajax(m).fail(g).done(function(r, z, x) { const D = r &&, E = r && r.notices, G = E && E.length; !D || r.error ? g(x, z, r && r.error && r.error.message) : a && a(D, z, x); for (r = -1; ++r < G; ) l.raise(E[r]); }); } const h = v.ajaxurl || "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php"; let n = {}, q, u; w.init = function(c) { n = c.nonces || n; return w; }; w.localise = function(c) { q = c; return w; }; w.xhr = function() { return u; }; w.strip = y; w.parse = p; w.submit = function(c, a, e) { function m(x, D) { D.disabled ? D.setAttribute("data-was-disabled", "true") : D.disabled = !0; } function g(x, D) { D.getAttribute("data-was-disabled") || (D.disabled = !1); } function l(x) { x.find(".button-primary").removeClass("loading"); x.find("button").each(g); x.find("input").each(g); x.find("select").each(g); x.find("textarea").each(g); x.removeClass("disabled loading"); } const r = A(c), z = r.serialize(); (function(x) { x.find(".button-primary").addClass("loading"); x.find("button").each(m); x.find("input").each(m); x.find("select").each(m); x.find("textarea").each(m); x.addClass("disabled loading"); })(r); return f(c.route.value, function(x, D, E) { l(r); a && a(x, D, E); }, function(x, D, E) { l(r); e && e(x, D, E); }, { type: c.method, data: z }); }; = function(c, a, e, m) { let g = !0, l = a || {}, r = n[c] || t(c); v.FormData && l instanceof FormData ? (g = !1, a = k) : a = Array.isArray(l) ? b : d; a(l, "action", "loco_json"); a(l, "route", c); a(l, "loco-nonce", r); return f(c, e, m, { type: "post", data: l, processData: g, contentType: g ? "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" : !1 }); }; w.get = function(c, a, e, m) { a = a || {}; const g = n[c] || t(c); a.action = "loco_json"; a.route = c; a["loco-nonce"] = g; return f(c, e, m, { type: "get", data: a }); }; w.setNonce = function(c, a) { n[c] = a; return w; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$28", { arab: 1, aran: 1, hebr: 1, nkoo: 1, syrc: 1, syrn: 1, syrj: 1, syre: 1, samr: 1, mand: 1, mend: 1, thaa: 1, adlm: 1, cprt: 1, phnx: 1, armi: 1, prti: 1, phli: 1, phlp: 1, phlv: 1, avst: 1, mani: 1, khar: 1, orkh: 1, ital: 1, lydi: 1, aao: 1, abh: 1, abv: 1, acm: 1, acq: 1, acw: 1, acx: 1, acy: 1, adf: 1, aeb: 1, aec: 1, afb: 1, ajp: 1, apc: 1, apd: 1, ar: 1, arb: 1, arq: 1, ars: 1, ary: 1, arz: 1, auz: 1, avl: 1, ayh: 1, ayl: 1, ayn: 1, ayp: 1, dv: 1, fa: 1, he: 1, nqo: 1, pbt: 1, pbu: 1, pes: 1, pga: 1, prs: 1, ps: 1, pst: 1, shu: 1, ssh: 1, ur: 1, ydd: 1, yi: 1, yih: 1 }); B.register("$9", function(w, v, C) { function y() {} const p = B.require("$28", "rtl.json"); let t; w.init = function() { return new y(); }; w.cast = function(d) { return d instanceof y ? d : "string" === typeof d ? w.parse(d) : w.clone(d); }; w.clone = function(d) { const b = new y(); for (const k in d) b[k] = d[k]; return b; }; w.parse = function(d) { d = (t || (t = /^([a-z]{2,3})(?:[-_]([a-z]{2}))?(?:[-_]([a-z0-9]{3,8}))?$/i)).exec(d); if (!d) return null; const b = new y(); b.lang = d[1].toLowerCase(); b.region = (d[2] || "").toUpperCase(); b.variant = (d[3] || "").toLowerCase(); return b; }; v = y.prototype; v.isValid = function() { return !!this.lang; }; v.isKnown = function() { const d = this.lang; return !(!d || "zxx" === d); }; v.toString = function(d) { d = d || "_"; let b = this.lang || "zxx"; this.region && (b += d + this.region); this.variant && (b += d + this.variant); return b; }; v.getIcon = function() { let d = 3, b = []; const k = [ "variant", "region", "lang" ]; for (;0 !== d--; ) { const f = k[d], h = this[f]; h && (b.push(f), b.push(f + "-" + h.toLowerCase())); } return b.join(" "); }; v.isRTL = function() { return !!p[String(this.lang).toLowerCase()]; }; v = null; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$29", { "á": "a", "à": "a", "ă": "a", "ắ": "a", "ằ": "a", "ẵ": "a", "ẳ": "a", "â": "a", "ấ": "a", "ầ": "a", "ẫ": "a", "ẩ": "a", "ǎ": "a", "å": "a", "ǻ": "a", "ä": "a", "ǟ": "a", "ã": "a", "ȧ": "a", "ǡ": "a", "ą": "a", "ā": "a", "ả": "a", "ȁ": "a", "ȃ": "a", "ạ": "a", "ặ": "a", "ậ": "a", "ḁ": "a", "ǽ": "æ", "ǣ": "æ", "ḃ": "b", "ḅ": "b", "ḇ": "b", "ć": "c", "ĉ": "c", "č": "c", "ċ": "c", "ç": "c", "ḉ": "c", "ď": "d", "ḋ": "d", "ḑ": "d", "đ": "d", "ḍ": "d", "ḓ": "d", "ḏ": "d", "ð": "d", "ꝺ": "d", "dž": "dz", "é": "e", "è": "e", "ĕ": "e", "ê": "e", "ế": "e", "ề": "e", "ễ": "e", "ể": "e", "ě": "e", "ë": "e", "ẽ": "e", "ė": "e", "ȩ": "e", "ḝ": "e", "ę": "e", "ē": "e", "ḗ": "e", "ḕ": "e", "ẻ": "e", "ȅ": "e", "ȇ": "e", "ẹ": "e", "ệ": "e", "ḙ": "e", "ḛ": "e", "ḟ": "f", "ꝼ": "f", "ǵ": "g", "ğ": "g", "ĝ": "g", "ǧ": "g", "ġ": "g", "ģ": "g", "ḡ": "g", "ꞡ": "g", "ᵹ": "g", "ĥ": "h", "ȟ": "h", "ḧ": "h", "ḣ": "h", "ḩ": "h", "ħ": "h", "ℏ": "h", "ḥ": "h", "ḫ": "h", "ẖ": "h", "í": "i", "ì": "i", "ĭ": "i", "î": "i", "ǐ": "i", "ï": "i", "ḯ": "i", "ĩ": "i", "į": "i", "ī": "i", "ỉ": "i", "ȉ": "i", "ȋ": "i", "ị": "i", "ḭ": "i", "ĵ": "j", "ǰ": "j", "ḱ": "k", "ǩ": "k", "ķ": "k", "ꞣ": "k", "ḳ": "k", "ḵ": "k", "ĺ": "l", "ľ": "l", "ļ": "l", "ł": "l", "ḷ": "l", "ḹ": "l", "ḽ": "l", "ḻ": "l", "ŀ": "l", "ḿ": "m", "ṁ": "m", "ṃ": "m", "ń": "n", "ǹ": "n", "ň": "n", "ñ": "n", "ṅ": "n", "ņ": "n", "ꞥ": "n", "ṇ": "n", "ṋ": "n", "ṉ": "n", "ó": "o", "ò": "o", "ŏ": "o", "ô": "o", "ố": "o", "ồ": "o", "ỗ": "o", "ổ": "o", "ǒ": "o", "ö": "o", "ȫ": "o", "ő": "o", "õ": "o", "ṍ": "o", "ṏ": "o", "ȭ": "o", "ȯ": "o", "ȱ": "o", "ø": "o", "ǿ": "o", "ǫ": "o", "ǭ": "o", "ō": "o", "ṓ": "o", "ṑ": "o", "ỏ": "o", "ȍ": "o", "ȏ": "o", "ơ": "o", "ớ": "o", "ờ": "o", "ỡ": "o", "ở": "o", "ợ": "o", "ọ": "o", "ộ": "o", "ṕ": "p", "ṗ": "p", "ŕ": "r", "ř": "r", "ṙ": "r", "ŗ": "r", "ꞧ": "r", "ȑ": "r", "ȓ": "r", "ṛ": "r", "ṝ": "r", "ṟ": "r", "ꞃ": "r", "ś": "s", "ṥ": "s", "ŝ": "s", "š": "s", "ṧ": "s", "ṡ": "s", "ş": "s", "ꞩ": "s", "ṣ": "s", "ṩ": "s", "ș": "s", "ſ": "s", "ꞅ": "s", "ẛ": "s", "ť": "t", "ẗ": "t", "ṫ": "t", "ţ": "t", "ṭ": "t", "ț": "t", "ṱ": "t", "ṯ": "t", "ꞇ": "t", "ú": "u", "ù": "u", "ŭ": "u", "û": "u", "ǔ": "u", "ů": "u", "ü": "u", "ǘ": "u", "ǜ": "u", "ǚ": "u", "ǖ": "u", "ű": "u", "ũ": "u", "ṹ": "u", "ų": "u", "ū": "u", "ṻ": "u", "ủ": "u", "ȕ": "u", "ȗ": "u", "ư": "u", "ứ": "u", "ừ": "u", "ữ": "u", "ử": "u", "ự": "u", "ụ": "u", "ṳ": "u", "ṷ": "u", "ṵ": "u", "ṽ": "v", "ṿ": "v", "ẃ": "w", "ẁ": "w", "ŵ": "w", "ẘ": "w", "ẅ": "w", "ẇ": "w", "ẉ": "w", "ẍ": "x", "ẋ": "x", "ý": "y", "ỳ": "y", "ŷ": "y", "ẙ": "y", "ÿ": "y", "ỹ": "y", "ẏ": "y", "ȳ": "y", "ỷ": "y", "ỵ": "y", "ź": "z", "ẑ": "z", "ž": "z", "ż": "z", "ẓ": "z", "ẕ": "z", "ǯ": "ʒ", "ἀ": "α", "ἄ": "α", "ᾄ": "α", "ἂ": "α", "ᾂ": "α", "ἆ": "α", "ᾆ": "α", "ᾀ": "α", "ἁ": "α", "ἅ": "α", "ᾅ": "α", "ἃ": "α", "ᾃ": "α", "ἇ": "α", "ᾇ": "α", "ᾁ": "α", "ά": "α", "ά": "α", "ᾴ": "α", "ὰ": "α", "ᾲ": "α", "ᾰ": "α", "ᾶ": "α", "ᾷ": "α", "ᾱ": "α", "ᾳ": "α", "ἐ": "ε", "ἔ": "ε", "ἒ": "ε", "ἑ": "ε", "ἕ": "ε", "ἓ": "ε", "έ": "ε", "έ": "ε", "ὲ": "ε", "ἠ": "η", "ἤ": "η", "ᾔ": "η", "ἢ": "η", "ᾒ": "η", "ἦ": "η", "ᾖ": "η", "ᾐ": "η", "ἡ": "η", "ἥ": "η", "ᾕ": "η", "ἣ": "η", "ᾓ": "η", "ἧ": "η", "ᾗ": "η", "ᾑ": "η", "ή": "η", "ή": "η", "ῄ": "η", "ὴ": "η", "ῂ": "η", "ῆ": "η", "ῇ": "η", "ῃ": "η", "ἰ": "ι", "ἴ": "ι", "ἲ": "ι", "ἶ": "ι", "ἱ": "ι", "ἵ": "ι", "ἳ": "ι", "ἷ": "ι", "ί": "ι", "ί": "ι", "ὶ": "ι", "ῐ": "ι", "ῖ": "ι", "ϊ": "ι", "ΐ": "ι", "ΐ": "ι", "ῒ": "ι", "ῗ": "ι", "ῑ": "ι", "ὀ": "ο", "ὄ": "ο", "ὂ": "ο", "ὁ": "ο", "ὅ": "ο", "ὃ": "ο", "ό": "ο", "ό": "ο", "ὸ": "ο", "ῤ": "ρ", "ῥ": "ρ", "ὐ": "υ", "ὔ": "υ", "ὒ": "υ", "ὖ": "υ", "ὑ": "υ", "ὕ": "υ", "ὓ": "υ", "ὗ": "υ", "ύ": "υ", "ύ": "υ", "ὺ": "υ", "ῠ": "υ", "ῦ": "υ", "ϋ": "υ", "ΰ": "υ", "ΰ": "υ", "ῢ": "υ", "ῧ": "υ", "ῡ": "υ", "ὠ": "ω", "ὤ": "ω", "ᾤ": "ω", "ὢ": "ω", "ᾢ": "ω", "ὦ": "ω", "ᾦ": "ω", "ᾠ": "ω", "ὡ": "ω", "ὥ": "ω", "ᾥ": "ω", "ὣ": "ω", "ᾣ": "ω", "ὧ": "ω", "ᾧ": "ω", "ᾡ": "ω", "ώ": "ω", "ώ": "ω", "ῴ": "ω", "ὼ": "ω", "ῲ": "ω", "ῶ": "ω", "ῷ": "ω", "ῳ": "ω", "ґ": "г", "ѐ": "е", "ё": "е", "ӂ": "ж", "ѝ": "и", "ӣ": "и", "ӯ": "у" }); B.register("$10", function(w, v, C) { w.init = function() { function y(a) { return q[a] || a; } function p(a, e, m) { let g, l, r = String(a || "").toLowerCase().replace(n, y).split(u), z = r.length; for (;0 !== z--; ) if ((a = r[z]) && null == m[a]) for (e.push(a), m[a] = !0, g = a.split(c), l = g.length; 0 !== l--; ) (a = g[l]) && null == m[a] && (e.push(a), m[a] = !0); return e; } function t(a) { return p(a, [], {}); } function d(a) { let e = [], m = {}, g = a.length; for (;0 !== g--; ) p(a[g], e, m); return e; } function b() { h = ""; f = []; } let k = [], f = [], h = ""; const n = /[^a-z0-9]/g, q = B.require("$29", "flatten.json"), u = /\s+/, c = /[^\d\p{L}]+/u; return { split: t, find: function(a, e) { { const m = [], g = [], l = String(a || "").toLowerCase().replace(n, y).split(" "), r = l.length, z = h && a.substring(0, h.length) === h ? f : k, x = z.length, D = !!e; let E = -1, G = 0; a: for (;++E < x; ) { const F = z[E], H = F && F.length; if (H) { b: for (let M = 0; M < r; M++) { const O = l[M]; for (let R = 0; R < H; R++) if (0 === F[R].indexOf(O)) continue b; continue a; } g[E] = F; m.push(D ? e[E] : E); } else G++; } h = a; f = g; a = m; } return a; }, add: function(a, e) { k[a] = t(e); h && b(); }, push: function(a) { k[k.length] = d(a); h && b(); }, index: function(a, e) { k[a] = d(e); h && b(); }, size: function() { return k.length; }, clear: function() { k = []; h && b(); }, remove: function(a) { k[a] = null; h && b(); }, noop: function() { b(); return []; } }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$11", function(w, v, C) { w.listen = function(y, p) { function t() { c[f ? "show" : "hide"](); } function d(a) { u && q.setAttribute("size", 2 + a.length); f = a; t(); return a; } function b() { h = null; p(f); } function k(a) { let e = q.value; e !== f ? (h && clearTimeout(h), d(e), a ? h = setTimeout(b, a) : b()) : h && null == a && (clearTimeout(h), b()); } let f, h, n = 150; const q = y instanceof jQuery ? y[0] : y, u = 1 === Number(q.size), c = A('<a href="#clear" tabindex="-1" class="icon clear"><span>clear</span></a>').on("click", function(a) { a.preventDefault(); q.value = ""; k(); A(q).triggerHandler("blur"); return !1; }); d(q.value); A(q).on("input", function() { k(n); return !0; }).on("blur focus change", function() { k(null); return !0; }).after(c); t(); return { delay: function(a) { n = a; return this; }, ping: function(a) { a ? (h && clearTimeout(h), d(q.value), b(), a = void 0) : a = k(); return a; }, val: function(a) { if (null == a) return f; h && clearTimeout(h); q.value = d(a); t(); }, el: function() { return q; }, blur: function(a) { return A(q).on("blur", a); }, destroy: function() { h && clearTimeout(h); } }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$12", function(w, v, C) { function y(b, k) { return "function" == typeof b ? : b; } function p(b, k) { this.$element = A(b); this.options = k; this.enabled = !0; this.fixTitle(); } w.init = function(b, k) { let f = { fade: !0, offset: 5, delayIn: t, delayOut: d, anchor: b.attr("data-anchor"), gravity: b.attr("data-gravity") || "s" }; k && (f = A.extend({}, f, k)); b.tipsy(f); }; w.delays = function(b, k) { t = b || 150; d = k || 100; }; w.kill = function() { A("div.tipsy").remove(); }; w.text = function(b, k) {"tipsy").setTitle(b); }; let t, d; w.delays(); A(C.body).on("overlayOpened overlayClosing", function(b) { w.kill(); return !0; }); p.prototype = { show: function() { var b = this.getTitle(); if (b && this.enabled) { var k = this.tip(); k.find(".tipsy-inner")[this.options.html ? "html" : "text"](b); k[0].className = "tipsy"; k.remove().css({ top: 0, left: 0 }).prependTo(C.body); b = (b = this.options.anchor) ? this.$element.find(b) : this.$element; b = A.extend({}, b.offset(), { width: b[0].offsetWidth, height: b[0].offsetHeight }); var f = k[0].offsetWidth, h = k[0].offsetHeight, n = y(this.options.gravity, this.$element[0]); switch (n.charAt(0)) { case "n": var q = { top: + b.height + this.options.offset, left: b.left + b.width / 2 - f / 2 }; break; case "s": q = { top: - h - this.options.offset, left: b.left + b.width / 2 - f / 2 }; break; case "e": q = { top: + b.height / 2 - h / 2, left: b.left - f - this.options.offset }; break; case "w": q = { top: + b.height / 2 - h / 2, left: b.left + b.width + this.options.offset }; } 2 == n.length && ("w" == n.charAt(1) ? q.left = b.left + b.width / 2 - 15 : q.left = b.left + b.width / 2 - f + 15); k.css(q).addClass("tipsy-" + n); k.find(".tipsy-arrow")[0].className = "tipsy-arrow tipsy-arrow-" + n.charAt(0); this.options.className && k.addClass(y(this.options.className, this.$element[0])); k.addClass("in"); } }, hide: function() { this.tip().remove(); }, fixTitle: function() { var b = this.$element, k = b.attr("title") || ""; (k || "string" !== typeof b.attr("original-title")) && b.attr("original-title", k).removeAttr("title"); }, getTitle: function() { var b, k = this.$element, f = this.options; this.fixTitle(); "string" == typeof f.title ? b = k.attr("title" == f.title ? "original-title" : f.title) : "function" == typeof f.title && (b =[0])); return (b = ("" + b).replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/, "")) || f.fallback; }, setTitle: function(b) { var k = this.$element; k.attr("default-title") || k.attr("default-title", this.getTitle()); null == b && (b = k.attr("default-title") || this.getTitle()); k.attr("original-title", b); if (this.$tip) this.$tip.find(".tipsy-inner")[this.options.html ? "html" : "text"](b); }, tip: function() { this.$tip || (this.$tip = A('<div class="tipsy"></div>').html('<div class="tipsy-arrow"></div><div class="tipsy-inner"></div>'), this.$"tipsy-pointee", this.$element[0])); return this.$tip; }, validate: function() { this.$element[0].parentNode || (this.hide(), this.options = this.$element = null); }, enable: function() { this.enabled = !0; }, disable: function() { this.hide(); this.enabled = !1; }, toggleEnabled: function() { this.enabled = !this.enabled; } }; A.fn.tipsy = function(b) { function k(u) { var c =, "tipsy"); c || (c = new p(u, A.fn.tipsy.elementOptions(u, b)),, "tipsy", c)); return c; } function f() { var u = k(this), c = b.delayIn; u.hoverState = "in"; 0 == c ? : (u.fixTitle(), setTimeout(function() { "in" == u.hoverState &&; }, c)); } function h() { var u = k(this), c = b.delayOut; u.hoverState = "out"; 0 == c ? u.hide() : (u.tip().removeClass("in"), setTimeout(function() { "out" == u.hoverState && u.hide(); }, c)); } b = A.extend({}, A.fn.tipsy.defaults, b); || this.each(function() { k(this); }); if ("manual" != b.trigger) { var n = ? "live" : "bind", q = "hover" == b.trigger ? "mouseleave" : "blur"; this[n]("hover" == b.trigger ? "mouseenter" : "focus", f)[n](q, h); } return this; }; A.fn.tipsy.defaults = { className: null, delayIn: 0, delayOut: 0, fade: !1, fallback: "", gravity: "n", html: !1, live: !1, offset: 0, opacity: .8, title: "title", trigger: "hover", anchor: null }; A.fn.tipsy.elementOptions = function(b, k) { return A.metadata ? A.extend({}, k, A(b).metadata()) : k; }; A.fn.tipsy.autoNS = function() { return A(this).offset().top > A(C).scrollTop() + A(v).height() / 2 ? "s" : "n"; }; A.fn.tipsy.autoWE = function() { return A(this).offset().left > A(C).scrollLeft() + A(v).width() / 2 ? "e" : "w"; }; A.fn.tipsy.autoBounds = function(b, k) { return function() { var f = k[0], h = 1 < k.length ? k[1] : !1, n = A(C).scrollTop() + b, q = A(C).scrollLeft() + b, u = A(this); u.offset().top < n && (f = "n"); u.offset().left < q && (h = "w"); A(v).width() + A(C).scrollLeft() - u.offset().left < b && (h = "e"); A(v).height() + A(C).scrollTop() - u.offset().top < b && (f = "s"); return f + (h ? h : ""); }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$42", function(w, v, C) { "".localeCompare || (String.prototype.localeCompare = function() { return 0; }); "".trim || (String.prototype.trim = function() { return B.require("$6", "string.js").trim(this, " \n\r\t"); }); "".padStart || (String.prototype.padStart = function(y, p) { let t = this.valueOf(); for (;y > t.length; ) t = p + t; return t; }); "".padEnd || (String.prototype.padEnd = function(y, p) { let t = this.valueOf(); for (;y > t.length; ) t += p; return t; }); w.html = function() { function y(h) { return "&#" + h.charCodeAt(0) + ";"; } function p(h, n) { return '<a href="' + h + '" target="' + (n.indexOf(k) ? "_blank" : "_top") + '">' + n + "</a>"; } let t, d, b, k, f = function() { t = /[<>&]/g; d = /(\r\n|\n|\r)/g; b = /(?:https?):\/\/(\S+)/gi; k = location.hostname; f = null; }; return function(h, n) { f && f(); h = h.replace(t, y); n && (h = h.replace(b, p).replace(d, "<br />")); return h; }; }(); return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$43", function(w, v, C) { function y() {} let p, t; const d = B.require("$28", "rtl.json"); w.init = function() { return new y(); }; w.cast = function(b) { return b instanceof y ? b : "string" === typeof b ? w.parse(b) : w.clone(b); }; w.clone = function(b) { const k = new y(); for (const f in b) k[f] = b[f]; return k; }; w.parse = function(b) { p || (t = /[-_+]/, p = /^([a-z]{2,3})(?:-([a-z]{4}))?(?:-([a-z]{2}|[0-9]{3}))?(?:-([0-9][a-z0-9]{3,8}|[a-z0-9]{5,8}))?(?:-([a-z]-[-a-z]+))?$/i); b = String(b).split(t).join("-"); b = p.exec(b); if (!b) return null; const k = new y(); k.lang = b[1].toLowerCase(); b[2] && (k.script = b[2].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + b[2].substring(1).toLowerCase()); b[3] && (k.region = b[3].toUpperCase()); b[4] && (k.variant = b[4].toLowerCase()); b[5] && (k.extension = b[5]); return k; }; v = y.prototype; v.isValid = function() { return !!this.lang; }; v.isKnown = function() { const b = this.lang; return !(!b || "zxx" === b); }; v.toString = function(b) { b = b || "-"; let k, f = this.lang || "zxx"; if (k = this.script) f += b + k; if (k = this.region) f += b + k; if (k = this.variant) f += b + k; if (k = this.extension) f += b + k; return f; }; v.getIcon = function() { let b = 4, k = []; const f = [ "variant", "region", "script", "lang" ]; for (;0 !== b--; ) { const h = f[b]; let n = this[h]; n && (n.join && (n = n.join("-")), 1 === b && 3 === n.length ? k.push("region-m49") : k = k.concat([ h, h + "-" + n.toLowerCase() ])); } return k.join(" "); }; v.isRTL = function() { return !!d[String(this.script || this.lang).toLowerCase()]; }; v = null; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$44", function(w, v, C) { function y(b) { v.console && console.error && console.error(b); } function p() { y("Method not implemented"); } function t() {} function d(b) {} t.prototype.toString = function() { return "[Undefined]"; }; d.prototype._validate = function(b) { let k, f, h = !0; for (k in this) f = this[k], f === p ? (y(b + "." + k + "() must be implemented"), h = !1) : f instanceof t && (y(b + "." + k + " must be defined"), h = !1); return h; }; w.init = function(b, k) { const f = new d(); if (b) { let h = b.length; for (;0 !== h--; ) f[b[h]] = p; } if (k) for (b = k.length; 0 !== b--; ) f[k[b]] = new t(); return f; }; w.validate = function(b) { const k = /function (\w+)\(/.exec(b.toString()); b.prototype._validate(k && k[1] || "Object"); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$51", function(w, v, C) { let y = 0, p = v.requestAnimationFrame, t = v.cancelAnimationFrame; if (!p || !t) for (const b in { ms: 1, moz: 1, webkit: 1, o: 1 }) if (p = v[b + "RequestAnimationFrame"]) if (t = v[b + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || v[b + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"]) break; p && t || (p = function(b) { var k = d(); const f = Math.max(0, 16 - (k - y)), h = k + f; k = v.setTimeout(function() { b(h); }, f); y = h; return k; }, t = function(b) { clearTimeout(b); }); const d = || function() { return new Date().getTime(); }; w.loop = function(b, k) { function f() { n = p(f, k); b(h++); } let h = 0, n; f(); return { stop: function() { n && t(n); n = null; } }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$48", function(w, v, C) { function y(q, u, c, a) { if (d) { const e = c; c = function(m) { if ((m.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH || "touch") === m.pointerType) return e(m); }; } q.addEventListener(u, c, a); return { unbind: function() { q.removeEventListener(u, c, a); } }; } function p(q) { q.preventDefault(); q.stopPropagation(); return !1; } let t; const d = !!v.navigator.msPointerEnabled, b = d ? "MSPointerDown" : "touchstart", k = d ? "MSPointerMove" : "touchmove", f = d ? "MSPointerUp" : "touchend"; w.ok = function(q) { null == t && (t = "function" === typeof C.body.addEventListener); t && q && q(w); return t; }; = function() { return d; }; w.dragger = function(q, u) { function c(g) { q.addEventListener(g, e[g], !1); } function a(g) { q.removeEventListener(g, e[g], !1); } const e = {}; e[b] = function(g) { h(g, function(l, r) { r.type = b; u(g, r, m); }); c(k); c(f); return !0; }; e[f] = function(g) { a(k); a(f); h(g, function(l, r) { r.type = f; u(g, r, m); }); return !0; }; e[k] = function(g) { h(g, function(l, r) { r.type = k; u(g, r, m); }); return p(g); }; c(b); let m = { kill: function() { a(b); a(k); a(f); q = m = u = null; } }; return m; }; w.swiper = function(q, u, c) { function a(G) { q.addEventListener(G, z[G], !1); } function e(G) { q.removeEventListener(G, z[G], !1); } function m() { g && g.stop(); g = null; } let g, l, r, z = {}, x = [], D = [], E = []; z[b] = function(G) { l = !1; m(); const F = n(); h(G, function(H, M) { x[H] = F; D[H] = M.clientX; E[H] = M.clientY; }); r = q.scrollLeft; return !0; }; z[f] = function(G) { h(G, function(F, H) { const M = n() - x[F]; F = D[F] - H.clientX; u(Math.abs(F) / M, F ? 0 > F ? -1 : 1 : 0); }); r = null; return !0; }; z[k] = function(G) { let F, H; null == r || h(G, function(M, O) { F = D[M] - O.clientX; H = E[M] - O.clientY; }); if (H && Math.abs(H) > Math.abs(F)) return l = !0; F && (l = !0, q.scrollLeft = Math.max(0, r + F)); return p(G); }; if (!d || c) a(b), a(k), a(f), d && (q.className += " mstouch"); return { kill: function() { e(b); e(k); e(f); m(); }, swiped: function() { return l; }, ms: function() { return d; }, snap: function(G) { d && !c && (["-ms-scroll-snap-points-x"] = "snapInterval(0px," + G + "px)",["-ms-scroll-snap-type"] = "mandatory",["-ms-scroll-chaining"] = "none"); }, scroll: function(G, F, H) { m(); let M = q.scrollLeft; const O = G > M ? 1 : -1, R = Math[1 === O ? "min" : "max"], I = Math.round(16 * F * O); return g = B.require("$51", "fps.js").loop(function(P) { P && (M = Math.max(0, R(G, M + I)), q.scrollLeft = M, G === M && (m(), H && H(M))); }, q); } }; }; w.start = function(q, u) { return y(q, b, u, !1); }; w.move = function(q, u) { return y(q, k, u, !1); }; w.end = function(q, u) { return y(q, f, u, !1); }; const h = w.each = function(q, u) { if (d) (q.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH || "touch") === q.pointerType && u(0, q); else { q = (q.originalEvent || q).changedTouches || []; for (var c = -1; ++c < q.length; ) u(c, q[c]); } }, n = || function() { return new Date().getTime(); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$52", function(w, v, C) { w.init = function(y) { function p() { = String(-y.scrollTop) + "px"; return !0; } function t() { const h = k; h.textContent = y.value; const n = h.innerHTML; "" !== n && (h.innerHTML = n.replace(/[ \t]/g, d).split(/\n|\r\n?/).join('<span class="eol crlf"></span>\r\n') + '<span class="eol eof"></span>'); return !0; } function d(h) { return '<span class="x' + h.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + '">' + h + "</span>"; } const b = y.parentNode; let k = b.insertBefore(C.createElement("div"), y); A(y).on("input", t).on("scroll", p); A(b).addClass("has-mirror"); k.className = "ta-mirror"; const f = y.offsetWidth - y.clientWidth; 2 < f && ( = String(f - 2) + "px"); t(); p(); return { kill: function() { A(y).off("input", t).off("scroll", p); b.removeChild(k); k = null; A(b).removeClass("has-mirror"); } }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$36", function(w, v, C) { function y(d, b) { d = p[d] || []; b = b && v[b]; const k = d.length; let f = -1, h = 0; for (;++f < k; ) { const n = d[f]; "function" === typeof n && (n(b), h++); } return h; } const p = {}; let t = ""; w.load = function(d, b, k) { function f() { q && (clearTimeout(q), q = null); u && (u.onreadystatechange = null, u = u = u.onload = null); d && (delete p[d], d = null); } function h(c, a) { c = u && u.readyState; if (a || !c || "loaded" === c || "complete" === c) a || y(d, k), f(); } function n() { if (0 === y(d)) throw Error('Failed to load "' + (k || d) + '"'); f(); } if (k && v[k]) "function" === typeof b && b(v[k]); else if (null != p[d]) p[d].push(b); else { p[d] = [ b ]; var q = setTimeout(n, 4e3), u = C.createElement("script"); u.setAttribute("src", d); u.setAttribute("async", "true"); u.onreadystatechange = h; u.onload = h; u.onerror = n; u.onabort = f; C.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(u); } }; w.stat = function(d) { var b; if (!(b = t)) { { b = C.getElementsByTagName("script"); const k = b.length; let f = -1, h = ""; for (;++f < k; ) { const n = b[f].getAttribute("src"); if (n) { const q = n.indexOf("/lib/vendor"); if (-1 !== q) { h = n.substring(0, q); break; } } } b = h || "/static"; } b = t = b; } return b + d; }; w.css = function(d, b) { C.getElementById(b) || A("<link />").attr("rel", "stylesheet").attr("href", d).attr("id", b).appendTo(C.head); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$16", function(w, v, C) { function y(n, q) { n.setReadOnly(!1); n.on("change", function(u, c) { return q.val(c.getValue()); }); n.on("focus", function() { return q.focus(); }); n.on("blur", function() { return q.blur(); }); } function p(n) {"change");"focus");"blur"); } function t(n) { p(n); n.setReadOnly(!0); n.setHighlightGutterLine(!1); n.setHighlightActiveLine(!1); } function d(n, q) { function u() { this.HighlightRules = a; } n = n.require; const c = n("ace/lib/oop"), a = b(q); c.inherits(a, n("ace/mode/text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules); c.inherits(u, n("ace/mode/text").Mode); return new u(); } function b(n) { return function() { let q = { start: [ { token: "empty_line", regex: /^$/ }, { token: "constant.language", regex: "(?:&#[0-9]+;)|(?:&#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;)|(?:&[a-zA-Z0-9_:\\.-]+;)" }, { token: "constant.language", regex: /<!\[CDATA\[/ }, { token: "constant.language", regex: /\]\]>/ }, { token: "locked", regex: /<(?:xliff:)?(?:g|ph)[^>]*>[^<]*<\/(?:xliff:)?(?:g|ph)>/ }, { token: "locked", regex: /<(?:xliff:)?(bx|ex|x)[^\/>]*\/>/ }, { token: "constant.language", regex: /<\/?[:a-z]+[^>]*>/ } ] }, u = k(n); "icu" === n ? q = { start: q.start.concat([ { token: "icu-quoted", regex: /'([{}][^']*)?'/ }, { token: "printf", regex: "{[^!-/:-@\\[-^{-~¡¢£¤¥¦§©«¬®°±¶»¿×÷\\u2010-\\u2027\\u2030-\\u203E\\u2041-\\u2053\\u2055-\\u205E\\u2190-\\u245F\\u2500-\\u2775\\u2794-\\u2BFF\\u2E00-\\u2E7F\\u3001-\\u3003\\u3008-\\u3020\\u3030\\uFD3E\\uFD3F\\uFE45\\uFE46]+(,[\\s\\u0085\\u200E\\u200F\\u2028\\u2029]*(?:number|date|time|spellout|ordinal|duration)[\\s\\u0085\\u200E\\u200F\\u2028\\u2029]*(,[\\s\\u0085\\u200E\\u200F\\u2028\\u2029]*[^{}]+)?)?}" }, { token: "icu", regex: /{/, next: "icuName" }, { token: "icu", regex: /}/, next: "icuType" } ]), icuName: [ { token: "icu", regex: "[\\s\\u0085\\u200E\\u200F\\u2028\\u2029]+" }, { token: "", regex: "[^\\s\\u0085\\u200E\\u200F\\u2028\\u2029!-/:-@\\[-^{-~¡¢£¤¥¦§©«¬®°±¶»¿×÷\\u2010-\\u2027\\u2030-\\u203E\\u2041-\\u2053\\u2055-\\u205E\\u2190-\\u245F\\u2500-\\u2775\\u2794-\\u2BFF\\u2E00-\\u2E7F\\u3001-\\u3003\\u3008-\\u3020\\u3030\\uFD3E\\uFD3F\\uFE45\\uFE46]+", next: "icuType" }, { defaultToken: "icu", next: "icuType" } ], icuType: [ { token: "icu", regex: /[{}]/, next: "start" }, { defaultToken: "icu" } ] } : u && q.start.push({ token: "printf", regex: u }); this.$rules = q; }; } function k(n) { switch (n) { case "objc": return /%(?:\d+\$)?[-+'0# ]*\d*(?:\.\d+|\.\*(?:\d+\$)?)?(?:hh?|ll?|[qjzTL])?[sScCdDioOuUxXfFeEgGaAp%@]/; case "java": return /%(?:\d+\$)?[-+,(0# ]*\d*(?:\.\d+)?(?:[bBhHsScCdoxXeEfgGaA%n]|[tT][HIklMSLNpzZsQBbhAaCYyjmdeRTrDFc])/; case "php": return /%(?:\d+\$)?(?:'.|[-+0 ])*\d*(?:\.\d+)?[suxXbcdeEfFgGo%]/; case "python": return /%(?:\([_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*\))?[-+0# ]*(?:\d+|\*)?(?:\.\d+|\.\*)?(?:[hlL])?[sdiouxXeEfFgGcra%]/; case "javascript": return /%(?:[1-9]\d*\$)?\+?(?:0|'[^$])?-?\d*(?:\.\d+)?[b-gijostTuvxX%]/; case "auto": return /%(?:\d+\$|\([_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*\))?(?:[-+0]?\d*(\.\d+)?[duxoefgaDUXOEFGA]|[@scSC%])/; case h: return f || /%%/; } } let f, h = "auto"; w.init = function(n, q, u) { let c, a = !1, e = u || h, m = n.parentNode, g = m.appendChild(C.createElement("div")); A(m).addClass("has-proxy has-ace"); B.require("$36", "remote.js").load("", function(l) { if (g) { if (!l) throw Error("Failed to load code editor"); c = l.edit(g); var r = c.session, z = c.renderer; c.$blockScrolling = Infinity; c.setShowInvisibles(a); c.setWrapBehavioursEnabled(!1); c.setBehavioursEnabled(!1); c.setHighlightActiveLine(!1); r.setUseSoftTabs(!1); z.setShowGutter(!0); z.setPadding(10); z.setScrollMargin(8); r.setMode(d(l, e)); c.setValue(n.value, -1); r.setUseWrapMode(!0); q ? y(c, q) : t(c); } }, "ace"); return { kill: function() { c && (p(c), c.destroy(), c = null); g && (m.removeChild(g), A(m).removeClass("has-proxy has-ace"), g = null); return this; }, disable: function() { c && t(c); q = null; return this; }, enable: function(l) { q = l; c && y(c, l); return this; }, resize: function() { c && c.resize(); return this; }, val: function(l) { c && l !== c.getValue() && c.setValue(l, -1); return this; }, invs: function(l) { l = l || !1; a !== l && (a = l, c && c.setShowInvisibles(l)); return this; }, strf: function(l) { l = l || h; l !== e && (e = l, c && c.session.setMode(d(v.ace, l))); return this; }, focus: function() { c && c.focus(); return this; } }; }; w.strf = function(n, q) { h = n; f = q; return w; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$53", function(w, v, C) { function y(b, k) { function f() { return k.val(b.getContent()); } b.on("input", f); b.on("change", f); b.on("focus", function() { return k.focus(); }); b.on("blur", function() { return k.blur(); }); b.setMode("design"); } function p(b) {"input");"change");"focus");"blur"); } function t(b) { p(b); b.setMode("readonly"); } let d = 0; w.load = function(b) { const k = B.require("$36", "remote.js"); k.css(k.stat("/css/lib/tinymce.css"), "tinymce-css"); k.load(k.stat("/lib/tinymce.min.js"), b, "tinymce"); return w; }; w.init = function(b, k) { function f(l) { u = l; c = "<p>" === l.substring(0, 3) && "</p>" === l.substring(l.length - 4); return l.replace(/(<\/?)script/gi, "$1loco:script"); } function h(l) { n = l; l._getContent = l.getContent; l.getContent = function(r) { r = this._getContent(r); r = r.replace(/(<\/?)loco:script/gi, "$1script"); if (!c && "<p>" === r.substring(0, 3) && "</p>" === r.substring(r.length - 4)) { const z = r.substring(3, r.length - 4); if (z === u || -1 === z.indexOf("</p>")) r = z; } return r; }; l._setContent = l.setContent; l.setContent = function(r, z) { return this._setContent(f(r), z); }; k ? (y(l, k), k.reset()) : t(l); A(m).removeClass("loading"); } let n, q = !1, u = "", c = !1, a = b.parentNode, e = a.parentNode, m = a.appendChild(C.createElement("div")), g = e.insertBefore(C.createElement("nav"), a); = "_tb" + String(++d); A(a).addClass("has-proxy has-mce"); A(m).addClass("mce-content-body loading").html(f(b.value)); w.load(function(l) { if (!l) throw Error("Failed to load HTML editor"); m && l.init({ inline: !0, target: m, hidden_input: !1, theme: "modern", skin: !1, plugins: "link lists", browser_spellcheck: !0, menubar: !1, fixed_toolbar_container: "#" +, toolbar: "formatselect | bold italic link unlink | bullist numlist outdent indent", block_formats: "Paragraph=p;Heading 1=h1;Heading 2=h2;Heading 3=h4;Heading 4=h4;Heading 5=h5;Heading 6=h6;", forced_root_block: "p", relative_urls: !1, convert_urls: !1, remove_script_host: !1, document_base_url: "", allow_script_urls: !1, formats: { alignleft: { classes: "alignleft" }, alignright: { selector: "p,h1,h2,h3,h4,span,strong,em,a", classes: "alignright" }, aligncenter: { selector: "p,h1,h2,h3,h4,span,strong,em,a", classes: "aligncenter" }, strikethrough: { inline: "del" } }, fix_list_elements: !0, extended_valid_elements: "span,b,i,u,loco:script", entities: "38,amp,60,lt,62,gt,160,nbsp", entity_encoding: "named", keep_styles: !1, init_instance_callback: h }); }); return { val: function(l) { l = f(l); null == n ? (b.value = l, A(m).html(l)) : n.getContent() !== l && n.setContent(l); k && k.val(l); return this; }, kill: function() { n && (k && k.val(n.getContent()), p(n), n.destroy(), n = null); m && (a.removeChild(m), A(a).removeClass("has-proxy has-mce"), m = null); g && (e.removeChild(g), g = null); return this; }, enable: function(l) { k = l; n && y(n, l); return this; }, disable: function() { n && t(n); k = null; return this; }, focus: function() { n && k && n.focus(); return this; }, invs: function(l) { l = l || !1; q !== l && (q = l, A(a)[l ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("show-invs")); return this; } }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$54", function(w, v, C) { w.init = function(y, p) { function t(e) { u !== e && (a.textContent = e.format(0), u = e, e = 0 === e ? "empty" : 0 === p || e < p ? "lt" : p === e ? "eq" : "gt", e !== q && (q = e, c.className = "wg-count is-" + e)); } function d(e) { n && (c.removeChild(n), n = null); 0 < e && (n = c.appendChild(f.el("span").appendChild(f.txt(" / " + e.format(0))))); p = e; } function b(e, m) { t(m.length); } function k() { q = ""; u = -1; t(y.val().length); } const f = B.require("$27", "dom.js"), h = A(y.parent()).on("changing", b); let n, q, u, c = f.el("div"), a = c.appendChild(f.el("span")); h.append(c); d(p); k(); return { ping: function(e) { null != e && e !== p && (p = e, d(e)); k(); }, kill: function() { const e = h && h[0]; e && c && c.parentNode === e && ("changing", b), e.removeChild(c)); } }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$49", function(w, v, C) { function y(d) { function b() { a && ("input", k), a = !1); } function k() { const m = d.value; m !== e && (q.trigger("changing", [ m, e ]), e = m); } function f() { k(); a && c !== e && q.trigger("changed", [ e ]); } function h() { t = d; c = e; a || (q.on("input", k), a = !0); q.trigger("editFocus"); u.addClass("has-focus"); return !0; } function n() { t === d && (t = null); q.trigger("editBlur"); u.removeClass("has-focus"); a && (f(), b()); return !0; } const q = A(d), u = A(d.parentNode); let c, a = !1, e = d.value; q.on("blur", n).on("focus", h); return { val: function(m) { e !== m && (d.value = m, q.triggerHandler("input"), e = m); return !0; }, kill: function() { b();"blur", n).off("focus", h); }, fire: function() { e = null; k(); }, ping: f, blur: n, focus: h, reset: function() { c = e = d.value; } }; } function p(d) { this.e = d; } let t; w._new = function(d) { return new p(d); }; w.init = function(d) { const b = new p(d); d.disabled ? (d.removeAttribute("disabled"), b.disable()) : d.readOnly ? b.disable() : b.enable(); return b; }; v = p.prototype; v.destroy = function() { this.unlisten(); const d = this.p; d && (d.kill(), this.p = null); this.nocount(); this.e = null; }; v.reload = function(d, b) { let k = this.l; this.nocount(); k && !b && (this.disable(), k = null); this.val(d || ""); b && !k && this.enable(); return this; }; v.val = function(d) { const b = this.e; if (null == d) return b.value; const k = this.l, f = this.p; f && f.val(d); k && k.val(d); k || b.value === d || (b.value = d, A(b).triggerHandler("input")); return this; }; = function() { this.l &&; return this; }; = function() { this.l &&; return this; }; v.focus = function() { const d = this.p; d ? d.focus() : A(this.e).focus(); }; v.focused = function() { return t && t === this.el; }; v.parent = function() { return this.e.parentNode; }; v.attr = function(d, b) { const k = this.e; if (1 === arguments.length) return k.getAttribute(d); null == b ? k.removeAttribute(d) : k.setAttribute(d, b); return this; }; v.editable = function() { return !!this.l; }; v.enable = function() { const d = this.p; this.e.removeAttribute("readonly"); this.listen(); d && d.enable && d.enable(this.l); return this; }; v.disable = function() { const d = this.p; this.e.setAttribute("readonly", !0); this.unlisten(); d && d.disable && d.disable(); return this; }; v.listen = function() { const d = this.l; d && d.kill(); this.l = y(this.e); return this; }; v.unlisten = function() { const d = this.l; d && (d.kill(), this.l = null); return this; }; v.setInvs = function(d, b) { const k = this.i || !1; if (b || k !== d) this._i && (this._i.kill(), delete this._i), (b = this.p) && b.invs ? b.invs(d) : d && (this._i = B.require("$52", "mirror.js").init(this.e)), this.i = d; return this; }; v.getInvs = function() { return this.i || !1; }; v.setMode = function(d) { let b = this.p, k = this.i || !1; d !== (this.m || "") && (this.m = d, b && b.kill(), this.p = b = "code" === d ? B.require("$16", "ace.js").init(this.e, this.l, this["%"]) : "html" === d ? B.require("$53", "mce.js").init(this.e, this.l) : null, this.setInvs(k, !0), t && this.focus()); return this; }; v.setStrf = function(d) { this["%"] = d; "code" === this.m && this.p.strf(d); return this; }; = function(d) { this.e.setAttribute("name", d); return this; }; v.placeholder = function(d) { this.e.setAttribute("placeholder", d); return this; }; v.redraw = function() { const d = this.p; d && d.resize && d.resize(); }; v.counter = function(d) { let b = this.c; b ? : this.c = B.require("$54", "counter.js").init(this, d); d = String(d || "0"); "0" === d ? this.e.removeAttribute("maxlength") : d !== this.e.getAttribute("maxlength") && this.e.setAttribute("maxlength", d); return this; }; v.nocount = function() { const d = this.c; d && (d.kill(), this.c = null, this.e.removeAttribute("maxlength")); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$50", function(w, v, C) { function y(a) { const e = v.console; e && e.error && e.error(a); } function p(a) { const e = C.createElement("div"); a && e.setAttribute("class", a); return e; } function t(a) { return function() { a.resize(); return this; }; } function d(a) { return function(e) { let m =, g = m.$index; for (;null == g && "DIV" !== m.nodeName && (m = m.parentElement); ) g = m.$index; null != g && (e.stopImmediatePropagation(),; return !0; }; } function b(a) { return function() { a.redrawDirty() && a.redraw(); return !0; }; } function k(a) { return function(e) { var m = e.keyCode; if (40 === m) m = 1; else if (38 === m) m = -1; else return !0; if (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.altKey) return !0; a.selectNext(m); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return !1; }; } function f(a, e, m) { function g(l) { y("row[" + l + "] disappeared"); return { cellVal: function() { return ""; } }; } return function(l) { const r = e || 0, z = m ? -1 : 1, x = a.rows || []; l.sort(function(D, E) { return z * (x[D] || g(D)).cellVal(r).localeCompare((x[E] || g(E)).cellVal(r)); }); }; } function h(a) { this.w = a; } function n(a) { this.t = a; this.length = 0; } function q(a, e, m) { let g = C.createElement("div"); g.className = m || ""; this._ = g; this.d = e || []; this.i = a || 0; this.length = e.length; } function u(a) { = a; this.rows = []; } w.create = function(a) { return new h(a); }; var c = h.prototype; c.init = function(a) { let e = this.w, m =; var g = e.splity(m + "-thead", m + "-tbody"), l = g[0]; g = g[1]; let r = [], z = [], x = [], D = []; if (a) this.ds = a, this.idxs = z, this._idxs = null; else if (!(a = this.ds)) throw Error("No datasource"); l.css.push("wg-thead"); g.css.push("wg-tbody"); a.eachCol(function(O, R, I) { x[O] = m + "-col-" + R; D[O] = I || R; }); var E = p(); let G = -1, F = x.length, H = p("wg-cols"), M = l.splitx.apply(l, x); for (;++G < F; ) M[G].header(D[G]), H.appendChild(E.cloneNode(!1)).setAttribute("for", x[G]); a.eachRow(function(O, R, I) { r[O] = new q(O, R, I); z[O] = O; }); this.rows = r; this.cols = H; this.ww = null; this.root = E = g.body; this.head = l; l.redraw = t(this); l = g.fixed = M[0].bodyY() || 20; e.lock().resize(l, g); e.css.push("is-table"); e.restyle(); ? this._re_sort(F) : a.sort && a.sort(z); this.redrawDirty(); this.render(); A(E).attr("tabindex", "-1").on("keydown", k(this)).on("mousedown", d(this)).on("scroll", b(this)); return this; }; c.clear = function() { const a = this.pages || []; let e = a.length; for (;0 !== e--; ) a[e].destroy(); this.pages = []; = = = this.vh = null; void 0; return this; }; c.render = function() { let a, e = [], m = this.rows || [], g = -1, l, r = this.idxs, z = r.length, x = this.idxr = {}, D = this.r, E = this._r, G = this.root, F = this.cols; for (;++g < z; ) { if (0 === g % 100) { var H = F.cloneNode(!0); a = new u(H); a.i = e.length; a.h = 2200; a.insert(G); e.push(a); } l = r[g]; x[l] = g; H = m[l]; if (null == H) throw Error("Render error, no data at [" + l + "]"); = a; a.rows.push(H); } a && 100 !== a.size() && a.sleepH(22); this.pages = e; = = null; this.redrawDirty(); this.redraw(); null == D ? null != E && (H = m[E]) && && (delete this._r,, !0)) : (H = m[D]) && ?, !0) : (this.deselect(!1), this._r = D); return this; }; c.resize = function() { let a = -1, e = this.ww || (this.ww = []); var m = this.w; let g = m.cells[0], l = g.body.childNodes, r = l.length, z = this.pages || [], x = z.length; for (; ++a < r; ) e[a] = l[a].style.width; if (x) { m =; for (a =; a <= m; a++) z[a].widths(e); this.redrawDirty() && this.redraw(); } }; c.redrawDirty = function() { let a = !1; var e = this.root; const m = e.scrollTop; e = e.clientHeight; !== m && (a = !0, = m); this.vh !== e && (a = !0, this.vh = e); return a; }; c.redraw = function() { let a = 0, e = -1, m = null, g = null, l = this.ww; var r =; let z =, x =, D = Math.max(0, r - 100); r = this.vh + r + 100; let E, G = this.pages || [], F = G.length; for (;++e < F && !(a > r); ) E = G[e], a += E.height(), a < D || (null === m && (m = e), g = e, E.rendered || E.render(l)); if (z !== m) { if (null !== z && m > z) for (e = z; e < m; e++) { E = G[e]; if (!E) throw Error("Shit!"); E.rendered && E.sleep(); } = m; } if (x !== g) { if (null !== x && g < x) for (e = x; e > g; e--) E = G[e], E.rendered && E.sleep(); = g; } }; c.selected = function() { return this.r; }; c.thead = function() { return this.w.cells[0]; }; c.tbody = function() { return this.w.cells[1]; }; = function(a) { return (a = this.row(a)) ? a.cells() : []; }; c.row = function(a) { return this.rows[a]; }; = function(a, e) { return[e]; }; = function(a, e, m) { null == m && (m = this.r || 0); const g = this.idxs, l = g.length; let r = m = (this.idxr || {})[m]; for (;m !== (r += a) && !(0 <= r && l > r); ) if (e && l) r = 1 === a ? -1 : l, e = !1; else return null; m = g[r]; return null == m || null == this.rows[m] ? (y("Bad next: [" + r + "] does not map to data row"), null) : m; }; c.selectNext = function(a, e, m) { a =, e, null); null != a && this.r !== a &&, m); return this; }; c.deselect = function(a) { const e = this.r; null != e && (this.r = null, A("selected"),"wgRowDeselect", [ e, a ])); return this; }; c.selectRow = function(a, e) { return[a], e); }; = function(a, e) { const m = this.rows[a]; var g = m &&; if (!g) return this.deselect(!1), y("Row is filtered out"), this; this.deselect(!0); let l, r = this.w.cells[1]; g.rendered || (l =, r.scrollY(l), this.redrawDirty() && this.redraw()); if (!m.rendered) return g.rendered || y("Failed to render page"), y("Row [" + m.i + "] not rendered"), this; g = m.cells(); A(g).addClass("selected"); this.r = a; e || (l = r.scrollY(), A(this.root).focus(), l !== r.scrollY() && r.scrollY(l)); r.scrollTo(g[0], !0);"wgRowSelect", [ a, ]); return this; }; c.unfilter = function() { this._idxs && (this.idxs = this._sort(this._idxs), this._idxs = null, this.clear().render()); return this; }; c.filter = function(a) { this._idxs || (this._idxs = this.idxs); this.idxs = this._sort(a); return this.clear().render(); }; c.each = function(a) { let e, m = -1; const g = this.rows || [], l = this.idxs || [], r = l.length; for (;++m < r; ) e = l[m], a(g[e], m, e); return this; }; c.sortable = function(a) { const e = || ( = new n(this)); e.has(a) || e.add(a); return this; }; c._re_sort = function(a) { let e = -1, m =, g =; for ( = m = new n(this); ++e < a; ) m.add(e); g && (e = this.head.indexOf(, -1 === e && (e = Math.min(g.idx, a - 1)), this.sort(e, g.desc)); return this; }; c._sort = function(a, e) { e ? (this.s = e, e(a)) : (e = this.s) && e(a); return a; }; c.sort = function(a, e) { this._sort(this.idxs, f(this, a, e));, e); return this; }; c = null; c = n.prototype; c.has = function(a) { return null != this[a]; }; c.add = function(a) { const e = this, m = e.t.head.cells[a]; e[a] = { desc: null, idx: a, id: }; e.length++; m.addClass("wg-sortable").on("click", function(g) { if ("header" === return g.stopImmediatePropagation(), e.toggle(a), !1; }); return e; }; c.toggle = function(a) { this.t.sort(a, !this[a].desc).clear().render(); return this; }; c.activate = function(a, e) { let m, g =, l = this[a], r = this.t.head.cells; g && (m = r[g.idx]) && (m.removeClass(g.css), g !== l && m.restyle()); (m = r[a]) ? (l.desc = e, = l, a = "wg-" + (e ? "desc" : "asc"), m.addClass(a).restyle(), l.css = a) : = null; return this; }; c = null; c = q.prototype; c.render = function(a) { let e, m = [], g = this._, l = this.length; if (g) { for (this.c = m; 0 !== l--; ) e = g.cloneNode(!1), m[l] = this.update(l, e), e.$index = this.i, a[l].appendChild(e); this._ = null; } else for (m = this.c; 0 !== l--; ) a[l].appendChild(m[l]); this.rendered = !0; return this; }; c.update = function(a, e) { e = e || this.c[a] || {}; a = (this.d[a] || function() {})() || " "; null == a.innerHTML ? e.textContent = a : e.innerHTML = a.innerHTML; return e; }; c.cells = function() { return this.c || [ this._ ]; }; = function() { const a = [], e = this.length; let m = -1; for (;++m < e; ) a[m] = this.cellVal(m); return a; }; c.destroy = function() { = null; this.rendered = !1; }; c.cellVal = function(a) { a = this.d[a]() || ""; return String(a.textContent || a); }; c = null; c = u.prototype; c.size = function() { return this.rows.length; }; c.insert = function(a) { const e = this.h, m = p("wg-dead"); = String(e) + "px"; a.appendChild(m); return this.dead = m; }; = function() { return (this.rendered ? : this.dead).offsetTop; }; c.height = function() { let a = this.h; null == a && (this.h = a = this.rendered ? : this.dead.offsetHight); a || y("row has zero height"); return a; }; c.render = function(a) { let e, m = -1, g = this.rows, l = g.length; const r = this.dead, z =, x = z.childNodes; for (;++m < l; ) e = g[m], e.rendered || e.render(x); l = a.length; for (m = 0; m < l; m++) x[m].style.width = a[m]; r.parentNode.replaceChild(z, r); this.rendered = !0; this.h = null; return this; }; c.sleep = function() { const a = this.height(), e =, m = this.dead; = String(a) + "px"; e.parentNode.replaceChild(m, e); this.rendered = !1; this.h = a; return this; }; c.sleepH = function(a) { a *= this.rows.length; const e = this.dead; e && ( = String(a) + "px"); this.rendered || (this.h = a); return this; }; c.widths = function(a) { const e =; let m = a.length; for (;0 !== m--; ) e[m].style.width = a[m]; return this; }; c.destroy = function() { var a = this.rendered ? : this.dead; const e = this.rows; a.parentNode.removeChild(a); for (a = e.length; 0 !== a--; ) e[a].destroy(); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$45", function(w, v, C) { function y(g, l) { var r =; let z = r && c[r], x = z && z.parent(); if (!z || !x) return null; var D = 1 === x.dir; r = D ? "X" : "Y"; let E = "page" + r; D = D ? u : q; let G = D(x.el); r = l["offset" + r]; let F = x.el, H = F.className; null == r && (r = l[E] - D(g)); r && (G += r); F.className = H + " is-resizing"; return { done: function() { F.className = H; }, move: function(M) { x.resize(M[E] - G, z); return !0; } }; } function p(g) { function l() { A(C).off("mousemove", r); m && (m.done(), m = null); return !0; } function r(z) { m ? m.move(z) : l(); return !0; } if (m) return !0; m = y(, g); if (!m) return !0; A(C).one("mouseup", l).on("mousemove", r); return d(g); } function t(g, l) { const r = l.type; "touchmove" === r ? m && m.move(l) : "touchstart" === r ? m = y(, l) : "touchend" === r && m && (m.done(), m = null); } function d(g) { g.stopPropagation(); g.preventDefault(); return !1; } function b(g) { a && a.redraw(); g && g.redraw(); return a = g; } function k(g, l) { const r = A(l); r.on("editFocus", function(z) { z.stopPropagation(); r.trigger("wgFocus", [ b(g) ]); }).on("editBlur", function(z) { z.stopPropagation(); r.trigger("wgBlur", [ b(null) ]); }); } function f(g) { const l =, r = g.className, z = r ? [ r ] : []; = l; this.el = g; this.pos = this.index = 0; this._cn = r; this.css = z.concat("wg-cell"); c[l] = this; this.clear(); } const h = B.include("$47", "html.js") || B.include("$2", "html.js", !0), n = B.require("$27", "dom.js"), q =, u = n.left, c = {}; let a, e = 0, m = !1; w.init = function(g) { const l = new f(g); l.redraw(); B.require("$48", "touch.js").ok(function(r) { r.dragger(g, t); }); A(g).on("mousedown", p); return l; }; v = f.prototype; = function(g, l) { g = A.Event(g); g.cell = this; A(this.el).trigger(g, l); return this; }; v.each = function(g) { let l = -1; const r = this.cells, z = r.length; for (;++l < z; ) g(r[l], l); return this; }; v.indexOf = function(g) { return (g = c[ || String(g)]) && === ? g.index : -1; }; v.on = function() { return this.$("on", arguments); }; = function() { return this.$("off", arguments); }; v.find = function(g) { return A(this.el).find(g); }; v.$ = function(g, l) { A.fn[g].apply(A(this.el), l); return this; }; v.addClass = function(g) { this.css.push(g); return this; }; v.removeClass = function(g) { g = this.css.indexOf(g); -1 !== g && this.css.splice(g, 1); return this; }; v.parent = function() { return && c[]; }; v.splitx = function() { return this._split(1, arguments); }; v.splity = function() { return this._split(2, arguments); }; v._split = function(g, l) { (this.length || this.field) && this.clear(); let r = -1; let z = l.length, x = 1 / z, D = 0; for (;++r < z; ) { var E = n.el(); this.body.appendChild(E); var G = E; { var F = l[r]; let H = 1, M = F; for (;c[F]; ) F = M + "-" + ++H; } = F; E = new f(E); E.index = r; =; E._locale(this.lang, this.rtl); E.pos = D; D += x; this.cells.push(E); this.length++; } this.dir = g; this.redraw(); return this.cells; }; v.count = function() { return this.cells && this.cells.length || 0; }; v.destroy = function() { this.clear(); delete c[]; const g = this.el; g.innerHTML = ""; this.body = null; g.className = this._cn || ""; A(g).off(); return this; }; v.exists = function() { return this === c[]; }; v.clear = function() { const g = this.el, l = this.cells, r = this.field, z = this.body, x = this.nav; let D = this.length || 0; for (;0 !== D--; ) delete c[l[D].destroy().id]; this.cells = []; this.length = 0; x && (g.removeChild(x), this.nav = null); z && (r && (r.destroy(), this.counter = this.field = null), this.table && (this.table = null), g === z.parentNode && g.removeChild(z)); this.body = g.appendChild(n.el("", "wg-body")); this._h = null; return this; }; v.resize = function(g, l) { if (!l && (l = this.cells[1], !l)) return; var r = l.index; let z = this.cells, x = A(this.el)[1 === this.dir ? "width" : "height"](), D = z[r + 1]; r = z[r - 1]; l.pos = Math.min((D ? D.pos * x : x) - ((l.body || l.el.firstChild).offsetTop || 0), Math.max(r ? r.pos * x : 0, g)) / x; this.redraw();"wgResize"); return this; }; v.distribute = function(g) { let l = -1, r = 0, z; const x = this.cells, D = g.length; for (;++l < D && (z = x[++r]); ) z.pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, g[l])); this.redraw(); return this; }; v.distribution = function() { let g = [], l = 0; const r = this.cells, z = r.length - 1; for (;l < z; ) g[l] = r[++l].pos; return g; }; v.restyle = function() { var g = this.css.concat(); 0 === this.index ? g.push("first") : g.push("not-first"); this.dir && (g.push("wg-split"), 2 === this.dir ? g.push("wg-split-y") : g.push("wg-split-x")); this.t && g.push("has-title"); this.nav && g.push("has-nav"); this.field && (g.push("is-field"), this.field.editable() ? g.push("is-editable") : g.push("is-readonly")); g = g.join(" "); g !== this._css && (this._css = g, this.el.className = g); return this; }; v.redraw = function(g) { this.restyle(); const l = this.el; var r = this.body, z = this.field; if (r) { var x = l.clientWidth || 0, D = l.clientHeight || 0, E = r.offsetTop || 0; D = E > D ? 0 : D - E; if (this._h !== D) { this._h = D; = String(D) + "px"; var G = z; } this._w !== x && (this._w = x, G = z); G && G.redraw(); } r = this.length; x = 1; D = this.nav; for (E = 2 === this.dir ? "height" : "width"; 0 !== r--; ) z = this.cells[r], D ? G = 1 : (z.fixed && (z.pos = z.fixed / A(l)[E]()), G = x - z.pos, x = z.pos),[E] = String(100 * G) + "%", z.redraw(g); return this; }; v.contents = function(g, l) { const r = this.el; let z = this.body; if (null == g) return z.innerHTML; this.length ? this.clear() : z && (r.removeChild(z), z = null); z || (this.body = z = r.appendChild(n.el("", l || "wg-content")), this._h = null, (l = this.lang) && this._locale(l, this.rtl, !0)); "string" === typeof g ? A(z)._html(g) : g && this.append(g); this.redraw(); return this; }; v.textarea = function(g, l) { let r = this.field; if (r) { var z = r.editable(); r.reload(g, l); z !== l && this.restyle(); } else this.length && this.clear(), z = n.el("textarea"), z.setAttribute("wrap", "virtual"), z.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"), z.setAttribute("id", "wg" + String(++e)), z.value = g, this.contents(z), r = B.require("$49", "field.js")._new(z)[l ? "enable" : "disable"](), k(this, z), this.field = r, this.restyle(); this.lang || this.locale("en"); return r; }; v.locale = function(g) { g = B.require("$43", "locale.js").cast(g); return this._locale(String(g), g.isRTL()); }; v._locale = function(g, l, r) { const z = this.body; if (r || g !== this.lang) this.lang = g, z && z.setAttribute("lang", g); if (r || l !== this.rtl) this.rtl = l, z && z.setAttribute("dir", l ? "RTL" : "LTR"); return this; }; v.editable = function() { let g = this.field; if (g) return g.editable() ? g : null; const l = this.cells; let r = this.navigated(); if (null != r) return l[r].editable(); r = -1; const z = l.length; for (;++r < z && (g = l[r].editable(), null == g); ); return g; }; v.eachTextarea = function(g) { const l = this.field; l ? g(l) : this.each(function(r) { r.eachTextarea(g); }); return this; }; v.append = function(g) { g && (g.nodeType ? h.init(this.body.appendChild(g)) : h.init(A(g).appendTo(this.body))); return this; }; v.prepend = function(g) { const l = this.body; if (g.nodeType) { const r = l.firstChild; h.init(r ? l.insertBefore(g, r) : l.appendChild(g)); } else h.init(A(g).prependTo(l)); return this; }; v.before = function(g) { const l = this.body; g.nodeType ? h.init(this.el.insertBefore(g, l)) : h.init(A(g).insertBefore(l)); return this; }; v.header = function(g, l) { if (null == g && null == l) return this.el.getElementsByTagName("header")[0]; this.t = n.txt(g || ""); this.el.insertBefore(n.el("header", l), this.body).appendChild(this.t); this.redraw(); return this; }; v.toolbar = function() { const g = this.header(), l = g.getElementsByTagName("nav"); return 0 === l.length ? g.appendChild(n.el("nav")) : l[0]; }; v.title = function(g) { const l = this.t; if (l) return l.nodeValue = g || "", l; this.header(g); return this.t; }; v.titled = function() { return this.t && this.t.nodeValue; }; v.bodyY = function() { return q(this.body, this.el); }; v.scrollY = function(g) { if (ka === g) return this.body.scrollTop; this.body.scrollTop = g; }; v.tabulate = function(g) { let l = this.table; l ? l.clear() : l = B.require("$50", "wgtable.js").create(this); l.init(g); return this.table = l; }; v.lock = function() { this.body.className += " locked"; return this; }; v.scrollTo = function(g, l) { let r = this.body; var z = r.scrollTop; let x = q(g, r); if (z > x) z = x; else { const D = r.clientHeight; g = x + A(g).outerHeight(); if (D + z < g) z = g - D; else return; } l ? r.scrollTop = z : A(r).stop(!0).animate({ scrollTop: z }, 250); }; v.navigize = function(g, l) { function r(H) { const M = D[H], O = x[H], R = A(M.el).show(); O.addClass("active"); G = H;"idx", H);"wgTabSelect", [ H ]); return R; } const z = this, x = [], D = z.cells; let E = z.nav, G; E && z.el.removeChild(E); E = z.nav = z.el.insertBefore(n.el("nav", "wg-tabs"), z.body); const F = A(E).on("click", function(H) { const M = A("idx"); if (null == M) return !0; if (null != G) { { const O = x[G]; A(D[G].el).hide(); O.removeClass("active"); } } r(M); z.redraw(); return d(H); }); null == l && (l ="idx") || 0); z.each(function(H, M) { x[M] = A('<a href="#' + + '"></a>').data("idx", M).text(g[M]).appendTo(F); H.pos = 0; A(H.el).hide(); }); r(D[l] ? l : 0); z.lock(); z.redraw(); return z; }; v.navigated = function() { const g = this.nav; if (g) return A(g).data("idx"); }; v = null; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$30", function(w, v, C) { function y(c, a) { c.stopPropagation(); h = a; return !0; } function p(c) { const a = []; c && (c.saved() || a.push("po-unsaved"), c.fuzzy() ? a.push("po-fuzzy") : c.hasFlag() && a.push("po-flagged"), c.valid() || a.push("po-error"), c.translation() || a.push("po-empty"), c.comment() && a.push("po-comment")); return a.join(" "); } function t(c, a, e) { a = A(c.title(a).parentNode); let m = a.find("span.lang"); e ? (e = B.require("$43", "locale.js").cast(e), m.length || (m = A("<span></span>").prependTo(a)), m.attr("lang", e.lang).attr("class", e.getIcon() || "lang region region-" + (e.region || "zz").toLowerCase())) : (m.remove(), e = "en"); c.locale(e); return a; } function d(c, a, e) { a.on("click", function(m) { const g =, [ ]); g || m.preventDefault(); return g; }); } function b() { this.dirty = 0; } B.require("$3", "number.js"); const k = B.require("$42", "string.js").html, f = B.require("$6", "string.js").sprintf; let h, n; w.extend = function(c) { return c.prototype = new b(); }; w.localise = function(c) { n = c; return w; }; const q = function() { const c = C.createElement("p"), a = /(src|href|on[a-z]+)\s*=/gi; return function(e) { c.innerHTML = e.replace(a, "data-x-loco-$1="); const m = c.textContent.trim(); return m ? m.replace("data-x-loco-", "") : e.trim(); }; }(), u = b.prototype = B.require("$44", "abstract.js").init([ "getListColumns", "getListHeadings", "getListEntry" ], [ "editable", "t" ]); u.init = function() { this.$t = null; this.localise(); this.editable = { source: !0, target: !0 }; this.mode = ""; this.html = !1; return this; }; u.t = function() { return this.$t || n || B.require("$1", "t.js").init(); }; u.localise = function(c) { c || (c = this.t()); const a = []; a[0] = c._x("Source text", "Editor") + ":"; a[3] = c._x("%s translation", "Editor") + ":"; a[4] = c._x("Context", "Editor") + ":"; a[5] = c._x("Comments", "Editor") + ":"; a[1] = c._x("Single", "Editor") + ":"; a[2] = c._x("Plural", "Editor") + ":"; a[6] = c._x("Untranslated", "Editor"); a[7] = c._x("Translated", "Editor"); a[8] = c._x("Toggle Fuzzy", "Editor"); a[9] = c._x("Suggest translation", "Editor"); this.labels = a; this.$t = c; return this; }; u.setRootCell = function(c) { function a(m) { e.redraw(!0, m); return !0; } const e = B.require("$45", "wingrid.js").init(c); A(v).on("resize", a); this.redraw = a; A(c).on("wgFocus wgBlur", y); this.destroy = function() { e.destroy(); A(v).off("resize", a); }; this.rootDiv = c; return e; }; u.$ = function() { return A(this.rootDiv); }; u.setListCell = function(c) { const a = this; a.listCell = c; c.on("wgRowSelect", function(e, m) { (e = a.po.row(m)) && e !== && a.loadMessage(e); }).on("wgRowDeselect", function(e, m, g) { g || a.loadNothing(); }); }; u.setSourceCell = function(c) { this.sourceCell = c; }; u.setTargetCell = function(c) { this.targetCell = c; }; = function(c, a, e) { const m = this.listTable, g = this.po; let l = m.selected(), r = l, z; for (;null != (l =, e, l)); ) { if (r === l) { l = null; break; } if (a && (z = g.row(l), z.translated(0))) continue; break; } null != l &&, !0); return l; }; = function(c) {; this.focus(); }; u.current = function(c) { const a =; if (null == c) return a; c ? ? (this.reloadMessage(c), this.focus()) : (this.loadMessage(c), c = this.po.indexOf(c), -1 !== c && : this.unloadActive(); return this; }; u.getTargetOffset = function() { if ( return this.targetCell && this.targetCell.navigated() || 0; }; u.getTargetEditable = function() { return && this.targetCell && this.targetCell.editable(); }; u.getSourceEditable = function() { return this.editable.source && this.sourceCell && this.sourceCell.editable(); }; u.getContextEditable = function() { return this.editable.context && this.contextCell && this.contextCell.editable(); }; u.getFirstEditable = function() { return this.getTargetEditable() || this.getSourceEditable() || this.getContextEditable(); }; u.searchable = function(c) { c && (this.dict = c, this.po && this.rebuildSearch()); return this.dict && !0; }; u.rebuildSearch = function() { const c = this.po.rows, a = c.length, e = this.dict; e.clear(); let m = -1; for (;++m < a; ) e.add(m, c[m].toText()); }; u.filtered = function() { return this.lastSearch || ""; }; u.filter = function(c, a) { const e = this.listTable, m = this.lastFound, g = this.lastSearch || ""; let l, r; c ? (r = this.dict.find(c), l = r.length, l === m && 0 === c.indexOf(g) ? a = !0 : e.filter(r)) : (l = this.po.length, e.unfilter()); this.lastFound = l; this.lastSearch = c; a ||"poFilter", [ c, l ]); return l; }; u.countFiltered = function() { return this.lastSearch ? this.lastFound : this.po.length; }; u.unsave = function(c, a) { let e = !1; if (c) { if (e = c.saved(a)) this.dirty++, c.unsave(a),"poUnsaved", [ c, a ]); this.reCssRow(c); } return e; }; u.reCssRow = function(c) { var a = this.po.indexOf(c); if ((a = && a.length) { var e = p(c); c = a[0].className; e = c.replace(/(?:^| +)po-[a-z]+/g, "") + " " + e; e !== c && A(a).attr("class", e); } }; = function(c) { const a = this.po; if (this.dirty || c) { const e = [], m = [], g = this.listTable; a.each(function(l, r, z) { r.err && e.push(r); r.saved() || (, (r = (l = g.row(z)) && && ? m[r.i] = : l && A(l.cells()).removeClass("po-unsaved")); }); m.length && A(m).find("div.po-unsaved").removeClass("po-unsaved"); this.dirty = 0; this.invalid = e.length ? e : null;"poSave", []); } return a; }; = function(c, a) { const e = this.handle; if (e && e[c] && !1 === e[c].apply(this, a || [])) return !1; c = A.Event(c); this.$().trigger(c, a); return !c.isDefaultPrevented(); }; u.on = function(c, a) { this.$().on(c, a); return this; }; u.getSorter = function() { return null; }; u.reload = function() { const c = this; var a = c.listCell; const e = c.po; var m = e && e.locale(); const g = m && m.isRTL(), l = e && e.length || 0; if (!e || !e.row) return a && a.clear().header("Error").contents("Invalid messages list"), !1; c.targetLocale = m; c.lastSearch && (c.lastSearch = "", c.lastFound = l,"poFilter", [ "", l ])); let r = (m = c.listTable) && m.thead().distribution(), z = []; c.listTable = m = a.tabulate({ eachCol: function(x) { const D = c.getListColumns(), E = c.getListHeadings(); for (const G in D) { const F = D[G]; x(F, G, E[F]); } }, eachRow: function(x) { e.each(function(D, E) { c.validate(E) && z.push(E); x(E.idx, c.getListEntry(E), p(E)); }); }, sort: c.getSorter() }); a = c.getListColumns(); for (const x in a) m.sortable(a[x]); r && m.thead().distribute(r); m.tbody().$(g ? "addClass" : "removeClass", [ "is-rtl" ]); c.invalid = z.length ? z : null; return !!l; }; u.load = function(c, a) { this.po = c; this.dict && this.rebuildSearch(); this.reload() && (-1 !== a ? this.listTable.selectRow(a || 0) : && this.unloadActive()); }; u.pasteMessage = function(c) { this.validate(c); if ( === c) { let a = this.sourceCell, e = 0; a && a.eachTextarea(function(m) { m.val(c.source(null, e++)); }); (a = this.contextCell) && a.eachTextarea(function(m) { m.val(c.context()); }); if (a = this.targetCell) e = 0, a.eachTextarea(function(m) { m.val(c.translation(e++)); }); } this.updateListCell(c, "source"); this.updateListCell(c, "target"); return this; }; u.reloadMessage = function(c) { const a = this.sourceCell, e = this.targetCell; this.pasteMessage(c); a && this.setSrcMeta(c, a) && a.redraw(); if (e) { var m = e.navigated() || 0; m = this.setTrgMeta(c, m, e); !a && this.setSrcMeta(c, e) && (m = !0); m && (e.redraw(), this.reCssRow(c)); } return this; }; u.setStatus = function() { return null; }; u.setSrcMeta = function(c, a) { const e = []; var m = this.labels; let g = !1, l = this.$smeta; var r = c.context(); let z = [], x = c.tags(), D = x && x.length; r && (z.push("<span>" + k(m[4]) + "</span>"), z.push('<mark class="ctxt">' + k(r) + "</mark>")); if (D && this.getTag) for (z.push("<span>Tagged:</span>"), m = -1; ++m < D; ) (r = this.getTag(x[m])) && z.push("<mark>" + k(r.mod_name) + "</mark>"); z.length && e.push('<p class="tags">' + z.join(" ") + "</p>"); if (this.getMono() && (r = c.refs()) && (x = r.split(/\s/), D = x.length)) { for (z = []; 0 <= --D; ) r = x[D], z.push("<code>" + k(r) + "</code>"); e.push('<p class="has-icon icon-file">' + z.join(" ") + "</p>"); } (r = c.notes()) && e.push('<p class="has-icon icon-info">' + k(r, !0) + "</p>"); e.length ? (l || (l = a.find("div.meta"), l.length || (l = A('<div class="meta"></div>').insertAfter(a.header())), d(this, l, "poMeta"), this.$smeta = l), l.html(e.join("\n")).show(), g = !0) : l && l.text() && (l.text("").hide(), g = !0); return g; }; u.setTrgMeta = function(c, a, e) { const m = []; a = (c = c.errors(a)) && c.length; var g = !1; let l = this.$tmeta; if (a) { for (g = 0; g < a; g++) m.push('<p class="has-icon icon-warn">' + k(c[g], !0) + ".</p>"); l || (l = e.find("div.meta"), l.length || (l = A('<div class="meta"></div>').insertAfter(e.header())), this.$tmeta = l); l.html(m.join("\n")).show(); g = !0; } else l && l.text() && (l.text("").hide(), g = !0); return g; }; u.loadMessage = function(c) { function a(N) { if ("=" === N.charAt(0)) { const K = N.split(" "); N = K[0].substring(1); K[0] = [ "Zero", "One", "Two" ][Number(N)] || N; N = K.join(" "); } return N; } function e(N, K) { const T = X; var Q = ba[0];; N.titled() !== Q && t(N, Q, K || "en"); Q = !1; x.setSrcMeta(c, N) && (Q = !0); if (c.plural()) { Q = -1; let S = [], W = []; const Y = + "-"; K = c.sourceForms() || K && K.plurals || [ "One", "Other" ]; const ca = K.length; if (2 !== ca || "=" === K[0].charAt(0) && "=1" !== K[0]) for (;++Q < ca; ) S[Q] = Y + String(Q), W[Q] = a(K[Q].split(" ", 1)[0]) + ":"; else S = [ Y + "-0", Y + "-1" ], W = [ ba[1], ba[2] ]; N.splity.apply(N, S); N.each(function(da, V) { da.header(W[V]).textarea(c.source(null, V), T).setStrf(F).setMode(Z).setInvs(E); }); N.lock(); T && N.each(function(da, V) { m(da, V); }); } else Q && N.redraw(), N.textarea(c.source(), T).setStrf(F).setMode(Z).setInvs(E), T && m(N, 0); } function m(N, K) { N.on("changing", function(T, Q) { c.source(Q, K); 0 === K && x.updateListCell(c, "source"); x.unsave(c, K); }).on("changed", function() { 0 === K && x.po.reIndex(c); x.dict && x.rebuildSearch();"poUpdate", [ c ]); }); } function g(N, K, T, Q) { P && K.eachTextarea(function(W) {; });"changing").off("changed"); var S = T.isKnown() && T.label || "Target"; S = f(ba[3], S); K.titled() !== S && t(K, S, T); S = !1; !N && x.setSrcMeta(c, K) && (S = !0); x.setTrgMeta(c, Q, K) && (S = !0); x.setStatus(c, Q); if (1 !== T.nplurals && c.pluralized()) { N = function(V) { Y.push(a(da[V] || "Form " + V)); W.push(ca + String(V)); }; let W = [], Y = []; const ca = + "-", da = c.targetForms() || T.plurals || [ "One", "Other" ]; S = da.length; for (c.eachMsg(N); (T = W.length) < S; ) N(T); K.splitx.apply(K, W); K.each(function(V, aa) { const la = P && !c.disabled(aa); V.textarea(c.translation(aa), la).setStrf(F).setMode(Z).setInvs(E); P && l(V, aa); }); K.navigize(Y, Q || null).on("wgTabSelect", function(V, aa) { (V = P && V.cell.editable()) && V.focus(); x.setTrgMeta(c, aa, K); x.setStatus(c, aa);"poTab", [ aa ]); }); } else S && K.redraw(), K.textarea(c.translation(), P && !c.disabled(0)).setStrf(F).setMode(Z).setInvs(E), P && l(K, 0); } function l(N, K) { function T() { Q = null; x.validate(c); const W = c.errors(K).join(" "); S !== W && (S = W, x.setTrgMeta(c, K, N) && N.redraw(), x.reCssRow(c)); } let Q, S = c.errors(K).join(" "); N.on("changing", function(W, Y, ca) { Q && (clearTimeout(Q), Q = null); c.translate(Y, K); 0 === K && x.updateListCell(c, "target"); c.fuzzy(K) && c.saved(K) ? x.fuzzy(!1, c, K) : x.unsave(c, K); "" === Y ? ("poEmpty", [ !0, c, K ]), x.setStatus(c, K)) : "" === ca && ("poEmpty", [ !1, c, K ]), x.setStatus(c, K)); Q = setTimeout(T, S ? 300 : 1e3); }).on("changed", function() { x.dict && x.rebuildSearch();"poUpdate", [ c ]); }); } function r(N) {; const K = ba[4]; N.titled() !== K && (t(N, K), x.setStatus(null)); N.textarea(c.context(), !0).setMode(Z).setInvs(E); ha && N.on("changing", function(T, Q) { c.context(Q); x.updateListCell(c, "source"); x.unsave(c, ea); }).on("changed", function() { x.po.reIndex(c); x.dict && x.rebuildSearch();"poUpdate", [ c ]); }); } function z(N) { const K = ba[5]; N.titled() !== K && t(N, K);"changing", function(T, Q) { c.comment(Q);"poComment", [ c, Q ]); x.unsave(c, ea); }).textarea(c.comment(), !0); } const x = this; var D = c.isHTML(); const E = x.inv || !1, G = this.fmt || null, F = c.format() || null, H =, M = x.sourceCell, O = x.targetCell, R = x.contextCell, I = x.commentCell, P =, X = x.editable.source, ha = x.editable.context, ma = x.sourceLocale, ja = x.targetLocale, ba = x.labels; let ea = 0, Z = x.mode, fa = h; x.html !== D && (x.html = D, "code" !== x.mode && (Z = D ? "html" : "", x.setMode(Z))); = c; M && e(M, ma); R && r(R); O && ja && (ea = O.navigated() || 0, g(M, O, ja, ea)); I && z(I); fa && (fa.exists() || (fa = fa.parent()), (D = fa.editable()) && D.focus()); G !== F && (this.fmt = F); H ||"poSelected", [ c, ea ]); }; u.unloadActive = function() { function c(e) { e && e.text("").hide(); } function a(e) { e &&; } c(this.$smeta); c(this.$tmeta); a(this.sourceCell); a(this.contextCell); a(this.targetCell); this.commentCell &&; && ("poDeselected", [ ]), = null); return this; }; u.loadNothing = function() { const c = this.t(), a = this.mode || "", e = this.inv || !1, m = this.fmt; this.unloadActive(); this.setStatus(null); let g = this.commentCell; g && g.textarea("", !1); if (g = this.sourceCell) g.textarea("", !1).setStrf(m).setMode(a).setInvs(e), g.title(c._x("Source text not loaded", "Editor") + ":"); if (g = this.contextCell) g.textarea("", !1).setMode(a).setInvs(e), g.title(c._x("Context not loaded", "Editor") + ":"); if (g = this.targetCell) g.textarea("", !1).setStrf(m).setMode(a).setInvs(e), g.title(c._x("Translation not loaded", "Editor") + ":");"poSelected", [ null ]); }; u.updateListCell = function(c, a) { a = this.getListColumns()[a]; c = this.po.indexOf(c); (c = this.listTable.row(c)) && c.rendered && c.update(a); }; u.cellText = function(c) { return (c = -1 !== c.indexOf("<") || -1 !== c.indexOf("&") ? q(c) : c.trim()) || " "; }; u.fuzzy = function(c, a, e) { a = a ||; const m = a.fuzzy(e); !0 !== c || m ? !1 === c && m && this.flag(0, a, e) &&"poFuzzy", [ a, !1, e ]) : this.flag(4, a, e) &&"poFuzzy", [ a, !0, e ]); return m; }; u.flag = function(c, a, e) { if (!a) { a =; e = this.getTargetOffset(); if (null == e) return null; e && a.targetForms() && (e = 0); } const m = a.flagged(e); if (null == c) return m; if (m === c || c && !a.translated(e) || !"poFlag", [ c, m, a, e ])) return !1; a.flag(c, e);"poUpdate", [ a ]) && this.unsave(a, e); this.setStatus(a, e); return !0; }; u.add = function(c, a) { let e, m = this.po.get(c, a); m ? e = this.po.indexOf(m) : (e = this.po.length, m = this.po.add(c, a), this.load(this.po, -1),"poAdd", [ m ]),"poUpdate", [ m ])); this.lastSearch && this.filter("");; return m; }; u.del = function(c) { if (c = c || { var a = this.lastSearch, e = this.po.del(c); null != e && (this.unsave(c),"poDel", [ c ]),"poUpdate", [ c ]), this.reload(), this.dict && this.rebuildSearch(), && && this.unloadActive(), this.po.length && (a && this.filter(a), || (e = Math.min(e, this.po.length - 1),; } }; u.setMono = function(c) { return this.setMode(c ? "code" : this.html ? "html" : ""); }; u.setMode = function(c) { if (this.mode !== c) { this.mode = c; this.callTextareas(function(m) { m.setMode(c); }); const a =, e = this.sourceCell; a && a.refs() && e && this.setSrcMeta(a, e) && e.redraw(); } return this; }; u.getMono = function() { return "code" === this.mode; }; u.setInvs = function(c) { (this.inv || !1) !== c && (this.inv = c, this.callTextareas(function(a) { a.setInvs(c); }),"poInvs", [ c ])); return this; }; u.getInvs = function() { return this.inv || !1; }; u.callTextareas = function(c) { var a = this.targetCell; a && a.eachTextarea(c); (a = this.contextCell) && a.eachTextarea(c); (a = this.sourceCell) && a.eachTextarea(c); return this; }; u.focus = function() { const c = this.getTargetEditable(); c && c.focus(); return this; }; u.validate = function(c) { return 0; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$31", function(w, v, C) { w.init = function() { const y = /%([1-9]\d*\$)?[s%]/, p = /%([1-9]\d*\$)?(?:'.|[-+0 ])*\d*(?:\.\d+)?(.|$)/g; return { parse: function(t, d) { const b = d && d.count || 0; d = d && d.types || {}; let k = !0, f = 0, h = 0; for (var n; null != (n = p.exec(t)); ) { const q = n[2]; if ("%" !== q || "%%" !== n[0]) { if ("" === q || -1 === "suxXbcdeEfFgGo".indexOf(q)) { k = !1; break; } null == n[1] ? n = ++h : (n = parseInt(n[1]), f = Math.max(f, n)); null == d[n] && (d[n] = {}); d[n][q] = !0; } } if (k) return { valid: !0, count: Math.max(f, h, b), types: d }; p.lastIndex = 0; return { valid: !1, count: 0, types: {} }; }, sniff: function(t) { return y.test(t); } }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$13", function(w, v, C) { function y() { this.init(); this.sourceLocale = { lang: "en", label: "English", plurals: [ "One", "Other" ] }; } function p(f) { f = A('<button type="button" class="button button-small icon icon-' + f + ' hastip"></button>'); B.require("$12", "tooltip.js").init(f); return f; } function t(f) { return p("cloud").attr("title", f.labels[8] + " (Ctrl-U)").on("click", function(h) { h.preventDefault(); f.focus().fuzzy(!f.fuzzy()); }); } function d(f) { return p("robot").attr("title", f.labels[9] + " (Ctrl-J)").on("click", function(h) { h.preventDefault();"poHint"); }); } function b(f, h) { return B.require("$6", "string.js").vsprintf(f, h); } w.init = function(f) { const h = new y(); f = h.setRootCell(f); var n = f.splity("po-list", "po-edit"); let q = n[0], u = n[1]; n = u.splitx("po-trans", "po-comment"); var c = n[0]; let a = n[1].header("Loading.."); n = c.splity("po-source", "po-target"); c = n[0].header("Loading.."); n = n[1].header("Loading.."); f.distribute([ .34 ]); u.distribute([ .8 ]); h.setListCell(q); h.setSourceCell(c); h.setTargetCell(n); h.commentCell = a; h.editable.source = !1; return h; }; v = y.prototype = B.require("$30", "base.js").extend(y); v.getListHeadings = function() { const f = this.t(), h = [ f._x("Source text", "Editor") ]; this.targetLocale && (h[1] = f._x("Translation", "Editor")); return h; }; v.getListColumns = function() { const f = { source: 0 }; this.targetLocale && ( = 1); return f; }; v.getListEntry = function(f) { const h = this.cellText, n = [ function() { let q, u = h(f.source() || ""), c = f.context(); return c ? (q = C.createElement("p"), q.appendChild(C.createElement("mark")).innerText = c, q.appendChild(C.createTextNode(" " + u)), q) : u; } ]; this.targetLocale && (n[1] = function() { return h(f.translation() || ""); }); return n; }; v.stats = function() { let f = this.po, h = f.length, n = 0, q = 0, u = 0; f.each(function(c, a) { a.fuzzy() ? u++ : a.translated() ? n++ : q++; }); return { t: h, p: n.percent(h) + "%", f: u, u: q }; }; v.unlock = function() { const f = this.targetLocale; this._unlocked || (this.editable = { source: !0, context: !0, target: !1 }, this.po && this.po.unlock(), this.contextCell = this.targetCell, delete this.targetCell, f && (this._unlocked = f, delete this.targetLocale, this.reload(),"poLock", [ !1 ])), && this.loadMessage(; }; v.lock = function() { const f = this._unlocked; f && (this.targetLocale = f, delete this._unlocked, this.po && this.po.lock(f), this.editable = { source: !1, context: !1, target: !0 }, this.targetCell = this.contextCell, delete this.contextCell, this.reload(),"poLock", [ !0, f ]), && this.loadMessage(; }; v.locked = function() { return !this._unlocked; }; v.setStatus = function(f) { let h = this.$tnav; if (null == f) h && (h.remove(), this.$tnav = null); else { h || (this.$tnav = h = A("<nav></nav>").append(t(this)).append(d(this)).appendTo(this.targetCell.header())); var n = []; f.translated() ? f.fuzzy() && n.push("po-fuzzy") : n.push("po-empty"); h.attr("class", n.join(" ")); } }; v.getSorter = function() { function f(q, u) { const c = q.weight(), a = u.weight(); return c === a ? h(q, u) : c > a ? -1 : 1; } function h(q, u) { return q.hash().localeCompare(u.hash()); } const n = this; return function(q) { const u = n.po, c = n.locked() ? f : h; q.sort(function(a, e) { return c(u.row(a), u.row(e)); }); }; }; v.validate = function(f) { f.err = null; if (f.untranslated(0)) return 0; const h = []; let n = this.validateMessagePrintf(f, h); n && (f.err = h); return n; }; v.validateMessagePrintf = function(f, h) { const n = f.format(); if ("no-" === n.substring(0, 3)) return 0; const q = f.msgid(), u = f.msgidPlural(); null == k && (k = B.require("$31", "printf.js").init()); var c = k; if (!("" !== n || c.sniff(q) || "" !== u && c.sniff(u))) return 0; let a = 0, e = c.parse(q); u && e.valid && (e = c.parse(u, e)); if (!e.valid) return 0; let m = e.count; if (0 !== m || "" !== n) { var g = this; f.eachMsg(function(l, r) { h[l] = []; if ("" !== r) { r = c.parse(r); var z = r.count; l = h[l]; if (r.valid) if (z > m) l.push(b(g.t()._("Too many placeholders; source text formatting suggests a maximum of %s"), [ m ])), a++; else if (z < m && "" === u) l.push(b(g.t()._("Missing placeholders; source text formatting suggests at least %s"), [ m ])), a++; else { z = e.types; for (const x in r.types) for (const D in r.types[x]) if (null == z[x] || null == z[x][D]) { l.push(g.t()._("Mismatching placeholder type; check against source text formatting")); a++; return; } } else l.push(g.t()._("Possible syntax error in string formatting")), a++; } }); return a; } }; v.handle = {}; let k; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$14", function(w, v, C) { const y = { copy: 66, clear: 75, save: 83, fuzzy: 85, next: 40, prev: 38, enter: 13, invis: 73, hint: 74 }, p = { 38: !0, 40: !0, 73: !0 }, t = { 66: function(d, b) { if (d = b.current()) d.normalize(), b.focus().pasteMessage(d); }, 75: function(d, b) { if (d = b.current()) d.untranslate(), b.focus().pasteMessage(d); }, 85: function(d, b) { b.focus().fuzzy(!b.fuzzy()); }, 13: function(d, b) { b.getFirstEditable() &&, !0, !0); }, 40: function(d, b) { d = d.shiftKey;, d, d); }, 38: function(d, b) { d = d.shiftKey;, d, d); }, 73: function(d, b) { if (!d.shiftKey) return !1; b.setInvs(!b.getInvs()); } }; w.init = function(d, b) { function k(h) { if (h.isDefaultPrevented() || !h.metaKey && !h.ctrlKey) return !0; const n = h.which; if (!f[n]) return !0; const q = t[n]; if (!q || h.altKey || h.shiftKey && !p[n] || !1 === q(h, d)) return !0; h.stopPropagation(); h.preventDefault(); return !1; } const f = {}; A(b || v).on("keydown", k); return { add: function(h, n) { t[y[h]] = n; return this; }, enable: function() { for (const h in arguments) f[y[arguments[h]]] = !0; return this; }, disable: function() { A(b || v).off("keydown", k); d = b = null; for (const h in t) f[h] = !1; } }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$32", function(w, v, C) { function y() { this.reIndex([]); } w.init = function() { return new y(); }; v = y.prototype; v.reIndex = function(p) { const t = {}, d = p.length; let b = -1; for (;++b < d; ) t[p[b]] = b; this.keys = p; this.length = b; this.ords = t; }; v.key = function(p, t) { if (null == t) return this.keys[p]; const d = this.keys[p], b = this.ords[t]; if (t !== d) { if (null != b) throw Error("Clash with item at [" + b + "]"); this.keys[p] = t; delete this.ords[d]; this.ords[t] = p; } return p; }; v.indexOf = function(p) { p = this.ords[p]; return null == p ? -1 : p; }; v.add = function(p, t) { let d = this.ords[p]; null == d && (this.keys[this.length] = p, d = this.ords[p] = this.length++); this[d] = t; return d; }; v.get = function(p) { return this[this.ords[p]]; }; v.has = function(p) { return null != this.ords[p]; }; v.del = function(p) { this.cut(this.ords[p], 1); }; v.cut = function(p, t) { t = t || 1; const d = [], p, t); this.keys.splice(p, t); this.reIndex(this.keys); return d; }; v.each = function(p) { const t = this.keys, d = this.length; let b = -1; for (;++b < d; ) p(t[b], this[b], b); return this; }; v.sort = function(p) { const t = this.length, d = this.keys, b = this.ords, k = []; let f = -1; for (;++f < t; ) k[f] = [ this[f], d[f] ]; k.sort(function(n, q) { return p(n[0], q[0]); }); for (f = 0; f < t; f++) { var h = k[f]; this[f] = h[0]; h = h[1]; d[f] = h; b[h] = f; } return this; }; v.join = function(p) { return [], p); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$33", function(w, v, C) { function y(p, t) { var d = new RegExp("^.{0," + (p - 1) + "}[" + t + "]"), b = new RegExp("^[^" + t + "]+"); return function(k, f) { for (var h = k.length, n; h > p; ) { n = d.exec(k) || b.exec(k); if (null == n) break; n = n[0]; f.push(n); n = n.length; h -= n; k = k.substring(n); } 0 !== h && f.push(k); return f; }; } w.create = function(p) { function t(q) { return f[q] || "\\" + q; } var d = /(?:\r\n|[\r\n\v\f\u2028\u2029])/g, b = /[ \r\n]+/g, k = /[\t\v\f\x07\x08\\"]/g, f = { "\t": "\\t", "\v": "\\v", "\f": "\\f", "": "\\a", "\b": "\\b" }; if (null == p || isNaN(p = Number(p))) p = 79; if (0 < p) { var h = y(p - 3, " "); var n = y(p - 2, "-– \\.,:;\\?!\\)\\]\\}\\>"); } return { pair: function(q, u) { if (!u) return q + ' ""'; u = u.replace(k, t); var c = 0; u = u.replace(d, function() { c++; return "\\n\n"; }); if (!(c || p && p < u.length + q.length + 3)) return q + ' "' + u + '"'; q = [ q + ' "' ]; u = u.split("\n"); if (n) for (var a = -1, e = u.length; ++a < e; ) n(u[a], q); else q = q.concat(u); return q.join('"\n"') + '"'; }, prefix: function(q, u) { q = q.split(d); return u + q.join("\n" + u); }, refs: function(q) { q = q.replace(b, " ", q); h && (q = h(q, []).join("\n#: ")); return "#: " + q; } }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$46", function(w, v, C) { function y() { this.length = 0; } w.init = function() { return new y(); }; v = y.prototype; v.push = function(p) { this[this.length++] = p; return this; }; v.sort = function(p) { [], p); return this; }; v.each = function(p) { for (var t = -1, d = this.length; ++t < d; ) p(t, this[t]); return this; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$34", function(w, v, C) { function y() {} w.extend = function(p) { return p.prototype = new y(); }; v = y.prototype = B.require("$44", "abstract.js").init([ "add", "load" ]); v.row = function(p) { return this.rows[p]; }; v.lock = function(p) { return this.locale(p || { lang: "zxx", label: "Unknown", nplurals: 1, pluraleq: "n!=1" }); }; v.unlock = function() { const p = this.loc; this.loc = null; return p; }; v.locale = function(p) { null == p ? p = this.loc : this.loc = p = B.require("$43", "locale.js").cast(p); return p; }; v.each = function(p) { this.rows.each(p); return this; }; v.indexOf = function(p) { "object" !== typeof p && (p = this.get(p)); if (!p) return -1; null == p.idx && (p.idx = this.rows.indexOf(p.hash())); return p.idx; }; v.get = function(p) { return this.rows && this.rows.get(p); }; v.has = function(p) { return this.rows && this.rows.has(p); }; v.del = function(p) { p = this.indexOf(p); if (-1 !== p) { const t = this.rows.cut(p, 1); if (t && t.length) return this.length = this.rows.length, this.rows.each(function(d, b, k) { b.idx = k; }), p; } }; v.reIndex = function(p, t) { const d = p.hash(), b = this.indexOf(p), k = this.rows.indexOf(d); return k === b ? b : -1 !== k ? (t = (t || 0) + 1, p.source("Error, duplicate " + String(t) + ": " + p.source()), this.reIndex(p, t)) : this.rows.key(b, d); }; v.sort = function(p) { this.rows.sort(p); return this; }; v.export = function() { const p = this.rows, t = p.length, d = B.require("$46", "list.js").init(); let b = -1; for (;++b < t; ) d.push(p[b]); return d; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$35", function(w, v, C) { function y(d, b, k) { if (null == k) return d[b] || ""; d[b] = k || ""; return d; } function p() { this._id = = ""; } function t(d, b) { const k = d.length; let f = -1; for (;++f < k; ) b(f, d[f]); } w.extend = function(d) { return d.prototype = new p(); }; v = p.prototype; v.flag = function(d, b) { const k = this.flg || (this.flg = []); if (null != b) k[b] = d; else for (b = Math.max(k.length, this.src.length, this.msg.length); 0 !== b--; ) k[b] = d; return this; }; v.flagged = function(d) { return (this.flg || [])[d || 0] || 0; }; v.hasFlag = function() { const d = this.flg || []; let b = d.length; for (;0 !== b--; ) if (this.isFlag(d[b])) return !0; return !1; }; v.isFlag = function(d) { return 0 < d; }; v.flags = function() { const d = {}, b = [], k = this.flg || []; let f = k.length; for (;0 !== f--; ) { const h = k[f]; d[h] || (d[h] = !0, b.push(h)); } return b; }; v.flaggedAs = function(d, b) { const k = this.flg || []; if (null != b) return d === k[b] || 0; for (b = k.length; 0 !== b--; ) if (k[b] === d) return !0; return !1; }; v.fuzzy = function(d, b) { const k = this.flaggedAs(4, d); null != b && this.flag(b ? 4 : 0, d); return k; }; v.source = function(d, b) { if (null == d) return this.src[b || 0] || ""; this.src[b || 0] = d; return this; }; v.plural = function(d, b) { if (null == d) return this.src[b || 1] || ""; this.src[b || 1] = d || ""; return this; }; v.sourceForms = function() { return this.srcF; }; v.targetForms = function() { return this.msgF; }; v.each = function(d) { const b = this.src, k = this.msg, f = Math.max(b.length, k.length); let h = -1; for (;++h < f; ) d(h, b[h], k[h]); return this; }; v.eachSrc = function(d) { t(this.src, d); return this; }; v.eachMsg = function(d) { t(this.msg, d); return this; }; v.count = function() { return Math.max(this.src.length, this.msg.length); }; v.pluralized = function() { return 1 < this.src.length || 1 < this.msg.length; }; v.translate = function(d, b) { this.msg[b || 0] = d || ""; return this; }; v.untranslate = function(d) { if (null != d) this.msg[d] = ""; else { const b = this.msg, k = b.length; for (d = 0; d < k; d++) b[d] = ""; } return this; }; v.translation = function(d) { return this.msg[d || 0] || ""; }; v.errors = function(d) { return this.err && this.err[d || 0] || []; }; v.valid = function() { return null == this.err; }; v.translated = function(d) { if (null != d) return !!this.msg[d]; const b = this.msg, k = b.length; for (d = 0; d < k; d++) if (!b[d]) return !1; return !0; }; v.untranslated = function(d) { if (null != d) return !this.msg[d]; const b = this.msg, k = b.length; for (d = 0; d < k; d++) if (b[d]) return !1; return !0; }; v.comment = function(d) { return y(this, "cmt", d); }; v.notes = function(d) { return y(this, "xcmt", d); }; v.refs = function(d) { return y(this, "rf", d); }; v.format = function(d) { return y(this, "fmt", d); }; v.context = function(d) { return y(this, "ctx", d); }; v.tags = function() { return; }; v.getMax = function(d) { return ( || [ 0 ])[d] || 0; }; v.toString = v.toText = function() { return this.src.concat(this.msg, [, this.ctx ]).join(" "); }; v.weight = function() { let d = 0; this.translation() || (d += 2); this.fuzzy() && (d += 1); return d; }; v.equals = function(d) { return this === d || this.hash() === d.hash(); }; v.hash = function() { return; }; v.normalize = function() { let d = -1, b = this.msg.length; for (;++d < b; ) this.msg[d] = this.src[Math.min(d, 1)] || ""; }; v.disabled = function(d) { return !!(this.lck || [])[d || 0]; }; v.disable = function(d) { (this.lck || (this.lck = []))[d || 0] = !0; return this; }; v.saved = function(d) { const b = this.drt; if (null == b) return !0; if (null != d) return !b[d]; for (d = b.length; 0 !== d--; ) if (b[d]) return !1; return !0; }; v.unsave = function(d) { (this.drt || (this.drt = []))[d || 0] = !0; return this; }; = function(d) { null == d ? this.drt = null : (this.drt || (this.drt = []))[d] = !1; return this; }; = function(d) { return d && (d === this || d.idx === this.idx); }; v.isHTML = function(d) { if (null == d) return this.htm || !1; this.htm = d; }; v = null; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$15", function(w, v, C) { function y(f) { return { "Project-Id-Version": "PACKAGE VERSION", "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": "", "POT-Creation-Date": f || "", "PO-Revision-Date": f || "", "Last-Translator": "", "Language-Team": "", Language: "", "Plural-Forms": "", "MIME-Version": "1.0", "Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "Content-Transfer-Encoding": "8bit" }; } function p(f, h) { f = f || ""; h && (f += "\0" + h); return f; } function t(f) { const h = v.console; h && h.error && h.error(f.message || String(f)); } function d(f) { return B.require("$33", "format.js").create(f); } function b(f) { this.locale(f); this.clear(); this.head = y(; } function k(f, h) { this.src = [ f || "" ]; this.msg = [ h || "" ]; } w.create = function(f) { return new b(f); }; C = B.require("$34", "messages.js").extend(b); C.clear = function() { this.rows = B.require("$32", "collection.js").init(); this.length = 0; return this; }; = function() { function f(a, e) { for (a = String(a); a.length < e; ) a = "0" + a; return a; } var h = new Date(); const n = h.getUTCFullYear(), q = h.getUTCMonth() + 1, u = h.getUTCDate(), c = h.getUTCHours(); h = h.getUTCMinutes(); return f(n, 4) + "-" + f(q, 2) + "-" + f(u, 2) + " " + f(c, 2) + ":" + f(h, 2) + "+0000"; }; C.header = function(f, h) { const n = this.head || (this.head = {}); if (null == h) return this.headers()[f] || ""; n[f] = h || ""; return this; }; C.headers = function(f) { const h =, n = this.head || (this.head = y(h)); if (null != f) { for (u in f) n[u] = f[u]; return this; } const q = this.locale(); f = {}; for (u in n) f[u] = String(n[u]); if (q) { f.Language = String(q) || "zxx"; f["Language-Team"] = q.label || f.Language; f["Plural-Forms"] = "nplurals=" + (q.nplurals || "2") + "; plural=" + (q.pluraleq || "n!=1") + ";"; var u = "PO-Revision-Date"; } else f.Language = "", f["Plural-Forms"] = "nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;", f["PO-Revision-Date"] = "YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", u = "POT-Creation-Date"; f[u] || (f[u] = h); f["X-Generator"] = "Loco"; return f; }; C.get = function(f, h) { f = p(f, h); return this.rows.get(f); }; C.add = function(f, h) { f instanceof k || (f = new k(f)); h && f.context(h); h = f.hash(); this.rows.get(h) ? t("Duplicate message at index " + this.indexOf(f)) : (f.idx = this.rows.add(h, f), this.length = this.rows.length); return f; }; C.load = function(f) { let h = -1, n, q; var u; let c, a, e, m = (u = this.locale()) && u.nplurals || 2, g = []; for (;++h < f.length; ) n = f[h], null == n.parent ? (q = n.source ||, u = || "", c = n.context, q || c ? (a = new k(q, u), a._id = n._id, c && a.context(c), n.flag && a.flag(n.flag, 0), n.comment && a.comment(n.comment), n.notes && a.notes(n.notes), n.refs && a.refs(n.refs), a.format(n.format), n.message = a, this.add(a), n.prev && n.prev[0] && (a.prev(n.prev[0].source, n.prev[0].context), n.prev[1] && a._src.push(n.prev[1].source || ""))) : 0 === h && "object" === typeof u && (this.head = u, this.headcmt = n.comment)) : g.push(n); for (h = -1; ++h < g.length; ) try { n = g[h]; q = n.source ||; a = f[n.parent] && f[n.parent].message; if (!a) throw Error("parent missing for plural " + q); e = n.plural; 1 === e && a.plural(q); e >= m || (n.flag && a.flag(n.flag, e), a.translate( || "", e), n.format && !a.format() && a.format(n.format)); } catch (l) { t(l); } return this; }; C.wrap = function(f) { this.fmtr = d(f); return this; }; C.toString = function() { var f, h = this.locale(), n = [], q = [], u = this.headers(), c = !h, a = h && h.nplurals || 2, e = this.fmtr || d(); u[h ? "PO-Revision-Date" : "POT-Creation-Date"] =; for (f in u) q.push(f + ": " + u[f]); q = new k("", q.join("\n")); q.comment(this.headcmt || ""); c && q.fuzzy(0, !0); n.push(q.toString()); n.push(""); this.rows.each(function(m, g) { m && (n.push(, c, a)), n.push("")); }); return n.join("\n"); }; C = B.require("$35", "message.js").extend(k); C.msgid = function() { return this.src[0]; }; C.msgidPlural = function() { return this.src[1] || ""; }; C.prev = function(f, h) { this._src = [ f || "" ]; this._ctx = h; }; C.hash = function() { return p(this.source(), this.context()); }; C.toString = function() { return; }; = function(f, h, n) { var q = [], u; (u = this.cmt) && q.push(f.prefix(u, "# ")); (u = this.xcmt) && q.push(f.prefix(u, "#. ")); var c = this.rf; if (u = this._id) c += (c ? " " : "") + "loco:" + u; c && /\S/.test(c) && q.push(f.refs(c)); !h && this.fuzzy() && q.push("#, fuzzy"); (u = this.fmt) && q.push("#, " + u + "-format"); (u = this._ctx) && q.push(f.prefix(f.pair("msgctxt", u), "#| ")); if (u = this._src) u[0] && q.push(f.prefix(f.pair("msgid", u[0]), "#| ")), u[1] && q.push(f.prefix(f.pair("msgid_plural", u[1]), "#| ")); (u = this.ctx) && q.push(f.pair("msgctxt", u)); q.push(f.pair("msgid", this.src[0])); if (null == this.src[1]) q.push(f.pair("msgstr", h ? "" : this.msg[0])); else for (c = -1, q.push(f.pair("msgid_plural", this.src[1])), u = this.msg || [ "", "" ], n = n || u.length; ++c < n; ) q.push(f.pair("msgstr[" + c + "]", h ? "" : u[c] || "")); return q.join("\n"); }; = function(f, h) { let n = this.weight(), q = f.weight(); if (n > q) return 1; if (n < q) return -1; if (h) { n = this.hash().toLowerCase(); q = f.hash().toLowerCase(); if (n < q) return 1; if (n > q) return -1; } return 0; }; C.copy = function() { let f = new k(), h, n; for (h in this) this.hasOwnProperty(h) && ((n = this[h]) && n.concat && (n = n.concat()), f[h] = n); return f; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$17", function(w, v, C) { w.init = function(y, p) { function t() { return f || (f = A('<div id="loco-po-ref"></div>').dialog({ dialogClass: "loco-modal loco-modal-wide", modal: !0, autoOpen: !1, closeOnEscape: !0, resizable: !1, height: 500 })); } function d(h, n, q) { h = A("<p></p>").text(q); t().dialog("close").html("").dialog("option", "title", "Error").append(h).dialog("open"); } function b(h) { const n = h && h.code; if (n) { for (var q = n.length, u = A("<ol></ol>").attr("class", h.type), c = -1; ++c < q; ) A("<li></li>").html(n[c]).appendTo(u); 0 !== h.line && u.find("li").eq(h.line - 1).attr("class", "highlighted"); t().dialog("close").html("").dialog("option", "title", h.path + ":" + h.line).append(u).dialog("open"); } } function k(h) { h =; const n = A(h).find("li.highlighted")[0]; h.scrollTop = Math.max(0, (n && n.offsetTop || 0) - Math.floor(h.clientHeight / 2)); } let f; return { load: function(h) { t().html('<div class="loco-loading"></div>').dialog("option", "title", "Loading..").off("dialogopen").dialog("open").on("dialogopen", k); h = A.extend({ ref: h, path: p.popath }, p.project || {});"fsReference", h, b, d); } }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$18", function(w, v, C) { function y() { this.inf = {}; } function p() { const b = C.createElement("p"), k = /&(#\d+|#x[0-9a-f]|[a-z]+);/i, f = /<[a-z]+\s/i; let h, n; return { sniff: function(q) { if (q === h) return n; h = q; if (k.test(q) || f.test(q)) if (b.innerHTML = q, b.textContent !== q) return n = !0; return n = !1; } }; } w.create = function(b, k) { k && "function" === typeof k.create || console.error("module.create is not callable"); k = k.create(y); k.init(b); return k; }; const t = y.prototype; t.init = function(b) { this.inf = b || {}; return this; }; t.param = function(b) { return this.inf[b] || ""; }; t.key = function() { return this.param("key") || ""; }; t.getId = function() { return this.param("id") || "none"; }; t.getUrl = function() { return this.param("url") || ""; }; t.toString = function() { return this.param("name") || this.getId(); }; t.getSrc = function() { return this.param("src") || "en"; }; t.setSrc = function(b) { this.inf.src = this.mapLang(b, this.getLangMap()); }; t.stderr = function(b) { const k = (v.loco || {}).notices; k && k.error && k.error(String(this) + ": " + String(b)); }; t.xhrError = function(b, k, f) { try { const h = b.responseText, n = h && v.JSON.parse(h); f = n && this.parseError(n) || f; } catch (h) {} return f || this.httpError(b); }; t.httpError = function(b) { return (b = b && b.status) && 200 !== b ? "Responded status " + b : "Unknown error"; }; t.parseError = function(b) { return b && b.error || ""; }; t.mapLang = function(b, k) { const f = String(b).replace("_", "-").toLowerCase(); var h = b.lang; k = k[f] || k[h] || []; b = k.length; if (0 === b) return h; if (1 < b) for (h = -1; ++h < b; ) { const n = k[h]; if (n === f) return n; } return k[0]; }; t.getLangMap = function() { return {}; }; t.maxChr = function() { return 0; }; t.fixURL = function(b) { b = b.split("://", 2); 1 === b.length && b.unshift("https"); return b[0] + "://" + b[1].replace(/\/{2,}/g, "/"); }; t.translate = function(b, k, f) { return this.batch([ b ], k, this.isHtml(b), f); }; t.verify = function(b) { return this.translate("OK", { lang: "fr", toString: function() { return "fr"; } }, function(k, f) { b(f && "OK" === k); }); }; t.hash = function() { return this.key(); }; t._call = function(b) { const k = this; k.state = null; b.cache = !0; b.dataType = "json"; b.error = function(f, h, n) { k.stderr(k.xhrError(f, h, n)); }; return k.abortable(A.ajax(b)); }; t.abortable = function(b) { const k = this; b.always(function() { k.$r === b && (k.$r = null); }); return k.$r = b; }; t.abort = function() { const b = this.$r; b && b.abort(); }; t.isHtml = function(b) { return (d || (d = p())).sniff(b); }; let d; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$19", function(w, v, C) { function y(p) { this.api = p; this.chars = 0; } w.create = function(p) { return new y(p); }; v = y.prototype; v.init = function(p, t) { function d(g) { let l = { length: 0, html: g.html, sources: [] }; h.push(l); return n[g.html ? 1 : 0] = l; } function b(g, l) { let r = g.source(null, l); if (r && (g.untranslated(l) || t)) if (l = f[r]) l.push(g); else { l = r.length; var z = k.isHtml(r); z = n[z ? 1 : 0]; var x = z.sources; if (e && l > e) c++; else { if (z.length + l > a || 50 === x.length) z = d(z), x = z.sources; x.push(r); f[r] = [ g ]; z.length += l; q += l; u += 1; } } } const k = this.api, f = {}, h = []; let n = [], q = 0, u = 0, c = 0, a = 1e4, e = k.maxChr(); e && (a = Math.min(a, e)); d({ html: !1 }); d({ html: !0 }); const m = p.locale(); p.each(1 < m.nplurals ? function(g, l) { b(l, 0); b(l, 1); } : function(g, l) { b(l, 0); }); n = []; = f; this.chars = q; this.length = u; this.batches = h; this.locale = m; c && k.stderr("Strings over " + a + " characters long will be skipped"); }; v.abort = function() { this.state = "abort"; return this; }; v.dispatch = function() { function p(x, D) { function E(R, I, P) { D !== P && (x === I || 1 < R && G.source(null, 1) === x) && (G.translate(D, R), O++, g++); } if (!t()) return !1; if (!D) return !0; let G, F = u[x] || [], H = F.length, M = -1, O; for (e++; ++M < H; ) if (G = F[M]) O = 0, G.each(E), O && h("each", [ G ]); return !0; } function t() { return "abort" === n.state ? (q && (q.abort(), f()), !1) : !0; } function d() { let x = c.shift(), D; x ? (D = x.sources) && D.length ? q.batch(D, a, x.html, p).fail(b).always(k) : k() : f(); } function b() { n.abort(); f(); } function k() { m++; h("prog", [ m, r ]); t() && d(); } function f() { q = c = null; h("done"); } function h(x, D) { x = z[x] || []; let E = x.length; for (;0 <= --E; ) x[E].apply(null, D); } let n = this, q = n.api, u =, c = n.batches || [], a = n.locale, e = 0, m = 0, g = 0, l = n.length, r = c.length, z = { done: [], each: [], prog: [] }; n.state = ""; d(); return { done: function(x) { z.done.push(x); return this; }, each: function(x) { z.each.push(x); return this; }, prog: function(x) { z.prog.push(x); return this; }, stat: function() { return { todo: function() { return Math.max(l - e, 0); }, did: function() { return e; } }; } }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$20", function(w, v, C) { function y() {} w.create = function(p) { (y.prototype = new p()).batch = function(t, d, b, k) { function f(q) { const u = t.length; let c = -1; for (;++c < u && !1 !== k(t[c], q[c], d); ); } const h = v.loco; b = { hook: this.getId(), type: b ? "html" : "text", locale: String(d), source: this.getSrc(), sources: t }; const n = A.Deferred(); this.abortable("apis", b, function(q) { f(q && q.targets || []); n.resolve(); }, function() { f([]); n.reject(); })); return n.promise(); }; return new y(); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$37", { pt: [ "pt", "pt-pt", "pt-br" ], en: [ "en", "en-gb", "en-us" ] }); B.register("$21", function(w, v, C) { function y() {} w.create = function(p) { p = y.prototype = new p(); p.toString = function() { return "DeepL Translator"; }; p.parseError = function(t) { const d = (t = t.message) && /^Wrong endpoint\. Use (https?:\/\/[-.a-z]+)/.exec(t); d && this.base(this.key()) === d[1] && (t = "Only the v2 API is supported"); return t; }; p.base = function(t) { let d = this.param("api"); d ? d = this.fixURL(d) : (d = "https://api", ":fx" === t.substring(t.length - 3) && (d += "-free"), d += ""); return d; }; p.getLangMap = function() { return B.require("$37", "deepl.json"); }; p.verify = function(t) { const d = this.key(), b = this.base(d); return this._call({ url: b + "/v2/usage", data: { auth_key: d } }).done(function(k) { const f = k && k.character_limit; k = k && k.character_count; t(!0, f && f <= k ? "OK, but quota exceeded" : ""); }).fail(function() { t(!1); }); }; p.batch = function(t, d, b, k) { function f(m) { const g = t.length; let l = -1; for (;++l < g && !1 !== k(t[l], (m[l] || {}).text || "", d); ); } const h = this; b = h.key(); const n = h.base(b), q = h.getSrc().substring(0, 2), u = h.mapLang(d, h.getLangMap()), c = h.param("glossary_id") || "", a = h.param("preserve_formatting") || "1"; var e = { formal: "prefer_more", informal: "prefer_less" }; e = this.param("formality") || e[d.tone] || "default"; return h._call({ url: n + "/v2/translate", method: "POST", traditional: !0, data: { source_lang: q.toUpperCase(), target_lang: u.toUpperCase(), formality: e, preserve_formatting: a, glossary_id: c, auth_key: b, text: t } }).done(function(m, g, l) { m.translations ? f(m.translations) : (h.stderr(h.parseError(m) || h.httpError(l)), f([])); }).fail(function() { f([]); }); }; return new y(); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$38", { zh: [ "zh", "zh-cn", "zh-tw" ], he: [ "iw" ], jv: [ "jw" ] }); B.register("$22", function(w, v, C) { function y() {} w.create = function(p) { p = y.prototype = new p(); p.toString = function() { return "Google Translate"; }; p.parseError = function(t) { if (t.error) { const d = [], b = t.error.errors || [], k = b.length; let f = -1; for (;++f < k; ) d.push(b[f].message || ""); return "Error " + t.error.code + ": " + d.join(";"); } return ""; }; p.getLangMap = function() { return B.require("$38", "google.json"); }; p.batch = function(t, d, b, k) { function f(u) { const c = t.length; let a = -1; for (;++a < c && !1 !== k(t[a], (u[a] || {}).translatedText || "", d); ); } const h = this, n = h.getSrc(); b = b ? "html" : "text"; const q = h.mapLang(d, h.getLangMap()); return h._call({ url: "" + n + "&target=" + q + "&format=" + b, method: "POST", traditional: !0, data: { key: h.key(), q: t } }).done(function(u, c, a) { ? f( || []) : (h.stderr(h.parseError(u) || h.httpError(a)), f([])); }).fail(function() { f([]); }); }; return new y(); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$39", { zh: [ "zh", "zh-cn", "zh-tw" ], pt: [ "pt", "pt-pt", "pt-br" ] }); B.register("$23", function(w, v, C) { function y() {} w.create = function(p) { p = y.prototype = new p(); p.parseError = function(t) { var d = t.details || {}; let b = d.message; d = d.texts; return b ? (d && d !== b && (b += "; " + d), b = b.replace(/https?:\/\/(?:[a-z]+\.)?[-\w\/?&=%.+~]*/, function(k) { k += -1 === k.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "&"; return k + "ref=loco"; }), "Error " + (t.status || "0") + ": " + b) : ""; }; p.maxChr = function() { return 1e3; }; p.getLangMap = function() { return B.require("$39", "lecto.json"); }; p.batch = function(t, d, b, k) { function f(u) { const c = t.length; let a = -1, e = (u[0] || { translated: [] }).translated || []; for (;++a < c && (u = e[a] || "", !1 !== k(t[a], u, d)); ); } const h = this; b = this.getSrc(); const n = h.param("api") || "", q = h.mapLang(d, h.getLangMap()); return h._call({ url: h.fixURL(n + "/v1/translate/text"), method: "POST", data: JSON.stringify({ to: [ q ], from: b, texts: t }), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "X-API-Key": h.key(), Accept: "application/json" } }).done(function(u, c, a) { u ? f(u.translations || []) : (h.stderr(h.parseError(u) || h.httpError(a)), f([])); }).fail(function() { f([]); }); }; return new y(); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$40", { nn: [ "no" ], pt: [ "pt", "pt-pt" ], sr: [ "sr", "sr-cyrl", "sr-latn" ], "sr-rs": [ "sr-cyrl" ], tlh: [ "tlh-latn", "tlh-piqd" ], zh: [ "zh-hans", "zh-hant" ], "zh-cn": [ "zh-hans" ], "zh-hk": [ "zh-hans" ], "zh-sg": [ "zh-hans" ], "zh-tw": [ "zh-hant" ] }); B.register("$24", function(w, v, C) { function y() {} w.create = function(p) { p = y.prototype = new p(); p.toString = function() { return "Microsoft Translator text API"; }; p.parseError = function(t) { return t && t.error ? t.error.message : ""; }; p.maxChr = function() { return 1e4; }; p.getLangMap = function() { return B.require("$40", "ms.json"); }; p.region = function() { return this.param("region") || "global"; }; p.hash = function() { return this.key() + this.region(); }; p.batch = function(t, d, b, k) { function f(e) { let m = -1; for (var g; ++m < u && (g = e[m] || {}, g = g.translations || [], g = g[0] || {}, !1 !== k(t[m], g.text || "", d)); ); } let h = this, n = [], q = h.getSrc(), u = t.length, c = -1; b = b ? "html" : "plain"; let a = h.mapLang(d, h.getLangMap()); for (;++c < u; ) n.push({ Text: t[c] }); return h._call({ url: "" + q + "&to=" + a + "&textType=" + b, method: "POST", data: JSON.stringify(n), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": this.key(), "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region": h.region() } }).done(function(e, m, g) { e && e.length ? f(e) : (h.stderr(h.parseError(e) || h.httpError(g)), f([])); }).fail(function() { f([]); }); }; return new y(); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$25", function(w, v, C) { w.init = function(y) { function p() { O || (E.on("click", n), O = A('<div id="loco-fs-creds"></div>').dialog({ dialogClass: "request-filesystem-credentials-dialog loco-modal", minWidth: 580, modal: !0, autoOpen: !1, closeOnEscape: !0 }).on("change", 'input[name="connection_type"]', function() { this.checked && A("#ssh-keys").toggleClass("hidden", "ssh" !== A(this).val()); })); return O; } function t() { F && (d(A(e)), F = !1); if (l && M) { var I = M, P = A(G); P.find("span.loco-msg").text(I); H || (P.removeClass("jshide").hide().fadeIn(500), H = !0); } else H && (d(A(G)), H = !1); } function d(I) { I.slideUp(250).fadeOut(250, function() { A(this).addClass("jshide"); }); } function b() { if (l) return O && O.dialog("close"), t(), A(y).find('button[type="submit"]').attr("disabled", !1), A(v).triggerHandler("resize"), a && a(!0), !0; z && O ? (F || (A(e).removeClass("jshide").hide().fadeIn(500), F = !0), H && (d(A(G)), H = !1)) : t(); A(y).find('input[type="submit"]').attr("disabled", !0); a && a(!1); return !1; } function k(I) { var P, X = R || {}; for (P in X) if (X.hasOwnProperty(P)) { var ha = X[P]; I[P] ? I[P].value = ha : A('<input type="hidden" />').attr("name", P).appendTo(I).val(ha); } } function f(I) { I.preventDefault(); I = A(; c(I); g = !0; return !1; } function h(I) { I.preventDefault(); O.dialog("close"); return !1; } function n(I) { I.preventDefault(); O.dialog("open").find('input[name="connection_type"]').change(); return !1; } function q(I) { l = I.authed; m = I.method; A(e).find("span.loco-msg").text(I.message || "Something went wrong."); M = I.warning || ""; I.notice &&; if (l) "direct" !== m && (R = I.creds, k(y), g && I.success && r.notices.success(I.success)), b(); else if (I.reason); else if (I = I.prompt) { var P = p(); P.html(I).find("form").on("submit", f); P.dialog("option", "title", P.find("h2").remove().text()); P.find("button.cancel-button").show().on("click", h); P.find('input[type="submit"]').addClass("button-primary"); b(); A(v).triggerHandler("resize"); } else r.notices.error("Server didn't return credentials, nor a prompt for credentials"); } function u() { b(); } function c(I) { g = !1; r.ajax.setNonce("fsConnect", D).post("fsConnect", I, q, u); return I; } var a, e = y, m = null, g = !1, l = !1, r = v.loco, z = y.path.value, x = y.auth.value, D = y["loco-nonce"].value, E = A(e).find("button.button-primary"), G = C.getElementById( + "-warn"), F = !1, H = !1, M = "", O; r.notices.convert(G).stick(); if (y.connection_type) { var R = {}; R.connection_type = y.connection_type.value; l = !0; } else z && x && c({ path: z, auth: x }); b(); return { applyCreds: function(I) { if (I.nodeType) k(I); else { var P, X = R || {}; for (P in X) X.hasOwnProperty(P) && (I[P] = X[P]); } return this; }, setForm: function(I) { y = I; b(); k(I); return this; }, connect: function() { z = y.path.value; x = y.auth.value; c(A(y).serializeArray()); return this; }, listen: function(I) { a = I; l && I(!0); return this; }, authed: function() { return l; } }; }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$41", function(w, v, C) { function y(b, k) { return function(f) { b.apply(f, k); return f; }; } function p(b) { return function(k, f) { k = k && k[b] || 0; f = f && f[b] || 0; return k === f ? 0 : k > f ? 1 : -1; }; } function t(b) { return function(k, f) { return (k && k[b] || "").localeCompare(f && f[b] || ""); }; } function d(b) { return function(k, f) { return -1 * b(k, f); }; } w.sort = function(b, k, f, h) { k = "n" === f ? p(k) : t(k); h && (k = d(k)); return y([].sort, [ k ])(b); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); B.register("$26", function(w, v, C) { w.init = function(y) { function p(e) { let m = -1; const g = e.length; for (A("tr", q).remove(); ++m < g; ) q.appendChild(e[m].$); } function t(e) { f = e ? c.find(e, d) : d.slice(0); n && (e = b[n], f = a(f, n, e.type, e.desc)); p(f); } let d = [], b = [], k = 0, f, h, n, q = y.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0]; var u = y.getElementsByTagName("thead")[0]; let c = B.require("$10", "fulltext.js").init(), a = B.require("$41", "sort.js").sort; u && q && (A("th", u).each(function(e, m) { const g = m.getAttribute("data-sort-type"); g && (e = k, A(m).addClass("loco-sort").on("click", function(l) { l.preventDefault(); { l = e; let r = b[l], z = r.type, x = !(r.desc = !r.desc); f = a(f || d.slice(0), l, z, x); p(f); h && h.removeClass("loco-desc loco-asc"); h = A(r.$).addClass(x ? "loco-desc" : "loco-asc").removeClass(x ? "loco-asc" : "loco-desc"); n = l; } return !1; }), b[k] = { $: m, type: g }); m.hasAttribute("colspan") ? k += Number(m.getAttribute("colspan")) : k++; }), A("tr", q).each(function(e, m) { let g, l = [], r = { _: e, $: m }, z = m.getElementsByTagName("td"); for (g in b) { const x = z[g]; (m = x.textContent.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, "")) && l.push(m); x.hasAttribute("data-sort-value") && (m = x.getAttribute("data-sort-value")); switch (b[g].type) { case "n": m = Number(m); } r[g] = m; } d[e] = r; c.index(e, l); }), y = A('form.loco-filter input[type="text"]', y.parentNode), y.length && (y = y[0], u = A(y.form), 1 < d.length ? B.require("$11", "LocoTextListener.js").listen(y, t) : u.hide(), u.on("submit", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); return !1; }))); }; return w; }({}, J, L)); const U = J.loco || {}, ia = U.conf || { $v: [] }; J = B.require("$1", "t.js").init(); L = ia.wplang; U.version = function(w) { return ia.$v[w || 0] || "0"; }; B.require("$2", "html.js"); B.require("$3", "number.js"); B.require("$4", "array.js"); B.require("$5", "json.js"); U.l10n = J; J.load(ia.wpl10n); L && J.pluraleq(L.pluraleq); U.string = B.require("$6", "string.js"); U.notices = B.require("$7", "notices.js").init(J); U.ajax = B.require("$8", "ajax.js").init(ia).localise(J); U.locale = B.require("$9", "wplocale.js"); U.fulltext = B.require("$10", "fulltext.js"); U.watchtext = B.require("$11", "LocoTextListener.js").listen; U.tooltip = B.require("$12", "tooltip.js"); U.po = { ed: B.require("$13", "poedit.js"), kbd: B.require("$14", "hotkeys.js"), init: B.require("$15", "po.js").create, ace: B.require("$16", "ace.js").strf("php"), ref: B.require("$17", "refs.js") }; U.apis = B.require("$18", "client.js"); U.apis.createJob = B.require("$19", "job.js").create; U.apis.providers = function() { return { _: B.require("$20", "wordpress.js"), deepl: B.require("$21", "deepl.js"), google: B.require("$22", "google.js"), lecto: B.require("$23", "lecto.js"), microsoft: B.require("$24", "microsoft.js") }; }; U.fs = B.require("$25", "fsconn.js"); A("#loco-admin.wrap table.wp-list-table").each(function(w, v) { B.require("$26", "tables.js").init(v); }); U.validate = function(w) { w = /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/.exec(w && w[0] || ""); if ("2.6.11" === (w && w[0])) return !0; U.notices.warn("admin.js is the wrong version (2.6.11). Please empty all relevant caches and reload this page."); return !1; }; })(window, document, window.jQuery);
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.0.30 | Génération de la page: 0 |