Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/simple-membership/lib/braintree/lib/Braintree/PaymentMethodGateway.php
<?php namespace Braintree; use InvalidArgumentException; /** * Braintree PaymentMethodGateway module * * @package Braintree * @category Resources */ /** * Creates and manages Braintree PaymentMethods * * <b>== More information ==</b> * * * @package Braintree * @category Resources */ class PaymentMethodGateway { private $_gateway; private $_config; private $_http; public function __construct($gateway) { $this->_gateway = $gateway; $this->_config = $gateway->config; $this->_config->assertHasAccessTokenOrKeys(); $this->_http = new Http($gateway->config); } public function create($attribs) { Util::verifyKeys(self::createSignature(), $attribs); return $this->_doCreate('/payment_methods', ['payment_method' => $attribs]); } /** * find a PaymentMethod by token * * @param string $token payment method unique id * @return CreditCard|PayPalAccount * @throws Exception\NotFound */ public function find($token) { $this->_validateId($token); try { $path = $this->_config->merchantPath() . '/payment_methods/any/' . $token; $response = $this->_http->get($path); return PaymentMethodParser::parsePaymentMethod($response); } catch (Exception\NotFound $e) { throw new Exception\NotFound( 'payment method with token ' . $token . ' not found' ); } } public function update($token, $attribs) { Util::verifyKeys(self::updateSignature(), $attribs); return $this->_doUpdate('/payment_methods/any/' . $token, ['payment_method' => $attribs]); } public function delete($token, $options=[]) { Util::verifyKeys(self::deleteSignature(), $options); $this->_validateId($token); $queryString = ""; if (!empty($options)) { $queryString = "?" . http_build_query(Util::camelCaseToDelimiterArray($options, '_')); } return $this->_doDelete('/payment_methods/any/' . $token . $queryString); } public function grant($sharedPaymentMethodToken, $attribs=[]) { if (is_bool($attribs) === true) { $attribs = ['allow_vaulting' => $attribs]; } $options = [ 'shared_payment_method_token' => $sharedPaymentMethodToken ]; return $this->_doGrant( '/payment_methods/grant', [ 'payment_method' => array_merge($attribs, $options) ] ); } public function revoke($sharedPaymentMethodToken) { return $this->_doRevoke( '/payment_methods/revoke', [ 'payment_method' => [ 'shared_payment_method_token' => $sharedPaymentMethodToken ] ] ); } private static function baseSignature() { $billingAddressSignature = AddressGateway::createSignature(); $optionsSignature = [ 'failOnDuplicatePaymentMethod', 'makeDefault', 'verificationMerchantAccountId', 'verifyCard', 'verificationAccountType', 'verificationAmount', 'usBankAccountVerificationMethod', ['paypal' => [ 'payee_email', 'payeeEmail', 'order_id', 'orderId', 'custom_field', 'customField', 'description', 'amount', ['shipping' => [ 'firstName', 'lastName', 'company', 'countryName', 'countryCodeAlpha2', 'countryCodeAlpha3', 'countryCodeNumeric', 'extendedAddress', 'locality', 'postalCode', 'region', 'streetAddress'], ], ]], ]; return [ 'billingAddressId', 'cardholderName', 'cvv', 'deviceData', 'expirationDate', 'expirationMonth', 'expirationYear', 'number', 'paymentMethodNonce', 'token', ['options' => $optionsSignature], ['billingAddress' => $billingAddressSignature] ]; } public static function createSignature() { $signature = array_merge(self::baseSignature(), ['customerId', 'paypalRefreshToken', 'paypalVaultWithoutUpgrade']); return $signature; } public static function updateSignature() { $billingAddressSignature = AddressGateway::updateSignature(); array_push($billingAddressSignature, [ 'options' => [ 'updateExisting' ] ]); $signature = array_merge(self::baseSignature(), [ 'deviceSessionId', 'venmoSdkPaymentMethodCode', 'fraudMerchantId', ['billingAddress' => $billingAddressSignature] ]); return $signature; } private static function deleteSignature() { return ['revokeAllGrants']; } /** * sends the create request to the gateway * * @ignore * @param string $subPath * @param array $params * @return mixed */ public function _doCreate($subPath, $params) { $fullPath = $this->_config->merchantPath() . $subPath; $response = $this->_http->post($fullPath, $params); return $this->_verifyGatewayResponse($response); } public function _doGrant($subPath, $params) { $fullPath = $this->_config->merchantPath() . $subPath; $response = $this->_http->post($fullPath, $params); return $this->_verifyGrantResponse($response); } public function _doRevoke($subPath, $params) { $fullPath = $this->_config->merchantPath() . $subPath; $response = $this->_http->post($fullPath, $params); return $this->_verifyRevokeResponse($response); } /** * sends the update request to the gateway * * @ignore * @param string $subPath * @param array $params * @return mixed */ public function _doUpdate($subPath, $params) { $fullPath = $this->_config->merchantPath() . $subPath; $response = $this->_http->put($fullPath, $params); return $this->_verifyGatewayResponse($response); } /** * sends the delete request to the gateway * * @ignore * @param string $subPath * @return mixed */ public function _doDelete($subPath) { $fullPath = $this->_config->merchantPath() . $subPath; $this->_http->delete($fullPath); return new Result\Successful(); } /** * generic method for validating incoming gateway responses * * creates a new CreditCard or PayPalAccount object * and encapsulates it inside a Result\Successful object, or * encapsulates a Errors object inside a Result\Error * alternatively, throws an Unexpected exception if the response is invalid. * * @ignore * @param array $response gateway response values * @return Result\Successful|Result\Error * @throws Exception\Unexpected */ private function _verifyGatewayResponse($response) { if (isset($response['apiErrorResponse'])) { return new Result\Error($response['apiErrorResponse']); } else if (($response)) { return new Result\Successful( PaymentMethodParser::parsePaymentMethod($response), 'paymentMethod' ); } else { throw new Exception\Unexpected( 'Expected payment method or apiErrorResponse' ); } } private function _verifyGrantResponse($response) { if (isset($response['apiErrorResponse'])) { return new Result\Error($response['apiErrorResponse']); } else if (isset($response['paymentMethodNonce'])) { return new Result\Successful( PaymentMethodNonce::factory($response['paymentMethodNonce']), 'paymentMethodNonce' ); } else { throw new Exception\Unexpected( 'Expected paymentMethodNonce or apiErrorResponse' ); } } private function _verifyRevokeResponse($response) { if (isset($response['apiErrorResponse'])) { return new Result\Error($response['apiErrorResponse']); } else if (isset($response['success'])) { return new Result\Successful(); } else { throw new Exception\Unexpected( 'Expected success or apiErrorResponse' ); } } /** * verifies that a valid payment method identifier is being used * @ignore * @param string $identifier * @param Optional $string $identifierType type of identifier supplied, default 'token' * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function _validateId($identifier = null, $identifierType = 'token') { if (empty($identifier)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'expected payment method id to be set' ); } if (!preg_match('/^[0-9A-Za-z_-]+$/', $identifier)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( $identifier . ' is an invalid payment method ' . $identifierType . '.' ); } } } class_alias('Braintree\PaymentMethodGateway', 'Braintree_PaymentMethodGateway');
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