Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/src/passenger-release-6.0.20/src/apache2_module/DirConfig/AutoGeneratedStruct.h
/* * Phusion Passenger - * Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_APACHE2_MODULE_DIR_CONFIG_AUTOGENERATED_STRUCT_H_ #define _PASSENGER_APACHE2_MODULE_DIR_CONFIG_AUTOGENERATED_STRUCT_H_ #ifdef INTELLISENSE // These includes do nothing, but keep IntelliSense happy. #include <ap_config.h> #include "../ConfigGeneral/Common.h" #endif /* * DirConfig/AutoGeneratedStruct.h is automatically generated from DirConfig/AutoGeneratedStruct.h.cxxcodebuilder, * using definitions from src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/apache2/config_options.rb. * Edits to DirConfig/AutoGeneratedStruct.h will be lost. * * To update DirConfig/AutoGeneratedStruct.h: * rake apache2 * * To force regeneration of DirConfig/AutoGeneratedStruct.h: * rm -f src/apache2_module/DirConfig/AutoGeneratedStruct.h * rake src/apache2_module/DirConfig/AutoGeneratedStruct.h */ namespace Passenger { namespace Apache2Module { /* * Per-directory configuration information (autogenerated part). * * Use the getter methods to query information, because those will return * the default value if the value is not specified. */ struct AutoGeneratedDirConfig { /* * Whether to support encoded slashes in the URL */ Threeway mAllowEncodedSlashes; /* * Whether to enable extra response buffering inside Apache. */ Threeway mBufferResponse; /* * Whether to buffer file uploads. */ Threeway mBufferUpload; /* * Enable or disable Phusion Passenger(R). */ Threeway mEnabled; /* * Allow Apache to handle error response. */ Threeway mErrorOverride; /* * Whether to display friendly error pages when something goes wrong. */ Threeway mFriendlyErrorPages; /* * Enable or disable Passenger's high performance mode. */ Threeway mHighPerformance; /* * Whether to load environment variables from the shell before running the application. */ Threeway mLoadShellEnvvars; /* * Whether to tell Ruby to load the bundler gem before running the application. */ Threeway mPreloadBundler; /* * Whether to enable sticky sessions. */ Threeway mStickySessions; /* * Force Passenger to believe that an application process can handle the given number of concurrent requests per process */ int mForceMaxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess; /* * Minimum user ID starting from which entering LVE and CageFS is allowed. */ int mLveMinUid; /* * The maximum number of seconds that a preloader process may be idle before it is shutdown. */ int mMaxPreloaderIdleTime; /* * The maximum number of queued requests. */ int mMaxRequestQueueSize; /* * The maximum number of requests that an application instance may process. */ int mMaxRequests; /* * The minimum number of application instances to keep when cleaning idle instances. */ int mMinInstances; /* * A timeout for application startup. */ int mStartTimeout; /* * The environment under which applications are run. */ StaticString mAppEnv; /* * Application process group name. */ StaticString mAppGroupName; /* * Application log file path. */ StaticString mAppLogFile; /* * The application's root directory. */ StaticString mAppRoot; /* * Command string for starting the application. */ StaticString mAppStartCommand; /* * Force specific application type. */ StaticString mAppType; /* * The address that Passenger binds to in order to allow sending HTTP requests to individual application processes. */ StaticString mDirectInstanceRequestAddress; /* * The group that Ruby applications must run as. */ StaticString mGroup; /* * Settings file for (non-bundled) Meteor apps. */ StaticString mMeteorAppSettings; /* * The Node.js command to use. */ StaticString mNodejs; /* * The Python interpreter to use. */ StaticString mPython; /* * The directory in which Phusion Passenger(R) should look for restart.txt. */ StaticString mRestartDir; /* * The Ruby interpreter to use. */ StaticString mRuby; /* * The spawn method to use. */ StaticString mSpawnMethod; /* * Force specific startup file. */ StaticString mStartupFile; /* * The attributes to use for the sticky session cookie. */ StaticString mStickySessionsCookieAttributes; /* * The cookie name to use for sticky sessions. */ StaticString mStickySessionsCookieName; /* * The user that Ruby applications must run as. */ StaticString mUser; /* * Declare the given base URI as belonging to a web application. */ std::set<std::string> mBaseURIs; /* * Log file path to monitor. */ std::set<std::string> mMonitorLogFile; StaticString mAllowEncodedSlashesSourceFile; StaticString mBufferResponseSourceFile; StaticString mBufferUploadSourceFile; StaticString mEnabledSourceFile; StaticString mErrorOverrideSourceFile; StaticString mFriendlyErrorPagesSourceFile; StaticString mHighPerformanceSourceFile; StaticString mLoadShellEnvvarsSourceFile; StaticString mPreloadBundlerSourceFile; StaticString mStickySessionsSourceFile; StaticString mForceMaxConcurrentRequestsPerProcessSourceFile; StaticString mLveMinUidSourceFile; StaticString mMaxPreloaderIdleTimeSourceFile; StaticString mMaxRequestQueueSizeSourceFile; StaticString mMaxRequestsSourceFile; StaticString mMinInstancesSourceFile; StaticString mStartTimeoutSourceFile; StaticString mAppEnvSourceFile; StaticString mAppGroupNameSourceFile; StaticString mAppLogFileSourceFile; StaticString mAppRootSourceFile; StaticString mAppStartCommandSourceFile; StaticString mAppTypeSourceFile; StaticString mDirectInstanceRequestAddressSourceFile; StaticString mGroupSourceFile; StaticString mMeteorAppSettingsSourceFile; StaticString mNodejsSourceFile; StaticString mPythonSourceFile; StaticString mRestartDirSourceFile; StaticString mRubySourceFile; StaticString mSpawnMethodSourceFile; StaticString mStartupFileSourceFile; StaticString mStickySessionsCookieAttributesSourceFile; StaticString mStickySessionsCookieNameSourceFile; StaticString mUserSourceFile; StaticString mBaseURIsSourceFile; StaticString mMonitorLogFileSourceFile; unsigned int mAllowEncodedSlashesSourceLine; unsigned int mBufferResponseSourceLine; unsigned int mBufferUploadSourceLine; unsigned int mEnabledSourceLine; unsigned int mErrorOverrideSourceLine; unsigned int mFriendlyErrorPagesSourceLine; unsigned int mHighPerformanceSourceLine; unsigned int mLoadShellEnvvarsSourceLine; unsigned int mPreloadBundlerSourceLine; unsigned int mStickySessionsSourceLine; unsigned int mForceMaxConcurrentRequestsPerProcessSourceLine; unsigned int mLveMinUidSourceLine; unsigned int mMaxPreloaderIdleTimeSourceLine; unsigned int mMaxRequestQueueSizeSourceLine; unsigned int mMaxRequestsSourceLine; unsigned int mMinInstancesSourceLine; unsigned int mStartTimeoutSourceLine; unsigned int mAppEnvSourceLine; unsigned int mAppGroupNameSourceLine; unsigned int mAppLogFileSourceLine; unsigned int mAppRootSourceLine; unsigned int mAppStartCommandSourceLine; unsigned int mAppTypeSourceLine; unsigned int mDirectInstanceRequestAddressSourceLine; unsigned int mGroupSourceLine; unsigned int mMeteorAppSettingsSourceLine; unsigned int mNodejsSourceLine; unsigned int mPythonSourceLine; unsigned int mRestartDirSourceLine; unsigned int mRubySourceLine; unsigned int mSpawnMethodSourceLine; unsigned int mStartupFileSourceLine; unsigned int mStickySessionsCookieAttributesSourceLine; unsigned int mStickySessionsCookieNameSourceLine; unsigned int mUserSourceLine; unsigned int mBaseURIsSourceLine; unsigned int mMonitorLogFileSourceLine; bool mAllowEncodedSlashesExplicitlySet: 1; bool mBufferResponseExplicitlySet: 1; bool mBufferUploadExplicitlySet: 1; bool mEnabledExplicitlySet: 1; bool mErrorOverrideExplicitlySet: 1; bool mFriendlyErrorPagesExplicitlySet: 1; bool mHighPerformanceExplicitlySet: 1; bool mLoadShellEnvvarsExplicitlySet: 1; bool mPreloadBundlerExplicitlySet: 1; bool mStickySessionsExplicitlySet: 1; bool mForceMaxConcurrentRequestsPerProcessExplicitlySet: 1; bool mLveMinUidExplicitlySet: 1; bool mMaxPreloaderIdleTimeExplicitlySet: 1; bool mMaxRequestQueueSizeExplicitlySet: 1; bool mMaxRequestsExplicitlySet: 1; bool mMinInstancesExplicitlySet: 1; bool mStartTimeoutExplicitlySet: 1; bool mAppEnvExplicitlySet: 1; bool mAppGroupNameExplicitlySet: 1; bool mAppLogFileExplicitlySet: 1; bool mAppRootExplicitlySet: 1; bool mAppStartCommandExplicitlySet: 1; bool mAppTypeExplicitlySet: 1; bool mDirectInstanceRequestAddressExplicitlySet: 1; bool mGroupExplicitlySet: 1; bool mMeteorAppSettingsExplicitlySet: 1; bool mNodejsExplicitlySet: 1; bool mPythonExplicitlySet: 1; bool mRestartDirExplicitlySet: 1; bool mRubyExplicitlySet: 1; bool mSpawnMethodExplicitlySet: 1; bool mStartupFileExplicitlySet: 1; bool mStickySessionsCookieAttributesExplicitlySet: 1; bool mStickySessionsCookieNameExplicitlySet: 1; bool mUserExplicitlySet: 1; bool mBaseURIsExplicitlySet: 1; bool mMonitorLogFileExplicitlySet: 1; bool getAllowEncodedSlashes() const { if (mAllowEncodedSlashes == Apache2Module::UNSET) { return false; } else { return mAllowEncodedSlashes == Apache2Module::ENABLED; } } bool getBufferResponse() const { if (mBufferResponse == Apache2Module::UNSET) { return false; } else { return mBufferResponse == Apache2Module::ENABLED; } } bool getBufferUpload() const { if (mBufferUpload == Apache2Module::UNSET) { return true; } else { return mBufferUpload == Apache2Module::ENABLED; } } bool getEnabled() const { if (mEnabled == Apache2Module::UNSET) { return true; } else { return mEnabled == Apache2Module::ENABLED; } } bool getErrorOverride() const { if (mErrorOverride == Apache2Module::UNSET) { return false; } else { return mErrorOverride == Apache2Module::ENABLED; } } Threeway getFriendlyErrorPages() const { return mFriendlyErrorPages; } bool getHighPerformance() const { if (mHighPerformance == Apache2Module::UNSET) { return false; } else { return mHighPerformance == Apache2Module::ENABLED; } } bool getLoadShellEnvvars() const { if (mLoadShellEnvvars == Apache2Module::UNSET) { return true; } else { return mLoadShellEnvvars == Apache2Module::ENABLED; } } bool getPreloadBundler() const { if (mPreloadBundler == Apache2Module::UNSET) { return false; } else { return mPreloadBundler == Apache2Module::ENABLED; } } bool getStickySessions() const { if (mStickySessions == Apache2Module::UNSET) { return false; } else { return mStickySessions == Apache2Module::ENABLED; } } int getForceMaxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess() const { if (mForceMaxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess == UNSET_INT_VALUE) { return -1; } else { return mForceMaxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess; } } int getLveMinUid() const { if (mLveMinUid == UNSET_INT_VALUE) { return DEFAULT_LVE_MIN_UID; } else { return mLveMinUid; } } int getMaxPreloaderIdleTime() const { if (mMaxPreloaderIdleTime == UNSET_INT_VALUE) { return DEFAULT_MAX_PRELOADER_IDLE_TIME; } else { return mMaxPreloaderIdleTime; } } int getMaxRequestQueueSize() const { if (mMaxRequestQueueSize == UNSET_INT_VALUE) { return DEFAULT_MAX_REQUEST_QUEUE_SIZE; } else { return mMaxRequestQueueSize; } } int getMaxRequests() const { if (mMaxRequests == UNSET_INT_VALUE) { return 0; } else { return mMaxRequests; } } int getMinInstances() const { if (mMinInstances == UNSET_INT_VALUE) { return 1; } else { return mMinInstances; } } int getStartTimeout() const { if (mStartTimeout == UNSET_INT_VALUE) { return DEFAULT_START_TIMEOUT / 1000; } else { return mStartTimeout; } } StaticString getAppEnv() const { if (mAppEnv.empty()) { return P_STATIC_STRING("production"); } else { return mAppEnv; } } StaticString getAppGroupName() const { return mAppGroupName; } StaticString getAppLogFile() const { return mAppLogFile; } StaticString getAppRoot() const { return mAppRoot; } StaticString getAppStartCommand() const { return mAppStartCommand; } StaticString getAppType() const { return mAppType; } StaticString getDirectInstanceRequestAddress() const { if (mDirectInstanceRequestAddress.empty()) { return P_STATIC_STRING(""); } else { return mDirectInstanceRequestAddress; } } StaticString getGroup() const { return mGroup; } StaticString getMeteorAppSettings() const { return mMeteorAppSettings; } StaticString getNodejs() const { if (mNodejs.empty()) { return DEFAULT_NODEJS; } else { return mNodejs; } } StaticString getPython() const { if (mPython.empty()) { return DEFAULT_PYTHON; } else { return mPython; } } StaticString getRestartDir() const { if (mRestartDir.empty()) { return P_STATIC_STRING("tmp"); } else { return mRestartDir; } } StaticString getRuby() const { if (mRuby.empty()) { return StaticString(); } else { return mRuby; } } StaticString getSpawnMethod() const { return mSpawnMethod; } StaticString getStartupFile() const { return mStartupFile; } StaticString getStickySessionsCookieAttributes() const { if (mStickySessionsCookieAttributes.empty()) { return DEFAULT_STICKY_SESSIONS_COOKIE_ATTRIBUTES; } else { return mStickySessionsCookieAttributes; } } StaticString getStickySessionsCookieName() const { if (mStickySessionsCookieName.empty()) { return DEFAULT_STICKY_SESSIONS_COOKIE_NAME; } else { return mStickySessionsCookieName; } } StaticString getUser() const { return mUser; } const std::set<std::string> & getBaseURIs() const { return mBaseURIs; } const std::set<std::string> & getMonitorLogFile() const { return mMonitorLogFile; } }; } // namespace Apache2Module } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_APACHE2_MODULE_DIR_CONFIG_AUTOGENERATED_STRUCT_H_ */
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.0.30 | Génération de la page: 0 |