Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/src/passenger-release-6.0.20/src/agent/Shared/ApiServerUtils.h
/* * Phusion Passenger - * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_API_SERVER_UTILS_H_ #define _PASSENGER_API_SERVER_UTILS_H_ /** * Utility code shared by agent/Core/ApiServer.h and agent/Watchdog/ApiServer.h. * This code handles authentication and authorization * of connected ApiServer clients. * * This file consists of the following items. * * ## Authorization * * The authorizeXXX() family of functions implement authorization checking on a * connected client. Given a client and a request, they perform various * checks and return information on what the client is authorized to do. * * ## Utility * * Various utility functions * * ## Common endpoints * * The apiServerProcessXXX() family of functions implement common endpoints * in the various API servers. */ #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <boost/bind/bind.hpp> #include <boost/regex.hpp> #include <oxt/macros.hpp> #include <oxt/backtrace.hpp> #include <oxt/thread.hpp> #include <sys/types.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <stdexcept> #include <cstddef> #include <cstring> #include <jsoncpp/json.h> #include <modp_b64.h> #include <StaticString.h> #include <Exceptions.h> #include <DataStructures/LString.h> #include <DataStructures/StringKeyTable.h> #include <ServerKit/Server.h> #include <ServerKit/HeaderTable.h> #include <LoggingKit/LoggingKit.h> #include <LoggingKit/Context.h> #include <Utils.h> #include <IOTools/IOUtils.h> #include <IOTools/BufferedIO.h> #include <StrIntTools/StrIntUtils.h> #include <Utils/VariantMap.h> #include <Shared/ApplicationPoolApiKey.h> namespace Passenger { using namespace std; // Forward declarations inline string truncateApiKey(const StaticString &apiKey); /******************************* * * Authorization functions * *******************************/ struct Authorization { uid_t uid; ApplicationPool2::ApiKey apiKey; bool canReadPool; bool canModifyPool; bool canInspectState; bool canAdminister; Authorization() : uid((uid_t) -1), canReadPool(false), canModifyPool(false), canInspectState(false), canAdminister(false) { } }; template<typename Request> inline bool parseBasicAuthHeader(Request *req, string &username, string &password) { const LString *auth = req->headers.lookup("authorization"); if (auth == NULL || auth->size <= 6 || !psg_lstr_cmp(auth, "Basic ", 6)) { return false; } auth = psg_lstr_make_contiguous(auth, req->pool); string authData = modp::b64_decode( auth->start->data + sizeof("Basic ") - 1, auth->size - (sizeof("Basic ") - 1)); string::size_type pos = authData.find(':'); if (pos == string::npos) { return false; } username = authData.substr(0, pos); password = authData.substr(pos + 1); return true; } /* * @throws oxt::tracable_exception */ template<typename ApiServer, typename Client, typename Request> inline Authorization authorize(ApiServer *server, Client *client, Request *req) { TRACE_POINT(); Authorization auth; uid_t uid = -1; gid_t gid = -1; string username, password; try { readPeerCredentials(client->getFd(), &uid, &gid); if (server->authorizeByUid(uid)) { SKC_INFO_FROM_STATIC(server, client, "Authenticated with UID: " << uid); auth.uid = uid; auth.canReadPool = true; auth.canModifyPool = true; auth.canInspectState = auth.canInspectState || uid == 0 || uid == geteuid(); auth.canAdminister = auth.canAdminister || uid == 0 || uid == geteuid(); } else { SKC_INFO_FROM_STATIC(server, client, "Authentication failed for UID: " << uid); } } catch (const SystemException &e) { if (e.code() != ENOSYS && e.code() != EPROTONOSUPPORT) { throw; } } if (server->getApiAccountDatabase().empty()) { SKC_INFO_FROM_STATIC(server, client, "Authenticated as administrator because API account database is empty"); auth.apiKey = ApplicationPool2::ApiKey::makeSuper(); auth.canReadPool = true; auth.canModifyPool = true; auth.canInspectState = true; auth.canAdminister = true; } else if (parseBasicAuthHeader(req, username, password)) { SKC_DEBUG_FROM_STATIC(server, client, "HTTP basic authentication supplied: " << username); if (username == "api") { auth.apiKey = ApplicationPool2::ApiKey(password); if (server->authorizeByApiKey(auth.apiKey)) { SKC_INFO_FROM_STATIC(server, client, "Authenticated with API key: " << truncateApiKey(password)); assert(!auth.apiKey.isSuper()); auth.canReadPool = true; auth.canModifyPool = true; } } else { const typename ApiServer::ApiAccount *account = server->getApiAccountDatabase().lookup(username); if (account != NULL && constantTimeCompare(password, account->password)) { SKC_INFO_FROM_STATIC(server, client, "Authenticated with administrator account: " << username); auth.apiKey = ApplicationPool2::ApiKey::makeSuper(); auth.canReadPool = true; auth.canModifyPool = auth.canModifyPool || !account->readonly; auth.canInspectState = true; auth.canAdminister = auth.canAdminister || !account->readonly; } } } return auth; } template<typename ApiServer, typename Client, typename Request> inline bool authorizeStateInspectionOperation(ApiServer *server, Client *client, Request *req) { return authorize(server, client, req).canInspectState; } template<typename ApiServer, typename Client, typename Request> inline bool authorizeAdminOperation(ApiServer *server, Client *client, Request *req) { return authorize(server, client, req).canAdminister; } /******************************* * * Utility functions * *******************************/ inline VariantMap parseQueryString(const StaticString &query) { VariantMap params; const char *pos =; const char *end = + query.size(); while (pos < end) { const char *assignmentPos = (const char *) memchr(pos, '=', end - pos); if (assignmentPos != NULL) { string name = urldecode(StaticString(pos, assignmentPos - pos)); const char *sepPos = (const char *) memchr(assignmentPos + 1, '&', end - assignmentPos - 1); if (sepPos != NULL) { string value = urldecode(StaticString(assignmentPos + 1, sepPos - assignmentPos - 1)); params.set(name, value); pos = sepPos + 1; } else { StaticString value(assignmentPos + 1, end - assignmentPos - 1); params.set(name, value); pos = end; } } else { throw SyntaxError("Invalid query string format"); } } return params; } inline string truncateApiKey(const StaticString &apiKey) { assert(apiKey.size() == ApplicationPool2::ApiKey::SIZE); char prefix[3]; memcpy(prefix,, 3); return string(prefix, 3) + "*****"; } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> struct ApiServerInternalHttpResponse { static const int ERROR_INVALID_HEADER = -1; static const int ERROR_INVALID_BODY = -2; static const int ERROR_INTERNAL = -3; Server *server; Client *client; Request *req; int status; StringKeyTable<string> headers; string body; vector<string> debugLogs; string errorLogs; BufferedIO io; }; template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> struct ApiServerInternalHttpRequest { Server *server; Client *client; Request *req; string address; http_method method; string uri; StringKeyTable<string> headers; boost::function<void (ApiServerInternalHttpResponse<Server, Client, Request>)> callback; unsigned long long timeout; boost::function< void (ApiServerInternalHttpRequest<Server, Client, Request> &req, ApiServerInternalHttpResponse<Server, Client, Request> &resp, BufferedIO &io )> bodyProcessor; ApiServerInternalHttpRequest() : server(NULL), client(NULL), req(NULL), method(HTTP_GET), timeout(60 * 1000000) { } }; template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerMakeInternalHttpRequestCallbackWrapper( boost::function<void (ApiServerInternalHttpResponse<Server, Client, Request>)> callback, ApiServerInternalHttpResponse<Server, Client, Request> resp) { if (!resp.debugLogs.empty()) { foreach (string log, resp.debugLogs) { SKC_DEBUG_FROM_STATIC(resp.server, resp.client, log); } } if (!resp.errorLogs.empty()) { SKC_ERROR_FROM_STATIC(resp.server, resp.client, resp.errorLogs); } callback(resp); resp.server->unrefRequest(resp.req, __FILE__, __LINE__); } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerMakeInternalHttpRequestThreadMain(ApiServerInternalHttpRequest<Server, Client, Request> req) { typedef ApiServerInternalHttpRequest<Server, Client, Request> InternalRequest; typedef ApiServerInternalHttpResponse<Server, Client, Request> InternalResponse; struct Guard { InternalRequest &req; InternalResponse &resp; SafeLibevPtr libev; bool cleared; Guard(InternalRequest &_req, InternalResponse &_resp, const SafeLibevPtr &_libev) : req(_req), resp(_resp), libev(_libev), cleared(false) { } ~Guard() { if (!cleared) { resp.status = InternalResponse::ERROR_INTERNAL; resp.headers.clear(); resp.body.clear(); libev->runLater(boost::bind( apiServerMakeInternalHttpRequestCallbackWrapper<Server, Client, Request>, req.callback, resp)); } } void clear() { cleared = true; } }; InternalResponse resp; SafeLibevPtr libev = req.server->getContext()->libev; resp.server = req.server; resp.client = req.client; resp.req = req.req; resp.status = InternalResponse::ERROR_INTERNAL; Guard guard(req, resp, libev); try { FileDescriptor conn(connectToServer(req.address, NULL, 0), __FILE__, __LINE__); BufferedIO io(conn); string header; header.append(http_method_str(req.method)); header.append(" ", 1); header.append(req.uri); header.append(" HTTP/1.1\r\n"); StringKeyTable<string>::ConstIterator it(req.headers); while (*it != NULL) { header.append(it.getKey()); header.append(": ", 2); header.append(it.getValue()); header.append("\r\n", 2);; } header.append("Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); writeExact(conn, header, &req.timeout); string statusLine = io.readLine(); resp.debugLogs.push_back("Internal request response data: \"" + cEscapeString(statusLine) + "\""); boost::regex statusLineRegex("^HTTP/.*? ([0-9]+) (.*)$"); boost::smatch results; if (!boost::regex_match(statusLine, results, statusLineRegex)) { guard.clear(); resp.status = InternalResponse::ERROR_INVALID_HEADER; libev->runLater(boost::bind( apiServerMakeInternalHttpRequestCallbackWrapper<Server, Client, Request>, req.callback, resp)); return; } resp.status = (int) stringToUint(results.str(1)); if (resp.status <= 0 || resp.status >= 1000) { guard.clear(); resp.status = InternalResponse::ERROR_INVALID_HEADER; libev->runLater(boost::bind( apiServerMakeInternalHttpRequestCallbackWrapper<Server, Client, Request>, req.callback, resp)); return; } string response; while (true) { response = io.readLine(); resp.debugLogs.push_back("Internal request response data: \"" + cEscapeString(response) + "\""); if (response.empty()) { guard.clear(); resp.status = InternalResponse::ERROR_INVALID_HEADER; libev->runLater(boost::bind( apiServerMakeInternalHttpRequestCallbackWrapper<Server, Client, Request>, req.callback, resp)); return; } else if (response == "\r\n") { break; } else { const char *pos = (const char *) memchr(, ':', response.size()); if (pos == NULL) { guard.clear(); resp.status = InternalResponse::ERROR_INVALID_HEADER; libev->runLater(boost::bind( apiServerMakeInternalHttpRequestCallbackWrapper<Server, Client, Request>, req.callback, resp)); return; } string key(strip(response.substr(0, pos -; string value(response.substr(pos -; value.erase(0, 1); value = strip(value); if (!value.empty() && value[value.size() - 1] == '\r') { value.erase(value.size() - 1, 1); } if (key.empty() || value.empty()) { guard.clear(); resp.status = InternalResponse::ERROR_INVALID_HEADER; libev->runLater(boost::bind( apiServerMakeInternalHttpRequestCallbackWrapper<Server, Client, Request>, req.callback, resp)); return; } resp.headers.insert(key, value); } } if (req.bodyProcessor) { req.bodyProcessor(req, resp, io); } else { resp.body = io.readAll(&req.timeout); } guard.clear(); libev->runLater(boost::bind( apiServerMakeInternalHttpRequestCallbackWrapper<Server, Client, Request>, req.callback, resp)); } catch (const oxt::tracable_exception &e) { resp.errorLogs.append("Exception: "); resp.errorLogs.append(e.what()); resp.errorLogs.append("\n"); resp.errorLogs.append(e.backtrace()); } } /** * Utility function for API servers for making an internal HTTP request, * usually to another agent. The request is made in a background thread. * When done, the callback is called on the event loop. While the request * is being made, a reference to the ServerKit request object is held. * * This is not a fully featured HTTP client and doesn't fully correctly * parse HTTP, so it can't be used with arbitrary servers. It doesn't * support keep-alive and chunked transfer-encodings. */ template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerMakeInternalHttpRequest(const ApiServerInternalHttpRequest<Server, Client, Request> ¶ms) { params.server->refRequest(params.req, __FILE__, __LINE__); oxt::thread(boost::bind( apiServerMakeInternalHttpRequestThreadMain<Server, Client, Request>, params), "Internal HTTP request", 1024 * 128); } /******************************* * * Common endpoints * *******************************/ template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerRespondWith401(Server *server, Client *client, Request *req) { ServerKit::HeaderTable headers; headers.insert(req->pool, "Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); headers.insert(req->pool, "WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"api\""); server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 401, &headers, "Unauthorized"); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerRespondWith404(Server *server, Client *client, Request *req) { ServerKit::HeaderTable headers; headers.insert(req->pool, "Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 404, &headers, "Not found"); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerRespondWith405(Server *server, Client *client, Request *req) { ServerKit::HeaderTable headers; headers.insert(req->pool, "Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 405, &headers, "Method not allowed"); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerRespondWith413(Server *server, Client *client, Request *req) { ServerKit::HeaderTable headers; headers.insert(req->pool, "Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 413, &headers, "Request body too large"); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerRespondWith422(Server *server, Client *client, Request *req, const StaticString &body) { ServerKit::HeaderTable headers; headers.insert(req->pool, "Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); headers.insert(req->pool, "Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"); server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 422, &headers, body); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerRespondWith500(Server *server, Client *client, Request *req, const StaticString &body) { ServerKit::HeaderTable headers; headers.insert(req->pool, "Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); headers.insert(req->pool, "Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"); server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 500, &headers, body); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerProcessPing(Server *server, Client *client, Request *req) { Authorization auth(authorize(server, client, req)); if (auth.canReadPool || auth.canInspectState) { ServerKit::HeaderTable headers; headers.insert(req->pool, "Content-Type", "application/json"); server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 200, &headers, "{ \"status\": \"ok\" }"); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } } else { apiServerRespondWith401(server, client, req); } } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerProcessInfo(Server *server, Client *client, Request *req, const boost::function<void (Json::Value &response)> &postprocessResponse = boost::function<void (Json::Value &)>()) { Authorization auth(authorize(server, client, req)); if (auth.canReadPool || auth.canInspectState) { ServerKit::HeaderTable headers; headers.insert(req->pool, "Content-Type", "application/json"); Json::Value response; response["pid"] = (Json::UInt64) getpid(); response["program_name"] = PROGRAM_NAME; response["program_version"] = PASSENGER_VERSION; response["api_version"] = PASSENGER_API_VERSION; response["api_version_major"] = PASSENGER_API_VERSION_MAJOR; response["api_version_minor"] = PASSENGER_API_VERSION_MINOR; #ifdef PASSENGER_IS_ENTERPRISE response["passenger_enterprise"] = true; #endif if (postprocessResponse) { postprocessResponse(response); } server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 200, &headers, response.toStyledString()); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } } else { apiServerRespondWith401(server, client, req); } } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerProcessBacktraces(Server *server, Client *client, Request *req) { if (authorizeStateInspectionOperation(server, client, req)) { ServerKit::HeaderTable headers; headers.insert(req->pool, "Content-Type", "text/plain"); server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 200, &headers, psg_pstrdup(req->pool, oxt::thread::all_backtraces())); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } } else { apiServerRespondWith401(server, client, req); } } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerProcessShutdown(Server *server, Client *client, Request *req) { if (req->method != HTTP_POST) { apiServerRespondWith405(server, client, req); } else if (authorizeAdminOperation(server, client, req)) { ServerKit::HeaderTable headers; headers.insert(req->pool, "Content-Type", "application/json"); server->exitEvent->notify(); server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 200, &headers, "{ \"status\": \"ok\" }"); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } } else { apiServerRespondWith401(server, client, req); } } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerProcessReopenLogs(Server *server, Client *client, Request *req) { if (req->method != HTTP_POST) { apiServerRespondWith405(server, client, req); } else if (authorizeAdminOperation(server, client, req)) { ServerKit::HeaderTable headers; headers.insert(req->pool, "Content-Type", "application/json"); ConfigKit::Store config = LoggingKit::context->getConfig(); if (!config["target"].isMember("path")) { server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 500, &headers, "{ \"status\": \"error\", " "\"code\": \"NO_LOG_FILE\", " "\"message\": \"" PROGRAM_NAME " was not configured with a log file.\" }\n"); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } return; } LoggingKit::ConfigChangeRequest configReq; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; bool ok; try { // We deliberately ignore the target.stderr key. // If the log file was equal to stderr then we'll want // to reopen the log file anyway. Json::Value updates; updates["target"] = config["target"]["path"]; ok = LoggingKit::context->prepareConfigChange(updates, errors, configReq); } catch (const SystemException &e) { unsigned int bufsize = 2048; char *message = (char *) psg_pnalloc(req->pool, bufsize); snprintf(message, bufsize, "{ \"status\": \"error\", " "\"code\": \"OS_ERROR\", " "\"message\": \"Cannot reopen log files: %s\" }", e.what()); server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 500, &headers, message); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } return; } catch (const std::exception &e) { unsigned int bufsize = 2048; char *message = (char *) psg_pnalloc(req->pool, bufsize); snprintf(message, bufsize, "{ \"status\": \"error\", " "\"code\": \"GENERIC_ERROR\", " "\"message\": \"Cannot reopen log files: %s\" }", e.what()); server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 500, &headers, message); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } return; } if (!ok) { unsigned int bufsize = 2048; char *message = (char *) psg_pnalloc(req->pool, bufsize); snprintf(message, bufsize, "{ \"status\": \"error\", " "\"code\": \"CONFIG_VALIDATION_ERROR\", " "\"message\": \"Cannot reopen log files:" " invalid logging system configuration: %s\" }", ConfigKit::toString(errors).c_str()); server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 500, &headers, message); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } return; } LoggingKit::context->commitConfigChange(configReq); P_NOTICE("All log file(s) reopened."); server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 200, &headers, "{ \"status\": \"ok\" }\n"); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } } else { apiServerRespondWith401(server, client, req); } } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void _apiServerProcessReinheritLogsResponseBody( ApiServerInternalHttpRequest<Server, Client, Request> &req, ApiServerInternalHttpResponse<Server, Client, Request> &resp, BufferedIO &io) { typedef ApiServerInternalHttpResponse<Server, Client, Request> InternalResponse; string logFilePath = resp.headers.lookupCopy("Filename"); if (logFilePath.empty()) { resp.status = InternalResponse::ERROR_INVALID_BODY; resp.errorLogs.append("Error communicating with Watchdog process: " "no log filename received in response"); return; } int fd = readFileDescriptorWithNegotiation(io.getFd(), &req.timeout); FdGuard guard(fd, __FILE__, __LINE__); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_PURPOSE(fd, "Reinherited log file handle"); ConfigKit::Store oldConfig = LoggingKit::context->getConfig(); Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; LoggingKit::ConfigChangeRequest configReq; bool ok; config["target"] = oldConfig["target"]; config["target"]["fd"] = fd; config["target"].removeMember("stderr"); try { ok = LoggingKit::context->prepareConfigChange(config, errors, configReq); } catch (const std::exception &e) { resp.status = InternalResponse::ERROR_INTERNAL; resp.errorLogs.append("Error reconfiguring logging system: "); resp.errorLogs.append(e.what()); return; } if (!ok) { resp.status = InternalResponse::ERROR_INTERNAL; resp.errorLogs.append("Error reconfiguring logging system: "); resp.errorLogs.append(ConfigKit::toString(errors)); return; } LoggingKit::context->commitConfigChange(configReq); guard.clear(); P_NOTICE("All log file(s) reinherited."); } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void _apiServerProcessReinheritLogsDone(ApiServerInternalHttpResponse<Server, Client, Request> resp) { typedef ApiServerInternalHttpResponse<Server, Client, Request> InternalResponse; Server *server = resp.server; Client *client = resp.client; Request *req = resp.req; int status; StaticString body; if (req->ended()) { return; } if (resp.status < 0) { status = 500; switch (resp.status) { case InternalResponse::ERROR_INVALID_HEADER: body = "{ \"status\": \"error\", " "\"code\": \"INHERIT_ERROR\", " "\"message\": \"Error communicating with Watchdog process: " "invalid response headers from Watchdog\" }\n"; break; case InternalResponse::ERROR_INVALID_BODY: body = "{ \"status\": \"error\", " "\"code\": \"INHERIT_ERROR\", " "\"message\": \"Error communicating with Watchdog process: " "invalid response body from Watchdog\" }\n"; break; case InternalResponse::ERROR_INTERNAL: body = "{ \"status\": \"error\", " "\"code\": \"INHERIT_ERROR\", " "\"message\": \"Error communicating with Watchdog process: " "an internal error occurred\" }\n"; break; default: body = "{ \"status\": \"error\", " "\"code\": \"INHERIT_ERROR\", " "\"message\": \"Error communicating with Watchdog process: " "unknown error\" }\n"; break; } } else if (resp.status == 200) { status = 200; body = "{ \"status\": \"ok\" }\n"; } else { status = 500; body = "{ \"status\": \"error\", " "\"code\": \"INHERIT_ERROR\", " "\"message\": \"Error communicating with Watchdog process: non-200 response\" }\n"; } ServerKit::HeaderTable headers; headers.insert(req->pool, "Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); headers.insert(req->pool, "Content-Type", "application/json"); req->wantKeepAlive = false; server->writeSimpleResponse(client, status, &headers, body); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } } template<typename Server, typename Client, typename Request> inline void apiServerProcessReinheritLogs(Server *server, Client *client, Request *req, const StaticString &instanceDir, const StaticString &fdPassingPassword) { if (req->method != HTTP_POST) { apiServerRespondWith405(server, client, req); } else if (authorizeAdminOperation(server, client, req)) { ServerKit::HeaderTable headers; headers.insert(req->pool, "Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); headers.insert(req->pool, "Content-Type", "application/json"); if (instanceDir.empty() || fdPassingPassword.empty()) { server->writeSimpleResponse(client, 501, &headers, "{ \"status\": \"error\", " "\"code\": \"NO_WATCHDOG\", " "\"message\": \"No Watchdog process\" }\n"); if (!req->ended()) { server->endRequest(&client, &req); } return; } ApiServerInternalHttpRequest<Server, Client, Request> params; params.server = server; params.client = client; params.req = req; params.address = "unix:" + instanceDir + "/agents.s/watchdog_api"; params.method = HTTP_GET; params.uri = "/config/log_file.fd"; params.headers.insert("Fd-Passing-Password", fdPassingPassword); params.callback = _apiServerProcessReinheritLogsDone<Server, Client, Request>; params.bodyProcessor = _apiServerProcessReinheritLogsResponseBody<Server, Client, Request>; apiServerMakeInternalHttpRequest(params); } else { apiServerRespondWith401(server, client, req); } } } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_API_SERVER_UTILS_H_ */
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