Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/share/doc/perl-Text-Unidecode-0.04/TODO.txt
Text::Unidecode Transliteration Notes -- TODO FILE ============================== BLOCK 03 ============================== Coptic things I'm unsure of: Khei=kh, Gangia=g, Shima=ch, Dei=ti. ============================== BLOCK 09 ============================== What's an isshar? (09FA = "bengali isshar") ============================== BLOCK 0b ============================== What's an isshar? (0B70 = "oriya isshar") ============================== BLOCK 0e ============================== What is 0E4C = "thai character thanthakhat" ? What is 0E4E = "thai character yamakkan" ? ============================== BLOCK 0f ============================== Various questions to do with Tibetan (0f00-0fff)... A lot of these characters end up as "". What to do with them? How to represent these Astrological signs, 0F15-0F1F ? What is a 0F38 = "Tibetan mark Che Mgo" ? Should I leave "Marks and Signs" (0F82-0F87) as ""? What to do with "Transliteration head letters" (0F88-0F8B) ? ============================== BLOCK 11 ============================== Various Hangul components need checking: What are chitueumsios, chitueumssangsios, ceongchieumsios, and ceongchieumssangsios? Is "Z" a good transliteration for pansios? I'm using "N" for yesieung and kapyeoun both. Is this right? What are chitueumcieuc, chitueumssangcieuc, ceongchieumcieuc, ceongchieumssangcieuc, chitueumchieuch, and ceongchieumchieuch? Is "kapyeounphieuph" best transliterated as "Np" or "pN"?, and so on for: kapyeounrieul, kapyeounmieum, kapyeounpieup, kapyeounssangpieup, kapyeounphieuph I'm using "Q" for yeorinhieuh, apparently an archaic glottal stop character. Is that right? ============================== BLOCK 14 ============================== How to transliterate 0x1426, AKA "canadian syllabics final double short vertical strokes"? How to transliterate 0x1429, AKA "canadian syllabics final plus"? ============================== BLOCK 16 ============================== Fact-check the Ogham and Runes. What are eabhadh, or, uilleann, ifin, eamhancholl, and peith (1695-169A)? ============================== BLOCK 18 ============================== What's 180A = "Mongolian nirugu" ? ============================== BLOCK 31 ============================== I leave the Kaeriten (3190-319F) as null-string. Is that good? ============================== BLOCK fb ============================== Arabic Presentation Forms-A (FB50-FDFF) -- do I need to do these, or are they never actually found in text files? ============================== BLOCK fe ============================== Arabic Presentation Forms-B (FE70-FEFF) -- do I need to do these, or are they never actually found in text files? -- 26 TODOs at Sat Jul 14 00:27:44 2001
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