Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/Template/Plugin/
#============================================================= -*-Perl-*- # # Template::Plugin::Date # # DESCRIPTION # # Plugin to generate formatted date strings. # # AUTHORS # Thierry-Michel Barral <> # Andy Wardley <> # # COPYRIGHT # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Thierry-Michel Barral, Andy Wardley. # # This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # #============================================================================ package Template::Plugin::Date; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Template::Plugin'; use POSIX (); our $VERSION = 2.78; our $FORMAT = '%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y'; # default strftime() format our @LOCALE_SUFFIX = qw( .ISO8859-1 .ISO_8859-15 .US-ASCII .UTF-8 ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # new(\%options) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub new { my ($class, $context, $params) = @_; bless { $params ? %$params : () }, $class; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # now() # # Call time() to return the current system time in seconds since the epoch. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub now { return time(); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # format() # format($time) # format($time, $format) # format($time, $format, $locale) # format($time, $format, $locale, $gmt_flag) # format(\%named_params); # # Returns a formatted time/date string for the specified time, $time, # (or the current system time if unspecified) using the $format, $locale, # and $gmt values specified as arguments or internal values set defined # at construction time). Specifying a Perl-true value for $gmt will # override the local time zone and force the output to be for GMT. # Any or all of the arguments may be specified as named parameters which # get passed as a hash array reference as the final argument. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub format { my $self = shift; my $params = ref($_[$#_]) eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : { }; my $time = shift(@_) || $params->{ time } || $self->{ time } || $self->now(); my $format = @_ ? shift(@_) : ($params->{ format } || $self->{ format } || $FORMAT); my $locale = @_ ? shift(@_) : ($params->{ locale } || $self->{ locale }); my $gmt = @_ ? shift(@_) : ($params->{ gmt } || $self->{ gmt }); my (@date, $datestr); if ($time =~ /^-?\d+$/) { # $time is now in seconds since epoch if ($gmt) { @date = (gmtime($time))[0..6]; } else { @date = (localtime($time))[0..6]; } } else { # if $time is numeric, then we assume it's seconds since the epoch # otherwise, we try to parse it as either a 'Y:M:D H:M:S' or a # 'H:M:S D:M:Y' string my @parts = (split(/(?:\/| |:|-)/, $time)); if (@parts >= 6) { if (length($parts[0]) == 4) { # year is first; assume 'Y:M:D H:M:S' @date = @parts[reverse 0..5]; } else { # year is last; assume 'H:M:S D:M:Y' @date = @parts[2,1,0,3..5]; } } if (!@date) { return (undef, Template::Exception->new('date', "bad time/date string: " . "expects 'h:m:s d:m:y' got: '$time'")); } $date[4] -= 1; # correct month number 1-12 to range 0-11 $date[5] -= 1900; # convert absolute year to years since 1900 $time = &POSIX::mktime(@date); } if ($locale) { # format the date in a specific locale, saving and subsequently # restoring the current locale. my $old_locale = &POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL); # some systems expect locales to have a particular suffix for my $suffix ('', @LOCALE_SUFFIX) { my $try_locale = $locale.$suffix; my $setlocale = &POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL, $try_locale); if (defined $setlocale && $try_locale eq $setlocale) { $locale = $try_locale; last; } } $datestr = &POSIX::strftime($format, @date); &POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL, $old_locale); } else { $datestr = &POSIX::strftime($format, @date); } return $datestr; } sub calc { my $self = shift; eval { require "Date/" }; $self->throw("failed to load Date::Calc: $@") if $@; return Template::Plugin::Date::Calc->new('no context'); } sub manip { my $self = shift; eval { require "Date/" }; $self->throw("failed to load Date::Manip: $@") if $@; return Template::Plugin::Date::Manip->new('no context'); } sub throw { my $self = shift; die (Template::Exception->new('date', join(', ', @_))); } package Template::Plugin::Date::Calc; use base qw( Template::Plugin ); use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD ); *throw = \&Template::Plugin::Date::throw; sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $method = $AUTOLOAD; $method =~ s/.*:://; return if $method eq 'DESTROY'; my $sub = \&{"Date::Calc::$method"}; $self->throw("no such Date::Calc method: $method") unless $sub; &$sub(@_); } package Template::Plugin::Date::Manip; use base qw( Template::Plugin ); use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD ); *throw = \&Template::Plugin::Date::throw; sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $method = $AUTOLOAD; $method =~ s/.*:://; return if $method eq 'DESTROY'; my $sub = \&{"Date::Manip::$method"}; $self->throw("no such Date::Manip method: $method") unless $sub; &$sub(@_); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Template::Plugin::Date - Plugin to generate formatted date strings =head1 SYNOPSIS [% USE date %] # use current time and default format [% date.format %] # specify time as seconds since epoch # or as a 'h:m:s d-m-y' or 'y-m-d h:m:s' string [% date.format(960973980) %] [% date.format('4:20:36 21/12/2000') %] [% date.format('2000/12/21 4:20:36') %] # specify format [% date.format(mytime, '%H:%M:%S') %] # specify locale [% date.format(, '%a %d %b %y', 'en_GB') %] # named parameters [% date.format(mytime, format = '%H:%M:%S') %] [% date.format(locale = 'en_GB') %] [% date.format(time =, format = '%H:%M:%S', locale = 'en_GB) %] # specify default format to plugin [% USE date(format = '%H:%M:%S', locale = 'de_DE') %] [% date.format %] ... =head1 DESCRIPTION The C<Date> plugin provides an easy way to generate formatted time and date strings by delegating to the C<POSIX> C<strftime()> routine. The plugin can be loaded via the familiar USE directive. [% USE date %] This creates a plugin object with the default name of 'C<date>'. An alternate name can be specified as such: [% USE myname = date %] The plugin provides the C<format()> method which accepts a time value, a format string and a locale name. All of these parameters are optional with the current system time, default format ('C<%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y>') and current locale being used respectively, if undefined. Default values for the time, format and/or locale may be specified as named parameters in the C<USE> directive. [% USE date(format = '%a %d-%b-%Y', locale = 'fr_FR') %] When called without any parameters, the C<format()> method returns a string representing the current system time, formatted by C<strftime()> according to the default format and for the default locale (which may not be the current one, if locale is set in the C<USE> directive). [% date.format %] The plugin allows a time/date to be specified as seconds since the epoch, as is returned by C<time()>. File last modified: [% date.format(filemod_time) %] The time/date can also be specified as a string of the form C<h:m:s d/m/y> or C<y/m/d h:m:s>. Any of the characters : / - or space may be used to delimit fields. [% USE day = date(format => '%A', locale => 'en_GB') %] [% day.format('4:20:00 9-13-2000') %] Output: Tuesday A format string can also be passed to the C<format()> method, and a locale specification may follow that. [% date.format(filemod, '%d-%b-%Y') %] [% date.format(filemod, '%d-%b-%Y', 'en_GB') %] A fourth parameter allows you to force output in GMT, in the case of seconds-since-the-epoch input: [% date.format(filemod, '%d-%b-%Y', 'en_GB', 1) %] Note that in this case, if the local time is not GMT, then also specifying 'C<%Z>' (time zone) in the format parameter will lead to an extremely misleading result. Any or all of these parameters may be named. Positional parameters should always be in the order C<($time, $format, $locale)>. [% date.format(format => '%H:%M:%S') %] [% date.format(time => filemod, format => '%H:%M:%S') %] [% date.format(mytime, format => '%H:%M:%S') %] [% date.format(mytime, format => '%H:%M:%S', locale => 'fr_FR') %] [% date.format(mytime, format => '%H:%M:%S', gmt => 1) %] ...etc... The C<now()> method returns the current system time in seconds since the epoch. [% date.format(, '%A') %] The C<calc()> method can be used to create an interface to the C<Date::Calc> module (if installed on your system). [% calc = date.calc %] [% calc.Monday_of_Week(22, 2001).join('/') %] The C<manip()> method can be used to create an interface to the C<Date::Manip> module (if installed on your system). [% manip = date.manip %] [% manip.UnixDate("Noon Yesterday","%Y %b %d %H:%M") %] =head1 AUTHORS Thierry-Michel Barral wrote the original plugin. Andy Wardley provided some minor fixups/enhancements, a test script and documentation. Mark D. Mills cloned C<Date::Manip> from the C<Date::Calc> sub-plugin. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Thierry-Michel Barral, Andy Wardley. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Template::Plugin>, L<POSIX>
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