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Come on, aren't we friendly guys after all? ## This is ELinks configuration file. You can edit it manually, ## if you wish so, but keep in mind that this file is overwritten ## by ELinks when you save options through UI and you are out of ## luck with your formatting and own comments then, so beware. ## This is ELinks configuration file. You can edit it manually, ## if you wish so; this file is edited by ELinks when you save ## options through UI, however only option values will be altered ## and all your formatting, own comments etc will be kept as-is. ## This is ELinks configuration file. You can edit it manually, ## if you wish so; this file is edited by ELinks when you save ## options through UI, however only option values will be altered ## and missing options will be added at the end of file; if option ## is not written in this file, but in some file included from it, ## it is NOT counted as missing. Note that all your formatting, ## own comments and so on will be kept as-is. %d select() failures.%ld byte%ld bytes%ld byte overhead%ld bytes overhead%ld connecting%ld connecting%ld connection%ld connections%ld file%ld files%ld formatted%ld formatted%ld handle%ld handles%ld in use%ld in use%ld keepalive%ld keepalive%ld loading%ld loading%ld refreshing%ld refreshing%ld session%ld sessions%ld terminal%ld terminals%ld timer%ld timers%ld transferring%ld transferring%u available%u available%u completed%u completed%u connection%u connections%u downloader%u downloaders%u in memory%u in memory%u in progress%u in progress%u locked%u locked%u rejected%u rejected%u remaining%u remaining%u seeder%u seeders%u unavailable%u unavailable'%s' is a directory.(alias for %s)(default: "%s")(default: %ld)(default: %s)(expand by pressing space)16 colors1:1 in256 colors88 colorsA script embedded in the current document raised the following%s%s%s%sA script embedded in the current document was running for more than %d seconds. This probably means there is a bug in the script and it could have halted the whole ELinks, so the script execution was interrupted.Abort and delete fileAbort and ~delete fileAbort connectionAboutAccept cookie?Accept policyAccess keysAccess to server deniedAccesskey priorityActionActivate HTTP TRACE debuggingActivate the menuActive linkActive link colors.Add a new bookmarkAdd a new bookmark using current linkAdd bookmarkAdd folderAdd keybindingAdd optionAdd serverAdd se~paratorAdd ~folderAdd ~serverAliasAllow blacklistingAllow blacklisting of buggy peers.Allow blacklisting of buggy servers.Allow local CGIAllow reading special filesAlways show menu bar on the screen.Amount of comments automatically written to the config file: 0 is no comments are written 1 is only the "blurb" (name+type) is written 2 is only the description is written 3 is full comments are writtenAn error occurred while running a %s scriptAnnounce URIAnonymous passwordAsk before openingAsk before opening.Ask before using the handlers defined by mailcap.Ask for confirmation when submitting a form.Asynchronous DNSAttempt to auto-complete a local fileAttempt to auto-complete the inputAttempt to resume download of the current linkAttempt to unambiguously auto-complete the inputAudio notification when download is completed: 0 is never 1 is when background notification is active 2 is alwaysAuthenticationAuthentication managerAuthentication requiredAuthentication required for %s at %sAuthorization requiredAuto restore sessionAuto save and restore session folder nameAuto save sessionAutomatic links followingAutomatically saved keybindings Automatically saved options Automatically submit the first form in the given URLs.Autosubmit first formAverage speedBackground colorBackground with ~notifyBad FTP loginBad FTP responseBad HTTP responseBad NNTP responseBad URL syntaxBad event %dBad numberBad option value.Bad stringBad terminal size: %d, %dBadly formated mailcap entry for type %s in "%s" line %dBelarusianBitTorrentBitTorrent errorBitTorrent specific options.Block cursorBlock terminalBlock the terminalBlock the terminal when the handler is running.BoldBookmark all open tabsBookmark managerBookmark options.Bookmark tabsBookmarked-link colorBookmarksBookm~ark documentBooleanBrazilian PortugueseBroken 302 redirectsBrowser scripting errorBrowsingBuilt on %s %sBulgarianButtonButton shortcutB~ookmark all tabsCGI script not in CGI pathCacheCache information about redirectsCache managerCache options.Can't get socket stateCan't write to stdout.Can't write to stdout: %sCancel current stateCannot access the fileCannot add an option here.Cannot create a pipe for internal communication.Cannot create temp fileCannot get file statusCannot parse option %s: %sCannot read the fileCannot rename the fileCannot save cookiesCannot write the fileCascading Style SheetsCase insensitiveCase sensitiveCase sensitivityCatalanCertificate FileCharsetCharset options.CheckboxCheckbox labelClearClear all auth entriesClear all bookmarksClear all cookiesClear all formsClear all history entriesClear all itemsClea~rClient CertificatesClockClone internal session with given IDCloseClose all tabs but the current oneClose tabCodepageCodepage to use with -dumpCodepage used when formatting dump output.Collapse itemColon separated list of directories, where CGI scripts are stored.ColorColor modeColor mode used with -dumpColor mode used with -dump.Color mode:Color settingsColor settings for color terminal.Color settings for non-color terminal.Color terminalsColorsCommandline options -config-dir set to %s, but could not create directory %s.CommentCommentsComments localizationCompress empty linesCompress successive empty lines to only one in displayed text.Configuration handling options.Configuration of the proxy server failed. This might be caused by an incorrect proxy setting specified by an environment variable or returned by a scripting proxy hook. The correct syntax for proxy settings are a host name optionally followed by a colon and a port number. Example: 'localhost:8080'.Configuration optionsConfiguration systemConfirm submissionConfirm tab closingConnect to session ring with given IDConnecting to peersConnecting to trackerConnection options.Connection retriesConnectionsContent typeContent-TypeControl an already running ELinksCookie managerCookiesCookies accepting policy: 0 is accept no cookies 1 is ask for confirmation before accepting cookie 2 is accept all cookiesCookies options.Coo~kiesCopy text to clipboardCopyingCould not compile regular expression '%s'Could not create file '%s': %sCould not find a link with the text '%s'.Could not load file %s: %sCould not read event: %d (%s)Creation dateCredentialsCredentials file passed to smbclient via -A option.CroatianCursor position: %dx%dCut text to clipboardCzechC~haracter setC~learC~lose all tabs but the currentDanishData modifiedDateDate formatDate format to use in dialogs. See strftime(3).DebugDefault MIME-typeDefault background color.Default bookmarked link color.Default codepageDefault color settingsDefault document color settings.Default download directoryDefault download directory.Default form input sizeDefault form input size if none is specified.Default image link color.Default link color.Default news serverDefault style sheetDefault templateDefault text color.Default user interface color settings.Default visited link color.Define how to handle links having target=_blank set: 0 means open link in current tab 1 means open link in new tab in foreground 2 means open link in new tab in background 3 means open link in new windowDelete "%s"? %sDelete all cookies from domain "%s"?Delete auth entryDelete bookmarkDelete cache entryDelete character in front of the cursorDelete character under cursorDelete cookieDelete domain's cookiesDelete errorDelete extensionDelete extension %s -> %s?Delete folderDelete formDelete history entryDelete itemDelete marked auth entriesDelete marked auth entries?Delete marked bookmarksDelete marked bookmarks?Delete marked cache entriesDelete marked cache entries?Delete marked cookiesDelete marked cookies?Delete marked formsDelete marked forms?Delete marked history entriesDelete marked history entries?Delete marked itemsDelete marked items?Delete the folder "%s" and all bookmarks in it?Delete the folder "%s" and its content?Delete this auth entry?Delete this bookmark?Delete this cache entry?Delete this cookie?Delete this form?Delete this history entry?Delete to beginning of lineDelete to end of lineDescriptionDescription of this handler.DialogDialog button colors.Dialog checkbox colors.Dialog checkbox label colors.Dialog colors.Dialog field text colors.Dialog frame colors.Dialog meter colors.Dialog selected button colors.Dialog selected checkbox colors.Dialog settingsDialog shadow colors (see ui.shadows option).Dialog text colors.Dialog text field colors.Dialog title colors.Dialogs-specific appearance and behaviour settings.Digital clock in the status bar.Directories:DirectoryDirectory colorDirectory highlightingDisable keepalive connection after POST request.Disable link numbering in dump outputDisable printing of link references in dump outputDisable use of files in ~/.elinksDisplay URIsDisplay URIs in the document as links.Display access key in link infoDisplay access key in link info.Display framesDisplay frames.Display goto dialog in new tabsDisplay links to imagesDisplay links to images w/o altDisplay menu bar alwaysDisplay numbers next to the links.Display status barDisplay styleDisplay style for image tagsDisplay subscriptsDisplay subscripts (as [thing]).Display superscriptsDisplay superscripts (as ^thing).Display tablesDisplay tables.Display tabs barDisplay title barDisplay ~usemapDo not send Accept-CharsetDo nothingDo you really want to close all except the current tab?Do you really want to close the current tab?Do you really want to exit ELinks (and terminate all downloads)?Do you really want to exit ELinks?Do you really want to interrupt all downloads?Do you really want to remove all auth entries?Do you really want to remove all bookmarks?Do you really want to remove all cookies?Do you really want to remove all forms?Do you really want to remove all history entries?Do you really want to remove all items?Do you want to accept a cookie from %s?Do you want to follow the redirect and post form data to URL %s?Do you want to post form data to URL %s?Do you want to repost form data to URL %s?DocumentDocument browsing options (mainly interactivity).Document cacheDocument meta refreshDocument meta refresh minimum timeDocument options.Document ~infoDomainDownloadDownload complete: %sDownload errorDownload ima~geDownload infoDownload managerDownload the current imageDownload the current linkDownloadingDown~loadDrop shadowsDumb PrefixesDumb prefixes, see enable-dumb description for details.Dump outputDump output options.DurationDutchECMAScriptECMAScript options.ELINKS_CONFDIR set to %s, but could not create directory %s.ELinks %s %set al. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, specifically version 2 of the License.ELinks was started with the -anonymous option.ELinks was started without a home directory.ELinks ~GITWebETAETTEditEdit bookmarkEdit mappingElapsed timeEmpty directoryEmpty string not allowedEnableEnable CSSEnable adding of CSS style info to documents.Enable colorEnable dumb prefixesEnable global history ("history of all pages visited").Enable mailcap support.Enable mime.types support.Enable searching with regular expressions: 0 for plain text searching 1 for basic regular expression searches 2 for extended regular expression searchesEnable smart prefixesEncodingEnglishEnsure contrastEnter URLEnter a mark to setEnter a mark to which to jumpEnter ex-mode (command line)Enter expressionEnter folder nameEnter link numberErrorError downloading %s: %sError opening fileError parsing keystrokeError reading from socketError registering eventError registering event hookError while decoding file. This might be caused by the encoded file being corrupt.Error while posting formError writing to fileError writing to socketEstonianEvaluate configuration file directiveExit ELinksExmodeExpand itemExpiresExtended horizontal scrollingExtended regexp searchExtensionExtension <-> MIME type association.Extension(s)External editorE~xitFSPFSP specific options.FTPFTP PORT command failedFTP anonymous password to be sent.FTP file errorFTP proxy configuration.FTP service unavailableFTP specific options.Failed to create session.Fake referer URLFake referer to be sent when policy is 2.FastmemFeatures:FileFile existsFile extension associationsFile formatFile not foundFile saving disabled by optionFile type handlersFile uploadFile ~extensionsFilesFiles:Find the next occurrence of the current search textFind the previous occurrence of the current search textFind ~nextFind ~previousFingerFinnishFlagsFlush all ~cachesFolderFolder nameFollow link and r~eloadFollow the current linkFollow the current link, forcing reload of the targetFooterFooter string used in dumps. %u is substituted by URL.Forget authentication credentialsForm HistoryForm f~ieldsForm historyForm history managerForm not savedFormatFormat cache options.Formatted documentsFormsForms are never saved for this URL.Forms are saved for this URL.FrameFrame at ~full-screenFrame handling:Free unused cache entriesFreeBSD framesFrenchGalicianGarbage after quoted argumentGenericGeneric dialog colors.Generic status barGeneric status bar colors.Generic title barGeneric title bar colors.GermanGetting headersGlobal HistoryGlobal historyGlobal history managerGlobal history options.Global ~historyGo at a specified markGo forward in historyGo for~wardGo to URLGo to linkGo to the end of the page/lineGo to the first line of the bufferGo to the homepageGo to the last line of the bufferGo to the start of the page/lineGo ~backGo ~forwardGopherGoto URL HistoryGreekGuileHTML renderingHTTPHTTP error %03dHTTP proxy configuration.HTTP-specific options.HTTPSHTTPS proxy configuration.HTTPS-specific options.Handler (external program) for this protocol and system. %f in the string means file name to include form data from %h in the string means hostname (or email address) %p in the string means port %d in the string means path (everything after the port) %s in the string means subject (?subject=) %u in the string means the whole URLHandling of target=_blankHarmless buttonHeaderHeader infoHeader string used in dumps. %u is substituted by URL.Height=Highlight links to directories in FTP and local directory listing.HistoryHistory options.Homepage URIHorizontal stepHorizontal text marginHorizontal text margin.Host and port-numberHost not foundHotkeyHow to inform the user when nothing is matched: 0 means do nothing 1 means beep the terminal 2 means pop up message boxHow to render tags from the HTML header: 0 is nothing 1 is title 2 is name in addition 3 is hreflang in addition 4 is type in addition 5 is everythingHungarianH~eader infoIDIP-address to announceIcelandicIf we should use underline or enhance the color instead.Ignore