Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/usr/share/tests/pecl/imagick/tests/145_imagickkernel_coverage.phpt
--TEST-- ImagickKernel::fromMatrix test --SKIPIF-- <?php $imageMagickRequiredVersion = 0x680; require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); ?> --FILE-- <?php $kernel = array( array(1, 0, -1), array(1, 0, -1), array(1, 0, -1), ); $kernel = ImagickKernel::fromMatrix($kernel); $kernel->scale(1, \Imagick::NORMALIZE_KERNEL_VALUE); $kernel->addUnityKernel(0.50); $imagick = new \Imagick(); $imagick->newPseudoImage(640, 480, "magick:logo"); $imagick->morphology( \Imagick::MORPHOLOGY_CONVOLVE, 1, $kernel ); $tests = array(); $tests[] = array( "Cannot create kernel, matrix is empty.", array() ); $tests[] = array( "Values must be matrix, with the same number of columns in each row.", array(0, 1, 1) ); //Should fail, matrix needs to have same number columns in each row $tests[] = array( "Values must be matrix, with the same number of columns in each row.", array( array(1, 0, 1), array(1, 0, 1), array(1, 0), ) ); //Should fail, value instead of second row $tests[] = array( "Values must be matrix, with the same number of columns in each row.", array( array(0, 1), 1 ) ); //Should fail, value instead of second row $tests[] = array( "Only numbers or false are valid values in a kernel matrix.", array( array(0, 1), array(0, new StdClass), ) ); $tests[] = array( "For kernels with even numbered rows or columns, the origin position must be specified.", array( array(1, 0), ), ); foreach ($tests as $test) { list($expectedMessage, $testValue) = $test; try { $kernel = ImagickKernel::fromMatrix($testValue); echo "Failed to throw exception".PHP_EOL; } catch(ImagickKernelException $e) { if ($e->getMessage() != $expectedMessage) { echo "Unexpected message ".$e->getMessage()." for test:".PHP_EOL; var_dump($test); } } } try { $kernel = ImagickKernel::fromBuiltin(\Imagick::KERNEL_DIAMOND, "CestNestPasUneKernel"); //echo "builtIn OK".PHP_EOL; } catch(Exception $e) { echo "Unexpected exception: ".$e->getMessage().PHP_EOL; } //Test adding unity kernel works. $matrix1 = array( array(1, 1, 1), array(0, 0, 0), array(-1, -1, -1), ); $kernel = ImagickKernel::fromMatrix($matrix1); $kernel->addUnityKernel(0.5); $matrix = $kernel->getMatrix(); if ($matrix[1][1] != 0.5) { echo "center point should be 0.5 but is actually ".$matrix[1][1].PHP_EOL; var_dump($matrix); } //echo "Adding unity kernel ok".PHP_EOL; // Test adding kernel works and you can get the values back $matrix1 = array( array(1, 1), array(0, 0), ); $matrix2 = array( array(0, 0), array(1, 1), ); $kernel1 = ImagickKernel::fromMatrix($matrix1, array(0, 0)); $kernel2 = ImagickKernel::fromMatrix($matrix2, array(0, 0)); $kernel1->addKernel($kernel2); $kernelList = $kernel1->separate(); if (count($kernelList) != 2) { echo "Incorrect number of matrixes returned."; } else { if ($kernelList[0]->getMatrix() != $matrix1) { echo "Matrix 1 does not match".PHP_EOL; var_dump($kernelList[0]); } if ($kernelList[1]->getMatrix() != $matrix2) { echo "Matrix 2 does not match".PHP_EOL; var_dump($kernelList[1]); } } //Test Scaling $matrixIn = array( array(-1, 0, -1), array( 0, 8, 0), array(-1, 0, -1), ); $kernel = ImagickKernel::fromMatrix($matrixIn); $kernel->scale(1, \Imagick::NORMALIZE_KERNEL_VALUE); $matrixOut = $kernel->getMatrix(); if ($matrixOut[1][1] != 2) { echo "Matrix was not normalised correctly."; var_dump($matrixOut); } //Test single line kernel works $matrixIn = array( array(1, 0), ); $kernel = ImagickKernel::fromMatrix($matrixIn, array(1, 0)); if ($kernel->getMatrix() != $matrixIn) { echo "Values do not match for 'Test single line kernel works'".PHP_EOL; } //Test even sized kernel works $matrixIn = array( array(-1, 0), array( 0, 1) ); $kernel = ImagickKernel::fromMatrix($matrixIn, array(0, 1)); if ($kernel->getMatrix() != $matrixIn) { echo "Values do not match for 'Test even sized kernel works'".PHP_EOL; } //Test 'wrong' order matrix is converted correctly. $matrix = array( array(0.0, 1.0), array(0.5, false) ); $outOfOrderMatrix = array(); $outOfOrderMatrix[1][1] = $matrix[1][1]; $outOfOrderMatrix[1][0] = $matrix[1][0]; $outOfOrderMatrix[0][1] = $matrix[0][1]; $outOfOrderMatrix[0][0] = $matrix[0][0]; $kernel = ImagickKernel::fromMatrix($outOfOrderMatrix, array(0, 0)); $kernelMatrix = $kernel->getMatrix(); if ($kernelMatrix !== $matrix) { echo "Kernel generated from 'out of order' matrix is incorrect.".PHP_EOL; var_dump($matrix); echo "vs".PHP_EOL; var_dump($kernelMatrix); } echo "Complete".PHP_EOL; ?> --EXPECTF-- Complete
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