Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/src/admin/bundle/ConfController.php
<?php /** * Bundle configuration page */ class Loco_admin_bundle_ConfController extends Loco_admin_bundle_BaseController { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function init(){ parent::init(); $this->enqueueStyle('config'); $this->enqueueScript('config'); $bundle = $this->getBundle(); // translators: where %s is a plugin or theme $this->set( 'title', sprintf( __('Configure %s','loco-translate'),$bundle->getName() ) ); $post = Loco_mvc_PostParams::get(); // always set a nonce for current bundle $nonce = $this->setNonce( $this->get('_route').'-'.$this->get('bundle') ); $this->set('nonce', $nonce ); try { // Save configuration if posted, and security check passes if( $post->has('conf') && $this->checkNonce($nonce->action) ){ if( ! $post->name ){ $post->name = $bundle->getName(); } $model = new Loco_config_FormModel; $model->loadForm( $post ); // configure bundle from model in full $bundle->clear(); $reader = new Loco_config_BundleReader( $bundle ); $reader->loadModel( $model ); $this->saveBundle(); } // Delete configuration if posted else if( $post->has('unconf') && $this->checkNonce($nonce->action) ){ $this->resetBundle(); } } catch( Exception $e ){ Loco_error_AdminNotices::warn( $e->getMessage() ); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHelpTabs(){ return [ __('Advanced tab','loco-translate') => $this->viewSnippet('tab-bundle-conf'), ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render() { $parent = null; $bundle = $this->getBundle(); $default = $bundle->getDefaultProject(); $base = $bundle->getDirectoryPath(); // parent themes are inherited into bundle, we don't want them in the child theme config if( $bundle->isTheme() && ( $parent = $bundle->getParent() ) ){ $this->set( 'parent', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ 'name' => $parent->getName(), 'href' => Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate('theme-conf', [ 'bundle' => $parent->getSlug() ] + $_GET ), ] ) ); } // render postdata straight back to form if sent $data = Loco_mvc_PostParams::get(); // else build initial data from current bundle state if( ! $data->has('conf') ){ // create single default set for totally unconfigured bundles if( 0 === count($bundle) ){ $bundle->createDefault(''); } $writer = new Loco_config_BundleWriter($bundle); $data = $writer->toForm(); // removed parent bundle from config form, as they are inherited /* @var Loco_package_Project $project */ foreach( $bundle as $i => $project ){ if( $parent && $parent->hasProject($project) ){ // warn if child theme uses parent theme's text domain (but allowing to render so we don't get an empty form. if( $project === $default ){ Loco_error_AdminNotices::warn( __("Child theme declares the same Text Domain as the parent theme",'loco-translate') ); } // else safe to remove parent theme configuration as it should be held in its own bundle else { $data['conf'][$i]['removed'] = true; } } } } // build config blocks for form $i = 0; $conf = []; foreach( $data['conf'] as $raw ){ if( empty($raw['removed']) ){ $slug = $raw['slug']; $domain = $raw['domain'] or $domain = 'untitled'; $raw['prefix'] = sprintf('conf[%u]', $i++ ); $raw['short'] = ! $slug || ( $slug === $domain ) ? $domain : $domain.'→'.$slug; $conf[] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( $raw ); } } // bundle level configs $name = $bundle->getName(); $excl = $data['exclude']; // access to type of configuration that's currently saved $this->set('saved', $bundle->isConfigured() ); // link to author if there are config problems $info = $bundle->getHeaderInfo(); $this->set('author', $info->getAuthorLink() ); // link for downloading current configuration XML file $args = [ 'path' => 'loco.xml', 'action' => 'loco_download', 'bundle' => $bundle->getHandle(), 'type' => $bundle->getType() ]; $this->set( 'xmlUrl', Loco_mvc_AjaxRouter::generate( 'DownloadConf', $args ) ); $this->set( 'manUrl', apply_filters('loco_external','') ); $this->prepareNavigation()->add( __('Advanced configuration','loco-translate') ); return $this->view('admin/bundle/conf', compact('conf','base','name','excl') ); } }
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