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(y or n) Linker options ============== Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O, -W, or --param are automatically passed on to the various sub-processes invoked by %s. In order to pass other options on to these processes the -W options must be used. ldd output with constructors/destructors. write_c_file - output name is %s, prefix is %s Display specific types of command line options %s %qD in pointer to member conversion in pointer to member function conversion (Use '-v --help' to display command line options of sub-processes) (you can disable this with -fno-deduce-init-list) --bootclasspath PATH Override built-in class path --classpath PATH Set path to find .class files --extdirs PATH Set extensions directory path --help Display this information --help Print this help, then exit --javap Generate output in 'javap' format --sysroot= Use as the root directory for headers and libraries --target-help Display target specific command line options --version Display compiler version information --version Print version number, then exit -B Add to the compiler's search paths -E Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link -IDIR Append directory to class path -S Compile only; do not assemble or link -Wa, Pass comma-separated on to the assembler -Wl, Pass comma-separated on to the linker -Wp, Pass comma-separated on to the preprocessor -Xassembler Pass on to the assembler -Xlinker Pass on to the linker -Xpreprocessor Pass on to the preprocessor -a, --all-blocks Show information for every basic block -b, --branch-probabilities Include branch probabilities in output -c Compile and assemble, but do not link -c Disassemble method bodies -c, --branch-counts Given counts of branches taken rather than percentages -d, --display-progress Display progress information -dumpmachine Display the compiler's target processor -dumpspecs Display all of the built in spec strings -dumpversion Display the version of the compiler -f, --function-summaries Output summaries for each function -h, --help Print this help, then exit -l, --long-file-names Use long output file names for included source files -n, --no-output Do not create an output file -o Place the output into -o FILE Set output file name -o, --object-directory DIR|FILE Search for object files in DIR or called FILE -p, --preserve-paths Preserve all pathname components -pass-exit-codes Exit with highest error code from a phase -pipe Use pipes rather than intermediate files -print-file-name= Display the full path to library -print-libgcc-file-name Display the name of the compiler's companion library -print-multi-directory Display the root directory for versions of libgcc -print-multi-lib Display the mapping between command line options and multiple library search directories -print-multi-os-directory Display the relative path to OS libraries -print-prog-name= Display the full path to compiler component -print-search-dirs Display the directories in the compiler's search path -print-sysroot Display the target libraries directory -print-sysroot-headers-suffix Display the sysroot suffix used to find headers -save-temps Do not delete intermediate files -save-temps= Do not delete intermediate files -specs= Override built-in specs with the contents of -std= Assume that the input sources are for -time Time the execution of each subprocess -v Display the programs invoked by the compiler -v, --verbose Print extra information while running -v, --version Print version number, then exit as it is a non-system directory that duplicates a system directory candidate expects %d argument, %d provided candidate expects %d arguments, %d provided enters catch block enters try block from here in thrown expression no known conversion for argument %d from %qT to %qT no known conversion for implicit % parameter from %qT to %qT profiling support are only provided in archive format candidate 1: %q+#F candidate 2: %q+#F conflicting code gen style switches are used"#pragma disinterrupt %s" not used# %s %.2f %.2f #include "..." search starts here: #include <...> search starts here: #pragma GCC coprocessor subclass '%c' already defined#pragma GCC coprocessor subclass letter must be in [ABCD]#pragma GCC coprocessor width takes only 32 or 64#pragma GCC memregs must precede any function decls#pragma GCC memregs takes a number [0..16]#pragma GCC optimize is not allowed inside functions#pragma GCC optimize string... is badly formed#pragma GCC option is not allowed inside functions#pragma GCC target is not supported for this machine#pragma GCC target string... is badly formed#pragma GCC visibility must be followed by push or pop#pragma GCC visibility push() must specify default, internal, hidden or protected#pragma GHS endXXX does not match previous startXXX#pragma GHS endXXXX found without previous startXXX#pragma io_volatile takes only on or off#pragma message: %s#pragma pack (pop) encountered without matching #pragma pack (push)#pragma pack has no effect with -fpack-struct - ignored#pragma pack(pop, %E) encountered without matching #pragma pack(push, %E)#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with __asm__ declaration#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with previous #pragma redefine_extname#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with previous rename$ operand number used after format without operand number%+D causes a section type conflict%<#pragma GCC optimize (string [,string]...)%> does not have a final %<)%>%<#pragma GCC optimize%> is not a string or number%<#pragma GCC option%> is not a string%<#pragma GCC pch_preprocess%> must be first%<#pragma GCC pop_options%> without a corresponding %<#pragma GCC push_options%>%<#pragma GCC target (string [,string]...)%> does not have a final %<)%>%<#pragma STDC FLOAT_CONST_DECIMAL64%> is not supported for C++%<#pragma STDC FLOAT_CONST_DECIMAL64%> is not supported on this target%<#pragma align%> must appear before the declaration of %D, ignoring%<#pragma omp barrier%> may only be used in compound statements%<#pragma omp flush%> may only be used in compound statements%<#pragma omp taskwait%> may only be used in compound statements%<%%%> constraint used with last operand%<%%%c%> yields only last 2 digits of year%<%%%c%> yields only last 2 digits of year in some locales%<%T::%D%> is not a valid declarator%<%s %E%> declared inside parameter list%<&%> constraint used with no register class%<-fsplit-stack%> currently only supported on GNU/Linux%<-fsplit-stack%> is not supported by this compiler configuration%<-fsplit-stack%> requires assembler support for CFI directives%<-gnat%> misspelled as %<-gant%>%<-march=%s%> is not compatible with the selected ABI%<-mcpu=%> is deprecated; use %<-mtune=%> or %<-march=%> instead%<-mfused-madd%> is deprecated; use %<-ffp-contract=%> instead%<-mgp32%> and %<-mfp64%> can only be combined if the target supports the mfhc1 and mthc1 instructions%<-mgp32%> and %<-mfp64%> can only be combined when using the o32 ABI%<-mgp32%> used with a 64-bit ABI%<-mgp64%> used with a 32-bit ABI%<-mgp64%> used with a 32-bit processor%<-mintel-syntax%> and %<-mno-intel-syntax%> are deprecated; use %<-masm=intel%> and %<-masm=att%> instead%<-mips3d%> requires %<-mpaired-single%>%<-mno-gpopt%> needs %<-mexplicit-relocs%>%<-msse5%> was removed%<-x %s%> after last input file has no effect%<...%> has invalid operand number%<[*]%> not allowed in other than function prototype scope%<[*]%> not in a declaration%<_Sat%> is used without %<_Fract%> or %<_Accum%>%<__BELOW100__%> attribute only applies to variables%<__alignof%> applied to a bit-field%<__builtin_longjmp%> second argument must be 1%<__builtin_next_arg%> called without an argument%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> is not defined as % or %%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> is not defined as a type%<__int128%> is not supported by this target%<__int128%> is not supported for this target%<__thread%> before %%<__thread%> before %%<__thread%> before %qD%<__thread%> used with %%<__thread%> used with %%<__thread%> used with %%<__thread%> used with %qE% operand constraint incompatible with operand size% operand has impossible constraints% operand requires impossible reload% specifiers are not permitted on non-static data members% in file-scope empty declaration% has no effect on non-interrupt functions% label not within a switch statement% without a previous %% declared in % loop initial declaration% attribute have effect only on public objects% attribute directive ignored% loop initial declarations are only allowed in C99 mode% used outside of class% attribute present on %q+D% in empty declaration% is not defined as a type% is not defined as a type% is too long for GCC% invalid for %qs% and % specified together for %qs% invalid for %qs% or % invalid for %qs% or % specified with char for %qs% switch expression not converted to % in ISO C%, %, %, or % invalid for %qs% definition is not allowed here% function does return% value must be positive% must return type %qT% takes type % (%qT) as first parameter% in file-scope empty declaration% with a value, in function returning void% with no value, in function returning non-void% invalid for %qs% or % invalid for %qs% and % specified together for %qs% or % invalid for %qs% applied to a bit-field% declared in % loop initial declaration% %qE has incomplete type% is not defined as a pointer type% is not defined as a type% applied to a bit-field% declared in % loop initial declaration% used in function with fixed args% outside class declaration% as only parameter may not be qualified% must be the only parameter%E qualifier ignored on asm%Kattempt to free a non-heap object%Kattempt to free a non-heap object %qD%Kfirst argument of %D must be a pointer, second integer constant%Kinvalid use of %<__builtin_va_arg_pack ()%>%Kinvalid use of %<__builtin_va_arg_pack_len ()%>%Klast argument of %D is not integer constant between 0 and 3%d constructor found %d constructors found %d destructor found %d destructors found %d frame table found %d frame tables found %i-bit mode not compiled in%q#D is not const%q#D is volatile%q#T has pointer data members%q#T has virtual functions and accessible non-virtual destructor%q#T only defines a private destructor and has no friends%q#T only defines private constructors and has no friends%q#T used where a %qT was expected%q#T used where a floating point value was expected%q+#D cannot be overloaded%q+#D invalid; an anonymous struct can only have non-static data members%q+#D invalid; an anonymous union can only have non-static data members%q+#D is inaccessible%q+#D is private%q+#D is protected%q+D aliased to external symbol %qE%q+D aliased to undefined symbol %qE%q+D already declared with dllexport attribute: dllimport ignored%q+D causes a section type conflict%q+D contains empty classes which may cause base classes to be placed at different locations in a future version of GCC%q+D declared to take const reference, but implicit declaration would take non-const%q+D defined both normally and as %qE attribute%q+D defined but not used%q+D invalid in %q#T%q+D is static but declared in inline function %qD which is not static%q+D is too small to hold all values of %q#T%q+D is usually a function%q+D may not be static because it is a member of a union%q+D redeclared as different kind of symbol%q+D redeclared without dllimport attribute after being referenced with dll linkage%q+D redeclared without dllimport attribute: previous dllimport ignored%q+D takes only zero or two arguments%q+D was hidden%q+D:'selectany' attribute applies only to initialized objects%q+F declared % but never defined%q+F used but never defined%qD changed semantics in GCC 4.4%qD declared as a non-parameter%qD declared here%qD has already been defined%qD has an incomplete type%qD is a namespace%qD is already defined in %qT%qD is already defined in the class %qT%qD is deprecated (declared at %r%s:%d%R)%qD is deprecated (declared at %r%s:%d%R): %s%qD is deprecated (declared at %s:%d)%qD is deprecated (declared at %s:%d): %s%qD is normally a non-static function%qD is not a function template%qD is not a namespace-name%qD is not a template function%qD is not a variable%qD is not declared in %qD%qD is not defined outside of function scope%qD is static but used in inline function %qD which is not static%qD is used uninitialized in this function%qD may be used uninitialized in this function%qD redeclared with different visibility%qD should be initialized%qD was declared %qs which implies default visibility%qD was declared here%qD was not initialized with a constant expression%qD was used with no declaration before its definition%qD was used with no prototype before its definition%qE 2.95 vtable-compatibility attribute applies only to C++ classes%qE 2.95 vtable-compatibility attribute applies only when compiling a kext%qE appears more than once in data clauses%qE attribute allows only an integer constant argument%qE attribute applies only to functions%qE attribute applies only to initialized variables with external linkage%qE attribute argument not a string constant%qE attribute argument not an integer constant%qE attribute argument should be between 0 to 255%qE attribute argument should be between 18 to 255%qE attribute cannot be specified for local variables%qE attribute conflicts with attribute %s%qE attribute directive ignored%qE attribute does not apply to types%qE attribute has no effect%qE attribute has no effect on unit local functions%qE attribute have effect only on public objects%qE attribute ignored%qE attribute ignored because %qT is already defined%qE attribute ignored for %qE%qE attribute ignored for field of type %qT%qE attribute ignored on non-class types%qE attribute ignored on types%qE attribute is not supported for R8C target%qE attribute is supported only for SH2A%qE attribute is used for none class-method%qE attribute only applies to SH2A%qE attribute only applies to function types%qE attribute only applies to functions%qE attribute only applies to functions, not %s%qE attribute only applies to interrupt functions%qE attribute only applies to variables%qE attribute only applies to variables and functions%qE attribute only available for 32-bit%qE attribute requires a string constant argument%qE attribute requires an integer constant argument%qE attribute requires prototypes with named arguments%qE cannot have both % and % attributes%qE declared % after first use%qE declared as function returning a function%qE declared as function returning an array%qE defined as wrong kind of tag%qE has both % and initializer%qE has invalid type for %%qE has invalid type for %%qE implies default visibility, but %qD has already been declared with a different visibility%qE incompatible attribute ignored%qE initialized and declared %%qE is an unrecognized format function type%qE is deprecated%qE is deprecated (declared at %r%s:%d%R)%qE is deprecated (declared at %r%s:%d%R): %s%qE is deprecated (declared at %s:%d)%qE is deprecated (declared at %s:%d): %s%qE is deprecated: %s%qE is not a variable in clause %%qE is not a variable in clause %%qE is not a variable in clause %qs%qE is not at beginning of declaration%qE is not initialized%qE is predetermined %qs for %qs%qE must be % for %%qE needs isa option %s%qE redeclared with conflicting %qs attributes%qE undeclared (first use in this function)%qE undeclared here (not in a function)%qT has no member named %qE%qT is not a template type%qs attribute ignored%qs attribute only applies to functions%qs attribute requires prototypes with named arguments%qs combined with % qualifier for %qE%qs combined with % qualifier for %qE%qs does not support MIPS16 code%qs expects a constant argument%qs has overflowed%qs is an invalid argument to -mcpu=%qs is an unknown -save-temps option%qs is narrower than values of its type%qs is not a gcov data file%qs is not a valid option to the preprocessor%qs is not available in VLIW functions%qs is not available in non-VLIW functions%qs is not valid for %qs%qs is version %q.*s, expected version %q.*s%qs must be used with %qs%qs requires a target that provides the %qs instruction%qs requires branch-likely instructions%qs specified for auto variable %qE%qs specified for parameter %qE%qs specified for structure field%qs specified for structure field %qE%qs specified for unnamed parameter%qs uses dynamic stack allocation%s%s %s %<%s%.*s%> expects a matching %<%T%s%> argument%s %<%s%.*s%> expects a matching %<%s%s%> argument%s %<%s%.*s%> expects argument of type %<%T%s%>, but argument %d has type %qT%s %<%s%.*s%> expects argument of type %<%s%s%>, but argument %d has type %qT%s %s%s %s '%s' %s (program %s)%s does not support %%n$ operand number formats%s does not support %s%s does not support %s with the %<%%%c%> %s format%s does not support block_ends_with_call_p%s does not support block_ends_with_condjump_p%s does not support can_duplicate_block_p%s does not support can_merge_blocks_p%s does not support can_remove_branch_p%s does not support create_basic_block%s does not support delete_basic_block%s does not support duplicate_block%s does not support flow_call_edges_add%s does not support make_forwarder_block%s does not support merge_blocks%s does not support move_block_after%s does not support predict_edge%s does not support predicted_by_p%s does not support redirect_edge_and_branch%s does not support redirect_edge_and_branch_force%s does not support split_block%s does not support split_edge%s does not support the %<%%%c%> %s format%s does not support the %<%%%s%c%> %s format%s does not support the %qs %s length modifier%s expects an integer literal in the range [%d, %d]%s ignored with %s and %<%%%c%> %s format%s ignored with %s in %s format%s in CFString literal%s is not supported by this configuration%s only accepts %d arguments%s only accepts 1 argument%s only accepts 2 arguments%s returned %d exit status%s terminated with signal %d [%s]%s terminated with signal %d [%s]%s%s terminated with signal %d [%s], core dumped%s used with %<%%%c%> %s format%s"%s"%s is invalid%s"%s"%s is not allowed%s%#D %s%D(%T) %s%D(%T, %T) %s%D(%T, %T, %T) %s%T %s%s%s %sversion %s (%s) %s compiled by GNU C version %s, %s%s%s %sversion %s (%s) compiled by CC, %s-%s is an empty range%s: %d basic blocks and %d registers%s: %m%s: %s%s: %s compiler not installed on this system%s: --param arguments should be of the form NAME=VALUE%s: -fcompare-debug failure%s: -fcompare-debug failure (length)%s: Cannot open output file: %s %s: Failed to close output file %s %s: PCH file was invalid%s: at least one operand can%'t be handled%s: cannot open as COFF file%s: could not determine length of compare-debug file %s%s: could not open compare-debug file %s%s: couldn%'t open PCH file: %m%s: linker input file unused because linking not done%s: not a COFF file%s:%d: Invalid state file; %s:%d: Invalid state file; %s%s:%d: confused by earlier errors, bailing out %s:%d:%d: Invalid state file; %s:%d:%d: Invalid state file; %s%s:'%s' lacks entry and/or exit blocks %s:cannot open data file, assuming not executed %s:corrupted %s:graph is unsolvable for '%s' %s:no functions found %s:no lines for '%s' %s:not a gcov data file %s:overflowed %s:profile mismatch for '%s' %s:unknown function '%u' %srtd%s is ignored in 64bit mode%ssseregparm%s used without SSE enabled%stune=x86-64%s is deprecated; use %stune=k8%s or %stune=generic%s instead as appropriate'' ' flag'!' flag'#' flag'%%%c' is not a valid operand prefix'%%&' used without any local dynamic TLS references'%%l' operand isn't a label''' flag'(' flag'+' flag'-' flag'0' flag'B' operand is not constant'E' modifier'I' flag'O' modifier'^' flag'_' flag'a' flag'm' flag'o' operand is not constant'q' flag(C)(an out of class initialization is required)(anonymous)(near initialization for %qs)(static destructors for %s)(static initializers for %s)(the message is only displayed one per source file) ({anonymous})*** WARNING *** there are active plugins, do not report this as a bug unless you can reproduce it without enabling any plugins. --CLASSPATH Deprecated; use --classpath instead--bootclasspath= Replace system path--classpath= Set class path--encoding= Choose input encoding (defaults from your locale)--extdirs= Set the extension directory path--help argument %q.*s is ambiguous, please be more specific--help= Display descriptions of a specific class of options. is one or more of optimizers, target, warnings, undocumented, params--param = Set parameter to value. See below for a complete list of parameters--param inline-unit-growth limit reached--param large-function-growth limit reached--param large-stack-frame-growth limit reached--param max-inline-insns-auto limit reached--param max-inline-insns-single limit reached-D[=] Define a with as its value. If just is given, is taken to be 1-E or -x required when input is from standard input-F Add to the end of the main framework include path-I Add to the end of the main include path-I- specified twice-MF Write dependency output to the given file-MG may only be used with -M or -MM-MT Add an unquoted target-O Set optimization level to -U Undefine -Werror=%s: no option -%s-Werror=normalized=: set -Wnormalized=nfc-Wformat-contains-nul ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-extra-args ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-nonliteral ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-security ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-y2k ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-zero-length ignored without -Wformat-Wframe-larger-than= Warn if a function's stack frame requires more than bytes-Wlarger-than= Warn if an object is larger than bytes-Wnormalized= Warn about non-normalised Unicode strings-Xbind-now and -Xbind-lazy are incompatible-aux-info Emit declaration information into -bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib-bundle_loader not allowed with -dynamiclib-c or -S required for Ada-client_name not allowed with -dynamiclib-current_version only allowed with -dynamiclib-d Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler-dumpbase Set the file basename to be used for dumps-dumpdir Set the directory name to be used for dumps-f%s and -msdata=%s are incompatible-f%s ignored for target (all code is position independent)-f%s is not supported with CONST16 instructions-f%s not supported: ignored-f%sleading-underscore not supported on this target machine-fPIC and -fpic are not supported in this configuration-fPIC and -mcall-%s are incompatible-fPIC ignored for target (all code is position independent)-fPIC is not supported-falign-labels=%d is not supported-falign-loops=%d is not supported-fassociative-math disabled; other options take precedence-fcall-saved- Mark as being preserved across functions-fcall-used- Mark as being corrupted by function calls-fconst-string-class= Use class for constant strings-fdata-sections not supported for this target-fdbg-cnt=%s-fdbg-cnt=:[,:,...] Set the debug counter limit. -fdirectives-only is incompatible with -Wunused_macros-fdirectives-only is incompatible with -traditional-fdump- Dump various compiler internals to a file-fdump-final-insns=filename Dump to filename the insns at the end of translation-fdump-go-spec=filename Write all declarations to file as Go code-femit-class-file should used along with -fsyntax-only-femit-struct-debug-baseonly Aggressive reduced debug info for structs-femit-struct-debug-detailed= Detailed reduced debug info for structs-femit-struct-debug-reduced Conservative reduced debug info for structs-fexcess-precision=[fast|standard] Specify handling of excess floating-point precision-fexec-charset= Convert all strings and character constants to character set -ffixed- Mark as being unavailable to the compiler-ffunction-sections not supported for this target-fgo-dump- Dump Go frontend internal information-fhandle-exceptions has been renamed -fexceptions (and is now on by default)-finline-limit= Limit the size of inlined functions to -finput-charset= Specify the default character set for source files-fira-algorithm=[CB|priority] Set the used IRA algorithm-fira-region=[one|all|mixed] Set regions for IRA-fjni and -femit-class-file are incompatible-fjni and -femit-class-files are incompatible-fmax-errors= Maximum number of errors to report-fmessage-length= Limit diagnostics to characters per line. 0 suppresses line-wrapping-fno-gnu89-inline is only supported in GNU99 or C99 mode-force_flat_namespace not allowed with -dynamiclib-fpic and -mapcs-reent are incompatible-fpic is not supported-fplugin-arg--[=] Specify argument = for plugin -fprefetch-loop-arrays is not supported with -Os-fprefetch-loop-arrays not supported for this target-fprefetch-loop-arrays not supported for this target (try -march switches)-frandom-seed= Make compile reproducible using -frecord-gcc-switches is not supported by the current target-freorder-blocks-and-partition does not support unwind info on this architecture-freorder-blocks-and-partition does not work on this architecture-freorder-blocks-and-partition not supported on this architecture-frepo must be used with -c-fsched-verbose= Set the verbosity level of the scheduler-fstack-check=[no|generic|specific] Insert stack checking code into the program-fstack-limit-register= Trap if the stack goes past -fstack-limit-symbol= Trap if the stack goes past symbol -fstack-protector not supported for this target-ftabstop= Distance between tab stops for column reporting-ftls-model=[global-dynamic|local-dynamic|initial-exec|local-exec] Set the default thread-local storage code generation model-fvisibility=[default|internal|hidden|protected] Set the default symbol visibility-fwide-exec-charset= Convert all wide strings and character constants to character set -g is only supported when using GAS on this processor,-g option disabled-g with -mno-apcs-frame may not give sensible debugging-gnat Specify options to GNAT-idirafter Add to the end of the system include path-iframework Add to the end of the system framework include path-imacros Accept definition of macros in -include Include the contents of before other files-install_name only allowed with -dynamiclib-iplugindir option not passed from the gcc driver-iplugindir= Set to be the default plugin directory-isysroot Set to be the system root directory-isystem Add to the start of the system include path-iwithprefix Add to the end of the system include path-iwithprefixbefore Add to the end of the main include path-keep_private_externs not allowed with -dynamiclib-m%s not supported in this configuration-m64 requires a PowerPC64 cpu-mabi=ABI Generate code that conforms to the given ABI-maix64 required: 64-bit computation with 32-bit addressing not yet supported-maix64 requires PowerPC64 architecture remain enabled-malign-power is not supported for 64-bit Darwin; it is incompatible with the installed C and C++ libraries-mapcs-stack-check incompatible with -mno-apcs-frame-march=ARCH Generate code for the specified chip or CPU version-march=ISA Generate code for the given ISA-mas100-syntax is incompatible with -gdwarf-max-stackframe=%d is not usable, not between 0 and %d-mbackchain -mpacked-stack -mhard-float are not supported in combination-mbig-endian and -mlittle-endian may not be used together-mbnu210 is ignored (option is obsolete)-mbranch-cost=COST Set the cost of branches to roughly COST instructions-mc= must be -mc=tiny, -mc=near, or -mc=far-mcall-aixdesc must be big endian-mclip currently has no effect without -mminmax-mcmodel incompatible with other toc options-mcmodel= is not supported on 32 bit systems-mcorea and -mcoreb can%'t be used together-mcorea should be used with -mmulticore-mcoreb should be used with -mmulticore-mcpu= Use features of and schedule code for given CPU-mcpu=%s conflicts with -march=%s-mcpu=%s is not valid-mcpu=PROCESSOR Use features of and schedule code for given CPU-mcpu=m16c Compile code for M16C variants-mcpu=m32c Compile code for M32C variants-mcpu=m32cm Compile code for M32CM variants-mcpu=r8c Compile code for R8C variants-mdebug= Enable debug output-memregs= Number of memreg bytes (default: 16, range: 0..16)-mfloat-abi=hard and VFP-mfloat-gprs= Select GPR floating point method-mfpu= Specify FP (sp, dp, sp-lite, dp-lite) (implies -mxilinx-fpu)-mhard-dfp can%'t be used in conjunction with -msoft-float-mhard-float not supported-mincoming-stack-boundary=%d is not between %d and 12-mipsN Generate code for ISA level N-mlong-double-64 not allowed with -m64-mlong-double- Specify size of long double (64 or 128 bits)-mmax-stackframe=SIZE Warn when a stackframe is larger than the specified size-mmcu=MCU Select the target MCU-mmulticore can only be used with BF561-mmultiple is not supported on little endian systems-mno-altivec disables vsx-mno-fentry isn%'t compatible with SEH-mpcrel -fPIC is not currently supported on selected cpu-mpic-register= is useless without -fpic-mrecip requires -ffinite-math or -ffast-math-mrecip requires -fno-trapping-math or -ffast-math-mrecip requires -freciprocal-math or -ffast-math-mrelax is only supported for RTP PIC-mrelocatable and -mcall-%s are incompatible-mrelocatable and -mno-minimal-toc are incompatible-mrelocatable and -msdata=%s are incompatible-ms2600 is used without -ms-msdata=%s and -mcall-%s are incompatible-msecure-plt not supported by your assembler-mshared-library-id= specified without -mid-shared-library-mshared-library-id=%s is not between 0 and %d-msim Use simulator runtime-msimple-fpu option ignored-msingle-float and -msoft-float cannot both be specified-msingle-float option equivalent to -mhard-float-mstack-guard implies use of -mstack-size-mstring is not supported on little endian systems-mtraceback= Select full, part, or no traceback table-mtune= Schedule code for given CPU-mtune= expects mn10300, am33, am33-2, or am34-mtune=ARCH Tune alignment for the specified chip or CPU version-mtune=PROCESSOR Optimize the output for PROCESSOR-mvsx and -mno-altivec are incompatible-mvsx and -mpaired are incompatible-mvsx requires hardware floating point-mvsx used with little endian code-mxl-multiply-high can be used only with -mcpu=v6.00.a or greater-mxl-multiply-high requires -mno-xl-soft-mul-o Place output into -pg and -fomit-frame-pointer are incompatible-pipe ignored because -save-temps specified-pipe not supported-private_bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib-trigraphs Support ISO C trigraphs128-bit long double not supported for VAX floats2 byte cop instructions are not allowed in 64-bit VLIW mode31 bit ABI387 instruction set disabled, using SSE arithmetics64 bit ABI64-bit ABI not supported in ESA/390 mode