Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/src/admin/bundle/ViewController.php
<?php /** * Bundle overview. * First tier bundle view showing resources across all projects */ class Loco_admin_bundle_ViewController extends Loco_admin_bundle_BaseController { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function init(){ parent::init(); $bundle = $this->getBundle(); $this->set('title', $bundle->getName() ); $this->enqueueStyle('bundle'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHelpTabs(){ return [ __('Overview','loco-translate') => $this->viewSnippet('tab-bundle-view'), ]; } /** * Generate a link for a specific file resource within a project * @return string */ private function getResourceLink( $page, Loco_package_Project $project, Loco_gettext_Metadata $meta ){ return $this->getProjectLink( $page, $project, [ 'path' => $meta->getPath(false), ] ); } /** * Generate a link for a project, but without being for a specific file * @return string */ private function getProjectLink( $page, Loco_package_Project $project, array $args = [] ){ $args['bundle'] = $this->get('bundle'); $args['domain'] = $project->getId(); $route = strtolower( $this->get('type') ).'-'.$page; return Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate( $route, $args ); } /** * Initialize view parameters for a project * @return Loco_mvc_ViewParams */ private function createProjectParams( Loco_package_Project $project ){ $name = $project->getName(); $domain = $project->getDomain()->getName(); $slug = $project->getSlug(); $p = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ 'id' => $project->getId(), 'name' => $name, 'slug' => $slug, 'domain' => $domain, 'short' => ! $slug || $project->isDomainDefault() ? $domain : $domain.'→'.$slug, 'warnings' => [], ] ); // POT template file $pot = null; $file = $project->getPot(); if( $file && $file->exists() ){ $pot = Loco_gettext_Metadata::load($file); $p['pot'] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ // POT info 'name' => $file->basename(), 'time' => $file->modified(), // POT links 'info' => $this->getResourceLink('file-info', $project, $pot ), 'edit' => $this->getResourceLink('file-edit', $project, $pot ), ] ); } // PO/MO files $po = $project->findLocaleFiles('po'); $mo = $project->findLocaleFiles('mo'); $p['po'] = $this->createProjectPairs( $project, $po, $mo ); // also pull invalid files so everything is available to the UI $mo = $project->findNotLocaleFiles('mo'); $po = $project->findNotLocaleFiles('po')->augment( $project->findNotLocaleFiles('pot') ); $p['_po'] = $this->createProjectPairs( $project, $po, $mo ); // offer msginit unless plugin settings disallows optional POT if( $pot || 2 > Loco_data_Settings::get()->pot_expected ){ $p['nav'][] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ 'href' => $this->getProjectLink('msginit', $project ), 'name' => __('New language','loco-translate'), 'icon' => 'add', ] ); } // Always offer PO file upload $p['nav'][] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ 'href' => $this->getProjectLink('upload', $project ), 'name' => __('Upload PO','loco-translate'), 'icon' => 'upload', ] ); // prevent editing of POT when config prohibits if( $pot ){ if( $project->isPotLocked() || 1 < Loco_data_Settings::get()->pot_protect ) { $p['nav'][] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ 'href' => $this->getResourceLink('file-view', $project, $pot ), 'name' => __('View template','loco-translate'), 'icon' => 'file', ] ); } // offer template editing if permitted else { $p['nav'][] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ 'href' => $this->getResourceLink('file-edit', $project, $pot ), 'name' => __('Edit template','loco-translate'), 'icon' => 'pencil', ] ); } } // else offer creation of new Template else { $p['nav'][] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ 'href' => $this->getProjectLink('xgettext', $project ), 'name' => __('Create template','loco-translate'), 'icon' => 'add', ] ); } // foreach locale, establish if text domain is installed in system location, flag if not. $installed = []; foreach( $p['po'] as $pair ){ $lc = $pair['lcode']; if( $pair['installed'] ){ $installed[$lc] = true; } else if( ! array_key_exists($lc,$installed) ){ $installed[$lc] = false; } } $p['installed'] = $installed; // warning only necessary for WP<6.6 due to `lang_dir_for_domain` fix if( ! function_exists('wp_get_l10n_php_file_data') && in_array(false,$installed,true) ){ $p['warnings'][] = __('Custom translations may not work without System translations installed','loco-translate'); } return $p; } /** * Collect PO/MO pairings, ignoring any PO that is in use as a template * @return array[] */ private function createPairs( Loco_fs_FileList $po, Loco_fs_FileList $mo, Loco_fs_File $pot = null ){ $pairs = []; /* @var $pofile Loco_fs_LocaleFile */ foreach( $po as $pofile ){ if( $pot && $pofile->equal($pot) ){ continue; } $pair = [ $pofile, null ]; $mofile = $pofile->cloneExtension('mo'); if( $mofile->exists() ){ $pair[1] = $mofile; } $pairs[] = $pair; } /* @var $mofile Loco_fs_LocaleFile */ foreach( $mo as $mofile ){ $pofile = $mofile->cloneExtension('po'); if( $pot && $pofile->equal($pot) ){ continue; } if( ! $pofile->exists() ){ $pairs[] = [ null, $mofile ]; } } return $pairs; } /** * Initialize view parameters for each row representing a localized resource pair * @return array collection of entries corresponding to available PO/MO pair. */ private function createProjectPairs( Loco_package_Project $project, Loco_fs_LocaleFileList $po, Loco_fs_LocaleFileList $mo ){ // populate official locale names for all found, or default to our own if( $locales = $po->getLocales() + $mo->getLocales() ){ $api = new Loco_api_WordPressTranslations; foreach( $locales as $locale ){ $locale->ensureName($api); } } // collate as unique [PO,MO] pairs ensuring canonical template excluded $pairs = $this->createPairs( $po, $mo, $project->getPot() ); $rows = []; foreach( $pairs as $pair ){ // favour PO file if it exists list( $pofile, $mofile ) = $pair; $file = $pofile or $file = $mofile; // establish locale, or assume invalid $locale = null; /* @var Loco_fs_LocaleFile $file */ if( 'pot' !== $file->extension() ){ $tag = $file->getSuffix(); if( isset($locales[$tag]) ){ $locale = $locales[$tag]; } } $rows[] = $this->createFileParams( $project, $file, $locale ); } return $rows; } /** * @return Loco_mvc_ViewParams */ private function createFileParams( Loco_package_Project $project, Loco_fs_File $file, Loco_Locale $locale = null ){ // Pull Gettext meta data from cache if possible $meta = Loco_gettext_Metadata::load($file); $dir = new Loco_fs_LocaleDirectory( $file->dirname() ); $dType = $dir->getTypeId(); // routing arguments $args = [ 'path' => $meta->getPath(false), ]; // Return data required for PO table row return new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ // locale info 'lcode' => $locale ? (string) $locale : '', 'lname' => $locale ? $locale->getName() : '', 'lattr' => $locale ? 'class="'.$locale->getIcon().'" lang="'.$locale->lang.'"' : '', // file info 'meta' => $meta, 'name' => $file->basename(), 'time' => $file->modified(), 'type' => strtoupper( $file->extension() ), 'todo' => $meta->countIncomplete(), 'total' => $meta->getTotal(), // author / system / custom / other 'installed' => 'wplang' === $dType, 'store' => $dir->getTypeLabel($dType), // links 'view' => $this->getProjectLink('file-view', $project, $args ), 'info' => $this->getProjectLink('file-info', $project, $args ), 'edit' => $this->getProjectLink('file-edit', $project, $args ), 'move' => $this->getProjectLink('file-move', $project, $args ), 'delete' => $this->getProjectLink('file-delete', $project, $args ), 'copy' => $this->getProjectLink('msginit', $project, $args ), ] ); } /** * Prepare view parameters for all projects in a bundle * @return Loco_mvc_ViewParams[] */ private function createBundleListing( Loco_package_Bundle $bundle ){ $projects = []; /* @var $project Loco_package_Project */ foreach( $bundle as $project ){ $projects[] = $this->createProjectParams($project); } return $projects; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render(){ $this->prepareNavigation(); $bundle = $this->getBundle(); $this->set('name', $bundle->getName() ); // bundle may not be fully configured $configured = $bundle->isConfigured(); // Hello Dolly is an exception. don't show unless configured deliberately if( 'Hello Dolly' === $bundle->getName() && 'hello.php' === basename($bundle->getHandle()) ){ if( ! $configured || 'meta' === $configured ){ $this->set( 'redirect', Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate('core-view') ); return $this->view('admin/bundle/alias'); } } // Collect all configured projects $projects = $this->createBundleListing( $bundle ); $unknown = []; // sniff additional unknown files if bundle is a theme or directory-based plugin that's been auto-detected if( 'file' === $configured || 'internal' === $configured ){ // presumed complete } else if( $bundle->isTheme() || ( $bundle->isPlugin() && ! $bundle->isSingleFile() ) ){ // TODO This needs abstracting into the Loco_package_Inverter class $prefixes = []; $po = new Loco_fs_LocaleFileList; $mo = new Loco_fs_LocaleFileList; $prefs = Loco_data_Preferences::get(); foreach( Loco_package_Inverter::export($bundle) as $ext => $files ){ $list = 'mo' === $ext ? $mo : $po; foreach( $files as $file ){ $file = new Loco_fs_LocaleFile($file); $locale = $file->getLocale(); if( $prefs && ! $prefs->has_locale($locale) ){ continue; } $list->addLocalized( $file ); // Only look in system locations if locale is valid and domain/prefix available if( $locale->isValid() ){ $domain = $file->getPrefix(); if( $domain ) { $prefixes[$domain] = true; } } } } // pick up given files in system locations only foreach( $prefixes as $domain => $_bool ){ $dummy = new Loco_package_Project( $bundle, new Loco_package_TextDomain($domain), '' ); $bundle->addProject( $dummy ); // <- required to configure locations $dummy->excludeTargetPath( $bundle->getDirectoryPath() ); $po->augment( $dummy->findLocaleFiles('po') ); $mo->augment( $dummy->findLocaleFiles('mo') ); } // a fake project is required to disable functions that require a configured project $dummy = new Loco_package_Project( $bundle, new Loco_package_TextDomain(''), '' ); $unknown = $this->createProjectPairs( $dummy, $po, $mo ); } $this->set('projects', $projects ); $this->set('unknown', $unknown ); return $this->view( 'admin/bundle/view' ); } }
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