Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /var/softaculous/igalerie/_clone.php
<?php ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //=========================================================== // clone.php //=========================================================== // SOFTACULOUS // Version : 4.2.8 // Inspired by the DESIRE to be the BEST OF ALL // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Started by: Alons // Date: 10th Jan 2009 // Time: 21:00 hrs // Site: (SOFTACULOUS) // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Please Read the Terms of use at // ---------------------------------------------------------- //=========================================================== // (c)Softaculous Inc. //=========================================================== ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(!defined('SOFTACULOUS')){ die('Hacking Attempt'); } //The Install process function __clone(){ global $__settings, $error, $software, $globals, $replace_data, $source_data; //Do we meet the Minimum software requirements __requirements(); if(!empty($error)){ return false; } // CHMOD @schmod($__settings['softpath'].'/albums/', $globals['odc'], 1); @schmod($__settings['softpath'].'/cache/', $globals['odc'], 1); @schmod($__settings['softpath'].'/errors/', $globals['odc']); $temp = parse_url($source_data['softurl']); $source_data['relativeurl'] = $temp['path']; // If the installation is on root domain we need to change the below relative URL if(is_dom_root($source_data['softpath'])){ $replace_data['define(\'CONF_GALLERY_PATH\', \'\');'] = 'define(\'CONF_GALLERY_PATH\', \''.$__settings['relativeurl'].'\');'; }elseif(is_dom_root($__settings['softpath'])){ $replace_data['define(\'CONF_GALLERY_PATH\', \''.$source_data['relativeurl'].'\');'] = 'define(\'CONF_GALLERY_PATH\', \'\');'; } // CONF_KEY $file = sfile($__settings['softpath'].'/config/conf.php'); if(empty($file)){ $error[] = 'Could not read the config file to get configuration keys.'; return false; } soft_preg_replace('/define\((\'|")CONF_KEY(\'|"),(\s*?)(\'|")(.*?)(\'|")\);/is', $file, $CONF_KEY, 5); $__settings['CONF_KEY'] = __genKey(FALSE, 40); $replace_data[$CONF_KEY] = $__settings['CONF_KEY']; soft_preg_replace('/define\((\'|")CONF_ACCESS_KEY(\'|"),(\s*?)(\'|")(.*?)(\'|")\);/is', $file, $CONF_ACCESS_KEY, 5); $__settings['CONF_ACCESS_KEY'] = __keyHMAC(); $replace_data[$CONF_ACCESS_KEY] = $__settings['CONF_ACCESS_KEY']; sclone_replace($replace_data, $__settings['softpath'].'/config/conf.php', true); if(sfile_exists($__settings['softpath'].'/.htaccess')){ // If the installation is on root domain we need to change the below relative URL if(is_dom_root($source_data['softpath'])){ $replace_data['RewriteBase \'/\''] = 'RewriteBase \''.$__settings['relativeurl'].'/\''; $replace_data['RewriteBase /'] = 'RewriteBase '.$__settings['relativeurl'].'/'; }elseif(is_dom_root($__settings['softpath'])){ $replace_data['RewriteBase \''.$source_data['relativeurl'].'/\''] = 'RewriteBase \'/\''; $replace_data['RewriteBase '.$source_data['relativeurl'].'/'] = 'RewriteBase /'; } sclone_replace($replace_data, $__settings['softpath'].'/.htaccess', true); } // CHMOD some files @schmod($__settings['softpath'].'/cache/', $globals['odc'], 1); @schmod($__settings['softpath'].'/albums/', $globals['odc'], 1); } //Check whether the Minimum Software configuration matches function __requirements(){ global $__settings, $error, $software, $globals; return true; } function __genKey($hash = 'sha1', $length = 8){ $key = ''; if ($hash) { for ($i = 0; $i < 128; $i++) { $key .= chr(mt_rand(33, 126)); } $key = hash_hmac($hash, uniqid($key, TRUE), time() * mt_rand(13, 666)); } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { switch (rand(1, 2)) { case 1 : $key .= chr(mt_rand(48, 57)); break; case 2 : $key .= chr(mt_rand(97, 122)); break; } } } return $key; } function __keyHMAC($hash = 'sha1'){ $key = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 128; $i++) { $key .= chr(rand(33, 126)); } $key = hash_hmac($hash, uniqid($key, TRUE), (string) (time() * rand(8, 888))); return $key; } ?>
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