Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/src/cli/SyncCommand.php
<?php /** * Called from Loco_cli_Commands::sync */ abstract class Loco_cli_SyncCommand { /** * @param Loco_package_Project[] $projects project filter * @param Loco_Locale[] $locales locale filter * @param bool $noop whether dry run * @param bool $force whether to always update */ public static function run( array $projects, array $locales, $noop = true, $force = false ){ if( $force && $noop ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception('--force makes no sense with --noop'); } $content_dir = loco_constant('WP_CONTENT_DIR'); $wp_locales = new Loco_api_WordPressTranslations; // track total number of PO files synced, plus MO and JSON files compiled $updated = 0; $compiled = 0; foreach( $projects as $project ){ $id = rtrim( $project->getId(), '.' ); $base_dir = $project->getBundle()->getDirectoryPath(); WP_CLI::log( sprintf('Syncing "%s" (%s)',$project->getName(),$id) ); // Check if project has POT, which will be used as default template unless PO overrides $pot = null; $potfile = $project->getPot(); if( $potfile && $potfile->exists() ){ Loco_cli_Utils::debug('Parsing template: %s',$potfile->getRelativePath($content_dir)); try { $pot = Loco_gettext_Data::fromSource( $potfile->getContents() ); } catch( Loco_error_ParseException $e ){ WP_CLI::error( $e->getMessage().' in '.$potfile->getRelativePath($content_dir), false ); $potfile = null; } } /* @var Loco_fs_LocaleFile $pofile */ $pofiles = $project->findLocaleFiles('po'); foreach( $pofiles as $pofile ){ $locale = $pofile->getLocale(); $tag = (string) $locale; if( $locales && ! array_key_exists($tag,$locales) ){ continue; } // Preempt write errors and print useful file mode info $mofile = $pofile->cloneExtension('mo'); if( ! $pofile->writable() || $mofile->locked() ){ WP_CLI::warning('Skipping unwritable: '.self::fname($pofile) ); Loco_cli_Utils::tabulateFiles( $pofile->getParent(), $pofile, $mofile ); continue; } // Parsing candidate PO file (definitions) Loco_cli_Utils::debug('Parsing PO: %s',$pofile->getRelativePath($content_dir)); try { $def = Loco_gettext_Data::fromSource( $pofile->getContents() ); } catch( Loco_error_ParseException $e ){ WP_CLI::error( $e->getMessage().' in '.$pofile->getRelativePath($content_dir), false ); continue; } // Check if PO defines alternative template (reference) $ref = $pot; $head = $def->getHeaders(); $opts = new Loco_gettext_SyncOptions($head); $translate = $opts->mergeMsgstr(); if( $opts->hasTemplate() ){ $ref = null; $potfile = $opts->getTemplate(); $potfile->normalize( $base_dir ); if( $potfile->exists() ){ try { Loco_cli_Utils::debug('> Parsing alternative template: %s',$potfile->getRelativePath($content_dir) ); $ref = Loco_gettext_Data::fromSource( $potfile->getContents() ); } catch( Loco_error_ParseException $e ){ WP_CLI::error( $e->getMessage().' in '.$potfile->getRelativePath($content_dir), false ); } } else { Loco_cli_Utils::debug('Template not found (%s)', $potfile->basename() ); } } if( ! $ref ){ WP_CLI::warning( sprintf('Skipping %s; no valid translation template',$pofile->getRelativePath($content_dir) ) ); continue; } // Perform merge if we have a reference file Loco_cli_Utils::debug('Merging %s <- %s', $pofile->basename(), $potfile->basename() ); $matcher = new Loco_gettext_Matcher($project); $matcher->loadRefs($ref,$translate ); // Merge jsons if configured and available if( $opts->mergeJson() ){ $siblings = new Loco_fs_Siblings( $potfile->cloneBasename( $pofile->basename() ) ); $jsons = $siblings->getJsons( $project->getDomain()->getName() ); $njson = $matcher->loadJsons($jsons); Loco_cli_Utils::debug('> merged %u json files', $njson ); } // Get fuzzy matching tolerance from plugin settings, can be set temporarily in command line $fuzziness = Loco_data_Settings::get()->fuzziness; $matcher->setFuzziness( (string) $fuzziness ); // update matches sources, deferring unmatched for deferred fuzzy match $po = clone $def; $po->clear(); $nvalid = count( $matcher->mergeValid($def,$po) ); $nfuzzy = count( $matcher->mergeFuzzy($po) ); $nadded = count( $matcher->mergeAdded($po) ); $ndropped = count( $matcher->redundant() ); // TODO Support --previous to keep old strings, or at least comment them out as #| msgid..... if( $nfuzzy || $nadded || $ndropped ){ Loco_cli_Utils::debug('> unchanged:%u added:%u fuzzy:%u dropped:%u', $nvalid, $nadded, $nfuzzy, $ndropped ); } else { Loco_cli_Utils::debug('> %u identical sources',$nvalid); } // File is synced, but may be identical $po->sort(); if( ! $force && $po->equal($def) ){ WP_CLI::log( sprintf('No update required for %s', self::fname($pofile) ) ); continue; } if( $noop ){ WP_CLI::success( sprintf('**DRY RUN** would update %s', self::fname($pofile) ) ); continue; } try { $locale->ensureName($wp_locales); $po->localize($locale); $compiler = new Loco_gettext_Compiler($pofile); $bytes = $compiler->writePo($po); Loco_cli_Utils::debug('+ %u bytes written to %s',$bytes, $pofile->basename()); $updated++; // compile MO $bytes = $compiler->writeMo($po); if( $bytes ){ Loco_cli_Utils::debug('+ %u bytes written to %s',$bytes, $mofile->basename()); $compiled++; } // Done PO/MO pair, now generate JSON fragments as applicable $jsons = $compiler->writeJson($project,$po); foreach( $jsons as $file ){ $compiled++; $param = new Loco_mvc_FileParams([],$file); Loco_cli_Utils::debug('+ %u bytes written to %s',$param->size,$param->name); } // Done compile of this set Loco_error_AdminNotices::get()->flush(); WP_CLI::success( sprintf('Updated %s', self::fname($pofile) ) ); } catch( Loco_error_WriteException $e ){ WP_CLI::error( $e->getMessage(), false ); } } } // sync summary if( 0 === $updated ){ WP_CLI::log('Nothing updated'); } else { WP_CLI::success( sprintf('%u PO files synced, %u files compiled',$updated,$compiled) ); } } /** * Debug file name showing directory location * @param Loco_fs_File * @return string */ private static function fname( Loco_fs_File $file ){ $dir = new Loco_fs_LocaleDirectory( $file->dirname() ); return $file->filename().' ('.$dir->getTypeLabel( $dir->getTypeId() ).')'; } }
| ver. 1.4 |
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