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A%743&/= @61<0) --version display version number and patch level --help display this help -v, --verbose verbose debug output -c FILE, --config=FILE use FILE as configuration file -h HOST, --host=HOST explicitly query HOST -n, --no-redirect disable content redirection -s, --no-whoisservers disable whois-servers.net service support -a, --raw disable reformatting of the query -i, --display-redirections display all redirects instead of hiding them -p PORT, --port=PORT use port number PORT (in conjunction with HOST) -r, --rwhois force an rwhois query to be made --rwhois-display=DISPLAY sets the display option in rwhois queries --rwhois-limit=LIMIT sets the maximum number of matches to return -f, --force-lookup force lookup even if the entry is cached -d, --disable-cache disable cache functions %s: illegal option -- %c %s: invalid option -- %c %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous %s: option requires an argument -- %c %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: unrecognized option `--%s' Address family for hostname not supportedBad value for ai_flagsCachedCopyright (C) 1999-%d Free Software Foundation, Inc. End of file looking for '"' on lineError allocating memoryError creating socketError reading cacheError reading data fromError writing to cacheFatal error searching for host to queryFollowing referral toHTTP configuration is incomplete:Invalid expire timeInvalid limitInvalid limit in configuration fileInvalid netmask on lineInvalid port numberMemory allocation failureMissing key on lineMultiple keys on lineName or service not knownNo address associated with hostnameNon-recoverable failure in name resolutionOption http-method must be "GET" or "POST". Option is missing:QueryingRedirected toReport bugs to bug-jwhois@gnu.orgServer does not support display commandServer does not support limitServname not supported for ai_socktypeString out of bounds on lineSystem errorTemporary failure in name resolutionThis program is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.Unable to create temporary fileUnable to openUnable to run web browserUnable to store data in cache Unexpected end of file on lineUnhandled replyUnknown errorUnknown referralUsage: jwhois [OPTIONS] [QUERY][Host terminated connection prematurely] [RWHOIS: Protocol error while sending -rwhois option] [Unable to connect to remote host] ai_family not supportedai_socktype not supportedhost not foundversionProject-Id-Version: jwhois 3.2.1 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-jwhois@gnu.org POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-14 14:08+0530 PO-Revision-Date: 2003-02-04 00:15-0300 Last-Translator: Alexandre Folle de Menezes Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --version exibe nmero de verso e nvel de patch --help exibe esta ajuda -v, --verbose sada de depurao verborrgica -c ARQ, --config=ARQ usa ARQ como arquivo de configurao -h HOST, --host=HOST consulta HOST explicitamente -n, --no-redirect desabilita rejeio de contedo -s, --no-whoisservers desabilita suporte ao servio whois-servers.net -a, --raw desabilita reformatao da consulta -i, --display-redirections exibe todos os redirecionamentos ao invs de escond-los -p PORT, --port=PORTA usa a a porta PORTA (em conjunto com HOST) -r, --rwhois fora a execuo de uma consulta rwhois --rwhois-display=DISPLAY seta a opo display nas consultas rwhois --rwhois-limit=LIMIT seta o nmero mximo de resultados a retornar -f, --force-lookup fora a consulta mesmo que a entrada esteja no cache -d, --disable-cache desabilita as funes de cache %s: opo ilegal -- %c %s: opo invlida -- %c %s: opo `%c%s' no permite argumentos %s: opo `%s' ambgua %s: opo `%s' exige um argumento %s: opo `--%s' no permite argumentos %s: opo `-W %s' no permite argumentos %s: opo `-W %s' ambgua %s: opo exige um argumento -- %c %s: opo `%c%s' no reconhecida %s: opo `--%s' no reconhecida Famlia de endereos para o hostname no suportadaValor ilegal para ai_flagsEm cacheCopyright 1999-%d Free Software Foundation, Inc. Final do arquivo procurando por '"' na linhaErro alocando memriaErro criando o socketErro lendo o cacheErro lendo dados deErro escrevendo no cacheErro fatal procurando por host para consultarSeguindo referncia paraConfigurao HTTP est incompleta:Horrio de expirao invlidoLimite invlidoLimite invlido no arquivo de configuraoMscara de rede invlida na linhaNmero de porta invlidoFalha de alocao de memriaChave faltando na linhaChaves mltiplas na linhaNome ou servio desconhecidoNenhum endereo associado com o hostnameFalha irrecupervel na resoluo de nomesOpo http-method deve ser "GET" ou "POST". Opo faltando:ConsultaRedirecionado paraReporte bugs para bug-jwhois@gnu.orgO servidor no suporta o comando displayO servidor no suporta limiteServname no suportado para ai_socktypeString fora dos limites na linhaErro de sistemaFalha temporria na resoluo de nomesEste programa software livre SEM NENHUMA GARANTIA; voc pode redistribu-lo nos termos da Licensa Pblica Geral GNU.Impossvel criar arquivo temporrioImpossvel abrirImpossvel rodar o navegador webImpossvel guardar dados no cache Final do arquivo no esperado na linhaResposta no tratadaErro desconhecidoReferncia invlidaUso: jwhois [OPTIONS] [QUERY][O host encerrou a conexo prematuramente] [RWHOIS: Erro de protocolo durante envio da opo -rwhois] [Impossvel conectar ao host remoto] ai_family no suportadoai_socktype no suportadohost no encontradoverso