'[[softdbhost]]', # MySql server 'name' => '[[softdb]]', # Database name 'user' => '[[softdbuser]]', # MySql user 'pass' => '[[softdbpass]]', # MySql password 'prepend' => '[[dbprefix]]' # To prepend before the table names ); // what to prepend before the table names, don't change this after installing! Do it before. $cfg['dbprepend'] = $db['prepend']; // If you use the Bad Blue webserver, set the following value to 1 $cfg['badblue'] = 0; // If you want to disable logins and let everybody with http access to your // site get in, change the two following options. (WARNING! ALL SECURITY NOW VANISH.) $cfg['disablelogin'] = 0; // If you disable logins, a default user has to be chosen. Setting this to 1 means // the first user which is usually the admin. $cfg['assumeuserid'] = 1; // enable the getid3 package. getid package must reside under getid3/ under the directory // this file exists. If it does not, please change the 'include' statement below. $cfg['enablegetid3'] = 0; // where the getid3.php file exists $cfg['getid3include'] = 'getid3/getid3.php'; //how many titles of one album do we need to treat as a album? Turn to zero to show all. $cfg['titlesperalbum'] = 0; // for multiple downloads. $cfg['archivemode'] = false; $cfg['archivefilelist_cr'] = "\n"; // turn this on to show commands when creating INSTEAD of executing $cfg['archivemodedebug'] = false; // where archivemode stores data. For UNIX it should be /tmp/, For win32 it should be: c:\\tmp\\ $cfg['archivetemp'] = '/tmp/'; // Read here before enabling: http://www.kplaylist.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=196 $cfg['id3editor'] = 0; // cookie name $cfg['cookie'] = 'kplaylist'; // list of directories to ignore. $cfg['dirignorelist'] = array('..' => 1, '.' => 1, 'lost+found' => 1); // For use of automatic search engine update via lynx / cron. Turn to 1 to enable. Check // www.kplaylist.net for information how to run this update automatically. $cfg['autoupdate'] = 0; $cfg['autoupdatehost'] = ''; $cfg['autoupdateuser'] = 'autooperate'; // what date format to use. if you want to change, look here: http://php.net/date/ for the format $cfg['dateformat'] = 'd.m.y H:i'; $cfg['timeformat'] = 'H:i'; // format when listing periods in what's hot $cfg['dateformatwhatshot'] = 'M Y'; // small format $cfg['smalldateformat'] = 'd.m.y'; // if the dir count exceeds this count, it will not be considered a 'album' directory and albums will not be shown $cfg['isalbumdircount'] = 1; // sort the root? does not affect sorting in subdirs. $cfg['sortroot'] = true; // to reopen an uri after logon $cfg['accepturi'] = true; // where to cut the front bulletin message $cfg['frontbulletinchars'] = 120; // where to break 'last stream' titles $cfg['laststreambreak'] = 33; // miniumum hits to show in whats'hot $cfg['whatshotminimumhits'] = 5; // lame command (transcode) $cfg['lamecmd'] = '/usr/local/bin/lame --silent --nores --nohist --mp3input -h -m s -b %bitrate% "%file%" -'; // ogg command (transcode) $cfg['oggcmd'] = '/usr/bin/oggdec -Q "%file%" -o - | /usr/bin/oggenc - --quiet --managed -b %bitrate% -o -'; // enable ogg transcoding, look the line above for the command, check this before enabling $cfg['oggtranscode'] = false; $lamebitrates = array(0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320); // enabled (0/1) extension cmd (%D = destination file, %F source OR %LIST if using filelist.) mime name // YOU MUST SUIT THESE ARCHIVERS TO YOUR OWN NEED. DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT BLINDLY. $archivers = array(); $archivers[] = array(1, 'zip', '/usr/bin/zip -j -0 %D "%F"', 'application/zip', 'zip'); $archivers[] = array(1, 'tar','/bin/tar cf %D --files-from "%LIST"', 'application/x-tar', 'tar'); $archivers[] = array(0, 'rar', 'C:\Programfiler\WinRAR\rar.exe -m0 a %D "%F"', 'application/x-rar', 'rar'); // stream 'engine' finetune settings. $streamsettings = array( 'preload' => 215, 'buffer' => 105, 'sleep' => 0.999, 'bitrates' => array(32, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 512), 'defaultrate' => 288, 'precision' => 1000, 'forcedefaultrate' => 0 ); // syntax: .filename, mime header, file in M3U, get id function, viewable, log access $streamtypes_default = array( 0 => array ('mp3', 'audio/mpeg', 1, 1, 1, 1), 1 => array ('mp2', 'audio/mpeg', 1, 1, 1, 1), 2 => array ('ogg', 'application/x-ogg', 1, 2, 1, 1), 3 => array ('wav', 'audio/wave', 1, 0, 1, 1), 4 => array ('wma', 'audio/x-ms-wma', 1, 0, 1, 1), 5 => array ('mpg', 'video/mpeg', 1, 0, 1, 1), 6 => array ('mpeg', 'video/mpeg', 1, 0, 1, 1), 7 => array ('avi', 'video/avi', 0, 0, 1, 1), 8 => array ('wmv', 'video/x-ms-wmv', 1, 0, 1, 1), 9 => array ('asf', 'application/vnd.ms-asf', 0, 0, 1, 1), 10 => array ('m3u', 'audio/x-mpegurl', 0, 0, 0, 0), 11 => array ('flac', 'audio/x-flac', 1, 0, 1, 1), 12 => array ('jpg' , 'image/jpeg', 0, 0, 1, 0), 13 => array ('gif' , 'image/gif', 0, 0, 1, 0), 14 => array ('png' , 'image/png', 0, 0, 1, 0) ); // filetypes to include or ignore when showing statistics // use * for everything, "-" and "+" for ignore and include. NB! If change, do an (normal) update. $cfg['stat_count_ftype'] = array('*'); // example for everything except jpg, gif, png: array('*', '-12', '-13', '-14'); // files to look for to detect basedirs $cfg['detecttypes'] = array('.mp3' => 1, '.mp2' => 1, '.ogg' => 1, '.wma' => 1); // dirs to ignore when detecting base dirs (find tool) $cfg['detectignoredirs'] = array('temp', 'tmp', 'temporary internet files', 'documents and settings', 'winnt', 'windows', 'win32', 'win nt'); // when using getid3 and id3 tags - highest most importnant, 0 to disable $cfg['id3tagspri'] = array('id3v1' => 1, 'id3v2' => 2); // maximum size in bytes for album images (if and when auto id3v2 tag.) $cfg['maxtagimagesize'] = 1048576; // set to zero for no limit - default 1 mb. // if you enabled urlsecurity in settings, you can specify how long a url will be valid (in seconds) (0 for no limit) $cfg['urlsecurityvalidtime'] = 0; // order by tracks $cfg['ordertrack'] = true; // when resizing jpeg album $cfg['jpeg-quality'] = 90; // resize album images the same way via web as with stream? $cfg['id3v2albumresize'] = true; // map design to files instead of inbuilt ('' means inbuilt). set one or each to a relevant filename to customize, // download the template from here: http://www.kplaylist.net/getdesign.php $cfg['designmap'] = array( 'login' => '', 'infobox' => '', 'endmp3table' => '', 'top' => '', 'bottom' => '', 'blackbox' => '', 'detailedview' => '', 'dirheader' => '' ); // all // how many last stream titles to show $cfg['laststreamscount'] = 6; // if using pear (mailmp3), where should we include pear mail files? (relevant to php general include path, pear lib should be in this) $cfg['pearmailpath'] = 'Mail/'; $cfg['striphtmlbulletin'] = true; // strip away tags from bulletin (when storing.) // many file select boxes in upload $cfg['uploadselections'] = 3; // many streams in rss? $cfg['rsslaststreamcount'] = 25; // how to group artist/albums from whatsnew. Default: album, artist (before build 420) $cfg['albumartistgroup'] = array('album', 'artist'); // can be switched to false after installing for improved security $cfg['installerenabled'] = true; // merge root directories? (to avoid duplicate directory names) $cfg['mergerootdir'] = false; // convert filesystem (directories) during display? Needs iconv support. $cfg['convertcharset'] = false; // which charset to convert from. for other charsets, please look here: http://no.php.net/manual/en/ref.iconv.php $cfg['filesystemcharset'] = 'UTF-8'; // count of logins (many times one can login concurrently with the same credentials), 0 means indefinite. $cfg['numberlogins'] = 0; // dirlist: sort each row (1) or each column (2)? $cfg['columnsorttype'] = 2; // enable httpQ support $cfg['httpq_support'] = false; $cfg['httpq_parm'] = array( 'server' => 'localhost', 'port' => 4800, 'pass' => 'test' ); // ajax update live streams -- requires that Settings->Customize->AJax url is filled out (and correct.) $cfg['livestreamajax'] = false; // number of milliseconds to update (interval) (default 5 seconds.) $cfg['livestreamajaxupdatetime'] = 5000; // number of milliseconds to update (interval) (default 5 seconds.) $cfg['shoutboxupdatetime'] = 5000; // how many messages to show $cfg['shoutboxmessages'] = 5; // enable radio functionality? (NEED icecast/ices2++) Read forum. $cfg['radio'] = false; // use _ in hotselect for a new line. If UTF-8 characters, make sure your editor supports it! $cfg['hotselectchars'] = '*0abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; // customized/personal genres, if adding/changing needs an re-update with id3rebuild for changes to take effect. // example: = array('My genre', 'Another genre', 'My genre 3'); $cfg['custom_genres'] = array(); // allow users their own homedir (set homedir in usereditor) $cfg['userhomedir'] = false; // operate in UTF-8 mode? Recommended if you have any users speaking other // languages than english and if you have music with other titles than english. // NB!! Do not switch this to true unless you know what you're doing. $cfg['utf8mode'] = false; // if you wish to use URL's such as http://kplaylist/music/04343/File.mp3 instead of the ones // with streamsid, cookieid, etc. This currently only works with stream urls and it REQUIRES // that your web server redirects calls. $cfg['filepathurl'] = false; // start, but do not end with slash $cfg['filepathurlprepend'] = '/music'; // authtype, cookie default, session is the alternative $cfg['authtype'] = 1; // 1=cookie, 2=session $cfg['musicmatch'] = true; // inbuilt music match support? Default true (randomizer feature.) // size of window for "external" player $cfg['window_x'] = 420; $cfg['window_y'] = 220; // edit this to suit your setup $cfg['xspf_url'] = 'http://mysite/blah/xspf_player.swf'; // enable xspf? Make sure the URL above works. $cfg['xspf_enable'] = false; // JW: edit this to suit your setup $cfg['jw_urls'] = array( 'swf' => 'jw/mediaplayer.swf', 'js' => 'jw/swfobject.js' ); // size of window for "external" player $cfg['jw_window_x'] = 500; $cfg['jw_window_y'] = 550; // enable jw player? Make sure the URLs above works. $cfg['jw_enable'] = false; // end of configuration if (file_exists('kpconfig.php')) include('kpconfig.php'); function verchar($in) { if ($in == '1' || $in == '0') return $in; else return 0; } function geturi() { global $phpenv; if (isset($_POST['uri'])) $uri = $_POST['uri']; else $uri = urlencode($phpenv['uri']); return stripslashes(strip_tags($uri)); } function vernum($in) { if (is_numeric($in)) return $in; else return 0; } function vernumset($in, $value) { if (is_numeric($in)) return $in; else return $value; } function make_seed() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); return (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000); } function mkor($arr, $name) { $sql = ''; if (is_array($arr)) { $sql = $name; foreach($arr as $g) $sql .= ' = '.$g.' OR '.$name; return substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - (strlen($name) + 4)); } return $sql; } function frpost($name, $numeric=false, $numvalue=0) { if (isset($_POST[$name])) return $_POST[$name]; if ($numeric) return $numvalue; else return ''; } function fruser($name, $numeric=false, $numvalue=0) { if (isset($_POST[$name])) return $_POST[$name]; if (isset($_GET[$name])) return $_GET[$name]; if ($numeric) return $numvalue; else return ''; } function fruserset($name) { if (isset($_POST[$name]) || isset($_GET[$name])) return true; return false; } function fruserempty($name) { $data = fruser($name); if (empty($data)) true; return false; } function access_denied() { echo 'Access denied.'; die(); } function refreshurl($url) { ?>