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- - Comment result token.extutils::helpers::unixExtUtils::Helpers::Unix 3pm 3 1583449680 A - - - Unix specific helper bitsjson::backportppJSON::backportPP 3pm 3 1573512724 A - - - JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module.module::build::authoringModule::Build::Authoring 3pm 3 1583449675 A - - - Authoring Module::Build modulescpan::meta::prereqsCPAN::Meta::Prereqs 3pm 3 1583449662 A - - - a set of distribution prerequisites by phase and typemodule::build::bundlingModule::Build::Bundling 3pm 3 1583449675 A - - - How to bundle Module::Build with a distributiontest2::ipc::driverTest2::IPC::Driver 3pm 3 1573512602 A - - - Base class for Test2 IPC drivers.template::toolkit::simpleTemplate::Toolkit::Simple 3pm 3 1573512922 A - - - A Simple Interface to Template Toolkittap::formatter::sessionTAP::Formatter::Session 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Abstract base class for harness output delegatetest2::event::v2Test2::Event::V2 3pm 3 1573512602 A - - - Second generation event.netaddr::ipNetAddr::IP 3pm 3 1573512542 A - - - Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnetstest2::eventfacet::errorTest2::EventFacet::Error 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Facet for errors that need to be shown.html::parseHTML::Parse 3pm 3 1583449676 A - - - Deprecated, a wrapper around HTML::TreeBuildertest2::event::okTest2::Event::Ok 3pm 3 1573512602 A - - - Ok event typetest2::hub::subtestTest2::Hub::Subtest 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Hub used by subtestsjson::ppJSON::PP 3pm 3 1583449661 A - - - JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module.test2::eventfacetTest2::EventFacet 3pm 3 1573512602 A - - - Base class for all event facets.www::mechanize::examplesWWW::Mechanize::Examples 3pm 3 1583449686 A - - - Sample programs that use WWW::Mechanizetap::formatter::colorTAP::Formatter::Color 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Run Perl test scripts with colortap::parser::sourcehandler::perlTAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Stream TAP from a Perl executablenetaddr::ip::liteNetAddr::IP::Lite 3pm 3 1573512541 A - - - Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnetstap::parser::result::versionTAP::Parser::Result::Version 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - TAP syntax version token.app::prove::stateApp::Prove::State 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - State storage for the "prove" command.test2::eventTest2::Event 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Base class for eventstest2::transitionTest2::Transition 3pm 3 1573512602 A - - - Transition notes when upgrading to Test2module::loadModule::Load 3pm 3 1583449636 A - - - runtime require of both modules and filestap::harness::beyondTAP::Harness::Beyond 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Beyond make testuse-devel-checklib- 1 1 1583449640 A - - - (DEPRECATED)a script to package Devel::CheckLib with your code.cpan::meta::history::meta_1_4CPAN::Meta::History::Meta_1_4 3pm 3 1583449662 A - - - Version 1.4 metadata specification for META.ymlcgi::pushCGI::Push 3pm 3 1583449678 A - - - Simple Interface to Server Pushtap::parser::sourcehandlerTAP::Parser::SourceHandler 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Base class for different TAP source handlerstest::builder::formatterTest::Builder::Formatter 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Test::Builder subclass of Test2::Formatter::TAPtap::parser::multiplexerTAP::Parser::Multiplexer 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Multiplex multiple TAP::Parserstest2::event::tap::versionTest2::Event::TAP::Version 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Event for TAP version.uri::queryparamURI::QueryParam 3pm 3 1573512940 A - - - Additional query methods for URIswww::mechanize::linkWWW::Mechanize::Link 3pm 3 1583449686 A - - - Link object for WWW::Mechanizemodule::build::ppmmakerModule::Build::PPMMaker 3pm 3 1583449675 A - - - Perl Package Manager file creationcpan::meta::yamlCPAN::Meta::YAML 3pm 3 1583449662 A - - - Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta filesapp::prove::state::resultApp::Prove::State::Result 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Individual test suite results.test::needsTest::Needs 3pm 3 1573512934 A - - - Skip tests when modules not availabletap::parser::aggregatorTAP::Parser::Aggregator 3pm 3 1583449674 A - - - Aggregate TAP::Parser resultshtml::tree::aboutobjectsHTML::Tree::AboutObjects 3pm 3 1583449676 A - - - - article: "User's View of Object-Oriented Modules"tap::objectTAP::Object 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Base class that provides common functionality to all "TAP::*" modulesdata::validate::ipData::Validate::IP 3pm 3 1573512561 A - - - IPv4 and IPv6 validation methodsjson::backportpp::compat5006JSON::backportPP::Compat5006 3pm 3 1573512850 A - - - Helper module in using JSON::PP in Perl 5.6test::testerTest::Tester 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Ease testing test modules built with Test::Buildertest2::eventfacet::planTest2::EventFacet::Plan 3pm 3 1573512602 A - - - Facet for setting the planuri::_punycodeURI::_punycode 3pm 3 1573512940 A - - - encodes Unicode string in Punycodetap::harness::envTAP::Harness::Env 3pm 3 1583449674 A - - - Parsing harness related environmental variables where appropriateapp::proveApp::Prove 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Implements the "prove" command.json_pp- 1 1 1583449661 A - - - JSON::PP command utilitycgi::utilCGI::Util 3pm 3 1583449678 A - - - Internal utilities used by CGI modulemodule::build::platform::darwinModule::Build::Platform::darwin 3pm 3 1583449675 A - - - Builder class for Mac OS X platformjson::syckJSON::Syck 3pm 3 1583449656 A - - - JSON is YAML (but consider using JSON::XS instead!)hacking.podHACKING.pod 3pm 3 1583449673 C Test::HACKING - - module::build::platform::cygwinModule::Build::Platform::cygwin 3pm 3 1583449675 A - - - Builder class for Cygwin platform$mtime$1583475905module::build::tinyModule::Build::Tiny 3pm 3 1583449683 A - - - A tiny replacement for Module::Buildmodule::build::configdataModule::Build::ConfigData 3pm 3 1583449675 A - - - Configuration for Module::Buildmodule::build::platform::vmsModule::Build::Platform::VMS 3pm 3 1583449675 A - - - Builder class for VMS platformstest2::apiTest2::API 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Primary interface for writing Test2 based testing tools.test2::event::passTest2::Event::Pass 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Event for a simple passing assertiontap::parser::sourcehandler::rawtapTAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Stream output from raw TAP in a scalar/array ref.extutils::helpers::windowsExtUtils::Helpers::Windows 3pm 3 1583449680 A - - - Windows specific helper bitstest2::api::contextTest2::API::Context 3pm 3 1573512602 A - - - Object to represent a testing context.test2::eventfacet::hubTest2::EventFacet::Hub 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Facet for the hubs an event passes through.tap::parser::yamlish::writerTAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Write YAMLish datatest::moreTest::More 3pm 3 1573512602 A - - - yet another framework for writing test scriptstap::parserTAP::Parser 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Parse TAP outputuri::urlURI::URL 3pm 3 1573512940 A - - - Uniform Resource Locatorsmodule::build::platform::defaultModule::Build::Platform::Default 3pm 3 1583449675 A - - - Stub class for unknown platformstap::parser::scheduler::jobTAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - A single testing job.test::builder::tododiagTest::Builder::TodoDiag 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Test::Builder subclass of Test2::Event::Diagtest2::eventfacet::traceTest2::EventFacet::Trace 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Debug information for eventscpanm 3pm- 3pm 3 1573512505 C App::cpanminus::fatscript - - module::build::platform::windowsModule::Build::Platform::Windows 3pm 3 1583449675 A - - - Builder class for Windows platformshtml::treeHTML::Tree 3pm 3 1583449676 A - - - build and scan parse-trees of HTMLtest::use::okTest::use::ok 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Alternative to Test::More::use_okhtml::assubsHTML::AsSubs 3pm 3 1583449676 A - - - functions that construct a HTML syntax treeprove- 1 1 1583449673 A - - - Run tests through a TAP harness.test::simpleTest::Simple 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Basic utilities for writing tests.path::tinyPath::Tiny 3pm 3 1573512658 A - - - File path utilitytest2::util::externalmetaTest2::Util::ExternalMeta 3pm 3 1573512602 A - - - Allow third party tools to safely attach meta-data to your instances.tap::parser::sourcehandler::fileTAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Stream TAP from a text file.app::prove::state::result::testApp::Prove::State::Result::Test 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - Individual test results.yaml::xs::libyamlYAML::XS::LibYAML 3pm 3 1573512913 A - - - An XS Wrapper Module of libyamldigest::md5Digest::MD5 3pm 3 1573512576 A - - - Perl interface to the MD5 Algorithmtest2::eventfacet::info::tableTest2::EventFacet::Info::Table 3pm 3 1573512602 A - - - Intermediary representation of a table.uri::splitURI::Split 3pm 3 1573512940 A - - - Parse and compose URI stringscpan::meta::specCPAN::Meta::Spec 3pm 3 1583449663 A - - - specification for CPAN distribution metadatatest2::eventfacet::aboutTest2::EventFacet::About 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Facet with event details.www::mechanize::cookbookWWW::Mechanize::Cookbook 3pm 3 1583449686 A - - - Recipes for using WWW::Mechanizeyaml::xsYAML::XS 3pm 3 1573512913 A - - - Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyamltest::builder::testerTest::Builder::Tester 3pm 3 1573512602 A - - - test testsuites that have been built with Test::BuilderstorableStorable 3pm 3 1573512889 A - - - persistence for Perl data structurestap::parser::result::pragmaTAP::Parser::Result::Pragma 3pm 3 1583449673 A - - - TAP pragma token.test2::util::traceTest2::Util::Trace 3pm 3 1573512601 A - - - Legacy wrapper fro Test2::EventFacet::Trace.