Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/src/passenger-release-6.0.20/src/cxx_supportlib/ServerKit/HttpHeaderParser.h
/* * Phusion Passenger - * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_SERVER_KIT_HTTP_HEADER_PARSER_H_ #define _PASSENGER_SERVER_KIT_HTTP_HEADER_PARSER_H_ #include <boost/cstdint.hpp> #include <oxt/backtrace.hpp> #include <cstddef> #include <cassert> #include <cstring> #include <MemoryKit/mbuf.h> #include <ServerKit/Context.h> #include <ServerKit/HttpRequest.h> #include <ServerKit/HttpHeaderParserState.h> #include <DataStructures/LString.h> #include <DataStructures/HashedStaticString.h> #include <LoggingKit/LoggingKit.h> #include <StrIntTools/StrIntUtils.h> #include <Algorithms/Hasher.h> namespace Passenger { namespace ServerKit { extern const HashedStaticString HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH; extern const HashedStaticString HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING; extern const HashedStaticString HTTP_X_SENDFILE; extern const HashedStaticString HTTP_X_ACCEL_REDIRECT; struct HttpParseRequest {}; struct HttpParseResponse {}; template<typename Message, typename MessageType = HttpParseRequest> class HttpHeaderParser { private: Context *ctx; HttpHeaderParserState *state; Message *message; psg_pool_t *pool; const MemoryKit::mbuf *currentBuffer; http_method requestMethod; bool validateHeader(const HttpParseRequest &tag, const Header *header) { if (!state->secureMode) { if (!psg_lstr_cmp(&header->key, P_STATIC_STRING("!~"), 2)) { return true; } else { if (header->key.size == 2) { // Security password. Check whether it hasn't been // given before and whether it is correct. if (ctx->config.secureModePassword.empty() || psg_lstr_cmp(&header->val, ctx->config.secureModePassword)) { state->secureMode = true; return true; } else { state->state = HttpHeaderParserState::ERROR_SECURITY_PASSWORD_MISMATCH; return false; } } else { // Secure header encountered without having // encountered a security password. state->state = HttpHeaderParserState::ERROR_SECURE_HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED; return false; } } } else { if (psg_lstr_cmp(&header->key, P_STATIC_STRING("!~"), 2)) { if (header->key.size == 2) { state->secureMode = false; } return true; } else { // To prevent Internet clients from injecting secure headers, // we require the web server put secure headers between a begin // marker (the security password header) and an end marker. // If we find a normal header between the markers, then we // can assume the web server is bugged or compromised. state->state = HttpHeaderParserState::ERROR_NORMAL_HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED_AFTER_SECURITY_PASSWORD; return false; } } } bool validateHeader(const HttpParseResponse &tag, const Header *header) { state->secureMode = psg_lstr_cmp(&header->key, P_STATIC_STRING("!~"), 2); return true; } void insertCurrentHeader() { if (!state->secureMode) { message->headers.insert(&state->currentHeader, pool); } else { message->secureHeaders.insert(&state->currentHeader, pool); } } static size_t http_parser_execute_and_handle_pause(http_parser *parser, const http_parser_settings *settings, const char *data, size_t len, bool &paused) { size_t ret = http_parser_execute(parser, settings, data, len); paused = len > 0 && ret != len && HTTP_PARSER_ERRNO(parser) == HPE_PAUSED; if (paused) { http_parser_pause(parser, 0); http_parser_execute(parser, settings, data + len - 1, 1); } return ret; } static int _onURL(http_parser *parser, const char *data, size_t len) { HttpHeaderParser *self = static_cast<HttpHeaderParser *>(parser->data); return self->onURL(MessageType(), data, len); } OXT_FORCE_INLINE int onURL(const HttpParseRequest &tag, const char *data, size_t len) { state->state = HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_URL; psg_lstr_append(&message->path, pool, *currentBuffer, data, len); return 0; } OXT_FORCE_INLINE int onURL(const HttpParseResponse &tag, const char *data, size_t len) { P_BUG("Should never be called"); return 0; } static int onStatus(http_parser *parser, const char *data, size_t len) { HttpHeaderParser *self = static_cast<HttpHeaderParser *>(parser->data); if (parser->status_code == 100) { self->set100ContinueHttpState(MessageType()); http_parser_pause(parser, 1); } return 0; } void set100ContinueHttpState(const HttpParseRequest &tag) { P_BUG("Should never be called"); } void set100ContinueHttpState(const HttpParseResponse &tag) { message->httpState = Message::ONEHUNDRED_CONTINUE; } static int onHeaderField(http_parser *parser, const char *data, size_t len) { HttpHeaderParser *self = static_cast<HttpHeaderParser *>(parser->data); if (self->state->state == HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_NOT_STARTED || self->state->state == HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_URL || self->state->state == HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_HEADER_VALUE || self->state->state == HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_FIRST_HEADER_VALUE) { // New header field encountered. if (self->state->state == HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_FIRST_HEADER_VALUE || self->state->state == HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_HEADER_VALUE) { // Validate previous header and insert into table. if (!self->validateHeader(MessageType(), self->state->currentHeader)) { return 1; } self->insertCurrentHeader(); } // Initialize new header field. self->state->currentHeader = (Header *) psg_palloc(self->pool, sizeof(Header)); psg_lstr_init(&self->state->currentHeader->key); psg_lstr_init(&self->state->currentHeader->origKey); psg_lstr_init(&self->state->currentHeader->val); self->state->hasher.reset(); if (self->state->state == HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_URL) { self->state->state = HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_FIRST_HEADER_FIELD; } else { self->state->state = HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_HEADER_FIELD; } } psg_lstr_append(&self->state->currentHeader->origKey, self->pool, *self->currentBuffer, data, len); if (psg_lstr_first_byte(&self->state->currentHeader->origKey) == '!') { psg_lstr_append(&self->state->currentHeader->key, self->pool, *self->currentBuffer, data, len); self->state->hasher.update(data, len); } else { char *downcasedData = (char *) psg_pnalloc(self->pool, len); convertLowerCase((const unsigned char *) data, (unsigned char *) downcasedData, len); psg_lstr_append(&self->state->currentHeader->key, self->pool, downcasedData, len); self->state->hasher.update(downcasedData, len); } return 0; } static int onHeaderValue(http_parser *parser, const char *data, size_t len) { HttpHeaderParser *self = static_cast<HttpHeaderParser *>(parser->data); if (self->state->state == HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_FIRST_HEADER_FIELD || self->state->state == HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_HEADER_FIELD) { // New header value encountered. Finalize corresponding header field. if (self->state->state == HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_FIRST_HEADER_FIELD) { self->state->state = HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_FIRST_HEADER_VALUE; } else { self->state->state = HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_HEADER_VALUE; } self->state->currentHeader->hash = self->state->hasher.finalize(); } psg_lstr_append(&self->state->currentHeader->val, self->pool, *self->currentBuffer, data, len); self->state->hasher.update(data, len); return 0; } static int onHeadersComplete(http_parser *parser) { HttpHeaderParser *self = static_cast<HttpHeaderParser *>(parser->data); if (self->state->state == HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_HEADER_VALUE || self->state->state == HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_FIRST_HEADER_VALUE) { // Validate previous header and insert into table. if (!self->validateHeader(MessageType(), self->state->currentHeader)) { // There's a bug in http_parser: even if we return 1 here, it doesn't // set the error flag correctly. We fix that here. self->state->parser.http_errno = HPE_CB_headers_complete; return 1; } self->insertCurrentHeader(); } self->state->currentHeader = NULL; self->message->httpState = Message::PARSED_HEADERS; self->indexQueryString(MessageType()); http_parser_pause(parser, 1); return 0; } OXT_FORCE_INLINE void indexQueryString(const HttpParseRequest &tag) { LString *contiguousPath = psg_lstr_make_contiguous(&message->path, message->pool); if (contiguousPath != &message->path) { psg_lstr_deinit(&message->path); message->path = *contiguousPath; } const char *pos = (const char *) memchr(message->path.start->data, '?', message->path.size); if (pos != NULL) { message->queryStringIndex = pos - message->path.start->data; } } OXT_FORCE_INLINE void indexQueryString(const HttpParseResponse &tag) { // Do nothing. } OXT_FORCE_INLINE void initializeParser(const HttpParseRequest &tag) { http_parser_init(&state->parser, HTTP_REQUEST); } OXT_FORCE_INLINE void initializeParser(const HttpParseResponse &tag) { http_parser_init(&state->parser, HTTP_RESPONSE); } OXT_FORCE_INLINE bool messageHttpStateIndicatesCompletion(const HttpParseRequest &tag) const { return message->httpState == Message::PARSED_HEADERS; } OXT_FORCE_INLINE bool messageHttpStateIndicatesCompletion(const HttpParseResponse &tag) const { return message->httpState == Message::PARSED_HEADERS || message->httpState == Message::ONEHUNDRED_CONTINUE; } void processParseResult(const HttpParseRequest &tag) { TRACE_POINT(); bool isChunked = state->parser.flags & F_CHUNKED; boost::uint64_t contentLength; int httpVersion; // The parser sets content_length to ULLONG_MAX if // Content-Length is not given. We treat it the same as 0. contentLength = state->parser.content_length; if (contentLength == std::numeric_limits<boost::uint64_t>::max()) { contentLength = 0; } message->method = (http_method) state->parser.method; httpVersion = state->parser.http_major * 1000 + state->parser.http_minor * 10; if (httpVersion > 1010) { // Maximum supported HTTP version is 1.1 message->httpState = Message::ERROR; message->aux.parseError = HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED; message->httpMajor = 1; message->httpMinor = 1; message->wantKeepAlive = false; } else if (contentLength > 0 && isChunked) { message->httpState = Message::ERROR; message->aux.parseError = REQUEST_CONTAINS_CONTENT_LENGTH_AND_TRANSFER_ENCODING; } else if (contentLength > 0 || isChunked) { // There is a request body. message->aux.bodyInfo.contentLength = contentLength; if (state->parser.upgrade) { message->httpState = Message::ERROR; message->aux.parseError = UPGRADE_NOT_ALLOWED_WHEN_REQUEST_BODY_EXISTS; } else if (isChunked) { message->httpState = Message::PARSING_CHUNKED_BODY; message->bodyType = Message::RBT_CHUNKED; } else { message->httpState = Message::PARSING_BODY; message->bodyType = Message::RBT_CONTENT_LENGTH; } } else { // There is no request body. if (!state->parser.upgrade) { message->httpState = Message::COMPLETE; P_ASSERT_EQ(message->bodyType, Message::RBT_NO_BODY); } else if (message->method != HTTP_HEAD) { message->httpState = Message::UPGRADED; message->bodyType = Message::RBT_UPGRADE; message->wantKeepAlive = false; } else { message->httpState = Message::ERROR; message->aux.parseError = UPGRADE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_HEAD_REQUESTS; } } } void processParseResult(const HttpParseResponse &tag) { TRACE_POINT(); const unsigned int status = state->parser.status_code; const boost::uint64_t contentLength = state->parser.content_length; message->statusCode = state->parser.status_code; if (state->parser.upgrade) { message->httpState = Message::UPGRADED; message->bodyType = Message::RBT_UPGRADE; message->wantKeepAlive = false; } else if (message->headers.lookup(HTTP_X_SENDFILE) != NULL || message->headers.lookup(HTTP_X_ACCEL_REDIRECT) != NULL) { // If X-Sendfile or X-Accel-Redirect is set, pretend like the body // is empty and disallow keep-alive. See: // // // // We don't set a fake "Content-Length: 0" header here // because it's undefined what Content-Length means if // X-Sendfile or X-Accel-Redirect are set. // // Because the response header no longer has any header // that signals its size, keep-alive should also be disabled // for the *request*. We already do that in RequestHandler's // ForwardResponse.cpp. message->httpState = Message::COMPLETE; message->bodyType = Message::RBT_NO_BODY; message->headers.erase(HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH); message->headers.erase(HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING); message->wantKeepAlive = false; } else if (requestMethod == HTTP_HEAD || status / 100 == 1 // status 1xx || status == 204 || status == 304) { if (status != 100) { message->httpState = Message::COMPLETE; } else { message->httpState = Message::ONEHUNDRED_CONTINUE; } message->bodyType = Message::RBT_NO_BODY; } else if (state->parser.flags & F_CHUNKED) { if (contentLength == std::numeric_limits<boost::uint64_t>::max()) { message->httpState = Message::PARSING_CHUNKED_BODY; message->bodyType = Message::RBT_CHUNKED; } else { message->httpState = Message::ERROR; message->aux.parseError = RESPONSE_CONTAINS_CONTENT_LENGTH_AND_TRANSFER_ENCODING; } } else if (contentLength == 0) { message->httpState = Message::COMPLETE; message->bodyType = Message::RBT_NO_BODY; } else if (contentLength != std::numeric_limits<boost::uint64_t>::max()) { message->httpState = Message::PARSING_BODY_WITH_LENGTH; message->bodyType = Message::RBT_CONTENT_LENGTH; message->aux.bodyInfo.contentLength = contentLength; } else { message->httpState = Message::PARSING_BODY_UNTIL_EOF; message->bodyType = Message::RBT_UNTIL_EOF; message->wantKeepAlive = false; } } public: HttpHeaderParser(Context *context, HttpHeaderParserState *_state, Message *_message, psg_pool_t *_pool, enum http_method _requestMethod = HTTP_GET) : ctx(context), state(_state), message(_message), pool(_pool), currentBuffer(NULL), requestMethod(_requestMethod) { } void initialize() { initializeParser(MessageType()); state->state = HttpHeaderParserState::PARSING_NOT_STARTED; state->secureMode = false; } size_t feed(const MemoryKit::mbuf &buffer) { TRACE_POINT(); P_ASSERT_EQ(message->httpState, Message::PARSING_HEADERS); http_parser_settings settings; size_t ret; bool paused; settings.on_message_begin = NULL; settings.on_url = _onURL; settings.on_status = onStatus; settings.on_header_field = onHeaderField; settings.on_header_value = onHeaderValue; settings.on_headers_complete = onHeadersComplete; settings.on_body = NULL; settings.on_message_complete = NULL; state-> = this; currentBuffer = &buffer; ret = http_parser_execute_and_handle_pause(&state->parser, &settings, buffer.start, buffer.size(), paused); currentBuffer = NULL; if (!state->parser.upgrade && ret != buffer.size() && !paused) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); message->httpState = Message::ERROR; switch (HTTP_PARSER_ERRNO(&state->parser)) { case HPE_CB_header_field: case HPE_CB_headers_complete: switch (state->state) { case HttpHeaderParserState::ERROR_SECURITY_PASSWORD_MISMATCH: message->aux.parseError = SECURITY_PASSWORD_MISMATCH; break; case HttpHeaderParserState::ERROR_SECURITY_PASSWORD_DUPLICATE: message->aux.parseError = SECURITY_PASSWORD_DUPLICATE; break; case HttpHeaderParserState::ERROR_SECURE_HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED: message->aux.parseError = ERROR_SECURE_HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED; break; case HttpHeaderParserState::ERROR_NORMAL_HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED_AFTER_SECURITY_PASSWORD: message->aux.parseError = NORMAL_HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED_AFTER_SECURITY_PASSWORD; break; default: goto default_error; } break; case HPE_UNEXPECTED_CONTENT_LENGTH: message->aux.parseError = REQUEST_CONTAINS_CONTENT_LENGTH_AND_TRANSFER_ENCODING; break; default: default_error: message->aux.parseError = HTTP_PARSER_ERRNO_BEGIN - HTTP_PARSER_ERRNO(&state->parser); break; } } else if (messageHttpStateIndicatesCompletion(MessageType())) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); ret++; message->httpMajor = state->parser.http_major; message->httpMinor = state->parser.http_minor; message->wantKeepAlive = http_should_keep_alive(&state->parser); processParseResult(MessageType()); } return ret; } }; } // namespace ServerKit } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_SERVER_KIT_HTTP_HEADER_PARSER_H_ */
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