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ZMAoX;e /9W7*,@{Ba#LWB@j;$Itl20{1I(@whA. W^ 8.g*}r< IG}}'`o.;!-uhxu56 DVJ9 =10kOAzg@]s_TMY$u1MvJe= C4s[lq7tHS_L)?k:+ >wV=UpC4Sqn#~C\d|[ P0)XgRB ]Y`LEN'd54w87*$lGtyC;sp8NPA\fI2l:G"O 03T(H~UKb9zb  6iV !d,2^j^/^<h]"+ea.%[xS7T|=6QR?&(?O{";9cvajuXTH/1DqJ-\EJ/] >eyM%ZG>W :-KP?%bSj:38|B:x52dD)+(fv>i\-pn, Q"'b9U QYQ/_k 2"8~HEmOm,fy_3Fxr(sFR o6cF`7iU`cNmL03<&~.$Rr5KpZY*NtVn{P1)g#qz)ir  %+ # E'D v% nw,5cf&a3! Tab kind=%d at %.0f Align=%d, %d tabs. (%.0f before, %.0f after) Indents: first=%.0f others=%.0f, Height=%.1f Desc=%.1f Please enter your message below. Please provide or edit the Organization: header Please provide or edit the Subject: header Please provide your mail address for the From: header Use Ctrl-G to cancel if you do not want to send a message Enter a mail address for a CC of your message. Please enter a mail address or some other Please enter a subject line. Please enter your message below. Please enter your name, or leave it blank to remain anonymous Please review the message body: When you are done, press enter and put a single period (.) With copies to: With copy to: on a line and press enter again. A Fatal error has occurred in %s Ver. %s Code record, can't display Enter the 's'earch command and then specify search words. Headline record, can't display Long Header record, can't display Lynx character sets not declared. Lynx edit map not declared. No articles in this group. No articles in this range. Please enter search keywords. Please notify your system administrator to confirm a bug, and if confirmed, to notify the lynx-dev list. Bug reports should have concise descriptions of the command and/or URL which causes the problem, the operating system name with version number, the TCPIP implementation, the TRACEBACK if it can be captured, and any other relevant information. Press RETURN to clean up: Press RETURN to continue: Press the 's' key and enter search keywords. Text record The keywords that you enter will allow you to search on a There are about %d articles currently available in %s, IDs as follows: This is a searchable Gopher index. This is a searchable index of a CSO database. Enter text into the field by typing on the keyboard Editing Bookmark DESCRIPTION and FILEPATH Select Bookmark %s to delete text in field, [Backspace] to delete a character Ctrl-U to delete text in field, [Backspace] to delete a character Exiting... This file also may be edited with a standard text editor to delete outdated or invalid links, or to change their order. This file is an HTML representation of the X Mosaic hotlist file. Outdated or invalid links may be removed by using the remove bookmark command, it is usually the 'R' key but may have been remapped by you or your system administrator. You can delete links by the 'R' key
    You can delete links using the remove bookmark command. It is usually the 'R' key but may have been remapped by you or your system administrator. %s to delete all text in field, [Backspace] to delete a character Ctrl-U to delete all text in field, [Backspace] to delete a character Arrow keys: Up and Down to move. Right to follow a link; Left to go back. C)reate D)ownload E)dit F)ull menu M)odify R)emove T)ag U)pload O)ther cmds B)ack E)dit D)ownload ^R)eload ^W)ipe screen search doc: / O)ther cmds H)elp K)eymap G)oto P)rint M)ain screen o)ptions Q)uit '>' to save, or 'r' to return to Lynx 'r' to return to Lynx (From History) (Leave blank if you don't want a copy.) (Press 'z' to abort) (WAIS Index) (bad file name) (in (internal) (or via proxy server, if defined) (stalled for %s) (was internal) *** MEMORY EXHAUSTED *** H)elp O)ptions P)rint G)o M)ain screen Q)uit /=search [delete]=history list NOT GIVEN in source file; Print job complete. Search Results Select Bookmark (screen %d of %d) Use Control-U to erase the default. Version WAIS Index. WAIS source file contains the following %d item%s relevant to " description directory first index means to contact you, if you desire a response. of option line, or person's name in the database. to to return to Lynx. to save," in: %s D)ownload, or C)ancel%s cookie: %.*s=%.*s Allow? (Y/N/Always/neVer)%s, Articles %d-%d%s: Invalid Option: %s '%s' not found!'A'lways allowing from domain '%s'.'P'rompting to allow from domain '%s'.(Checkbox Field) Use right-arrow or to toggle.(Choice list) Hit return and use arrow keys and return to select option.(Cookies allowed via prompt.)(Cookies always allowed.)(Cookies never allowed.)(End of session.)(File entry field) Enter filename. Use UP or DOWN arrows or tab to move off.(Form field)(Form field) Enter text. Use to submit (%s for no cache).(Form field) Enter text. Use to submit, arrows or tab to move off.(Form field) Enter text. Use to submit.(Form field) Inactive. Use to edit (%s to submit with no cache).(Form field) Inactive. Use to edit.(Form field) Inactive. Press to edit, press twice to submit.(Form reset button) Use right-arrow or to reset form to defaults.(Form submit button) Use right-arrow or to submit ('x' for no cache).(Form submit button) Use right-arrow or to submit.(NORMAL LINK) Use right-arrow or to activate.(No messages yet)(No name.)(No title.)(No value.)(Option list) Hit return and use arrow keys and return to select option.(Password entry field) Enter text. Use UP or DOWN arrows or tab to move off.(Password entry field) Inactive. Press to activate.(Persistent Cookies.)(Radio Button) Use right-arrow or to toggle.(Short Header record, can't display)(Text entry field) Enter text. Use UP or DOWN arrows or tab to move off.(Text entry field) Inactive. Press to activate.(Textarea) Enter text. Use UP/DOWN arrows or TAB to move off (%s for editor).(Textarea) Enter text. Use UP/DOWN arrows or TAB to move off.(Textarea) Inactive. Press to activate (%s for editor).(Textarea) Inactive. Press to activate.(approximately)(bad doc id)(from a previous session)(mailto form field) Enter text. Use to submit, arrows to move off.(mailto form field) Inactive. Press to change.(mailto form field) Mail is disallowed so you cannot submit.(mailto form submit button) Mail is disallowed so you cannot submit.(mailto form submit button) Use right-arrow or to submit.(no address)(no name)(none)(options marked with (!) will not be saved)(unknown)** Bad HTML!! No form action defined. **** Bad HTML!! Use -trace to diagnose. ***** You have mail. ****** You have new mail. ****** You have unread mail. ******* HTAccess: Status returned was: %d **** HTAccess: socket or file number returned by obsolete load routine! , %s/sec, ETA %s, ISMAP script, bookmark file, guessing..., help on , no-cache, safe, via internal link-- press space for more, use arrow keys to move, '?' for help, 'q' to quit.-- press space for next page ----More-- This is a searchable index. Use %s to search.-index--more-A URL specified by the userA component of path is not a directoryAccept ChangesAccept invalid cookie domain=%s for '%s'?Accept invalid cookie path=%s as a prefix of '%s'?Access PermissionsAccess forbidden by ruleAccess linksAccess to dot files is disabled!Access to local files denied.Access without authorization denied -- retryingActivate links to gobble up cookies or entire domains,Address List PageAddress contains a username: %sAddress has invalid portAddress length looks invalidAlert!: %sAll available articles in All cookies in the domain have been eaten!All of the cookies in the jar have been eaten!Allowing this cookie.Already in target directory: %sAn excellent http server for VMS is available viaAppend '%s'?Are you sure you want to quit?Assumed document character setAuthorization failed. Retry?Authorization info cleared.B)ookmark file: Bad HTML!! Unable to create popup window!Bad partial reference! Stripping lead dots.Bad request!Bad ruleBadly formed address %sBe sure your printer is on-line. Press to start printing:Bookmark deletion failed.Bookmark features are currently disabled.Bookmark fileBookmark file is not defined. Use %s to see options.Bookmark files cannot be traversed (only http URLs).Bookmarks fileBuilding directory listing...Built on %s %s %s ByteSize:CJK modeCSO Search ResultsCSO indexCSO/PH request sent; waiting for response.Cache-Control:Can't AccessCan't access requested file.Can't convert format of WAIS documentCan't open file for reading.Can't open file for uploadingCan't open output file! Cancelling!Can't open temporary file!Can't proceed without a username and password.Can't read news info, empty response from host %sCan't read news info. News host %.20s responded: %.200sCan't retry with authorization! Contact the server's WebMaster.Can't retry with proxy authorization! Contact the server's WebMaster.Can't save data to file -- please run WWW locallyCancelled!!!Cancelling file.Cancelling!Cannot POST to this host.Cannot find HOME directoryCannot locate jump file!Cannot open jump file!Cannot open temporary file for news POST.Cannot save form fields/linksCannot write to file.Change password?Change username?Changing of the User-Agent string is disabled!Changing working-directory is currently disabled.Charset:Clear all authorization info for this session?Client-side image MAP is not accessible!Client-side image MAP is not available!Command: Commands: Use arrow keys to move, '?' for help, 'q' to quit, '<-' to go back.Configuration DefinitionsConnecting to NewsHost ...Connection closed ???Connection failed (too many retries).Connection interrupted.Contains:Content-Length:Content-type: %sConverted Mosaic HotlistCookie JarCookiesCould not access %s.Could not access directory.Could not access file.Could not access finger host.Could not connect to WAIS server.Could not edit file '%s'.Could not find suitable representation for transmission.Could not load data (no sitename in finger URL)Could not load data.Could not make connection non-blocking.Could not open WAIS connection for reading.Could not open file for decompression!Could not restore socket to blocking.Could not set up finger connection.Create file or directory (f or d): Creation date:Current Key MapCurrent directory is Current directory:Current document has POST data.Current selection:Currently viewing document source. Press '\' to return to rendered version.D)elete domain's cookies, set allow A)lways/P)rompt/neV)er, or C)ancel? D)elete domain, set allow A)lways/P)rompt/neV)er, or C)ancel? DISABLED form reset button. Use UP or DOWN arrows or tab to move off.DISABLED form submit button. Use UP or DOWN arrows or tab to move off.Data transfer completeData transfer interrupted.Date:Default Bookmark FileDelete all cookies in this domain?Delete this cookie?Delete this empty domain?Description:Destination has different owner! Request denied.Destination is not a valid directory! Request denied.Diagnostic code is Direct accessDirectoryDirectory browsing is not allowed.Directory that you are currently viewingDirectory that you have currently selectedDirectory/File Manager not availableDiscarding POST data...Display and Character SetDisplay character setDo you really want to delete this link from your bookmark file?Do you really want to go to the Main screen?Do you want to go back to the previous document?Do you wish to include the original message?Do you wish to include the preparsed source?Do you wish to send a comment?Document AppearanceDocument from Form with POST content. Resubmit?Document from POST action, HEAD may not be understood. Proceed?Document has no Toolbar links or Banner.Document has only hidden links. Use the 'l'ist command.Document will not be reloaded!Document with POST content not found in cache. Resubmit?Document:Documents from forms with POST content cannot be saved as bookmarks.Done!Download OptionsDownload options:Downloaded link:ERROR - Unable to allocate file space!!!ERROR - Unable to mail fileERROR - unable to open bookmark file.ERROR! - download command is misconfigured.ERROR! - printer is misconfigured!ERROR! - upload command is misconfiguredEarlier articlesEdit a previous Goto URL: Edit a previous filename: Edit a previous query: Edit a previous shortcut: Edit the current Goto URL: Edit the current link's URL: Edit the current query: Edit the current shortcut: Edit the previous Goto URL: Edit the previous filename: Edit the previous query: Edit the previous shortcut: Edit this document's URL: Editing Bookmark DESCRIPTION and FILEPATH (%d of 2)EditorEditor killed by signalEmacs keysEnctype multipart/form-data not yet supported! Cannot submit.Enctype:Enter Lynx keystroke command: Enter WAIS query: Enter a database query: Enter a filename: Enter a new filename: Enter a terminal type:Enter a whereis query: Enter name for new directory: Enter name of file to create: Enter new location for directory: Enter new location for file: Enter new location for tagged items: Enter new name for directory: Enter new name for file: Enter password for user %s@%s:Enter text. Use arrows or tab to move off of field.Entry into main screenError processing line %d of %s Error reading jump file!Error renaming scratch file.Error renaming temporary file.Error spawning editor, check your editor definition in the options menuError uncompressing temporary file!Excellent!!!Executable link rejected due to `%c' character.Executable link rejected due to location or path.Executable link rejected due to malformed request.Executable link rejected due to relative path string ('../').Executing %s Executing system command. This might take a while.Execution capabilities are not compiled into this version.Execution is disabled.Execution is not enabled for this file. See the Options menu (use %s).Execution linksExecution via bookmarks is disabled.Exiting via interrupt:External editing is currently disabled.External support is currently disabled.FTP sort criteriaFailed to clear DISPLAY variable!Failed to obtain status of current link!Failed to set DISPLAY variable!Fatal error - could not open output file %s Fetching WAIS document...File Management OptionsFile Permission OptionsFile does not exist - reenter or cancel:File does not exist.File exists. Create higher version?File exists. Overwrite?File insert cancelled!!!File is %d pages long. Are you sure you want to print?File is %d screens long. Are you sure you want to print?File is not readable - reenter or cancel:File is not readable.File management support is disabled!File may be recoverable from %s during this sessionFile name may not begin with a dot.File size:File that you are currently viewingFile that you have currently selectedFileName:Filepath:Files:Follow link (or goto link or page) number: Form field value exceeds buffer length! Trim the tail.Form has a mailto action! Cannot download.Form submit action is POST, HEAD may not be understood. Proceed?Ftp access is disabled!Full name:General PreferencesGetting %sGive name of file to save inGood AdviceGopher MenuGopher indexGopher request sent; waiting for response.Got unexpected 304 Not Modified status.Got unexpected Informational Status.Goto a non-http URL is disallowed!Goto a random URL is disallowed!Goto multi-bookmark menuGroupGroup name:HELP!HREF in BASE tag is not an absolute URL.HTML error recoveryHTTP request sent; waiting for response.HTWAIS: Request too large.HTWAIS: Request too long.HTWAIS: Return message too large.Hang Detect: TextAnchor struct corrupted - suggest aborting!Have POST content. Treating Permanent Redirection as Temporary. Headers Transferred to Remote ServersHelp ScreenHidden links:Historical comment parsing OFF (Minimal is in effect)!Historical comment parsing OFF (Valid is in effect)!Historical comment parsing ON (Minimal is overridden)!Historical comment parsing ON (Valid is overridden)!History PageHistory, showinfo, menu and list files cannot be saved as bookmarks.Hit RETURN to accept entered data.Hit RETURN to accept entered data. Delete data to invoke the default.Hit any key to change value; RETURN to accept.HostIf case_sensitive_searching is "on" then when the user invokes a search using the 's' or '/' keys, the search performed will be case sensitive instead of case INsensitive. The default is usually "off". If emacs_keys is to "on" then the normal EMACS movement keys: ^N = down ^P = up ^B = left ^F = right will be enabled. If keypad_mode is set to "LINKS_AND_FORM_FIELDS_ARE_NUMBERED", then numbers will appear next to each link and visible form input field. Numbers are used to select links, or to move the "current link" to a form input field or button. In addition, options in popup menus are indexed so that the user may type an option number to select an option in a popup menu, even if the option isn't visible on the screen. Reference lists and output from the list command also enumerate form inputs. If keypad_mode is set to "LINKS_ARE_NUMBERED", then numbers will appear next to each link and numbers are used to select links. If keypad_mode is set to "NUMBERS_AS_ARROWS", then the numbers on your keypad when the numlock is on will act as arrow keys: 8 = Up Arrow 4 = Left Arrow 6 = Right Arrow 2 = Down Arrow and the corresponding keyboard numbers will act as arrow keys, regardless of whether numlock is on. If run_all_execution_links is set "on" then all local execution links will be executed when they are selected. WARNING - This is potentially VERY dangerous. Since you may view information that is written by unknown and untrusted sources there exists the possibility that Trojan horse links could be written. Trojan horse links could be written to erase files or compromise security. This should only be set to "on" if you are viewing trusted source information. If run_execution_links_on_local_files is set "on" then all local execution links that are found in LOCAL files will be executed when they are selected. This is different from run_all_execution_links in that only files that reside on the local system will have execution link permissions. WARNING - This is potentially dangerous. Since you may view information that is written by unknown and untrusted sources there exists the possibility that Trojan horse links could be written. Trojan horse links could be written to erase files or compromise security. This should only be set to "on" if you are viewing trusted source information. If sub_bookmarks is not turned "off", and multiple bookmarks have been defined (see below), then all bookmark operations will first prompt the user to select an active sub-bookmark file. If the default Lynx bookmark_file is defined (see above), it will be used as the default selection. When this option is set to "advanced", and the user mode is advanced, the 'v'iew bookmark command will invoke a statusline prompt instead of the menu seen in novice and intermediate user modes. When this option is set to "standard", the menu will be presented regardless of user mode. If verbose_images is "on", lynx will print the name of the image source file in place of [INLINE], [LINK] or [IMAGE] See also VERBOSE_IMAGES in lynx.cfg If vi_keys is set to "on", then the normal VI movement keys: j = down k = up h = left l = right will be enabled. These keys are only lower case. Capital 'H', 'J' and 'K will still activate help, jump shortcuts, and the keymap display, respectively. Illegal URL: %sIllegal character "/" found! Request ignored.Illegal character (path-separator) found! Request ignored.Illegal filename; request ignored.Illegal redirection "../" found! Request ignored.Illegal redirection "//" found! Request ignored.Illegal redirection URL received from server!Illegal redirection using "~" found! Request ignored.Image map from POST response not available!Index Information about the current documentInlines without an ALT string specified will be ignored! Reloading...Install in the selected directory not permitted.Installation completeInsufficient operands:InternalInternal error: Invalid mouse link %d!Invalid header '%s%s%s%s%s'Invalid hostname %sInvalid mode format.Invalid pointer detected.Invalid port number - will only use port 79!Invalid syntax format.It provides state of the art CGI script support. Item that you have currently selectedJump to (use '?' for list): Jumping to a shortcut URL is disallowed!Just a moment, ...Key '%c' is not mapped to a jump file!Keyboard InputKeyboard layoutKeypad modeLanguage:Last Mod:Last accessed:Last attempted include was '%s', Last modified:Later articlesLeft Arrow cancels changesLetter: Line edit styleLineCount:Linewrap OFF!Linewrap ON!Link is not by itself all on one line in bookmark file.Link number %d already is current.Link that you currently have selectedLinkname:Links will be included for all images! Reloading...List PageList from document with POST data. Reload %s ?Listing and Accessing FilesLoading incomplete.Local additions:Local directory sort criteriaLocal directory sort orderLocation URL is not absolute.Location: Looking up Lynx Trace LogLynx cannot currently (e)dit remote WWW files.Lynx.cfg InformationLynx: cannot start, CERN rules file %s is not available Lynx: ignoring unrecognized charset=%s Lynxcgi capabilities are not compiled into this version.Mail access is disabled!Mail disallowed! Cannot submit.Mail is disallowed so you cannot send a commentMail request cancelled!!!Mail the fileMailing file. Please wait...Mailto form submission Cancelled!!!Mailto form submission failed!MaintainerMaking %s connection to %sMalformed address.Malformed mailto form submission! Cancelled!Maximum Gobble Date:Maximum length reached! Delete text or move off field.Maximum links per page exceeded! Use half-page or two-line scrolling.Maximum nesting of HTML elements exceeded.Memory exhausted! Aborting...Memory exhausted! Program aborted!Memory exhausted, display interrupted!Memory exhausted, will interrupt transfer!Memory leak detected.Message has no original text!Method:Minimal comment parsing OFF (Historical is in effect)!Minimal comment parsing OFF (Valid is in effect)!Minimal comment parsing ON (and in effect)!Minimal comment parsing ON (but Historical is in effect)!Misdirected client-side image MAP request!Modified tail combined with head of form field value.Modify name or location (n or l): Modify name, location, or permission (n, l, or p): More than %d nested lynx.cfg includes -- perhaps there is a loop?!? Multi-bookmarksMultiformat: directory scan failed.Multiple bookmark support is not available.NOTE: Some fixed format documents may look disfigured when "LINKS_ARE_NUMBERED" or "LINKS_AND_FORM_FIELDS_ARE_NUMBERED" are enabled. NULL URL pointerName of owner:Name:News Post Cancelled!!!News posting is disabled!No Links on the current pageNo Name GivenNo Winsock found, sorry.No client-side image MAPs are available!No editor is defined!No email address is present in mailto URL!No index is currently available.No jump file is currently available.No matches for: %sNo next document presentNo owner is defined for this file so you cannot send a commentNo owner is defined. Use %s?No previously visited links available!No random URLs have been used thus far.No response from finger server.No response from server!No restrictions set. No submit button for this form, submit single text field?No such directoryNo target for raw text!No text was returned! No trace log has been started for this session.NoneNormally disabled. See ENABLE_LYNXRC in lynx.cfg Not a searchable indexed document -- press '/' to search for a text stringNot an http URL or form ACTION!Not enough memory for file!Not enough memory!Not in a TEXTAREA; cannot use command.Not in a TEXTAREA; cannot use external editor.Note: if you edit this file manually you should not change the format within the lines or add other HTML markup. Make sure any bookmark link is saved as a single line.Nothing currently selected.Nothing to download.Nothing to insert - file is 0-length.Now using SortaSGML parsing of HTML!Now using TagSoup parsing of HTML.Number of lines:Number of pages:O)ther cmds C)omment History: Bookmarks: V)iew, A)dd, R)emove OKOffending line:One radio button must be checked at all times!Only files and servers on the local host can be accessed.Option number %d already is current.Options MenuOptions are: Options saved!Others:Out of memory reading jump file!Out of memory reading jump table!Owner(s):Owner:P)roceed, or C)ancel P)roceed, use G)ET or C)ancel POST not supported for this URL - ignoring POST data!Parsing nested-tables toggled OFF! Reloading...Parsing nested-tables toggled ON! Reloading...Password for news host '%s':Password: Path too longPermissions for Personal mail addressPlease enter a valid internet mail address: Please read the distributionPlease wait...Pointer:Points to file:Popups for select fieldsPort %lu not permitted in URLs.Port 19 not permitted in URLs.Port 25 not permitted in URLs.Post Content Type:Post Data:Post this message?Post to Posting to newsgroup(s)...Preferred document character setPreferred document languagePress to begin: Press to finish: Press to return to Lynx.Print options:Print out on a printer attached to your vt100 terminalPrint request cancelled!!!Print to the screenPrinting OptionsPrinting file. Please wait...Probable failure to %s due to system error!Proceed (%s)?Proceed without a username and password?Proxy authorization required -- retryingPseudo_ALTs will be inserted for inlines without ALT strings! Reloading...RELOAD THE CHANGESRandom URL is disallowed! Use a shortcut.Raw 8-bitRaw 8-bit or CJK mode toggled OFF! Reloading...Raw 8-bit or CJK mode toggled ON! Reloading...Read %s of %s of dataRead %s of dataReading directory...Reading list of articles in newsgroup.Reading list of available newsgroups.Reading news article.Really exit from Lynx?Receiving FTP directory.Receiving FTP file.Redirection limit of 10 URL's reached.Redirection of POST content requires user approval.Redirection of POST content. P)roceed, see U)RL, or C)ancelRedirection of POST content. P)roceed, see U)RL, use G)ET or C)ancelReferencesReferences in Refresh URL is not absolute.Rejecting this cookie.Reloading document. Any form entries will be lost!Remove all tagged files and directories?Remove file '%s'?Remove file?Remove symbolic link '%s'?Remove symbolic link?Reparsing document under current settings...Reproduce L)ink in this bookmark file or C)ancel? (l,c): Request fulfilled. Reset Content.Reset ChangesResetting form...Restrictions set: Resubmit POST content to %s ?Retrieving file. - PLEASE WAIT -Retrying as HTTP0 request.Retrying connection without TLS.Retrying with access authorization information.Retrying with proxy authorization information.Review/edit Bookmarks filesRlogin access is disabled!SSL error:host(%s)!=cert(%s)-Continue?Save D)ocument or L)ink to bookmark file or C)ancel? (d,l,c): Save D)ocument to bookmark file or C)ancel? (d,c): Save L)ink to bookmark file or C)ancel? (l,c): Save options to diskSave request cancelled!!!Save to a local fileSave to diskSave to disk disabledSave to disk disabled.Saving Options...Saving...Screen height must be at least 22 lines for the Options menu!Screen height must be at least 23 lines for the Options menu!Screen height must be at least 24 lines for the Options menu!Screen too small! (8x35 min)Search interrupted.Searching WAIS database...Secure %d-bit %s (%s) HTTP connectionSee alsoSeek fail on %s Select Select destination or ^G to Cancel: Select option (or page) number: Select subbookmark, '=' for menu, or ^G to cancel: Selective access is not enabled for this directorySend HEAD request for D)ocument or L)ink, or C)ancel? (d,l,c): Send HEAD request for D)ocument, or C)ancel? (d,c): Send this comment?Send this message?SendingSending CSO/PH request.Sending Gopher request.Sending HTTP request.Sending form content...Sending your comment:Sending your message...Server asked for %d redirection of POST content toServer:Shifting is disabled while line-wrap is in effectShow colorShow cursorShow dot filesShow imagesShow scrollbarShow the 401 message body?Show the 407 message body?Show transfer rateSkipping %sSocket read failed for 180,000 tries.Soft double-quote parsing OFF!Soft double-quote parsing ON!Some print functions have been disabled!Sorry, could not load requested news.Sorry, don't know how to permit non-UNIX files yet.Sorry, no known way of converting %s to %s.Sorry, the ACTION for this form is disabled.Sorry, the ACTION for this form is not an http URL.Sorry, the document is not an http URL.Sorry, the link is not an http URL.Source and destination are the same location - request ignored!Source and destination are the same location! Request ignored!Source and target are the same: %sSource cache error - disk full?Source cache error - not enough memory!Spawning DCL subprocess. Use 'logout' to return to Lynx. Spawning is currently disabled.Spawning your default shell. Use 'exit' to return to Lynx. Spawning your selected editor to edit mail messageSpawning your selected editor to edit news messageSpecial Files and ScreensSpecial URL only valid from current File Permission menu!Specify permissions below:Standard download options:Standard image handling restored! Reloading...Standard print options:Style %d `%s' SGML:%s. Font %s %.1f point. Subdirectories:Subject: Submit ('x' for no cache) to Submit mailto form to Submit to Submitting %sSubmitting form...Suggested file name:Symbolic LinkSymbolic link that you have currently selectedSyntax Error parsing COLOR in configuration file: The line must be of the form: COLOR:INTEGER:FOREGROUND:BACKGROUND Here FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND must be one of: The special strings 'nocolor' or 'default', or Syntax Error parsing style in lss file: [%s] The line must be of the form: OBJECT:MONO:COLOR (ie em:bold:brightblue:white) where OBJECT is one of EM,STRONG,B,I,U,BLINK etc. Syntax error in WAIS URLSystem IndexSystem error - failure to get status.TERMINAL TYPE IS SET TOTRAVERSAL WAS INTERRUPTEDTelnet access is disabled!Telnet port specifications are disabled.Temporary URL or list would be too long.Terminal =Terminal does not support colorTerminal initialisation failed - unknown terminal type?That key requires Advanced User mode.The 'd'ownload command is currently disabled.The 'e'dit command is currently disabled.The 'p'rint command is currently disabled.The Cookie Jar is empty.The character_set definition controls the representation of 8 bit characters for your terminal. If 8 bit characters do not show up correctly on your screen you may try changing to a different 8 bit set or using the 7 bit character approximations. Current valid characters sets are: The cookie has been eaten!The domain has been eaten!The file_sorting_method specifies which value to sort on when viewing file lists such as FTP directories. The options are: BY_FILENAME -- sorts on the name of the file BY_TYPE -- sorts on the type of the file BY_SIZE -- sorts on the size of the file BY_DATE -- sorts on the date of the file The first figure after each entry is its relative score, The following allow you to define sub-bookmark files and descriptions. The format is multi_bookmark=, Up to 26 bookmark files (for the English capital letters) are allowed. We start with "multi_bookmarkB" since 'A' is the default (see above). The following data were derived during the automatic configuration/build process of this copy of Lynx. When reporting a bug, please include a copy of this page.The following data were used as automatically-configured compile-time definitions when this copy of Lynx was built.The following is read from your lynx.cfg file.The link %s :?: %s The maximum temporary file count has been reached!The resource requested is not available at this time.The selected item is not a directory! Request ignored.The selected item is not a file or a directory! Request ignored.The specified name is already in use! Request ignored.The visited_links setting controls how Lynx organizes the information in the Visited Links Page. There are no links above this line of the document.There are no links below this line of the document.There are no links in this bookmark file!There are no references from this document.There are only hidden links from this document.There is already a directory with that name! Request ignored.There is already a file with that name! Request ignored.This client does not contain support for HTTPS URLs.This client does not contain support for SNEWS URLs.This client does not contain support for posting to news with SSL.This client doesn't know how to compose authorization information for schemeThis client doesn't know how to compose proxy authorization information for schemeThis directory is not readable.This feature not yet implemented!This field cannot be (e)dited with an external editor.This file cannot be displayed on this terminal.This file cannot be displayed on this terminal: D)ownload, or C)ancelThis is a link for searching the This is a searchable index. Use %s to search.This message was automatically generated byThis special URL cannot be a form ACTION!This special URL cannot be downloaded!This special URL is not allowed in external documents!Thought you might want to know.Title: Too many tempfilesTotal memory leakage this run:Trace Log open failed. Trace off!Trace OFF!Trace ON!Trace not supportedTransferred %d bytesTransferred %d bytes (%5d)Type EXIT to return to Lynx. Type of SearchUNMODIFIABLE choice list. Use return or arrow keys to review or leave.UNMODIFIABLE file entry field. Use UP or DOWN arrows or tab to move off.UNMODIFIABLE form checkbox. Use UP or DOWN arrows or tab to move off.UNMODIFIABLE form field. Use UP or DOWN arrows or tab to move off.UNMODIFIABLE form password. Use UP or DOWN arrows or tab to move off.UNMODIFIABLE form radio button. Use UP or DOWN arrows or tab to move off.UNMODIFIABLE form text field. Use UP or DOWN arrows or tab to move off.UNMODIFIABLE option list. Use return or arrow keys to review or leave.URL has a bad port field.URL is not in starting realm!URL to open: URL too longURL:URL: %sUSAGE: %s [options] [file] USENET news access is disabled!Unable to %s due to system error!Unable to access WWW file!!!Unable to access cgi scriptUnable to access document!Unable to access document.Unable to connect to FTP host.Unable to connect to remote host.Unable to copy temporary file for deletion of link.Unable to create popup window!Unable to download file.Unable to follow linkUnable to get status of '%s'.Unable to locate remote host %s.Unable to make connectionUnable to open bookmark file for deletion of link.Unable to open bookmark file, use 'a' to save a link firstUnable to open command file.Unable to open permit options fileUnable to open print options fileUnable to open reject file.Unable to open scratch file for deletion of link.Unable to open tempfileUnable to open tempfile for X Mosaic hotlist conversion.Unable to open temporary file for mailto URL!Unable to open traversal errors output fileUnable to open traversal file.Unable to open traversal found file.Unable to reopen temporary file for deletion of link.Unable to save Options!Unable to set up connection.Unable to upload file.Unexpected access protocol for this URL scheme.Unexpected failure - unable to find trailing path separatorUnexpected network read error; connection aborted.Unexpected network write error; connection aborted.Unknown or ambiguous commandUnknown status reply from server!Unsupported URL scheme!Unsupported data: URL! Use SHOWINFO, for now.Up to Upload OptionsUpload To:Upload options:Use "L_y_n_x" or "Lynx" in User-Agent, or it looks like intentional deception!Use %s to invoke the Options menu!Use Control-R to resubmit the current query.Use a filepath off your home directory!Use a filepath off your login directory in SHELL syntax!Use arrows or tab to move off of field.User modeUser-Agent headerUser-Agent string does not contain "Lynx" or "L_y_n_x"Username for '%s' at %s '%s%s':Username for news host '%s':Username:Username: Using %sVI keysValue accepted!Value accepted! -- WARNING: Lynx is NOT configured for XWINDOWS!Value accepted! -- WARNING: Lynx is configured for XWINDOWS!Verbose imagesVery long lines have been truncated!Very long lines have been wrapped!View the file Viewing preparsed source. Are you sure you want to mail it?Visible linksVisible links:Visited Links PageVisited PagesWAIS Index: WAIS Search of "Warning! Control codes in mail address replaced by ?Warning! UUDecoded file will exist in the directory you started Lynx.Warning:Warning: Cannot transcode form data to charset %s!WelcomeWrap lines to fit displayed area?X DisplayYou are already at main screen!You are already at page %d of this document.You are already at page %d of this option list.You are already at the beginning of this document.You are already at the beginning of this option list.You are already at the end of this document.You are already at the end of this option list.You are already at the first documentYou are not allowed to change the bookmark file!You are not allowed to change this setting.You are not allowed to change which editor to use!You are not allowed to goto "%s" URLsYou are not authorized to edit this file.You are not on a form submission button or normal link.You are sending a comment to: You are sending a message with body to: You cannot download a mailto: link.You cannot download a printing option.You cannot download an input field.You cannot download an permit option.You cannot download an upload option.You cannot download cookies.You cannot edit File Management URLsYou have entered an invalid link number.You have entered an invalid option number.You must use a vt100, 200, etc. terminal with this program.You selected:You visited (POSTs, bookmark, menu and list files excluded):You will be posting to:Your '%s' terminal does not support color.Your Terminal type is unknown!Your primary configurationYour recent statusline messagesaccept_all_cookies allows the user to tell Lynx to automatically accept all cookies if desired. The default is "FALSE" which will prompt for each cookie. Set accept_all_cookies to "TRUE" to accept all cookies. bookmark_file specifies the name and location of the default bookmark file into which the user can paste links for easy access at a later date. bytescalled "%s" capital lettercd to:cgi support has been disabled.charset for this document specified explicitly, sorry...checkboxclose master socketcompile time optionsconnect for datacookie_accept_domains and cookie_reject_domains are comma-delimited lists of domains from which Lynx should automatically accept or reject all cookies. If a domain is specified in both options, rejection will take precedence. The accept_all_cookies parameter will override any settings made here. cookie_domain_flag_set error, aborting programcookie_loose_invalid_domains, cookie_strict_invalid_domains, and cookie_query_invalid_domains are comma-delimited lists of which domains should be subjected to varying degrees of validity checking. If a domain is set to strict checking, strict conformance to RFC2109 will be applied. A domain with loose checking will be allowed to set cookies with an invalid path or domain attribute. All domains will default to querying the user for an invalid path or domain. development versiondir_list_order specifies the directory list order under DIRED_SUPPORT (if implemented). The default is "ORDER_BY_NAME" dir_list_styles specifies the directory list style under DIRED_SUPPORT (if implemented). The default is "MIXED_STYLE", which sorts both files and directories together. "FILES_FIRST" lists files first and "DIRECTORIES_FIRST" lists directories first. failed to change directoryfile entry fieldfile: ACTIONs are disallowed!file: URLs via bookmarks are disallowed!file: URLs via served links are disallowed!file_editor specifies the editor to be invoked when editing local files or sending mail. If no editor is specified, then file editing is disabled unless it is activated from the command line, and the built-in line editor will be used for sending mail. for more comments.for runtime optionsform to permitforms modehere is a list of the history stack so that you may rebuildhidden form fieldimage-submit buttonin the file "%s" called "%s" included from '%s'. invalid line-editor selection %s for key %s, selecting all key remapping of %s to %s failed key remapping of %s to %s for %s failed keygen fieldlatest releaselineedit_mode specifies the key binding used for inputting strings in prompts and forms. If lineedit_mode is set to "Default Binding" then the following control characters are used for moving and deleting: Prev Next Enter = Accept input Move char: <- -> ^G = Cancel input Move word: ^P ^N ^U = Erase line Delete char: ^H ^R ^A = Beginning of line Delete word: ^B ^F ^E = End of line Current lineedit modes are: lineslynx: Can't access startfilelynx: Password required!!!lynx: Start file could not be found or is not text/html or text/plainlynx: Username and Password required!!!mode:move %s to %sne'V'er allowing from domain '%s'.next screennonormalor to change a domain's 'allow' setting.pagepagespassword entry fieldpersistent cookies state will be changed in next session only.personal_mail_address specifies your personal mail address. The address will be sent during HTTP file transfers for authorization and logging purposes, and for mailed comments. If you do not want this information given out, set the NO_FROM_HEADER to TRUE in lynx.cfg, or use the -nofrom command line switch. You also could leave this field blank, but then you won't have it included in your mailed comments. popup menupre-release versionpreferred_charset specifies the character set in MIME notation (e.g., ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-5) which Lynx will indicate you prefer in requests to http servers using an Accept-Charset header. The value should NOT include ISO-8859-1 or US-ASCII, since those values are always assumed by default. May be a comma-separated list. If a file in that character set is available, the server will send it. If no Accept-Charset header is present, the default is that any character set is acceptable. If an Accept-Charset header is present, and if the server cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the Accept-Charset header, then the server SHOULD send an error response, though the sending of an unacceptable response is also allowed. preferred_language specifies the language in MIME notation (e.g., en, fr, may be a comma-separated list in decreasing preference) which Lynx will indicate you prefer in requests to http servers. If a file in that language is available, the server will send it. Otherwise, the server will send the file in its default language. previousradio buttonrange entry fieldrealloced:remote %s session:remove %sreset buttonreview/edit B)ookmarks filesselect_popups specifies whether the OPTIONs in a SELECT block which lacks a MULTIPLE attribute are presented as a vertical list of radio buttons or via a popup menu. Note that if the MULTIPLE attribute is present in the SELECT start tag, Lynx always will create a vertical list of checkboxes for the OPTIONs. A value of "on" will set popup menus as the default while a value of "off" will set use of radio boxes. The default can be overridden via the -popup command line toggle. setting of line-editor binding for key %s (0x%x) for %s failed setting of line-editor binding for key %s (0x%x) to 0x%x for %s failed show_color specifies how to set the color mode at startup. A value of "never" will force color mode off (treat the terminal as monochrome) at startup even if the terminal appears to be color capable. A value of "always" will force color mode on even if the terminal appears to be monochrome, if this is supported by the library used to build lynx. A value of "default" will yield the behavior of assuming a monochrome terminal unless color capability is inferred at startup based on the terminal type, or the -color command line switch is used, or the COLORTERM environment variable is set. The default behavior always is used in anonymous accounts or if the "option_save" restriction is set. The effect of the saved value can be overridden via the -color and -nocolor command line switches. The mode set at startup can be changed via the "show color" option in the 'o'ptions menu. If the option settings are saved, the "on" and "off" "show color" settings will be treated as "default". show_cursor specifies whether to 'hide' the cursor to the right (and bottom, if possible) of the screen, or to place it to the left of the current link in documents, or current option in select popup windows. Positioning the cursor to the left of the current link or option is helpful for speech or braille interfaces, and when the terminal is one which does not distinguish the current link based on highlighting or color. A value of "on" will set positioning to the left as the default while a value of "off" will set 'hiding' of the cursor. The default can be overridden via the -show_cursor command line toggle. show_dotfiles specifies that the directory listing should include "hidden" (dot) files/directories. If set "on", this will be honored only if enabled via userdefs.h and/or lynx.cfg, and not restricted via a command line switch. If display of hidden files is disabled, creation of such files via Lynx also is disabled. size:socket failed.socket failed: family %d addr %s port %s.socket for master socketsourcesubmit buttontagged item:tagged items:text entry areatext entry fieldtext-submit fieldthe second is the number of lines in the item.this document:this linktouch %sunknown field or linkunknown form fieldunknown restrictionuser_mode specifies the users level of knowledge with Lynx. The default is "NOVICE" which displays two extra lines of help at the bottom of the screen to aid the user in learning the basic Lynx commands. Set user_mode to "INTERMEDIATE" to turn off the extra info. Use "ADVANCED" to see the URL of the currently selected link at the bottom of the screen. was requested but was not available.yesyourProject-Id-Version: lynx 2.8.5pre9 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-21 16:20-0400 PO-Revision-Date: 2003-04-19 20:40+0900 Last-Translator: Masayuki Hatta Language-Team: Japanese MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=EUC-JP Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit =%d (%.0f ˤ) Ĵ=%d%d ֡( %.0f %.0f) ǥ: ǽ=%.0f ¾=%.0f⤵=%.1f Desc=%.1f ʲˤʤΥåϤƤ Organization: إåԽѰդƤ Subject: إåԽѰդƤ From: إåѤˤʤΥ᡼륢ɥ쥹ꤷƤ Ctrl-G ǥåߤޤ ʤΥå CC ᡼륢ɥ쥹ϤƤ ֻ˾ϡ᡼륢ɥ쥹¾ ֥ȤϤƤ ʤΥåʲϤƤ ʤΤ̾ϤƤΤޤޤƿ̾ˤʤޤ åʸǧƲ: ä顢ԥ򲡤ƤιԤ˥ԥꥪ (.) ʲؤ⥳ԡޤ: ʲؤ⥳ԡޤ: Ϥ⤦ٲԥ򲡤Ʋ ̿Ūʥ顼 %s С %s ȯޤ ɥ쥳ɡɽǽ ޥ 's' ϤդꤷƤ إåɥ饤쥳ɡɽǽ Ĺإå쥳ɡɽǽ Lynx 饯åȤƤޤ Lynx ԽޥåפƤޤ Υ롼ˤϵޤ ϰϤˤϵޤ 륭ɤϤƲ Хǧ뤿᥷ƥԤϢ⤷ǧ줿ʤ lynx-dev ᡼󥰥ꥹȤϢƤХˤϡ򵯤ޥɤ URL Τȥڥ졼ƥ󥰥ƥ̾(Сֹޤ)TCPIP ⤷ªǤʤ TRACEBACK¾ŬڤʾޤƤ ƺˤϥ꥿󥭡򲡤Ʋ: ³ˤϥ꥿󥭡򲡤Ʋ: 's' 򲡤Ƹ륭ɤϤƲ ƥȥ쥳 Ϥɤˤꡢǡ١θĿͻ̾ %d ̤ۤɤε %s ɤळȤǤޤID ϰʲ̤: ϸǽ Gopher ǥåǤ CSOǡ١θǽʥǥåǤ ܡɤ򥿥פ뤳ȤǥƥȤե֥åޡȥե̾Խ ֥åޡ %s ǥեΥƥȤ[Backspace] ǰʸ Ctrl-U ǥեΥƥȤ[Backspace] ǰʸ λޤ... ޤɸŪʥƥȥǥȤäƤΥեԽ ŤäְäꤷƤ󥯤ꡢ ֤Ѥꤹ뤳ȤǤޤ Υե X Moasaic ۥåȥꥹȥե HTML ˤΤǤ 켰ʤʥ󥯤ϡ֥åޡޥɤǺǤޤ Υޥɤ̾ [r] ˳ƤƤޤʤƥ ԤˤäѹƤ뤫⤷ޤ [r] ǥ󥯤Ǥޤ
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(Y/N/Always/neVer)%s %d-%d%s: ʥץǤ: %s '%s' ϸĤޤǤ!ɥᥤ %s Ͼ˼դޤɥᥤ %s ϤΤĤȽǤޤ(åܥå) [] ꥿󥭡ǥȥѹ(祤ꥹ) ꥿󥭡򲡤ȥ꥿󥭡ǰ(åդϤΤĤȽǤޤ)(å˼դޤ)(å˵ݤޤ)(åν)(եϥե) ե̾ [][]֤ǰư(եե)(եե) ƥȤ ꥿󥭡 (%s ǥå̵)(եե) ƥȤ ꥿󥭡֤ǰư(եե) ƥȤ ꥿󥭡(եե) ̤ ꥿Խ (%s ϥå̵)(եե) ̤ ꥿󥭡Խ(եե) ̤ ꥿Խ꥿2(եꥻåȥܥ) [] ꥿󥭡ǥեƤꥻå(եܥ) [] ꥿󥭡 ([x] ǥå̵)(եܥ) [] ꥿󥭡(̾) [] ꥿󥭡(ޤå̵)(̾ʤ)(ȥʤ)(ͤʤ)(ץꥹ) ꥿󥭡򲡤ȥ꥿󥭡ǰ(ѥϥե) ƥȤ [][]֤ǰư(ѥϥե) ̤ ꥿󥭡ϳ(³Ūʥå)(饸ܥ) [] ꥿󥭡ǥȥ(ûإå쥳ɡɽǽ)(ƥϥե) ƥȤ [][] ȥ֤ǰư(ƥϥե) ̤ ꥿󥭡ϳ(ƥȥꥢ) ƥȤ [][] ȥ֤ǰư (%s ǥǥư)(ƥȥꥢ) ƥȤ [][] ȥ֤ǰư(ƥȥꥢ) ̤ ꥿ϳ (%s ǥǥư)(ƥȥꥢ) ̤ ꥿󥭡ϳ()(ʥɥ ID)(Υå󤫤)(mailto եե) ƥȤ ꥿ǰư(mailto եե) ̤ ꥿ѹ(mailto եե) ᡼϶ػߤƤޤΤǤޤ(mailto եܥ) ᡼϶ػߤƤޤΤǤޤ(mailto եܥ) []꥿(ɥ쥹ʤ)(̵̾)(ʤ)((!) 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ǤޤEnctype:Lynx Υޥɥ: WAIS ʸ: ǡ١Ǹʸ: ե̾: ե̾: üפ:ʸ: ǥ쥯ȥ̾: ե̾: ǥ쥯ȥο: եο: 򤷤ƥο: ǥ쥯ȥ̾ե̾: 桼 %s@%s Υѥɤ:ƥȤ ֤ǥեɤưᥤ̤ؤ%d (%s )νǥ顼 ץեɤ߹ߤǥ顼ȯޤ!åեβ̾˥顼ȯޤեβ̾˥顼ȯޤǥεưǥ顼ȯޤ˥塼ΥǥΤƲեŸǥ顼ȯޤ!ʤä!!!饯 '%c' Τᡢ¹Բǽʥ󥯤ϵݤޤޤϥѥΤᡢ¹Բǽʥ󥯤ϵݤޤʥꥯȤΤᡢ¹Բǽʥ󥯤ϵݤޤХѥʸ('../')Τᡢ¹Բǽʥ󥯤ϵݤޤ%s ¹ ƥॳޥɤ¹ǤФ餯ޤ¹ԵǽϤΥСǤϥѥȤ߹ޤƤޤ¹ԵǽѤǤޤΥե¹Ԥ뤳ȤϤǤޤ󡣥ץ˥塼򻲾(%sȤ)Ƥ󥯤¹֥åޡμ¹ԤϤǤޤλޤ : ԽǽϸѤǤޤݡȤϸ̵ˤʤäƤޤFTP ǥ쥯ȥΥȴĶѿ DISPLAY Υꥢ˼Ԥޤ!ߤΥ󥯤Υơ˼Ԥޤ!Ķѿ DISPLAY ˼Ԥޤ!̿Ū顼 - ϥե %s ޤ WAIS ɥȤ...եץեѡߥåե뤬¸ߤޤ - Ϥ󥻥:ե뤬¸ߤޤե뤬¸ߤޤ⤤Сޤ?ե뤬¸ߤޤ񤭤ޤ?ե󥻥뤵ޤ!!!ե %d ڡʬĹǤ˰ޤ?ե %d ʬĹǤ˰ޤ?ե뤬ɤޤ - Ϥ󥻥:եɤ߹ԲĤǤեݡȤѤǤޤ!Υåδ֤ %s ե줹뤳ȤǤ뤫⤷ޤե̾ϥɥåȤǻϤޤäƤϤޤե륵:ߤʤƤե򤷤Ƥեե̾:եؤΥѥ:ե:é(⤷ goto 󥯤ڡ)ֹ: եեɤͤХåեĹۤޤüڤޤեˤ mailto 󤬴ޤޤƤޤ! ɤǤޤե POST ǤHEAD 򤵤Ƥʤ⤷ޤ³Ԥޤ?Ftp ѤǤޤ!ե͡:Ū%s ¸ե̾ϤƤɤɥХGopher ˥塼Gopher ǥåGopher ꥯȤޤԤäƤޤͽ 304 Not Modified ơޤͽʤ Informational Status ޤ http URL ؤ Goto ϵĤƤޤ! URL ؤ Goto ϵĤƤޤ!ޥ֥åޡ˥塼롼롼פ̾:إ!BASE HREF URL ǤϤޤHTML 顼βHTTP ꥯȤޤ: ԤäƤޤHTWAIS: ꥯȤ礭ޤHTWAIS: ꥯȤĹޤHTWAIS: ꥿å礭ޤϥ󥰸: TextAnchor ¤Τޤ - λ򤪴ᤷޤ!POST ƥȤޤǤޤ³Ūʥ쥯ŪʤΤȤưޤ ⡼ȥФžإåإײ줿:ΤʤΥȲϥ(Ǿ¤βϤͭ)!ΤʤΥȲϥ(̩ʲϤͭ)!ΤʤΥȲϥ(Ǿ¤βϤͥ)!ΤʤΥȲϥ(̩ʲϤͥ)!ڡɽ˥塼եϥ֥åޡȤ¸Ǥޤ꥿󥭡ϤǡϿ꥿ϤǡդޤǥեȤ᤹ˤϥǡ򲡤ͤѤƤ꥿ϿۥIf case_sensitive_searching is "on" then when the user invokes a search using the 's' or '/' keys, the search performed will be case sensitive instead of case INsensitive. The default is usually "off". If emacs_keys is to "on" then the normal EMACS movement keys: ^N = down ^P = up ^B = left ^F = right will be enabled. If keypad_mode is set to "LINKS_AND_FORM_FIELDS_ARE_NUMBERED", then numbers will appear next to each link and visible form input field. Numbers are used to select links, or to move the "current link" to a form input field or button. In addition, options in popup menus are indexed so that the user may type an option number to select an option in a popup menu, even if the option isn't visible on the screen. Reference lists and output from the list command also enumerate form inputs. If keypad_mode is set to "LINKS_ARE_NUMBERED", then numbers will appear next to each link and numbers are used to select links. If keypad_mode is set to "NUMBERS_AS_ARROWS", then the numbers on your keypad when the numlock is on will act as arrow keys: 8 = Up Arrow 4 = Left Arrow 6 = Right Arrow 2 = Down Arrow and the corresponding keyboard numbers will act as arrow keys, regardless of whether numlock is on. If run_all_execution_links is set "on" then all local execution links will be executed when they are selected. WARNING - This is potentially VERY dangerous. Since you may view information that is written by unknown and untrusted sources there exists the possibility that Trojan horse links could be written. Trojan horse links could be written to erase files or compromise security. This should only be set to "on" if you are viewing trusted source information. If run_execution_links_on_local_files is set "on" then all local execution links that are found in LOCAL files will be executed when they are selected. This is different from run_all_execution_links in that only files that reside on the local system will have execution link permissions. WARNING - This is potentially dangerous. Since you may view information that is written by unknown and untrusted sources there exists the possibility that Trojan horse links could be written. Trojan horse links could be written to erase files or compromise security. This should only be set to "on" if you are viewing trusted source information. If sub_bookmarks is not turned "off", and multiple bookmarks have been defined (see below), then all bookmark operations will first prompt the user to select an active sub-bookmark file. If the default Lynx bookmark_file is defined (see above), it will be used as the default selection. When this option is set to "advanced", and the user mode is advanced, the 'v'iew bookmark command will invoke a statusline prompt instead of the menu seen in novice and intermediate user modes. When this option is set to "standard", the menu will be presented regardless of user mode. If verbose_images is "on", lynx will print the name of the image source file in place of [INLINE], [LINK] or [IMAGE] See also VERBOSE_IMAGES in lynx.cfg If vi_keys is set to "on", then the normal VI movement keys: j = down k = up h = left l = right will be enabled. These keys are only lower case. Capital 'H', 'J' and 'K will still activate help, jump shortcuts, and the keymap display, respectively. URL Ǥ: %sʥ饯 "/" ȯ! ꥯȤ̵뤵ޤʥ饯(ѥѥ졼)Ĥޤ! ꥯȤ̵뤵ޤʥե̾Ǥ: ׵̵뤵ޤʥ쥯 "../" ȯ! ꥯȤ̵뤵ޤʥ쥯 "//" 򸡽Фޤ! ׵̵뤵ޤФʥ쥯 URL ޤ!ʥ쥯 "~" ȯ! ꥯȤ̵뤵ޤPOST 쥹ݥ󥹤Υ᡼ޥåפѤǤޤ!ǥå ߤʸˤĤƤξALT ̵饤̵뤵ޤ! ɤ߹...򤵤줿ǥ쥯ȥؤΥ󥹥ȡϵĤƤޤ󥹥ȡ봰λڥɤ­ޤ:顼: %d ʥޥ󥯤Ǥ!ʥإå '%s%s%s%s%s' Ǥ%s ʥۥ̾Ǥʥ⡼ɥեޥåʥݥ󥿤ФޤʥݡֹǤ - ݡ 79 ΤߤȤޤ!ʹʸեޥå˾ߤǹ CGI ץȥݡȤƤޤ 򤷤Ƥ륢ƥ ([?] ǰ): 硼ȥå URL ؤΥפϵĤƤޤ!Ԥ ... 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ΥådzϤ줿ץϤޤʤ̵̾ˤʤäƤޤlynx.cfg ENABLE_LYNXRC ʬ򻲾ȤƲ ǽʺդʸǤϤޤ -- [/] ʸ򸡺http URL Ǥե ACTION Ǥ⤢ޤ!եɤ߹꤬­ޤ꤬­ޤ!ƥȥꥢǤϤʤΤǥޥɤϻȤޤƥȥꥢǤϤʤΤdzǥϻȤޤ: ΥեԽݤˤϡƹԤΥեޥåȤ ѹꡢ¾ HTML ޡåפäꤷƤϤʤޤ ֥åޡΥ󥯤ϰԤ˼ޤ褦ˤƤ߲򤵤ƤޤɤΤޤƤޤ - եĹ 0 ǤHTML ֤̩ SGMḶDzϤޤ!HTML ֥Τäѡ̣DzϤޤԿ:ڡ:[o]¾[c] : [Backspace] ֥åޡ: [v][a]ɲ[r] OKι:饸ܥϺĤϻꤷʤФʤޤ!ۥȾΥեȥФΤߥǤޤץֹ %d ϤǤ򤵤Ƥޤ˥塼ץ: ¸ޤ!¾:ץեɤ߹ߤǥ꤬­ʤʤޤ!ץơ֥ɤ߹ߤǥ꤬­ʤʤޤ!ͭ:ͭ:[p]³ԡޤ [c]󥻥[p]³ԡ[g]GETȤ[c]󥻥 URL Τ POST ϥݡȤƤޤPOST ǡ̵뤵ޤ!ҥơ֥β ȥ륪! ɤ߹...ҥơ֥β ȥ륪! ɤ߹...˥塼ۥ '%s' Υѥ:ѥ: ѥĹޤѡߥå: ĿͤΥ᡼륢ɥ쥹󥿡ͥåȥ᡼륢ɥ쥹ϤƤ: ۤԤ...ݥ:եؤΥݥ:ե˥ݥåץåݡ %lu URL ǻꤹ뤳Ȥǧޤݡ 19 URL ǻꤹ뤳Ȥǧޤݡ 25 URL ǻꤹ뤳ȤǧޤPost ƥȥ:Post ǡ:ΥåƤޤ?ʲإݥ: ˥塼롼פ...ɽ饯åɽ꥿󥭡dz: ꥿󥭡ǽλ꥿󥭡 Lynx ޤ:ʤ vt100 ü³줿ץ󥿤˰ꥯȤϥ󥻥뤵ޤ!!!̤ɽեƤޤԤ...ƥ२顼ˤ %s Ԥ褦Ǥ!³Ԥޤ (%s)?桼̾ѥɤ̵³Ԥޤ?ץǧڤɬפǤ -- ƻԤƤޤALT ̵饤˵Ū ALT ޤɤ߹...ѹɤ߹ URL ϵĤƤޤ! 硼ȥåȤȤäƤ 8 ӥå 8 ӥå / CJK ⡼ ȥ륪! ɤ߹... 8 ӥå / CJK ⡼ ȥ륪! ɤ߹...%s (%s ) ɤ߹ߺ%s ɤ߹ߺǥ쥯ȥɤ߹...˥塼롼εΥꥹȤɤ߹档Ѳǽʥ˥塼롼פΥꥹȤɤ߹档˥塼ɤ߹档 Lynx λޤ?FTP ǥ쥯ȥFTP ե쥯 (10 URL) ãޤPOST ƥȤΥ쥯ˤϥ桼ξǧɬפǤPOST ƥȤΥ쥯 [p]³ [u]URL򸫤 [c]󥻥POST ƥȤΥ쥯 [p]³ [u]URL򸫤 [g]GETȤ [c]󥻥λ: եå URL ŪʤΤǤϤޤΥåݤޤʸκɤ߹档եƤƼޤ!򤷤ƤΥեȥǥ쥯ȥޤ?ե '%s' ޤ?եޤ?ܥå '%s' ޤ?ܥå󥯤ޤ?ߤβʸƲ...[l]Υ֥åޡեǥ󥯤 ([c]󥻥): ꥯȤ¹ԤޤƥȤꥻåȤƤѹꥻåեꥻåȤƤޤ...¤ʲ: POST ƥȤ %s ˺ޤ?ե - ԤHTTP0 ꥯȤȤƺƤޤTLSȤ鷺³ƻԤƤޤǧھդǺƻԤƤޤץǧھդǺƻԤƤޤ֥åޡեα/ԽRlogin ѤǤޤ!SSL顼: ۥ(%s) cert(%s) Ȱפޤ ³ޤ?[d]ʸ [l] ֥åޡ¸ޤ ([c]󥻥): [d]ʸ֥åޡե¸ ([c]󥻥): [l]ǥ󥯤֥åޡե¸ ([c]󥻥): ѹǥ¸¸ꥯȤ󥻥뤵ޤ!!!ե¸ǥ¸ǥؤ¸ϤǤޤǥ¸Ǥޤ¸...¸Ƥޤ...ץ˥塼ɽˤϥ꡼ι⤵ 22 ʬɬפǤ!ץ˥塼ɽˤϥ꡼ι⤵ 23 ʬɬפǤ!ץ˥塼ɽˤϥ꡼ι⤵ 24 ʬɬפǤ!꡼󤬾ޤ!!! ( 8x35 ɬפǤ)ǤޤWAIS ǡ١򸡺Ƥޤ...奢 %d ӥå %s (%s) HTTP ³⻲:%s Ǹ˼ ե򤷤Ƥ (^G ǥ󥻥): ץ(ޤϥڡ)ֹ: ֥åޡ [=] ˥塼 [^g] 󥻥: ŪϤΥǥ쥯ȥǤϻȤޤ[d]ʸ [l]󥯤 HEAD ꥯȤޤ? ([c]󥻥): [d]ʸ HEAD ꥯȤޤ? ([c]󥻥): ΥȤޤ?Υåޤ?CSO/PH ꥯȤ档Gopher ꥯȤ档HTTP ꥯȤեƤ...:åäƤޤ...Ф POST ƥȤΰʲؤ %d 쥯׵ᤷޤ: :ԥåפͭʴ֡ư̵ˤʤäƤޤդ򸫤ɥåȥեɽɽСɽ401 åΤ򸫤ޤ?407 åΤ򸫤ޤ?ž졼Ȥɽ%s Фޤ180,000 ԤޤåȤɤ߹ߤ˼Ԥޤˤ䤫ʥ֥륯Ȳϥ!ˤ䤫ʥ֥륯Ȳϥ!ǽΰϻȤޤ!ࡢ׵ᤵ줿˥塼ɤ߹ޤǤ UNIX եΥѡߥåϤޤޤ%s %s ѴʤϤޤΥեؤ ACTION ϤǤޤΥեؤ ACTION http URL ǤϤޤʸ http URL ǤϤʤ褦ǤΥ󥯤 http URL ǤϤʤ褦ǤŪϤƱǤ - ׵̵뤵ޤ!ŪϤƱǤ! ꥯȤ̵뤵ޤ!ȥåȤƱǤ: %så奨顼Ǥ - ǥդ?å奨顼Ǥ - ꤬­ޤ!DCL ֥ץưƤޤ'logout' Lynx ޤ ޥɵưϸߤǤޤǥեȥưޤ'exit' Lynx ޤ ᡼ʸԽ뤿ΥǥưƤޤΥǥưƥ˥塼åԽޤ̥եȲ URL ϸߤΥեĥ˥塼ΤͭǤ!ʲΥѡߥå:ɸΥ:ɸŪʲμ갷ᤷޤ! ɤ߹...ɸΰ %d `%s'SGML:%s ե %s %.1f ݥȡ ֥ǥ쥯ȥ:֥: ([x] ǥå̵): mailto եʲ: о: %s եƤޤ...侩ե̾:ܥå򤷤Ƥ륷ܥåե COLOR ˥󥿥å顼򸡽Фޤ: ιԤϰʲηʤФʤޤ: COLOR:INTEGER:FOREGROUND:BACKGROUND FOREGROUND BACKGROUND ϰʲΤĤޤ: ʸΡnocolorסdefaultס뤤 lss եΥ˥󥿥å顼򸡽Фޤ: [%s] ιԤϰʲηǤʤФʤޤ: OBJECT:MONO:COLOR (em:bold:brightblue:white ) OBJECT EMSTRONGBIUBLINK ʤɤӤޤ WAIS URL ιʸ顼Ǥƥ।ǥåƥ२顼 - ơΤ˼ԤޤꤵüפȥС뤬ǤޤTelnet ѤǤޤ!Telnet ݡȻѤǤޤ!Ū URL 뤤ϥꥹȤĹ褦Ǥü =ü顼ɽ򥵥ݡȤƤޤüν˼Ԥޤ - üΥפ?ΥȤˤϹ٥桼⡼ɤǤʤФʤޤɥޥ [d] ϸѤǤޤԽ [e] ޥɤϸѤǤޤޥ [p] ϸѤǤޤåȢ϶äݤǤThe character_set definition controls the representation of 8 bit characters for your terminal. If 8 bit characters do not show up correctly on your screen you may try changing to a different 8 bit set or using the 7 bit character approximations. Current valid characters sets are: åϿ٤Ƥޤޤ!ɥᥤϿ٤Ƥޤޤ!The file_sorting_method specifies which value to sort on when viewing file lists such as FTP directories. The options are: BY_FILENAME -- sorts on the name of the file BY_TYPE -- sorts on the type of the file BY_SIZE -- sorts on the size of the file BY_DATE -- sorts on the date of the file ƥȥθκǽοϤХǤ The following allow you to define sub-bookmark files and descriptions. The format is multi_bookmark=, Up to 26 bookmark files (for the English capital letters) are allowed. We start with "multi_bookmarkB" since 'A' is the default (see above). ʲΥǡϤ Lynx ΥԡưŪ/ۤ 줿ΤǤХ𤹤ݤˤϡΥڡΥԡ ޤƤʲΥǡϡ Lynx Υԡӥɤ줿ݤˡưŪꤵ줿 ѥȤƻȤ줿ΤǤʲϤʤ lynx.cfg ե뤫ɤ߹ޤ줿Ǥ %s :?: %s Ūե³ۤޤ!׵ᤵ줿꥽ѤǤޤ򤵤줿ƥϥǥ쥯ȥǤϤޤ! ׵̵뤵ޤ򤵤줿ƥϥեǤǥ쥯ȥǤ⤢ޤ󡣥ꥯȤ̵뤵ޤ̾ϤǤ˻ȤƤޤ! ꥯȤ̵뤵ޤThe visited_links setting controls how Lynx organizes the information in the Visited Links Page. ʸΤιԤ˥󥯤ϤޤʸΤιԤ겼˥󥯤ϤޤΥ֥åޡեˤϰĤ󥯤ޤޤƤޤ!ʸ񤫤λȤϤޤʸˤϱ󥯤ޤ̾ĥǥ쥯ȥ꤬Ǥ¸ߤޤ! ꥯȤ̵뤵ޤ̾ĥե뤬Ǥ¸ߤޤ! ꥯȤ̵뤵ޤΥ饤Ȥ HTTPS URL 򥵥ݡȤƤޤΥ饤Ȥˤ SNEWS URL ΥݡȤޤޤƤޤΥ饤ȤǤϥ˥塼 SSL ͳǥݥȤ뵡ǽݡȤƤޤΥ饤ȤϤΥǧھ뤳ȤǤޤΥ饤ȤϤΥ˥ץǧھ뤳ȤǤޤΥǥ쥯ȥɤޤεǽϤޤƤޤ!ΥեɤϳǥԽ [e] ǤޤΥեϸߤüǤɽǤޤΥեϸߤüǤɽǤޤ[d] [c]󥻥ϰʲ򸡺뤿Υ󥯤Ǥ: ϸǽʥǥåǤ%s ǸǤޤΥåϰʲˤäƼưŪޤ: ̤ URL ϥե ACTION ˤϤʤޤ!ü URL ϥɤǤޤ!̤ URL ϳʸǤǧƤޤ!ʤΤꤿ⤷ʤȻפޤ̾: ե뤬¿ޤμ¹ԤǤΥ꡼ץ򳫤Τ˼Ԥޤ׽λ!׽λ!׳!פϥݡȤƤޤ%d Хž%d Хž (%5d)EXIT ȥפ Lynx ޤ ѹǤʤꥹȤǤ꥿󥭡DZޤϰưѹǤʤեϥե [][]֤ǰưѹǤʤեåܥå [][]֤ǰưѹǤʤեե [][]֤ǰưѹǤʤѥɥե [][]֤ǰưѹǤʤե饸ܥ [][]֤ǰưѹǤʤեƥȥե [][]֤ǰưѹǤʤץꥹȤǤ꥿DZޤϰưURL ʥݡȥեɤޤޤƤޤURL ΰˤޤ! URL: URL ĹޤURL:URL: %sȤ: %s [ץ] [ե] USENET ˥塼ѤǤޤ!ƥ२顼ˤ %s Ǥޤ!WWW ե˥Ǥޤ!!!cgi ץȤ˥Ǥޤʸ˥Ǥޤ!ʸ˥ǤޤFTP ۥȤ³Ǥޤ⡼ȥۥȤ³Ǥޤ󥯺Τˡե򥳥ԡ뤳ȤǤޤݥåץåץɥޤ!եɤǤޤ󥯤éޤ'%s' Υơ뤳ȤǤޤ⡼ȥۥ %s ΰ֤Ǥޤ³ΩǤޤ󥯤Τ˥֥åޡե뤬ޤ֥åޡ򳫤ޤ󡣺ǽ [a] ǥ󥯤¸Ƥޥɥե뤬ޤѡߥå󥪥ץե뤬ޤץե뤬ޤꥸȥե뤬ޤ󥯤Τ˥åե뤬ޤե뤬ޤX Mosaic ۥåȥꥹѴѤΰե뤬ޤmailto URL Τΰ켡ե뤬ޤ!ȥС륨顼ϥե뤬ޤȥСե뤬ޤȥСȯե뤬ޤ󥯺Τˡեƥץ󤹤뤳ȤǤޤ¸Ǥޤ!³Ǥޤե򥢥åץɤǤޤ URL ǤꤵƤʤץȥǤͽ̼ - ɤѥѥ졼򸫤ĤޤΥͥåȥɤ߹ߥ顼: ³ǤޤΥͥåȥ񤭹ߥ顼: ³ǤޤޤϤޤʥޥɤǤФʥơץ饤Ǥ!ݡȤƤʤ URL Ǥ!ݡȤƤʤǡ: URL! Ȥꤢ SHOWINFO ȤäƤʲޤ: åץɤʲ˥åץ:åץɥץ:User-Agent "L_y_n_x" ʤ "Lynx" ȤʸޤƤʤȰտŪʵ֤ȸʤޤ!%s ˥塼ưޤ!Ctrl-R ǸߤθʸʤΥۡǥ쥯ȥեѥꤷƤ!SHELL ʸǤϤʤΥǥ쥯ȥեѥꤷƤ!֤ǥեɤư桼⡼User-Agent إåUser-Agent "Lynx" 뤤 "L_y_n_x" Ȥʸ󤬴ޤޤƤޤ'%s' Τ %s '%s%s' ˤ桼̾:˥塼ۥ '%s' ǤΥ桼̾:桼̾:桼̾: %s ȤޤVI ͤޤ!ͤޤ! -- : Lynx XWINDOWS ꤵ*ޤ*ͤޤ! -- : Lynx XWINDOWS ꤵޤ!ĹʲɽĹԤڤͤޤ!ĹԤޤ֤ޤ!եϺѤߥǤˤ᡼뤷ޤ?:ˬ줿󥯰ˬ줿ڡWAIS ǥå: WAIS о: "! ᡼륢ɥ쥹Υȥ륳ɤ ? ִޤ! UUDecode 줿եϤʤ Lynx ưǥ쥯ȥ֤ޤ: : եǡ򥭥饯å %s ѴǤޤ!褦ɽΰ˼ޤ褦Ԥޤ֤ޤ?X ǥץ쥤Ǥ˥ᥤ̤ˤޤ!Ǥˤʸ %d ڡܤˤޤǤˤΥץꥹȤΥڡ %d ˤޤǤˤʸƬˤޤǤˤΥץꥹȤƬˤޤǤˤʸˤޤǤˤΥץꥹȤνüˤޤʾޤ֥åޡեѹϵĤƤޤ!ѹϵĤƤޤѤ륨ǥѹϵĤƤޤ!Goto "%s" URL ꤹΤ϶ػߤƤޤΥեԽ븢¤ޤߥեܥޤ̾Υ󥯤ξˤޤʲΥɥ쥹˥Ȥޤ: ʸޤåʲȤƤޤ: mailto: 󥯤ϥɤǤޤץɤ뤳ȤϤǤޤϥեɤɤ뤳ȤϤǤޤĥץɤ뤳ȤϤǤޤåץɥץɤ뤳ȤϤǤޤåɤǤޤե URL ԽǤޤʥֹ椬Ϥޤʥץֹ椬ϤޤΥץ vt100200 ʤɤüǼ¹ԤƤ򤷤ڡ: ʤˬ줿(POST֥åޡ˥塼ꥹȥեϽ):: ʤü '%s' ϥ顼ɽ򥵥ݡȤƤޤȤüפʬޤ!ǽ˻ȤեǶΥơ饤åaccept_all_cookies allows the user to tell Lynx to automatically accept all cookies if desired. The default is "FALSE" which will prompt for each cookie. Set accept_all_cookies to "TRUE" to accept all cookies. bookmark_file specifies the name and location of the default bookmark file into which the user can paste links for easy access at a later date. Х"%s"ȤƸƤФ ʸʲذư:cgi ݡȤѤǤޤʸΥ饯åȤŪ˻ꤵƤޤ...åܥåޥåȤĤޤѥΥץǡ³cookie_accept_domains and cookie_reject_domains are comma-delimited lists of domains from which Lynx should automatically accept or reject all cookies. If a domain is specified in both options, rejection will take precedence. The accept_all_cookies parameter will override any settings made here. cookie_domain_flag_set 顼ץλޤcookie_loose_invalid_domains, cookie_strict_invalid_domains, and cookie_query_invalid_domains are comma-delimited lists of which domains should be subjected to varying degrees of validity checking. If a domain is set to strict checking, strict conformance to RFC2109 will be applied. A domain with loose checking will be allowed to set cookies with an invalid path or domain attribute. All domains will default to querying the user for an invalid path or domain. ȯdir_list_order specifies the directory list order under DIRED_SUPPORT (if implemented). The default is "ORDER_BY_NAME" dir_list_styles specifies the directory list style under DIRED_SUPPORT (if implemented). The default is "MIXED_STYLE", which sorts both files and directories together. "FILES_FIRST" lists files first and "DIRECTORIES_FIRST" lists directories first. ǥ쥯ȥѹǤޤեϥեfile: ACTION ϵĤƤޤ!file: ֥åޡͳ URL ϵĤƤޤ!file: 󶡤줿󥯷ͳ URL ǧƤޤ!file_editor specifies the editor to be invoked when editing local files or sending mail. If no editor is specified, then file editing is disabled unless it is activated from the command line, and the built-in line editor will be used for sending mail. ˤϾܺ٤դƤޤΤǻȤƤ󥿥४ץĤեʣե⡼ʲϺƹۤΤ򥹥åΥꥹȤǤ줿եեܥե "%s" "%s" ȸƤФ '%s' 饤󥯥롼ɤƤޤ %s ιԥǥ %s ǤΤ򤷤ޤ %s %s غΤ˼Ԥޤ %s %s (ư %s) Τ˼Ԥޤ keygen եǿlineedit_mode specifies the key binding used for inputting strings in prompts and forms. If lineedit_mode is set to "Default Binding" then the following control characters are used for moving and deleting: Prev Next Enter = Accept input Move char: <- -> ^G = Cancel input Move word: ^P ^N ^U = Erase line Delete char: ^H ^R ^A = Beginning of line Delete word: ^B ^F ^E = End of line Current lineedit modes are: lynx: ȥե˥Ǥޤlynx: ѥɤɬפǤ!!!lynx: ȥե뤬Ĥʤtext/html ʤ text/plain ǤϤޤlynx: 桼̾ȥѥɤɬפǤ!!!⡼:%s %s ˰ưޤɥᥤ %s Ƶݤޤβno̾ɥᥤ󤴤ȤΥåդѤ뤳ȤǤޤڡڡѥϥե³Ūåξ֤ϼΥåˤʤʤѹޤpersonal_mail_address specifies your personal mail address. The address will be sent during HTTP file transfers for authorization and logging purposes, and for mailed comments. If you do not want this information given out, set the NO_FROM_HEADER to TRUE in lynx.cfg, or use the -nofrom command line switch. You also could leave this field blank, but then you won't have it included in your mailed comments. ݥåץåץ˥塼ץ꡼preferred_charset specifies the character set in MIME notation (e.g., ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-5) which Lynx will indicate you prefer in requests to http servers using an Accept-Charset header. The value should NOT include ISO-8859-1 or US-ASCII, since those values are always assumed by default. May be a comma-separated list. If a file in that character set is available, the server will send it. If no Accept-Charset header is present, the default is that any character set is acceptable. If an Accept-Charset header is present, and if the server cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the Accept-Charset header, then the server SHOULD send an error response, though the sending of an unacceptable response is also allowed. ---- β饸ܥϰϥեƳ:⡼ %s å:%s ޤꥻåȥܥ[b]֥åޡե/Խselect_popups specifies whether the OPTIONs in a SELECT block which lacks a MULTIPLE attribute are presented as a vertical list of radio buttons or via a popup menu. Note that if the MULTIPLE attribute is present in the SELECT start tag, Lynx always will create a vertical list of checkboxes for the OPTIONs. A value of "on" will set popup menus as the default while a value of "off" will set use of radio boxes. The default can be overridden via the -popup command line toggle. ԥǥХǥ󥰤ǥ %s (0x%x) ư %sꤹΤ˼Ԥޤ ԥǥХǥ󥰤ǥ %s (0x%x) 0x%x (ư %s)ꤹΤ˼Ԥޤ show_color specifies how to set the color mode at startup. A value of "never" will force color mode off (treat the terminal as monochrome) at startup even if the terminal appears to be color capable. A value of "always" will force color mode on even if the terminal appears to be monochrome, if this is supported by the library used to build lynx. A value of "default" will yield the behavior of assuming a monochrome terminal unless color capability is inferred at startup based on the terminal type, or the -color command line switch is used, or the COLORTERM environment variable is set. The default behavior always is used in anonymous accounts or if the "option_save" restriction is set. The effect of the saved value can be overridden via the -color and -nocolor command line switches. The mode set at startup can be changed via the "show color" option in the 'o'ptions menu. If the option settings are saved, the "on" and "off" "show color" settings will be treated as "default". show_cursor specifies whether to 'hide' the cursor to the right (and bottom, if possible) of the screen, or to place it to the left of the current link in documents, or current option in select popup windows. Positioning the cursor to the left of the current link or option is helpful for speech or braille interfaces, and when the terminal is one which does not distinguish the current link based on highlighting or color. A value of "on" will set positioning to the left as the default while a value of "off" will set 'hiding' of the cursor. The default can be overridden via the -show_cursor command line toggle. show_dotfiles specifies that the directory listing should include "hidden" (dot) files/directories. If set "on", this will be honored only if enabled via userdefs.h and/or lynx.cfg, and not restricted via a command line switch. If display of hidden files is disabled, creation of such files via Lynx also is disabled. :åȤԤޤåȤԤޤ: եߥ %d ɥ쥹 %s ݡ %sޥåѥåܥ򤵤줿ƥ:򤵤줿ƥ:ƥϥꥢƥϥեƥեοϥƥˤֹǤʸ:Υ%s touch ޤ̤ΤΥեɤޤϥ󥯤Ǥ̤ΤΥեեuser_mode specifies the users level of knowledge with Lynx. The default is "NOVICE" which displays two extra lines of help at the bottom of the screen to aid the user in learning the basic Lynx commands. Set user_mode to "INTERMEDIATE" to turn off the extra info. Use "ADVANCED" to see the URL of the currently selected link at the bottom of the screen. ׵ᤵޤѤǤޤǤyesʤ